icsi in 2011?

Hi Littemouse

I cant test for another 10 days....I want to test now lol

Dont worry too much about the pesseries Im sure that you will be fine, I havent had any side effects :)

Hope you are all having a gd day xx
Hey Ladies,

Just a quickie - is anyone else doing cyclogest pessaries? They are doing my nut!!

I've got the most horrendous wind!! And it really really stinks!! My tummy feels bloated and painful at times too and i'm burping like a trooper.

Can anyone recommend anything at all to help?? Can't believe i've done the whole cycle without any side effects at all and just by shoving on of these little fellas up my @rse in the morning and evening, i've turned into stinking wind bag!! Last time I was on crinone and had nothing like this.

Hope you're all ok and wind free......

Liz x

lol! That has got to be the funniest post I have read ever!:rofl:
Sorry it's probably not so funny for you though. :nope:What about using some kind of over the counter anti-gas product? Of course you'll have to check with your FS to see if it is safe to use. Maybe they have a suggestion? I only used vag suppositories and didn't have those issues. Goodluck! Hope you are wind free today!:winkwink:
Hi Littemouse

I cant test for another 10 days....I want to test now lol

Dont worry too much about the pesseries Im sure that you will be fine, I havent had any side effects :)

Hope you are all having a gd day xx

Stay busy as you can! Time will pass faster! Or have fun! Time flies when you're having fun as they say!:thumbup:
well af finally arrived over the weekend and I have been to st marys today for my CD 3 tests, I am now terified that my results will be so bad that ivf won't even be an option, let alone egg share!!

I came away feeling very emotional, the worst I have felt for a while, I was sat in the blood room with people discussing bounty packs and due dates, and everywhere I went there were bumps:cry: Keeping my fingers crossed now for good results x

Hope you are all well xxx
Hey Ladies,

Just back from the clinic and it's official - i'm pupo with twins!! Weee heeee!

Everything was fine and there was not even a conversation about them not being able to go back in, they didn't even take blood or do a scan. They were running a bit late so my bladder was crazy full, but it was fine. Just been out for lunch to try to get used to the idea. I test in 12 days.....now the waiting!

You'll also be pleased to know the wind has calmed down a bit and thankfully I can use the front door for the suppositories from tonight!

Psp2011 - thanks for the suggestions, I think the best thing for me was just to be alone, so no one had to suffer. Hopefully using the other entrance will help it too.....

Fisher - hope you're doing ok, the waiting is the worst part isn't it? Last time I became an obsessive knicker checker everytime i went to the loo. I have everythign crossed for you.

Littlemouse - hope things are coming along nicely? Let me know.

Liz x
Hi Liz

Thats fantastic news Im so pleased for you :happydance:

It is quite daunting having 2 put back in but its also soo exciting :)

Im doing ok trying not to think about it too much cos I want to test now lol

Im also feeling bit negative about it working which is making me feel sad, just wish I could be more positive like my husband is. Has anyone else felt like this after ET?

Hope everyoe is having nice day xx
Hi Fisher,

It's completely natural to feel like that. One of the main reasons is because you are no longer doing anything or seeing people at your clinic. 5 felt exactly the same a couple of days after ET last time. We've just spent the last part of a month going in for scans, procedures and injecting every night, we've been on a schedule. Now there is nothing we can actually do but sit and wait.

I have read that if it is going to stick that it will and if not it won't, there is nothing we can really do about it.

Try to keep your mind active, read lots of books, watch films - anything that takes you away from the thought. I know how difficult it is though and i'm sure i will start going nuts shortly as soon as today has gone.

I'm fine with 2 (too late now!) I kind of feel that as it's our last chance at fresh that we have to maximise our chances. If they both stick then we'll deal with it when it all happens - i'd rather have 2 babies than none if you know what I mean.

I have read somewhere that eating fresh pineapple, especially the core provides you with something you don't get elsewhere that might help to support it. Completely unscientific but I quite like pineapple anyway!

Keep positive.

Liz x
Hi Liz

Thanks Im glad its not just me going crazy :) Im sure my testing day will come round really fast, just need to have more positive thoughts :)

How many times have you done this? Why is this your last try?

This is our first try so we will have one more nhs funded go then not sure what we will do after that.

Hope you are taking it easy xx
Lizz, congrats on being PUPO :happydance::happydance::happydance: GL hun.

SLB, the blood rooms sounds awfull, poor you. I really wish they wouldn't make you sit with pregnant woman. Did you go to the right building lol? Not like me :dohh:

Not much for me to report. Since all I can do is wait I have decided to try and eat a little healthier. Not going over board, just having more fruit and veg and drinking more water. It can only help cant it???

Do you know, I would kill for twins!!! I believe I will only be alowed 1 though :growlmad: I am a twin and love it :thumbup:
Lizz, congrats! You must be so excited! I can't wait until I'm there too! Oh, and I did read about the core of the pinnapple, something about the right kind of acid from the core getting to the uterus. Might be crazy but I think I'm gonna try it. Do you remember when it said to do it?

