icsi in 2011?

Hi Ladies :hi:

Sorry not been on here for a few days, There was nothing new to update just the spotting etc etc, felt like a broken record some times :blush: Well today my :witch: Came full flow and bang on time CD26 (which gives me some relief that the failed IVF hasnt caused my Cycle too much damage :thumbup: theres some women whos periods take months and months to get back to how it was before IVF.. so this is a good thing for me :thumbup:)

Hoping and praying to the Lord that the Cyst has gone [-o<[-o<[-o< and the spotting for the past few weeks is nothing sinister.. They do half days Saturday so i will be going tomorrow Morning... if everything goes to plan I start stimming From tomorrow... My heart feels it sounds too good to be true, and i will be gutted if she says the Cyst is still there and wait another Month :shrug: I guess i will know for tomorrow, My husband bless him is so excited that my period is here... I just want to RELAX this time round and try not to get so obsessed with anything.....

Tinks- So sorry to hear about your great uncle he will be in my prayers.. and look after yourself Hun, Your treatment will definitely be here soon... i so hope they hurry for you :hugs:

Lolley- i feel your pain dear, EVERYONE is pregnant... Now that i have turned 29 i just feel friends that are much younger than me 22 and 23 are all pregnant, i have always dreamt of being a yummy mummy, sometimes i feel i will be the oldest mum at the school gate surrounded by younger women :cry: A good friend of mine that does NOT HAVE A CLUE were having problems or IVF its throwing a huge 3rd party for her girl.. i was at the baby shower 1st and 2nd party, yet i didnt get an invite for this party? i had only told 1 friend after the failed IVF and im so paranoid she must have told her or something?? why out of the blue no invite (i would rather not go) it all sounds strange.. i just dont want all my friends thinking im bitter and infertile :cry: i do feel pushed away also.... Lolley look after your self hun dont tire yourself, 16th for the injection day i think there will only be a few days between us...:hugs:

SLB80- Im sure you will be fine for the fture IVF theres no reason why it will not be ok try to think positive (so she says) wow your wedding is close, agghhhh getting excited for you love love weddings :hugs:

PSP- Your doing great hun!! your follicles sound to be on track :happydance: you will be PUPO soon! :happydance:

Fisher Lizz hope your doing well in your 2 WW we have everything crossed for you!

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs: I will update you what was discussed at the appointment, hoping theres no cyst and all looks good i can start ICSI Tomorrow [-o<
Hi Everyone!

Wow Nayla, can't believe you could actually start stimming again tomorrow. Just think in 2 weeks you could be PUPO!! Time flies! I have everything crossed for your appointment tomorrow, i'm sure the cyst will be long gone, the spotting must have been it breaking down. Good luck hun, I will be checking in tomorrow! I think, all going well, I will start DR week tomorrow. You will be quite a bit ahead of me doing short protocol this time. If not then we would be quite close. But still our cycles should overlap so good luck cycle buddy :hugs:

Tinks, i'm sorry sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts are with you and your family today. Don't worry about cryimng, its natural and sometimes its just good to get everything out. I'm also sad to hear you are so down about treatment. I know it'll be no real consolation but we all know how you feel and its rubbish. But it will happen, of course it will, and the wait ill be so worth it hun :hugs: Try and have a lovely relaxing weekend and i'm sure your letter will turn up very soon now.

Slb, thats just cruel to expect you to go over to the main unit. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I hope you are feeling a bit more positive about the outcomes. I bet you are buzzing about your wedding though, so jealous of you for that one :happydance:

Liz, glad to hear that things are calming down!! How are you feeling? Sorry to hear no frosties, but the fact you have three from last cycle is great. Plus, here's hoping you won't need them at all! :cloud9: I have heard about pineapple, but didn't know it was the core. Bit chewy but worth it!! Have also heard something about brazil nuts, but can't remember what... :wacko:

Hello littlemouse, how are you? Your advice really is :thumbup: It is kind of what my councillor said last year. It makes perfect sense to hear but when it comes to it I feel i ought see/discuss with people about babies/pregnancies etc. Its silly but I worry too much what people think if I didn't so end up torturing myself. Need to man up I think!! Whats the latest with you then hun?

