icsi in 2011?

Psp, thats good of the Dr to scan you himself. Must make you feel a lot less like just a number. Let us know how the scan goes and if its trigger time tonight. Oh I am praying you have to keep your stretchy scrubs out for further 9 months :winkwink:

Sounds all so confussing once treatment really gets going. Glad I will have you experienced girls when its my turn :haha:

Had a fight with DH this morning so not in a great mood again today. Cant concentrate on work to save my life :dohh: Its nothing major but the stress we are under already has just made it get blown out of proportion :cry: I am sure all will be well by bed time though :thumbup:

How is everyone???

Come on girls we need some good news :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Hi Tinks,

I know exactly what you mean - everything feels like it's coming at once and you can't concentrate on anything. I feel like I must have done something really bad in a previous life!

I've just found out i have a job interview on Monday! Something i applied for back in March (it's within the same organisations, so wouldn't loose maternity leave), but that is literally the day after i find out how this cycle has gone!
So i have to go in pretending to be superwoman, knowing in my head that i'm either pregnanat or had another failure. Great.
Also, running way ahead with myself but slightly nervous about getting up the duff and then getting the job and having to expalin to them further down the line that the person they though was right for the job and will make them lots of money now may be off work for a year.......!

However, I'll panic about that one when i'm in that position. Too many variables at the minute.

Try to keep sane, do something nice for yourself today.

Liz x
Liz you've got every right to go for a job even though you will hopefully be off on maternity leave. You never have to feel apologetic about being a woman and fulfilling a very womanly instinct! Job interview timing is a bit crazy but at least you will not be too nervous about the interview itself with something else occupying your mind which probably means you'll be brilliant :)

At the risk of repeating myself from other thread, I have found out this arvo that I'm bloody well not allowed to start stimming tomorrow as womb lining is not thin enough yet :(

I have to wait until Friday so all our dates have changed, and DH will have to delay starting his new job which is due to begin on our new ET date. That's not a conversation anyone wants to have with their new boss! If the dates change again I might even end up having EC on my birthday, how much would that suck!

So obviously I am now fervently hoping that I will respond really well to the stimming and it will all come forward again. I know, I am completely deluded but I'm just going to fantasize about that one for a few days :)

And I've got a freakish acutely angled cervix but they eventually managed to do the trial ET okay. There was a moment with my legs akimbo and they had to get another nurst in when I thought the whole treatment might be about to get more complicated but it turned out ok thank goodness!!

Liz I'm loving the whole fake booze thing. Sounds like you have some good ideas! You can always do a pretend G&T etc. too.

Tinks I think it is so so easy to row with your other half at the moment. I know it is happening to us a lot, even tho he is being wonderful I am just so incredibly sensitive to everything. I'm sure it will be fine this evening and just remember everyone's feelings are very heightened right now so be forgiving to each other (I'm good at saying that, less good at doing it!).

Fisher hang in there, not long now!

:hugs: everyone

Wow I seem to have missed a lot!! It all seems to be happening on here at the moment!!

Psp-all sounds good, ten follies is great and glad the doc checked you out himself. Like Tinks said, there’s nothing like feeling valued. Dates swapping and changing are always a bit of a nightmare, obviously there’s is work and your life but also psychologically preparing yourself for something can be hard when you haven’t a time frame. Good luck!! :hugs:

Nayla-hope your scan goes great! Sorry to hear about the side effects but at least you know something is happening (that is what i’m telling myself...see below!) Bless your DH. Its so hard and I guess he is carrying a lot of guilt. I’m praying it’ll all be so worth it though. And of course when it works you will have to keep the fish as your good luck charm! I hope that some good scan results pick up both of your moods. Take care and rest up my lovely. :hugs:

