Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx
I think that way too, I've seen people act like total morons while stone (mostly teens) and I've seen adults who smoke it more regularly and most I've seen are normal. I still wouldn't like it and I think it's best done with no children to take care of, but it depends on the person. Just like 1-2 glasses of wine... I would be a little tipsy as I don't drink, but someone else might not be bothered at all... all to do with tolerance I guess.
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...

have you been stalking me?:haha: i used to smoke. i used to change my top,spray perfume,popped chewing gum into my mouth and wash my hands
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...

have you been stalking me?:haha: i used to smoke. i used to change my top,spray perfume,popped chewing gum into my mouth and wash my hands

how long would you wait though? Because perfume doesnt ger rid of the fumes it only disguises them same with gum.
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...

have you been stalking me?:haha: i used to smoke. i used to change my top,spray perfume,popped chewing gum into my mouth and wash my hands

how long would you wait though? Because perfume doesnt ger rid of the fumes it only disguises them same with gum.

she was always asleep when i smoked so probably about an hour
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...

have you been stalking me?:haha: i used to smoke. i used to change my top,spray perfume,popped chewing gum into my mouth and wash my hands

lol No, but I read a smoking thread a while back and I thought you were in there, lol

Congratulations on quitting! :thumbup: I quit too, and I'm so glad I did. I just wish OH would, I don't pressure and hound him, but he knows I would prefer if he did... How long have you been quit for?

I make him brush his teeth too, I find the smell so terrible since I quit...
I guess this is an issue that just depends on how you were brought up and what sort of friends you have. I find the idea of smoking weed regularly just because a bit shocking :shock: and not something I think responsible adults should be doing, especially those with children.
I see we're getting back to parenting again. Let me know when there's something new! Lol I don't think I've got anything new to add myself now.
redpoppy, you twist everything around so much, that I am not going to indulge you by replying. You read what you want to read.

I haven't twisted anything and I don't have any intention to twist anything! I want to get at the truth and at people's real motivations. I know we are brainwashed in this country to not question many things and thos things change with time.

I'm not a bad person at all. I believe in being good to others and to try and be kinder than our society and selves dictate as often as possible. But I also believe we should address injustices. Be it forced marriages, pedophile priests or responsible recreational users being put away behind bars for something which is honestly no one else's business. ESPECIALLY when the government downgraded it, then had an advisory committee look at it,k and when they suggested perhaps downgrading it further they thought they'd not only upgrade it again but sack those that spoke against their move.

But you have made quite a few sweeping and controversial statements and when anyone says a controversial or sweeping statement surely it's fair to ask them to explain what they mean and in what regard!?

Calling all recreational users addicts is in my view despicable and extreme. That doesn't mean you are but if you say such things surely I'm allowed to question it. It would be like me saying anyone who ever enjoyed a drink was an alcoholic. You're saying exactly the same equivalent but about a different drug. It's nonsense. Anyone who has ever appreciated a painkiller is addicted. Anyone who has ever enjoyed the wake up call of a cup of tea or coffee: addicted. It's not a fair thing to say and it certainly isn't true!

But that's the thing...I have said why I believe what I believe. I have posted links. I am not sure why you continue to ask. I find your comments to be attacking and twisting, not just to me, but others. If someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you twist their words, want proof of can we prove feelings? I think you are taking this debate too personally. If I say I think "many" recreational users are addicted, you take this as a personal threat and reference to you. It makes trying to have a conversation with you very frustrating and annoying. I want to speak on this debate, but I find you don't debate fair. I am going to block you. I don't think we have much in common, and I don't care to hear any more posts from you. :flower:

I get the feeling you're being waaay too defensive about this. It's a debate thread. Lets debate no? :shrug:

You haven't yet said WHY you believe anything unless I missed it. Loads of people have missed my comments but I don't get difficult about it. I politely point things out again.

As for proof of feelings, i had assumed you were using your head above your heart to decide what you think is moral or immoral. And if I'm pointing things out which make sense why are you not responding to them? You're being VERY evasive of any of the points or questions I've made. It's unfair for you not so honestly reply to my questions then accuse me of things which are untrue. And bailing on the debate because you can't answer them is very very unfair too in my opinion. If you have an extreme view at least have the courtesy to respond to a few honest questions. I actually feel sad that for the most part this has been a very friendly debate thread and I feel you're now taking it onto a level that just isn't called for. I'm glad you block me as to try and have a rational debate with an irrational debater is probably not going to do my well being much good.
I see we're getting back to parenting again. Let me know when there's something new! Lol I don't think I've got anything new to add myself now.

oops :shrug: I havent read the whole thread.. :blush:
I find it quite amusing when people mention about legalising it, how it would stop criminal activity. This would not stop criminal activity.