Psp, you are getting close now, bet this cycles going in a flash! I think the working on it answer is a good one. May use that. It tells people to hopefully back off!!

Annie, I hope you are all ok? :hugs:

Thank you everyone for your kind words of support during my pregnant people overload :wacko: DP tells me not to think about other peoples lives and concentrate on our own but can't help being jealous of what others have. SIL is getting married in 3 weeks and they are trying straight away. I just know there will be an announcement soon and if there is and my cycle fails I don't know how I would cope. My only consolation is I don't work with her any more so can hide away. I know i'm thinking way ahead and sound negative but I think its just tealistic what ifs. I guess in a way thinking the worse softens the blow. But then again we all know thats not true. Just hoping all was fine with my bloods and can start next saturday. They rang to confirm me for monday so assuming all is well and no news is good news.

Hope you all have a great weekend,

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

A newbie to join you lovely ladies. Our issue is mild male factor and we've been trying for just over 2.5 years. The NHS funding in this area has been a bit dodgy so we weren't expecting to be seen by the clinic until at least October but we had our appointment today and we'll be having ICSI in July/Aug. :happydance: The appointment with the nurse to book scans etc is on 9th June.

We're having a long protocol so I'll be starting on the pill in June and I'm starting the serious research! I look forward to catching up with this thread, getting to know you all and following your journeys.

Hello ladies! My scan was good today. I have a few follies 13mm and some 11mm and many smaller ones. :thumbup:BW was good except the nurse just called and said I have to take the new med to delay my ovulation since my LH is slightly rising. :growlmad:They want me back on Monday and she thinks it won't be until Thursday for ER now! :growlmad:Grrr! I'm already cramping so hopefully this is not going to get too uncomfortable! :nope:Had to order more stim meds too! I just was able to re-arrange work schedule again for Tuesday ER! Guess I'll be calling tonight to try and move things again! They are going to love me! :dohh:Oh well, I'll have some huge eggs by Thursday no doubt!:happydance:
Hope everyone is doing well today!:dust:
Lelia Fae, welcome to the thread! :hi:we'll be cheering you on! Ask any questions, no doubt someone here has an answer for you!:thumbup:
Hello Ladies again thanking you all from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and advice :hugs:

I saw my FS this Morning and we talked and talked. Firstly the Uterus Scraping she did last Month was called Chloring and she said its a very very mild form of wiping the Uterus and smoothing it all out, the way a icing on the cake is scraped on.. I told her i have googled none stop about D&C and thats the only thing linked to Uterus Scraping that you did... She told me it WAS NOT D&C, I told her i have never heard of chloring?:shrug: and its not popped up when i type UTERUS SCRAPING? she told me she must have got her words wrong and if she knew that i was going to google the word should would have explained more.... Main thing was it will not cause scarring of the tissue and it was not D&C, That made me feel so much better :thumbup:

Also the Cyst has gone! :happydance: i was so happy to see that clear screen, and she changed my Purgon now to Gonal F 225, she did mention 300iu than she changed her mind worrying about OHSS :shrug: and said i inject for 4 days I pop in on Wednesday than we see if it needs changing around increasing or decreasing :shrug:

Had my first stimming injection this morning so i guess im getting back on the ride.. :thumbup: very very nervous but what can i do just relax and go with the ride.... I am on the Short Protocol she injected me with centrotide to surpress ovulation and i think thats it, its feels weird not sniffing??

she told me continue taking the folic acid, she added vit e and and asprin to the equation which i start taking tonight.

I asked her is there a possibility that my body is rejecting the embryo? she said she will do a Thyroid AB blood test i will get that on Wednesday and if anything suspicious pops up i will be on steriods after the transfer? (not got a clue what all that is about.. will google later and read more on it )

Im much more happier with her today... and 2 women walked out today with their BFP.. hugging nurses thanking the embroylogist, i was sat there thinking this is possible... :cloud9:

Over all i felt in control of the day, the price is bone crushing!! for a few days of injections but i hope it will all be worth while...