Tinks-sorry to hear about your fight. It natural in any relationship but especially in one where there is stress and hormones all over the shop. And its always the most stupid thing you aregue about. Never mind ICSI, babies and the important stuff. Its over the washing up or hogging the tele! :haha: Like you say, things should be ok by bedtime after a big hug. Always seems to work for me! Thinking of you. :hugs:

Liz-good idea with the alcohol, although must get confusing!! Don’t get the glasses mixed up! It will be strange testing with people there. Its terrifying enough anyway. You are a brave lady and lets hope that your guests will be trying to work out why you are smiling all that day! Go girl on the interview. :happydance: I have one to! Will be when pupo! It’s a strange thought isn’t it?!! But no stress and you will be fab! I hope you are doing ok and send you lots of love. :hugs:

Littlemouse-i’m sorry to hear that you are also a victim of time changes. Its just rubbish! :growlmad: Hopefully only a few more days and all will be ok. Were your DHs new work peeps ok? Typical timing but when is all this ever good timing? Boo to EC on your Birthday, although maybe it would be a good part of the story when you tell your LO in years to come :happydance: Good luck. :hugs:

Fisher-eeek not long now, I hope the 2ww hasn’t been too awful for you. You sound lie you have been well and long may it last, now, BFP, and next 9 months! :cloud9:

Slb-bet you are getting super excited for your wedding. And I have heard that sun is on the way for a good few weeks so hope you get a fantastic day! :happydance:

Annie-hope you are ok hun, i’m lil bit worried about you. Give up a heads up!! :hugs:

Well ladies....I have officially began cycle 2!! I got allo my meds yesterday. They have substituted my stim drug from menopur to Gonal F. This is because my amh level came back crazy high at 87 :wacko: and they think that this drug will suit me better. The also have given me additional tablets called metformin to take twice a day throughout. They are actually drugs originally designed for diabetics but studies have shown they help conception and sustainable pregnancies in women with PCOS having IVF! How they worked that one out I don’t know!! I googled it and found nothing but positive so i’m happy. The nurses said as I don’t really have cycles we may as well go for it so had my first buseralin shot last night. Crazy how it now feels the norm again! I have drunk 2 litres of fluids today but still have a headache and felt sick as a dog this morning! Thought I was going to :sick: in a meeting at one point. Came home and looked at the metformin and lo and behold, the 2 main symptoms! :dohh: But I don’t care, I will do anything to make it happen. So DR until 29th when I start stims, assuming all is well with the bloods. The gonal F is in a pen, like an epi pen so no more mixing saline water and tablets in different syringes etc. Looks much easier to me! Have just been out and got a mini cool bag and ice packs for my buseralin as I am out at uni (last time!!) tomorrow night so will prob end up doing it in the loos! Shame as DP was with me each time last time but oh well. Its crazy, i’m excited yet utterly terrified and trying to stay positive. You know how it is ladies, we are never happy :winkwink:

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening Ladies :hugs:

Congratulations Lolley you have started im also on Gonal F, which unit are you on hun? im on 225iu and oh boy what blinding headaches its giving me, the whole room spins :dohh: but like Tink mentioned i hope it means something good is happening :thumbup: Its a very easy pen, pull out inject than click click click till its fully in :thumbup: im glad you have additional meds, the Drs know what there doing and i always think anything extra is a good thing :blush: Wow you drink a lot of water, im doing my best......

I have a scan tomorrow will see what has happened in the past 5 days? im hoping theres some lovely follicles... Also today the dreaded hormones kicked in... i just started crying while cooking and while i was eating Tea :cry: my husband asked me whats up and whos upset me at work etc etc? i honestly told him 'i dont know why im crying?' which was the truth... he gave me a hug and said IVF will be fine, i dont even think i cried because of the treatment.. I sound crazy :wacko: I have to be stay strong mentally and physically!

