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i'll never understand this (drug content)

im anti-drugs. like, really really anti drugs.

So, weed smoking (no matter how little/often/where/when/who with/paid for by what) if its not for medicinal purposes (which even in the states is easy to get around apparently... ross kemp documentary!!!) is a no for me.

I dont socialise with people that do it, i see it as pointless.

I am anti smoking tobacco too. Im not anti drinking, but maybe thats because its more 'socially acceptable' - its legal, has been for a very long time, and will always be ... cannabis isnt, and i tend to stay on the side of the law, no matter how twisted it might seem.

Smoking in the same room/house a kids is a big fat no, whatever way you look at it. theres just no need, so i stick by that.

I dont really see the argument to be honest. Yeah you can compare cannabis/tobacco/alcohol, you could compare NHS expenditure for the 3, you could look at violence, crime rates etc, but ultimately i just look at it in a black and white way - LEGAL AND ILLEGAL. Then, from the legal options i make informed choices.

I choose to drink once a month(if that!) and i stop drinking when ive had enough. thats legal.
Smoking a spliff after work in the garden isnt legal - no matter how harmless/helpful it may seem, so for me, even if it is less dangerous/expensive than alcohol, i still wouldnt choose that option.

i couldnt really care less how relaxed it makes people, or how chilled they are or how stressy their day jobs are... laws are there to be followed.

I could say that my MIL is horribly annoying and id like to poke her eyes out with forks, but thats assault, so i cant do that. I could say that my waking hours are so stressful i feel like crying (they are!!) so im gonna go home and smoke weed to chill... but thats illegal, so i wont do that either.

Smoking a spliff after work in the garden isnt legal - no matter how harmless/helpful it may seem, so for me, even if it is less dangerous/expensive than alcohol, i still wouldnt choose that option.

i couldnt really care less how relaxed it makes people, or how chilled they are or how stressy their day jobs are... laws are there to be followed.

actually i believe that technically its not actuall 'illegal' to smoke weed on your own property, it is illegal to cultivate it, and illegal to buy or sell it, or to possess it with intent to supply, but smoking it own your own property is something i think you would have to go a LONG way to find a cop willing to prosecute you for! literally the only reason it is illegal is that they couldnt possibly control the manufacture as it is so easy to grow at home, meaning that they wouldnt get the tax revenue to make it worth their while. i think the fact that when someone is found in possession, they just confiscate it, speaks volumes. there is no point in prosecuting anyone for it, because its so ridiculous that it is still illegal!

Yes, police will still be able to arrest people who possess cannabis. But they have been issued with guidelines that mean that most people who are stopped by police will have the drug confiscated and be given a warning. Officers should only arrest repeat offenders or those smoking in a public place, threatening public order or found near premises used by children, such as schools. In other words, you will not be arrested for smoking at home.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-205748/Cannabis-law-change.html#ixzz1W4dUaBfg
To the person who stated nicotine isn't harmful, I believe that's incorrect? Raises blood pressure and increases cholesterol, putting strain on the heart.
I could say that my MIL is horribly annoying and id like to poke her eyes out with forks, but thats assault, so i cant do that. I could say that my waking hours are so stressful i feel like crying (they are!!) so im gonna go home and smoke weed to chill... but thats illegal, so i wont do that either.


thats a bit of an add comparision though Hayley.... poking your MILs eyes out would cause her great pain and distress, with permanent damage, along with countless other reasons why it would be inappropriate. smoking weed in your garden wouldnt harm anyone?
I dont think you would get charged if you have a small amount (Ie: not enough to deal) I know the guidelines say otherwise but this is more likely what happens.

I dont smoke either, I just hate alcohol more every day and think this country is backward! . xx
I dont think you would get charged if you have a small amount (Ie: not enough to deal) I know the guidelines say otherwise but this is more likely what happens.