PSP- Ohh im sorry they have extended your stimming and you had to buy more drugs its so so expensive the gonal was much much more than Purgon and they do the same job? i guess they just want to change around the stimming drugs :shrug: i would definitely wait a few more days for those lovely follicles to grow :thumbup: ... you have done great so far not long left you will be lovely and PUPO by next weekend :happydance:

Lolley- Thanks for all your confidence in me the Cyst has gone, and its crazy getting the first injection this morning had fear excitement running through my body was weird.. i so hope we all get that BFP :cloud9: I keep forgetting that im on the short protocol so i will be a little ahead of you.. i dont know why i feel safer downregging :shrug: but Drs know best...

I hope you DR this week, i know you will... xxxxxx

I hope and pray by Wednesday some lovely follicles are growing, we have paid a crazy amount of money for 4 days of injections hope its all worth it! my husband told me there better be bloody something on the screen to show for that cost :haha:

Shes hoping to take some to blastocyst?? as we all know ladies anything can happen in this journey so we will see when we get there :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well, looking forward to go out today and just enjoy the weekend.... so so so happy that i have started again

Hey Nayla!! So happy for you! :happydance:I knew that darn cyst was going to be gone!! I'm glad you had such a good appt and got to ask all of your questions. Feels good to take some control doesn't it! :thumbup:I did have a thyroid test before I started this cycle, not sure if it was just the TSH or not. When you said that she said it was mild, did you tell her it didn't feel mild!! :nope:I was just looking up that Chloring thing and can't find it either.:nope:
I can't believe you are stimming already! Yay!:happydance: I have never had to do any sniffing here so no biggy really!:nope:
So like I was saying, I'm going to be on the baby aspirin and steroid this time too. (also the blood thinner, but that may be a bit more extreme) So sounds like good stuff to me!:thumbup:
As for the meds, I am so thankful that my insurance is covering it. Makes it easy to just call and get a refill. It should be only $20-$30. But I paid enough for the procedure already! Can't take on anymore debt at this point. My DH is constantly stressing over money right now and I just can't hear it. :nope:I told him today I am not going to get upset and stressed. I can't. Last cycle I did enough of that.:cry:
Anyway, glad you are doing so much better and moving along now. I bet you will have some nice follies come wednesday!:happydance:
:happydance:Nayla:happydance: Congrats hun, that is great news!! No cyct, no damage from scraping, change in meds, starting TODAY! Fab stuff and all sounding very positive. Like you say, we just don't know about this crazy ride and where it will take us, but it sounds to me like you are oing absolutely everything in your power to get the BFP and can't do any more. Good for you and I'm praying hard for you :happydance:

Psp, that is great about your follies. Obvious not about delayed collection, all the appointments around work are a nightmare, but it WILL be worth it!! I hope you don't get too uncomfortable in the coming days. Good luck!! :hugs:

Hi to all of you ladies, hope you are having a nice weekend :hugs: And a big welcome to Leila!!!

All the meds that you ladies taking have kindsa scared me I must admit... I'm basic NHS and won't have any of those bits. Obviously i'm sooo grateful for funding, just scary to think maybe I could be doing more :shrug: I will ask monday and see if they suggest me buying some other vits and bits from a pharmacy. Please please let us get our BFPs :cloud9: PLEASE!!!