Tinks, I did that too. Got into the habit of healthy eating, drinking more water and a bit of exercise. It helps to be doing something, something else to focus on.

Slb, any news yet?

AFM, I had my second follie scan today along with bloods. The nurse doing it said I had at least 10 bigger ones and some more small ones! Out of the ten she measured, they were between 7 and 9mm, so not too shabby!:thumbup: They called me with results from blood and said I am right where I should be for 5 days of meds and to come back on Friday. Looks like the EC will be Tuesday though. I hope I can get work arranged!:wacko:
Wow psp, looks like you are making fab progress :thumbup: You will be joining the PUPO club in no time :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I will try and remember that thing about the core of a pineapple.
:hugs:Evening ladies!

Wow its all happening so fast on here can hardly keep up!! Very exciting though :thumbup:

Eeeee Liz that is great news :happydance::happydance::happydance: So all that worry and here you are pupo with twins. I agree, this is the hardest bit. I hope the 2ww will be ok for you. My advice, step away from google!! (easier said than done when you get the odd twinge or bit of CM) I hope it doesn't drive you mad :wacko:

Fisher, another twinnie pupo princess
:happydance::happydance::happydance: How are you getting on. As Liz said its totally normal to feel negative. Its that loss of control and just having to sit back and hope. I'm sure your DH is being a great support and I hope some of his PMA rubs off on you and you stay strong. Come on the BFP's!!!

Slb, wher did you have your bloods done? I'm suprised to hear about the pregnant ladies, i've never seen any in the actual fertility clinic and thought they were sent to the main hospital building? Poor you though, not what you want to see when already feeling fragile :hugs: I'm sure you will be good to go with egg sharing. But first you have that great wedding and honeymoon to have :happydance: Thinking of you and we are here if you need us.

Hi Tinks. Good for you being healthy. Its drinking all that water I find the hardest, makes me feel slooshy (if that's even a word) Try and get up to 2litres if you can, it'll make it easier when they tell you to once you start stimming. I didn't know and found it really hard to glug it all, made me feel sicky.

Psp, wow you are coming on fast, thopse are some great follie figures :happydance: As predicted EC never goes to plan time wise! I hope you can sort out work ok, its always a stress. Do they know about the treatment?

Hi Nayla, how are you? And the fish?!! :haha:

Littlemouse, how are you getting on?

Annie, scan tomorrow yeah? We will be dying to hear all your news!!! :happydance:

Gill, I wish you every single bit of love and luck for your future. You will get your family, and which ever path leads you to it when you hold your child in your arms it'll be worth it a million times over :hugs:

Hi to everyone else and hope each of you are getting on ok :hugs:

AFM... mega busy, worried a bit that my body will be too tired and give up after the first few injections. Last uni assignment due next week so hoping it'll calm down a bit! Back at clinic monday 7.45am. That means will have to leave about 6.30, so up and out of bed about 5.30.... :dohh: Yuk! Then after all that a full day at work, lovely! Sure you ladies know how it is!! But saying that would much rather go out of work hours so shouldn't complain.

Everyone is pregnant but me :cry: Best mate at college just told me she is. She had implant taken out and conceived straight away. They have only been together few months and he is only 20! Grrrr! Other friend has just invited me to cinema. All sounds good but she has just had 20 week scan and its a boy. She will be telling me all about it and at risk of sounding awful, I don't want to hear it right now. Found out a colleague is yesterday. Another colleague is 6 months who I'm spending all day with tomorrow. My two best mates from school both have 1-2 kids and I'm the eldest with none. I hope it will be my turn next but not holding my breath to be quite honest :cry: Sorry for being grumpy ladies, I hope I feel better once I start to do something proactive!

All my love, Lolly xxxxxxxx
Lolly, I know exactly how you feel. It really does feel like that sometimes, I have been in that position soooo many times myself. I am a fair bit older than you but all my friends have been 30-something mums, so the last few years TTC with everyone clicking their fingers to get pregnant instantly have been f**ing hard, including my best friend, my 2 sisters and my SIL, who got pregnant by mistake last year.

My honest feeling is that you don't have to spend time with anyone if it doesn't feel like the right thing for you. Anybody with a shred of sensitivity would understand why without taking it personally, and if they don't then they are idiots. It doesn't mean you begrudge them their good fortune in the least, you just don't necessarily need it in your face right now.

So that's my tuppence worth for the evening! Good luck with your crazy schedule, and don't forget to have a nice rest at the weekend.

Lolly, sorry you are being bonbarded with preggers! That is so hard to take.:cry:
And don't worry about your body "giving up", it's much tougher than we think!:thumbup: It will be your turn soon, don't lose hope!:hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Hope you're all having a good day. I'm being very lazy today, in fact the thought of going to the shops seems exhausting (but we've run out of virtually everything!) So i think i may be washing my hair in shower gel tomorrow then.....

Fisher - This is my final go at a fresh cycle, I get 2 fresh and 2 frozen on the NHS, so if this doesn't work will have to go onto the frosties. I'm waiting on a call from the lab now to see if we have any to freeze. The first time round we got 3, so i'd be happy with any really.