Tink- Hope you ok with your hubby now, its so normal to argue.. we use to scream yell and slam doors... it was a war zone whenever we spoke about babies and ICSI....I think now we have just become so close, its so true at the end of the day all we have is our men... xx

PSP- any news hun? its great when the Dr sees you i totally understand that VIP treatment :haha: and im glad the nice nurse saw you... have they given you the confirmed dates yet? sounds like you have a great number of follicles.. Hang in there Hun xx

Hope everyone else is doing fine hang in there lovlies :hugs:
Hiya Nayla

Poor you with the hormones, totally understand the tears, waterworks just appear outta no where for no reason sometimes :hugs: Reading that back that actually sounds quite rude, by waterworks I obviously mean crying :haha: All the luck in the world for tomorrow hun :hugs:

They are starting me on 112.5 and bloods will confirm the correct dosage. You sound to be on a high dose, letshope the headaches are all worth it and its doing its thing. Can you take any painkillers for the headaches? Just i'm st here in bed and feel so rough I don't know what to do. My head is pounding and I feel so sick. It must be the metformin as I didn't have this at all on the buseralin last time, plus, i've only had two shots so far. Bleugh!!

Hiya Ladies

Hope everyone is well and wishing you lots of love and baby dust for the future!

Just wondering if anyone can offer me some advice please.

Im 25 PCOS sufferer. OH has a very low Sperm count and the dr has said they are going to refer me to the IVF clinic for ICSI. I only have a basic knowledge of this and was hoping maybe someone could shed some light for me pls!

If i have pcos and am not ovulating how will they get a good egg? How long does the procedure take and what does it entail?

Sorry for the dumb questions but my fs didnt really want to talk much just said wait for the appt!
Lizz, yes, it has been a bit crazy with the dates switching!:wacko: Good thing I work with some great women and they are very understanding and trying to help me out!:thumbup: The 4+ girls on my shift know, plus only a few others so it makes it much easier. Plus being in healthcare I think helps a lot too as everyone knows how important things are. Your job interview sounds exciting, if anything to take your mind off of this for a bit. Hopefully you will be celebrating BFP that day!:happydance:

Tinks, yeah, it is always nice to see him. And he will be doing the transfer himself :thumbup:(sometimes if they are not going to normally be in the office on ET day, they will have another FS step in) so I am excited about that. We specifically switched to him from one of his partners after last failed cycle and so happy we did! Oh, and don’t be too hard on yourself about fighting with DH, it’s a normal thing and I bet you guys are over it already! And we did get good news on another thread today, Princess got her BFP after 1 embryo transfer!:happydance:

Littlemouse, sorry you can’t start yet, but gotta get that lining under control! Hopefully you can start stimming soon and I know the waiting stinks! You will get there!:thumbup:

Lolly, congrats on starting your cycle! :happydance:Feels good to get going doesn’t it? I hope your headaches calm down! Are you able to take anything for it? Tylenol works pretty well for me. I have seen others taking metformin on here too so not too surprising. :nope:Hopefully it will do the trick and then your body will get adjusted to it and not be so sick! Hang in there!:hugs:

Nayla, good luck on your scan tomorrow! I bet you will have some nice looking follies showing up! :thumbup:The crying seems normal now with all these meds we are pumping. :cry:Although I do have to say I am much better this cycle than last. I don’t know if it’s the different meds as I am less sore as well so far. But I will be starting the progesterone in oil soon so we will see! :wacko:Stay strong! I found I was listening to some empowering music on the radio today instead of the sappy stuff and that felt great! Probably because I’m finally getting there! In a flash you will be there again too! Keep faith!:hugs:

Kazzab25, welcome!:hi: There are some great ladies on here that can answer your q’s! I don’t have PCOS, but I know they can make pretty much anything happen with medications so don’t worry about not ovulating! They will plump up the ovaries with medications so you can produce a lot of eggs at one time, give you more medication to make you ovulate (and mature the eggs) and then go in and get them (egg collection/retrieval) It is all very well done and amazing! They put the sperm and eggs together, sometimes injecting the egg if needed, wait a few days, (meanwhile you are on meds to prepare your body) pick out the best embryos and then put them back in. Then you wait 2 weeks to see if they took! That’s about it in a nutshell! There are variations of course but they keep an eye on you through bloodwork and vaginal ultrasound monitoring so it depends on how you do. Good luck!:hugs:

*I copied my post from other thread
AFM, today was my repeat (it’s stimming day 12) u/s and bw. This time done by my awesome FS! :thumbup:He checked and said, “I see at least 7 good ones that will be ready for ER on Thursday!” :happydance:I am so excited! He also said that we will be doing a 5 day transfer (I have done 2 previous 3 day transfers) as it has about 50% better implantation results!:happydance: So happy! I got the official call from the nurse just a bit ago regarding the trigger, which will be tonight at 11pm (will have to have one of my fellow nurses do it at work since I start at 11!) and instructions on when to come in (10:30am on Thursday), NPO after midnight on Wednesday night, and meds to take after etc. FINALLY, I am almost there!:happydance: So excited to actually have a date for ER and ET!! And with princess’s good news today, it’s a sign! I had to laugh too as my patient last night at work asked me if I was pregnant! :blush:I was like, “not yet, but working on it! I’m wearing my stretchy scrubs as my IVF medications are bloating me up!”:haha: I’m thinking it’s a prediction right? I’ll check back in with you ladies tonight after I get settled at work, hopefully we will have a calm night and I can chat a bit with you all!:dust:
Lolly I think your dose might be lower due to PCOS? As I'm going to be on same dose as Nayla and they said that's the average dose they start people off on, then raise/lower it depending on response. Who knows how they decide this stuff but hopefully they know what they are doing!

I too have been dissolving into tears at the drop of a hat. My poor DH is being so lovely but I think he is exhausted by it all. I'm not really feeling like doing a lot in the evenings and also feeling quite insular, so the poor man has probably had quite enough of me. He deserves a medal for his patience with this hormonal lunatic!

He is calling the new boss today, so fingers crossed they are ok about it. The worst thing is that even the new date is obviously subject to change, though they said its 80% certain to stay the same...

I honestly don't even care if EC happens on my birthday any more, as my birthday is essentially cancelled for this year! But at the moment it looks like it will be 2 days post-EC so maybe I will be feeling ok by then and can do something nice as we're both off work. Fingers crossed!

Have a good day everyone :)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your encouragement about the interview – the timing sucks, but at least I should know…..although the clinic did say that if I do get a negative on Sunday, not to panic (what????!!!! How do you do that?) and then test again on Wednesday, so knowing my luck I will still be in the not knowing/believing stage. But I do know what you mean when you say I shouldn’t worry about getting the job and then getting pregnant, but there has been so many politics flying round about this job and as a manager I have had to sit through countless meetings where all the other mangers moan about their staff because they are pregnant and then get referred to as a budgetary pressure.

Still plodding on at work, creeping further to test date – I really do feel fine this time, almost normal, no cramping at all, so we shall see. Aaarrggghhh!!

Had a hilarious night last night, went to the in-laws for dinner where my family are staying from the US, they poured me a glass of wine which I kept putting up to my lips to look like I was boozing, then I would put it down on the table next to DH’s wine, he would then pick up my glass and drink some (hopefully without anyone noticing!) and then put it back down where I would then pretend to drink it! He ended up drinking 2 glasses of mine and his own! But no one said anything, so I’m either spectacularly stupid or no one twigged! Ha ha, I think I have criminal deception talents, maybe I should put them to better work…..!

Lolly – Congrats on starting, it feels good to be actually doing something rather than just thinking about it – you’ll be brilliant this time. Remember to keep your water intake up.