I dont smoke either, I just hate alcohol more every day and think this country is backward! . xx

It's the same here too... interesting because cannabis was legal here until somewhere in the 1900s I believe and many Pharmaceutical drugs had marijuana as an ingredient in their medications. In fact, here in Virginia there is a cancer drug called Marinol that has THC in it.


Surely there is obviously at the very least a medicinal effect if it is used even in this way.

Alcohol was also illegal here for awhile if you remember..so... ya know... somehow we here in America decided that Alcohol isn't as dangerous as Pot...:wacko:

I think that if Pot is illegal that Booze should be too.. just my opinion.
i dont really care how relaxed the actions of police are tbh... its an illegal substance...if its illegal to sell, grow or smoke in public, then someone somewhere along the line has acted illegally and thats enough for me.

and no, it probably wont harm anyone ELSE, just your brain. plenty of studies on how it affects mental health.

youdont get arrested for cannabis possesion unless you have enough on you to be supplying it the law states you can posses enough so that there would only be enough for you to smoke and im sure i heard on one of the police shows its actually legal to grow like 1 plant if its for personal use obvs a bit hard to prove its for personal use like but :-/
i dont really care how relaxed the actions of police are tbh... its an illegal substance...if its illegal to sell, grow or smoke in public, then someone somewhere along the line has acted illegally and thats enough for me.

and no, it probably wont harm anyone ELSE, just your brain. plenty of studies on how it affects mental health.


actually, its not an illegal substance at all. its just illegal to carry out certain acts involving it. it grows naturally all over the world, so couldnt ever be an illegal substance.

again, for every study on the effects of weed on mental health im pretty sure i could find 5 to show the devestating effects of alcohol and tobacco on health. it might not be so socially acceptable, but there is no one on this earth who will ever convince me that alcohol is better than weed in any way whatsoever!

also, in recent years a lot of the studies which show a correlation between long term cannabis use and mental illness have been discredited, as it has been impossible to prove that the cannabis use has caused the mental illness, and instead its now widely accepted that in fact, people with a pre-existing mental illness are more likely to chose to use cannabis, but again, they are more likely to choose tobacco and alcohol, which are more addictive!
in fact, there is an emerging theory that marijuana is actually benefical in the cases of certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.
also, again more recent studies have concluded that the theory of marijuana use leading to the use of more heavy duty drugs is unfounded, and in fact, a heavy use of alcohol is MORE likely to lead to drug use.

despite all these studies, there is currently NO confirmed official consensus regarding the long term effects of marijuana on mental health, unlike alcohol.
A 'controlled' substance then, :roll: whatever it is, there are laws against it :roll:
Opium grows all over the place too, same principle.

I dont read science studies all too often, or whether they have 'finally' said that cannabis is safe... im not interested in taking it even if it made me thin, toned and made my stretchmarks disappear. :lol:

The day they make alcohol illegal will be the day england finally goes bankrupt :thumbup:

I really dont get why cannabis users feel the need to defend it so strongly, you dont see alcohol drinkers defending it to the hilt and posting again and again and again...

Because in fairness, there's not that much to defend about alcohol! I agree with you, the only reason it's still legal is money!!
As for why I'm posting, it's a topic that interests me and that I feel enthusiastic about, and there is SO much misimformation about it out there it is unreal!
I'm not sure why it's weird for me to post repeatedly about it, that's what forums are all about I thought!
youdont get arrested for cannabis possesion unless you have enough on you to be supplying it the law states you can posses enough so that there would only be enough for you to smoke and im sure i heard on one of the police shows its actually legal to grow like 1 plant if its for personal use obvs a bit hard to prove its for personal use like but :-/

Growing under 9 plants is classed as personal use, but it's still illegal, you would only get a warning though. Growing anything over 9 plants and you would be charged with cultivation with the intent to supply. But you'd still not be in alot of trouble unless you had say... 30 or so :thumbup:

Not from personal experience :haha: my ex used to know a few people...