Psp - There could be worst things to eat than pineapple! I heard grape juice might be good too. Apparently they recommend you start straight after transfer, although I read that after I had been eating it for a few days before transfer!

Lolly - I so know what you mean about other people, sometimes you just want to shout.
We have family coming over from the states at the weekend for a month, I'm so excited about seeing my 7 year old nephew, I love him to bits! But they're arranging days out and decided that a day out a a fun park / farm type place would be better when we were at work as they could go with the others who had kids.... Now i'm sure they didn't mean it like that but they chose to go with the cousins rather than us as they've got 3 kids.......my DH said I was getting a bit over excited and reading too much into it (me??!) but it still really pi@@ed me off. No one knows about our struggle, but I think if we aren't successful this time we might have to tell them. Most of my friends have got babies and while i'm thrilled for them, selfishly it's not me. People at work now kind of assume i don't want kids and when I got a bit clucky last week they were really shocked. It's so upsetting isn't it?

Anyway, hope everyone else is getting on ok; i'm sure in a few years we'll look back on all of this and smile about our struggles when we have what we want. Fingers crossed.

Liz x
Tinks and Lolly, I was told to go into the main hospital for my bloods! The place was swarming with pregnant ladies! It was just awful.

I am so sorry everyone around you is pregnant lolly, I am having the same thing also. A girl I work with is pregnant at the moment but is having the pregnancy terminated. That is so hard to know but I have to support her as she feels pregnancy is not for her just yet.
I can't wait for the wedding now, only 5 weeks eeekkk, dreading the so when you having babies comments that are bound to follow!
Lolly, I am so sorry you are feeling so down. I think we all know what it is like to feel everyone around is pregnant or have kids. I can sometimes feel excluded from some conversations but then I dont expect people or want them not to talk to me. Does that make sense, or am I sounding crazy lol???

You will be PUPO in no time hun.

SLB, thats where I went to begin with. Its was full of pregnant ladies clutching plastic wallet type things. Its not nice at all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am still on a down girls, cant seem to shake it of this time. It feels like treatment is just never going to happen :cry: To top it off we found out yesterday that my great uncle has passed away and we have his funeral tomorrow. I am dreading it, I am so emotional lately, I dont want to show myself up :wacko:

Sorry to add to the negetivity ladies :hugs:
Tinks, sorry to hear about your uncle. :cry:If you start to get overly emotional, just step out and give yourself a minute. Deep breaths help too.

slb, wow, wedding is getting close! :thumbup:So exciting! :happydance:Whenever I get asked if we are going to have more kids, I just say "working on it!" They don't have to know how you are working on it!:nope:

Lizz, I quite like pinnapple so no big deal there! Wonder how the core is though? Sounds a bit tough!! About your family coming to town, if they knew about your stuggles, they wouldn't have said it like that I bet. They probably just figured you wouldn't be interested in doing that stuff since it is more for kids. But I know on this journey our emotions go a bit wild and the meds are nice contributers too!:wacko:

How is everyone else doing today?

Day 8 scan and bw today later. Hopefully ER on Tuesday!:happydance:
Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re all having a good Friday?

We heard from the lab yesterday and unfortunately there aren’t any suitable to freeze, which is obviously a shame. We have 3 already in the freezer so I’m grateful for that. I’m desperately trying not to go anywhere near the ‘well what does that mean for the quality of the beans inside me?’ Anyhow, moving on.

You’ll also be thrilled to know that the wind factory has clamed down somewhat since using the front door, although not entirely…….!

Lolly – I’m sure you’ll be fine, just stay away from confined spaces! Ha ha! (sorry).

Psp – I know they didn’t mean it, but it kind of drives you nuts doesn’t it? I’m so good at reading things into things that aren’t actually there though. I can’t wait to see my little nephew, but I have just worked out that we have invited them all to stay round at our house the night before we test, so that is going to be a scary morning knowing that they are all across the hallway……The core of the pineapple is a bit chewy, but it’s all in a good cause, just sitting at work munching on some. Good luck with your scan and bloods, let us know how you get on.

Tinks – hope you’re ok too. Sometime you just need a bit of space, things will work out eventually, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel that way does it? When we first started to look into the reason why we couldn’t get pregnant we saw the hospital and they basically said that I had no chance of any help until I lost weight and then to sling my hook. I asked them that if I smoked 50 a day and drank a bottle of whisky and was skinny would I get help and they said yes.…..I have never cried so much in my life and everything just seemed impossible. I’ve never been skinny but I never ate crap either, and throughout my life imy weight has gone up and down. So I got myself to the gym 4 times a week and kept a food diary and lost 3 and a half stone in a year. Thankfully last September they referred us for IVF as I had done so well, but for ages it seemed like that would never happen in a million years. I also hated them at every consultation as it really felt like they were trying to find any reason not to help us. One if the consultants said that it would just happen naturally and I should stop stressing….. it really doesn’t help your mental state.

Hope everyone else is looking forward to the weekend.


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