Littlemouse – That’s exactly what happened to me, my lining wasn’t quite right and they pushed the stimming back 3 days – in fact I’m sure you were probably in the same room as me! It’s so difficult when you have dates in your mind, try not to cling on to the EC/ET dates too much as the likelihood is they will go on rather than be shortened, as the Agora like to do it a bit slower to prevent OHSS, if they suspect you’re going to quick they talk about coasting, which is essentially stopping you stimming for up to 7 days. They mentioned it to me and I freaked, luckily didn’t have to do it though.

Nayla – Lots of luck for the follies getting nice and big, make sure you take care of yourself too.

Psp – Wooo hooo for the trigger, everything is crossed for you for lots of lovely eggies, so excited for you, everything is crossed.

Kazzab25 – welcome, the other ladies have just about explained everything! The main thing I would say is that is really isn’t as bad as it all sounds. Essentially they shut you down and induce a chemical cycle, so it doesn't matter if you don't ovulate. Once your ovaries are nice and quiet, they then induce follicle growth and then trigger ovulation. All through injections you stick in your tummy at home. The expectation is the worst bit, as is the waiting around, but the injections become like making a cup of tea, you get used to the internal scans (they don't hurt), the EC and ET don’t hurt either and you’ll feel fine. Just don’t build it up too much. Oh, and dates will move…..

Can’t believe it’s only Wednesday!

Liz x
Hi girls. There is so much going on on this thread its hard to keep up, its all good though :winkwink:

Lolly congrats on starting, sorry to hear you are having some bad side effects. Its good that they have given you a pen this time also, I dont know why they dont all come in pens, maybe its to do with cost or something. Fx hun :thumbup:

Lizz you are going to be having a busy week. The interview may be a welcomed distraction though and help the time pass. Good luck, Only 4 more sleeps :happydance:

Littlemouse, sorry to hear you are getting messed around with dates, I hope it ok for DH work fx. I dont blame you bursting into tears, I cant even imagine how it feels to have those hormones in your body and they stress of it, its no wonder. Poor DH but I bet he doesn't really mind. Its only temp.

Nayla, how ahs the scan gone??? Come on follies :hugs:

PSP, good luck with ER tomorrow, I hope it all goes as planned and you get a fair few embies.

Hi Kazzab, I dont know much about PCOS, sorry, but I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the thread. Stick around :thumbup:

Well you were all right. Me and DH had made up and friends agian by tea time yesterday. We dont fight much so when we do it really gets to me but I guess its normal.

Good news!!!! I called St Marys as still no letter. The lady knew may name as soon as I said it as she did my letter yesterday. We have an appointment for 23 June!!!! Wow, I was really expecting it to be late Jully/Aug, even Sept as they are so busy at the min. So happy that it is next month, feel a bit bad about moaning so much now hehe. She didn't say what the appointment was for but I think it is to sign consent and to get timings and hopefully someone will FINALLY tell us if we need surgical sperm retreival :happydance::happydance: We should get the letter tomorrow.

I know we still have a bit to go before treatment but at least I have the nest date to work towards.

Hugs to everyone :hugs::hugs::kiss:

Thank you for the warm welcome and for all of your advice it is very helpful.

Such alot to take in and really feels like an emotional roller coaster!!

Probably be in for a long wait now before i get our first appt at the IVF clinic! But im determined to stay positive!

Good luck all!
Yaaaay Tinks!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:About time to!! That’s really good news that its only a month away, as like you and many others have said, it is busy at the mo. Bet it is such a relief to have something to work towards and some time frames in your head. Really pleased for you!

Nayla, I hope your scan went ok and you can update us with a great follie count! How are your headaches going?

Liz, that made me laugh about the wine!! It’s like a mission impossible task! Hopefully you got away with it!! If not you may be getting some rather srtange looks next time you see your family! Hope your lickle beanies are snuggling in nicely!