I don't see anything wrong with it, I don't personally like it, but it is definatly only illegal for tax purposes, it would be virtually impossible to moniter it x
Because in fairness, there's not that much to defend about alcohol! I agree with you, the only reason it's still legal is money!!
As for why I'm posting, it's a topic that interests me and that I feel enthusiastic about, and there is SO much misimformation about it out there it is unreal!
I'm not sure why it's weird for me to post repeatedly about it, that's what forums are all about I thought!

I agree with you on so many things. I think we all know that the Government dont actually care about our health, it is purely about money and tax not our well being.
Because in fairness, there's not that much to defend about alcohol! I agree with you, the only reason it's still legal is money!!
As for why I'm posting, it's a topic that interests me and that I feel enthusiastic about, and there is SO much misimformation about it out there it is unreal!
I'm not sure why it's weird for me to post repeatedly about it, that's what forums are all about I thought!

I agree with you on so many things. I think we all know that the Government dont actually care about our health, it is purely about money and tax not our well being.

i couldnt agree more. this is exactly why i get frustrated by people who automatically assume that weed is this horrible destructive thing. they have effectively been brainwashed by the fact that if the government say something is illegal, then its bad, and if something isnt illegal then its better, and dont see the fact that it ALL comes down to money, nthing else!
A 'controlled' substance then, :roll: whatever it is, there are laws against it :roll:
Opium grows all over the place too, same principle.

I dont read science studies all too often, or whether they have 'finally' said that cannabis is safe... im not interested in taking it even if it made me thin, toned and made my stretchmarks disappear. :lol:

The day they make alcohol illegal will be the day england finally goes bankrupt :thumbup:

I really dont get why cannabis users feel the need to defend it so strongly, you dont see alcohol drinkers defending it to the hilt and posting again and again and again...


First- I don't do Pot...just want to make it clear...however, you say you'd never do Pot but I wonder if you'd feel that way if you had chemo and were so ill that you couldn't eat and Weed helped take away the pain and allowed you to eat again.

You also say that alcohol drinkers don't defend booze but they clearly do...alcoholics ALWAYS make excuses for drinking.

If your response is that science states that Weed isn't safe then I would advise you to look at every medication you take and peruse thru the side effects..many of which you'll find cause the same problems they're supposed to be fixing.

Point is all drugs...even over the counter ones aren't exactly "safe". The benefits just have to outweigh the risks...which is the case for many that smoke Marijuana.
I dont agree with smoking infront of or around children.

Having a spliff when their in bed outside why not?!..Doesnt make you any less of a parent, member of society.

FT good jobs, own home by 21, and 2 fantastic babies who want for nothing
Because in fairness, there's not that much to defend about alcohol! I agree with you, the only reason it's still legal is money!!
As for why I'm posting, it's a topic that interests me and that I feel enthusiastic about, and there is SO much misimformation about it out there it is unreal!
I'm not sure why it's weird for me to post repeatedly about it, that's what forums are all about I thought!

I agree with you on so many things. I think we all know that the Government dont actually care about our health, it is purely about money and tax not our well being.

i couldnt agree more. this is exactly why i get frustrated by people who automatically assume that weed is this horrible destructive thing. they have effectively been brainwashed by the fact that if the government say something is illegal, then its bad, and if something isnt illegal then its better, and dont see the fact that it ALL comes down to money, nthing else!

I think it's the same here. I personally think they should legalize it and tax it like smokes or booze but I hear it is harder to regulate which is why it remains illegal.
Yes, because it grows naturally and is smoked in it's natural state, it's impossible to ensure that each specific measured dose is of the same strength, therefore unlike alcohol and tobacco they wouldn't be able to label it accurately etc...
Yes, because it grows naturally and is smoked in it's natural state, it's impossible to ensure that each specific measured dose is of the same strength, therefore unlike alcohol and tobacco they wouldn't be able to label it accurately etc...

It's a shame really.. the uses for Hemp itself is vast.... food, super durable fabrics, medication.....etc... It's so useful... and GREEN!

We only have a few States that allow "Industrial Hemp".

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