Nayla, just seen we are doubling up on the PLEASE's!! :haha: xxxxx
Nayla, just seen we are doubling up on the PLEASE's!! :haha: xxxxx

I think when were desperate alot of Please's come out, i want this so badly ladies i really do... :cry: i keep telling myself the calm approach to relax and chill... but its so hard to contemplate the fact that it might not work again :nope: my husband called me earlier and we promised never to talk about it and stressed like we did last time... he said sounding very upset down the phone ' i want this too work so badly it will complete us' i think the nerves are getting to him now... :shrug:

He gave me my shot last night, than he was very very quiet and went straight to bed,,, i went bed shortly after him and asked what was wrong? he told me 'it crushes my balls watching you go through all of this :cry:' i said to him im a pro now dont worry, if im not crying who gives you the right :haha: he says he feels so bad... i told him our home is a stress free zone.. no room for stress or bad karma.. he agreed :thumbup:

Just had my 3rd injection and i definitely see the difference in purgon and Gonal F, i have a very bad headache which i never have :shrug: maybe because my dose is much higher :shrug: i have my appointment on wednesday hoping theres something to show after 4 days of stimming? and i will mention the headaches.. down my left side more :shrug:

I hope everyone else is doing well, how are you lizz and fisher not long before you girls get to test?

PSP- Any dates Hun for ER? it must be any day now, grow follies grow :thumbup:

Take care everyone, xx
Hi Nayla

The 2ww has gone quite quick but cant wait to test....only a few more days to go.

I havent got any symptoms so not sure if thats a gd sign or not :)

Hope everyone else is ok

Thank you all for your kind words, the support on here is just the best. I know you all know just how it feels to wait and wait and wait :haha:

Lizz, they can be so harsh sometimes its cruel :growlmad: good for you gyming it 4 times a week :thumbup: I bet it did your body the world of good. I had to lose a bit of weight (had to get my BMI down from 31 to 29 so not the end of the world) but because the hospital really dragged their feet before doing our referral I managed to lose the weight before I had my BMI check. I do need to stop and think sometimes as I know there are people worse of and in the grand scheme of things we havent been waiting as long as some. Doesnt make it any easier mind :winkwink: Saying that about weight my BMI is 27, nearly 26, now, stress seems to have a silver lining :haha:

Wow Nayla I cant beleive you are injecting again. I really hope this is it hun, I really do :hugs::hugs::hugs: How sweet is DH, doesn't help with the negitivity but very sweet. Lets hope more side effects are a good sign, I am sure it is, must mean its working more than last time.

PSP, glad to hear all seems to be going well. Is EC Thursday???

Liz and Fisher I cant beleive your testing dates are nearly apon us :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Lolly, are we still good to go for Saturday??? So exciting. I was wondering the same as you about the NHS not offering the different drugs and vits and things. Let me know what they say.

Hello Leila fae, welcome to thread. Keep us posted :thumbup:
Hi Ladies,

Hope you're all doing ok.

Nayla - I test on Sunday.....i am absolutely terrified. I've said before that I really can't see it working but I also can't see it not working. Sounds nuts, doesn't it?
I know what you mean about 'it has to work this time' I seriously can't take the crushing disappointment like last time.
I do feel very different being PUPO this time around, hardly any kind of cramping or period type stuff - I looked back at my diary from last time and the day after ET i felt a lot of twinges and cramping. But, the rational part of my mind says that I am on different suppositories this time (crinone the first, now cylogest) so that could be making the difference, plus most things have felt different this cycle, so I guess it's like comparing chalk and cheese.

I have been a bit bad tempered at times in the last couple of days which I usually get a week or so before AF arrives...but then again I tripped up some steps yesterday (they were carpeted, I was just being a clutz!) and I instinctively went to hold my tummy and then as I straightened up felt a kind of pulled feeling right at the bottom of my tummy - so I'm totally confused.

I have another 7 bloody days to go......think I might go to bed and set my alarm for Sunday.

Fisher - I'm sure it's getting close for you too, I think you're a couple or so days ahead of me. Hope you're feeling ok and managing the process. Wishing you so much luck.x

Lolly - How about 'please please please please please please please let this work for all of us before we all loose our minds.....!

PSP - Hope your follies are doing ok and not giving you too much of an uncomfortable time, fingers crossed for you for lots of lovely eggies.

Right, off to boil my head.

Liz x
Oh Lizz, you head must be about ready to burst. How you ladies are still sane after treament is beond me :hugs: I am praying Sunday comes round quick than you think. The pulling feeling sounds like a good sign to me :thumbup:
Hi Tinks,

I think our posts must have crossed! I have been fine, but keep having my moments, as you can see!

