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i'll never understand this (drug content)

I freaking love Colin Firth and I don't care who knows it. He is a very sexy man :haha:
I think I fancied him more in Pride & Prejudice. He did a lot of good for English literature lol.
He was cute in Love Actually too. Haven't seen The Kings Speech yet as I prefer him in romantic roles!
like has been said many times now, people from all walks of life smoke weed. i know a doctor, several lawyers, a vet, 2 teachers, and lots of other professionals who enjoy a smoke! jeremy bloody kyle has a lot to answer for!

The people who go on Jeremy Kyle are the types of people I have experience of. Uneducated, unskilled and in a bit of a mess really.
Can't stand watching him though - I always feel like some of the people on there could do with some help and not him being all macho and bigoted.

agreed! i feel sorry for them when he gets stuck into them sometimes, they clearly need some serious help and guidance in their lives!! i sometimes wonder if its real tho.. could there REALLY be enough people like that in the uk to make 5 episodes every week for years and years!!??
Love Actually is one of my favourite movies! I'm going to have lovely dreams tonight.. :rofl:
agreed! i feel sorry for them when he gets stuck into them sometimes, they clearly need some serious help and guidance in their lives!! i sometimes wonder if its real tho.. could there REALLY be enough people like that in the uk to make 5 episodes every week for years and years!!?? :shrug:

I wonder also....was it Trisha where they revealed they use actors? Would be funny to be the actor though and play the worst person you could think of. Things like girls who slept with 4 men in the same day so don't know who the baby's dad is.....how do they manage that? I have sex once and I want to go to sleep :haha:
Love Actually is one of my favourite movies! I'm going to have lovely dreams tonight.. :rofl:

I found it a bit sad ..... I always remember that bit where Emma Thompson realises her hubby is having an affair.....all those happy years gone in a second :cry:
Ooh I'm watching Bourne Identity and thinking of that foreign cleaner woman Colin Firth chases in love Actually....is she the same on starring with Matt Damon?
Nope I just looked on IMDB she's been in loads of foreign stuff though :thumbup: I'm going to bed now enough of this Colin Firth talk or I'll never sleep :rofl: Night lovelies xx
Its interesting that weed smokers get branded as "uneducated" "non skilled" etc where as alcohol is accepted as a normal social thing? I wonder how much alcoholics cost the economy each year, also direct deaths through alcohol abuse?
Ugh, It winds me up when people make sweeping statements like "think" they are good parents.
Love Actually is one of my favourite movies! I'm going to have lovely dreams tonight.. :rofl:

I found it a bit sad ..... I always remember that bit where Emma Thompson realises her hubby is having an affair.....all those happy years gone in a second :cry:

This film was what confirm my pregnancy before the actual test :haha: my cat had been stalking me so I was already thinking I might be, then during Love Actually I cried over 50 times. No kidding. Love that movie :)
A family member of mine smokes weed everyday, he suffers from MS & the weed helps with this but he also enjoys getting stoned too. He works very hard, in spite of having this terminal illness, in a full time job. He has 3 children who are very well looked after and are very much put first.

I thought about why cannabis isn't legal, this is my opinion - Alcohol & tobacco have very high tax in the UK so the government are getting a shit load of money, and that shit load of money is probably spent trying to cure & treat people with alcohol & tobacco problems that have affected their health over time.

Now, it had been said cannabis has its useful points for helping for example it can be used as a pain killer & other herbal remedies, it's probably physically impossible to die from taking cannabis (apart from driving while high or something, same as drink driving). So why is it not legal? Think of how many people would set up their own cannabis businesses I think the government would find it hard to get any tax return on that! Saying that they are trying to ban cigarettes they'd probably benefit more money if cannabis was made legal and sold in packs behind the counter hahaha! 'Smoke Sensibly' on the packets. :haha: Even if they made some sort of license to grow it, people would still find a way to do it I'm sure and make alot of money doing it. Seems much easier to grow a plant than trying to make your own tobacco or beer!

Hope that makes sense! lol! Just my opinion, could be wrong though.

And when someone said about people selling their kids toys for weed, sounds like something out of Shameless really! But I honestly wouldn't put it past some people around here where I live, I've met some arseholes who would do anything for a bit of weed, stealing mobile phones etc. I knew a couple who were heavy drinkers every night & weekend, they came into some money when the husband was paid off from his job during the recession. So they bought a much needed car for them and their children, about a month later they sold it so the husband could go to his mates stag weekend in Manchester :shrug: I don't get it.
A family member of mine smokes weed everyday, he suffers from MS & the weed helps with this but he also enjoys getting stoned too. He works very hard, in spite of having this terminal illness, in a full time job. He has 3 children who are very well looked after and are very much put first.

I thought about why cannabis isn't legal, this is my opinion - Alcohol & tobacco have very high tax in the UK so the government are getting a shit load of money, and that shit load of money is probably spent trying to cure & treat people with alcohol & tobacco problems that have affected their health over time.

Now, it had been said cannabis has its useful points for helping for example it can be used as a pain killer & other herbal remedies, it's probably physically impossible to die from taking cannabis (apart from driving while high or something, same as drink driving). So why is it not legal? Think of how many people would set up their own cannabis businesses I think the government would find it hard to get any tax return on that! Saying that they are trying to ban cigarettes they'd probably benefit more money if cannabis was made legal and sold in packs behind the counter hahaha! 'Smoke Sensibly' on the packets. :haha: Even if they made some sort of license to grow it, people would still find a way to do it I'm sure and make alot of money doing it. Seems much easier to grow a plant than trying to make your own tobacco or beer!