If you were allowed to grow your own, would you want to have holes in your walls and ceilings with heat lamps going 24/7???? And with you baby sleeping in the house? You wouldn't do it to your own house, so why should you want to do it a rented house??

For those parents that smoke dope whilst your children are in the house, i really question your ability to function as a parent. My views would be the same to an alcoholic parent as well

Cannabis can grow naturally outdoors in most countries including the UK.

As for stopping illegal activity, after teh alcohol prohibition stopped so did the illegal trade in it. There isn't an illegal trade in alcohol is there? :shrug:

I don't know any pot smokers who would smoke in a house with a baby in it. WHy the assumptions about bad parents? I don't even burn incense in my house as i now have a baby! :shrug:
I see we're getting back to parenting again. Let me know when there's something new! Lol I don't think I've got anything new to add myself now.


You know i actually went to bed thinking about this thread last night and not worrying about what id come back to find :rofl:
That's ok. Everytime it goes in that direction it gets really heated and bitchy and there were a bunch of posts removed already. It's just not really what the thread's about and taking it there seems to drag the debate down a lot. I'm playing thread topic police I guess but it helps save a lot of upset I think!

I don't blame anyone new to the thread for not reading it, it's giant and pretty intense. But we've covered a lot of ground and many if not all sides of the argument I think so it is an interesting and informative read whatever side you're on.
Lol PP, we're keeping it safe! It's probably why it's still going. No ff/bf style debate here!
I see we're getting back to parenting again. Let me know when there's something new! Lol I don't think I've got anything new to add myself now.


You know i actually went to bed thinking about this thread last night and not worrying about what id come back to find :rofl:

can i ask you a question holly? did you ever feel guilty smoking then holding brooke?by god i love smoking but the guilt just got to me and the only thing stopping me from smoking again is my little girl.
And those posts really aren't productive to the debate!

Janidog - i don't think anyone has said anything about smoking in the house while their kids are there. And as for holes in the ceilig, heat lamps etc that is what is required to grow enough to supply. I would imagine one or two plants would be enough for personal use.

Would you say that it would be ok to smoke a joint outside in your garden and then come in 10/20mins later to see to your baby???

Personally i would view that as the same as being drunk around a child, not the done nor acceptable thing

Smoking cigarettes doesnt alter your mental state, so i dont think that one can be compared in this instance

i think she may be on about the smell also. cos lets face it,smoke lingers xx

What do you do with smoking cigs, or what did you do before? I think I remember you writing about smoking before...? Maybe I'm wrong...

have you been stalking me?:haha: i used to smoke. i used to change my top,spray perfume,popped chewing gum into my mouth and wash my hands

lol No, but I read a smoking thread a while back and I thought you were in there, lol

Congratulations on quitting! :thumbup: I quit too, and I'm so glad I did. I just wish OH would, I don't pressure and hound him, but he knows I would prefer if he did... How long have you been quit for?

I make him brush his teeth too, I find the smell so terrible since I quit...

its only been 11 days:haha: i find the smell awful too but when i get stressed,cigs are all i think about. my hormones are going wild at the minute,so if i shout at anyone you know why:blush:
Blah, just out of interest, have you read the whole debate so far? I only ask because there have been some really interesting parts!

I don't think upbringing has much to do with it. I had a typical 'lower-middleclass' upbringing and was always told 'just say no' but it didn't stop me experimenting by myself!
Sorry - took me a while to write that post haha.

RP - i always see your very valid points but the only thing i would have to say are 'yep, i agree!'

PB - thanks for being thread police :thumbup:
I see we're getting back to parenting again. Let me know when there's something new! Lol I don't think I've got anything new to add myself now.


You know i actually went to bed thinking about this thread last night and not worrying about what id come back to find :rofl:

can i ask you a question holly? did you ever feel guilty smoking then holding brooke?by god i love smoking but the guilt just got to me and the only thing stopping me from smoking again is my little girl.

No, i cant say i did, because i took all precautions where reasonably possible to have it not effect her.

It was harder in the earlier days when she needed handling more, but now she's older and becoming independant its easeir :)

I think when it comes to things like smoking and drinking when you are a parent, as long as you are responsible,aware of potential risks and how to avoid them then it shouldnt be a problem.

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