Littlemouse, yeah I think the lower dose is to do with my PCOS. The condition means all my hormones are sky high so they have to be careful not to over stim me!! Last time the dose of menopur was reduced after each blood test as they were worried about OHSS. Had 20+ follies but sadly a lot were empty and some were immature eggs. Got 7 though and only takes one so that is my aim for this cycle and any more is a bonus. How did Dhs call to his boss go today? All ok I hope? I hope you get to have a day trip on your bday but who knows, better to think of it as a right off and then anything else is a nice suprise. Bet you can’t wait to get stimming!

Hi and welcome Kazza. As you have prob seen from the above I too have PCOS and don’t ovulate. Its not a prob as the girls have said they give you lots of meds to mature the eggs and collect them so non ovulation is not an issue. As you are PCOS they will prob have to monitor you closely. Our hormone levels are often high and increase`the risk of OHSS. On the plus the high hormone levels indicate good egg reserve and so you should be fine to produce good eggs to collect. You will probably do long protocol which overall takes around 3 ½-4 weeks. 2 weeks of DR, where they suppress the hormones and then stimms to ‘fire them up again’ and produce good eggs. Usually takes between 8-12 days until they are happy with the amount and size. The girls have covered it before but thought would reiterate that you will be fine and if it were a prob your clinic wouldn’t be suggesting treatment. Also ask away, each of us has different knowledge about different TTC issues, or don’t be afraid to ring your clinic or FS, its their job.

Psp, how are you feeling hun? Big and bloated I expect, poor you, but great news that you are so nearly there. And approaching things differently with a 5dt has got to be a good thing. Good luck for tomorrow, you deserve a great outcome!

AFM... Feeling better after a 9 ½ hour sleep last night! Ate extra breakfast so didn’t feel so sick. Really bloated from all the water but managed my 2 litres! Just done injection number 3. Was actually back in time so the cool bag/ice packs were not needed after all! Had it in the fridge all day, couldn’t help but smile seeing it next to everyones sandwiches at work! Sure that is sooo not allowed but oh well!! Have a mini bruise from last night but so far they have all been fine. Oh and I had the funniest dream! I was on the bus going home and there were loads of girls on and we all got talking and it was all you lot!!! Turned out we lived in the same street and never knew. Anyway Tinks you had shoulder length blond hair(???) and was questioning me about something I had put on here. I read it on my phone but hadn’t added it so we all figured out it must have been my cat walking on the keyboard (that’s one clever cat!!!) :haha: So we all got off the bus and came to my house and decided to be best friends!!! How funny is that? God could you imagine, no one would ever want to live on that street, something in the water!! And Tinks if you have mid length blond hair I will be a bit spooked!!

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lolly that is bloody hilarious - imagine the raging hormones and emotional rollercoasters of babyandbump street... all the men would leave immediately!

Glad to hear your stimming is going well so far and you're in control of those side effects :)

DH told his new employer about starting the job a day late, apparently he was really nice and said they already waited 3 months for him so 1 more day won't hurt. How lovely! People really do surprise you in all this don't they? The people I most hoped to be the most supportive and sensitive have largely proved to be useless, and the people such as employers that I was most dreading telling have been beyond supportive. Weird.

Now we just have to hope that ET doesn't move again, but we obviously have no control whatsoever so no point worrying.

Tinks you must be so pleased to have your date, and now it's all suddenly upon you - that's what happened to us too. It will fly by!

I have had another meltdown this afternoon for no particular reason, so have decided to expect a big cry once a day - if I expect it then I don't feel bad about it and can just accept that it's part of the whole process.

Can I get some tips about time off for ET? Originally I would have had 3 days off work following ET day i.e. 4 days total. Now that ET day has moved, I need to decide what to do and whether to book yet more time off work. What is everyone's advice about how long to stay off after ET? I know the clinicians say you can carry on as normal but instinctively that just feels wrong to me. Equally I need to keep some annual leave days for the rest of the year or further ivf cycles...

thank you ladies, have a good evening :)

OMG!!! Lolly, I have blonde hair, it is a little past my sholders but how freaky is that. Check me out on FB and see if I look the same. My real name is Laura Haworth. My profile pic is me and one of my sisters, I am at the front. I dreamt last week that we had an important appointment to do with ICSI on the 23rd July and last night I dreamt we had one on the 22nd June but I have only just remambered about the one last night. When I woke this morning I thought well thats wont come true its too soon :haha: Dreams are interesting.