Hope that makes sense! lol! Just my opinion, could be wrong though.

And when someone said about people selling their kids toys for weed, sounds like something out of Shameless really! But I honestly wouldn't put it past some people around here where I live, I've met some arseholes who would do anything for a bit of weed, stealing mobile phones etc. I knew a couple who were heavy drinkers every night & weekend, they came into some money when the husband was paid off from his job during the recession. So they bought a much needed car for them and their children, about a month later they sold it so the husband could go to his mates stag weekend in Manchester :shrug: I don't get it.

If we had legal smoking cafes, you can guarantee the trouble would be nothing like kick out time of the clubs on a Friday/Saturday night! Its all about the tax and the money the government would (or wouldnt!) make on it!
This is my take on it. The big issue I have with parents and weed is when parents who aren't well off/on benefits spend a hefty chunk on weed. This is the biggest reason me and my OH argue - he'll spend most of any money he ever earns on weed or borrow it off his dad. It drives me insane and I feel so guilty about it even though it's not my choice. Since Joel was born (he cut down beforehand) it was one zoot of standard weed to get to sleep, to a few to get through the day, then the weed turned to skunk and it's 3 skunk zoots on average now. OH has chronic sleep problems without it so he has a total reliance. Joel has everything he needs but only cos I buy it (we split things occaisionally but only if he has enough for weed). So no, I don't think it makes you a bad parent but its still heartbreaking to see forty quid a week get wasted on it when you're already in dire straights with money. :(

This is my experience also. People I know who smoked it were the ones who really couldn't afford to. I've seen somebody pawn their child's toys to get some cash for their next joint.
I honestly didn't realise weed-smoking was so commonplace and the only people I knew who took it were not the people you would consider educated and upstanding.
I guess I'm just naive about the world.....and I know I lead a very boring life!

What kind of people do you know that smoke weed and pawn their kids toys off? :wacko:You must know some bizzare people..because the people i know that have an odd spliff would never do something like this..

I for one dont smoke weed just because it makes me feel ill but i'd rather have one odd joint every now and again than my 20 a day fag habbit which i hate.

:rofl: Ive also never heard of anyone pawning their kids toys! Lol. I think thats rubbish IMO.

No its not. I live in an area where people regularly pawn off their children's xbox's for weed and other drugs.
Personally, I am VERY anti-drugs but accept that for medicinal purposes it is the only option to relieve pain.

I'd be raging if my OH was spending money on weed, IMO this is money that would be better spent on chocolate. :)
An xbox isn't a toy, IMO. So yeah that would not be so good to do, but I can't see played with toys having that much value .........
I havent read the whole partly because i got angry at the very begginging and partly because it was so frickin long.

Smoking weed, does not automatically make anyone a bad parent.
I used to smoke weed, i dont anymore. But OH does, although we do sometimes argue about the cost of weed, i dont care that he actually smokes it.
He doesnt smoke around the babies, and would never dream of it. I dont see any harm in coming home and having a spliff after hes been at work all day grafting his arse off in shit job for minimum wage.

It does not really alter your state of being enough to be off your brain and not know whats going on around you? This is weed were talking about not heroin.

Alcohol alters your mind state much much worse than a spliff ever could. When you see these hospital programmes on the TV like the real A&E etc, you dont ever see people being admitted because they have been smoking weed, theyre all paraletic, throwing up all over themself.
But i bet no one would think twice about a status on FB with someone saying the kids were in bed and they were going to 'unwind' with a glass of wine!
im a bit offended tbh with people saying parents that smoke weed are this that and the other and they dont care for their childern etc etc

my mum used to smoke weed when me and my sister were babies
now ill add before you all start having a go at me she NEVER EVER made us go without or sell our stuff to buy the stuff she worked hard and had a smoke every night once we in bed and fast asleep and she did it outside!

it hasnt effected us 1 but in any way shape or form we are from a well loved cared for family!
Also my OH used to smoke it and he adored caring for my son once again he never goes without infact hes spoilt bloody rotten we never sold nothing from the house never mind the kids toys and he never did it near my boy like i say hes stopped a few years ago for his job!

Also ill add i once did some research whilst doing some medical training at it is a proven fact that alcohol causes more harm to both the body and family life!

Like a pp said the only reason weed isnt legal is because the government cant controll it to make tax on it like they can with alcohol as weed can be grown at home so there would be no point making it readily available as people would still buy it back streets as it would be cheaper so the government would be no better off

As a pp said it is a very general picture your portrying there saying stuff like that and i know drugs are the problem in a lot of families but not all so please dont judge others based on the wrongs and bad doings of others
theonly way weed is bad for you is because it has nicotine in it
no take alcohol and how many ways thats bad for you

you ar eway more likely to die as a result of alcohol abuse as oppose to smoking a few spliffs everyday lol
theonly way weed is bad for you is because it has nicotine in it
no take alcohol and how many ways thats bad for you

you ar eway more likely to die as a result of alcohol abuse as oppose to smoking a few spliffs everyday lol

nicotine isn't actually harmful...

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