I have relatives over from USA and I had arranged ages ago for them to stay over on Saturday night, so my sister in law and my nephew will be next door when I test! Talk about ridiculous....
Also, i'm obviously off the booze, so coming up with ridiculous schemes of how to make it look like i'm drinking wine when I'm not! So for Saturday night I am going to fill a white wine bottle with something like water with a couple of tablespoons of apple juice in! Everyone else drinks red, so hopefully she won't find out! Yesterday we made bucks fizz so I could secretly just drink orange juice!

Complicated or what??!!!

Hope you're doing ok.

Liz x
On no. Can you not get some booze free wine? I use to water wine with lots of soda before we came out of the TTC closet. If no one else drinks white, you will be fine :thumbup: The testing is going to be testing :haha: I am praying you will be concealing good news :winkwink:

I am in a slightly better place today thanks. And thats saying something with it only being Monday :haha:
Hi Liz

Im supposed to be testing saturday but might do it on friday....cant believe Ive only to got a few days left to wait :)
Hope you have a lovely time with your family this weekend it might make the time go faster!
Wishing you gd luck with the testing 2 :)
Hi Tinks,

Glad you're feeling ok today, but I know what you mean about it only being Monday!

Here's a Morrissey quote for you, fits very nicely with the weekly IVF journey......

'Monday; humiliation, Tuesday; suffocation, Wednesday; condescension, Thursday; is pathetic......by Friday life has killed me'

I love him! And i'm right there with him this week. He he!

Liz x
Lizz and fisher, I am soooooo pulling for you girls! We need BFP's and keep 'em coming!! I hope this week flies and we will be hearing good new soon!

Sorry all if you have read my story about yesterday, I'm not awake enough to re-count it again! Here's my post from other thread.

AFM, I had my stimming day 11 u/s and bw yesterday. It started out kind of strange. I saw the nurse at the office that gave me the bad news last time about the failed cycle (I really didn't like her anyway to tell you the truth.) and I was having some flashbacks! She said hi and called me in, I thought she was going to do my u/s. I asked her if she could give me a washcloth, since I had just worked all night and come straight there. She looked at me like I was nuts and said she didn't have any. (funny they had given me one before.) So I went and used the bathroom, freshening up as much as I could. To my relief, the other nurse (the on I like and had been doing all of my u/s's this cycle -is knowing my parts) comes in and starts the scan! She said I will have at least 10 follies that will be big enough by ER! They are ranging from 17mm, 14mm, and smaller. So I leave (and do my 2 shots in my car!) and they call me back in the afternoon with results. They still are thinking ER for Thursday (which would mean trigger tonight!) but the FS wants to scan me himself today. (I have a crazy tube that looks like "sausages" as he put it! -makes it tough to see what's follies and what's tube!) So I am actually happy to go and have him take a look, as most of the docs there don't and typically the nurses do the scans. He makes me feel so taken care of! I also asked about 3 or 5 day transfer since I have always had 3 days, I was assuming that would be again. They said it's possible he will want to do a 5 day (pushing my ET back, again! to Tuesday next week) I'm going to ask him today what he thinks. It actually will work out better work wise I think so whatever. I've surrenderred to the crazy schedule! I actually had a great day today! Even when a patient asked me if I was pregnant, I had to laugh and say "I'm working on that! Wearing my stretchy scrub top today since I'm a bit bloated. I better get preggo so I can say "yes, there's a reason for this belly"! lol!
I'm going to catch up on the other threads now, chat with you all later!!!
Hi Psp,

Oh don't you jus love this bit! Everything is set, you get a scan everything changes, you go back to work to switch everything and then on your next scan it changes again!! Arrrggg.... drives you nuts doesn't it?

Can't remember whter you told work or not, i didn't and it became so complicated - I reckon I could be a politician with all this dodging the truth!

Sounds like things are coming along nicely though, keep us posted about the trigger!

Everything's crossed for you.

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

Liz x

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