I am laughing to myself about your meds being with everyones lunches :rofl:

Littlemouse, you must be relieved to know DH new boss is being suportive. I agree as well that some people can really suprise you with how suportive they are. Obviously I cant advise on ET but i am not planning on taking to much time off, maybe a day or 2 after. Would be interested in what the experienced ladies think as well.

I hope you are right about it flying by, I am just so worried about surgical sperm retrieval holding things up. I hardly know anyone that has needed it and I have heard the waiting times were really long but no one will confirm the current waiting time :shrug:
Eeeek Tinks that's a bit scary! You predicted those dates a bit too closely!! I have looked on FB, are you the one married to Kev? If so then thats not too far out and I am getting bit freaked!!! :haha: It must be the meds!!! And if that is your profile then its a lovely pic of you and your sis! It must be a worry about the retrieval but hopefully they will give you some good answers, and it won't take too long. Why should there bve a long waiting list? Is it quite specialist?

Littlemouse its so good to know that your DHs boss is being so good. Like you say, people can suprise you. Have you told your work. I did last time but my boss was also a good friend. Now I have changed jobs and am quite new so have kept things quiet, but due to waiting for prescriptions at hospital monday I had to ring and say I would be late. I came up with a half truth half lie story about having a cyst (true) and had a flare up (lie) so had an early mornng appointment (true) for a scan (lie) and then needed a prescription (true) to reduce the cyst (lie). Decided to deffo npot tell them when a colleague said so it makes you hormonal then, or should I say a moaning whore... great!!!!

With regard to time of last time I had 4 days booked and after pressure from the in laws got taken to the docs and signed off for whole 2ww. Mistake!! I was home alone a lot and went slowly insane. I felt ok, just protective. But this time I will be going back to take my mind off things, plus my job is a lot less phsical now so I can take it easy? What do you do? You shouldn't heavy lift/stetch/over exert. Its the EC where you have to have time off due to the GA or sedation. ET you are fully awake and it should be painless. You may want a couple of days though as things continue to settle down. Its hard to say as everyone responds/feels different. Good luck whatever you decide to do :hugs:

Love Lolly xxxxxxxx
Yep, thats me. The cat thing tickled me as well :haha:

I dont think SSR is specialist, its only done under a local so not sure why there should be such a long list. DH specialist recomended to us to try and pay for the SSR private as the lists are so long but when I called the PCT they said all treatment has to begin within 18 weeks of referral so my head is :wacko: But I sound like I am moaning again :dohh: I am just glad we have the next date and we will know more then :thumbup:
Hopefully it shouldn't be a problem then, fingers crossed for you, its hard not knowing. Write all your questions down for appointment and don't be afraid to push for some answers! Is your DH excited for appointment or bit nervous? They will be lovely with you xxxxxx
Thats a good idea Lolly, I will make notes on my phone to take with me. DH is excited but nervous. He cant wait for us to be pregnant but can wait for IVF as his biggest fear is it failing, as is everyones. So his logic is he is happy to not chase appointments and treatments and go with the flow, as stressfull as it is, as he would rather know we have a plan. She did say the name of th Dr we will be seeing but it wasn't fitzgerald sounded like oddy??? Or something.
Sounds a healthy attitude, wish we could be the same instead of the nervous and emotional wrecks all the waiting makes us!!! I have seen Fitzgerald and Rustamov but sounds like neither. But think when slb saw a doc it was a newbie so maybe check back on old posts??? I'm sure i'm not making that up.... am I?!! :hugs:

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