Hey everyone
We are in the begining stages of adopting two children! one is almost 1 and the other is due to be born on 11th August I wanted to share what is going on with us, and get advice along the way.
Heres our story so far.
We have lots of support from my family my parents think it is brilliant what we are doing for these children, they are proud of us. My Dfs family arent as supportive as they think we should just have our own children and let them be someone elses 'problem' (Which is horrible, they are not a 'problem' they are two beautiful little babies that need our help)
An old friend of mine and his girlfriend had a baby girl last year who was taken away from them by social services when she was very young, i obviously dont want to go into any details of that because it was not a nice situation. The baby Girl has been in foster car since and is a year old on the 27th.
Now my friends girlfriend is pregnant again with a little boy who is due on the 11th august. Who will be taken by social services at birth.
My friends mother was going to adopt them but was in the very first stages of adopting them. When i spoke to her she said she would be more than happy for me and my DF to adopt them! It would be the best outcome. She wants to be a grandmother, not a mother and raise children as hers are all grown up.
So we have spoken to the social worked involved who has started proceedings! He wants things put in place as soon as possible so i am woundering will we foster them first then adopt them as foster is quicker? Or will they do a fast track adoption type thing?
I want to make this my kind of adoption journal as i have alot of things i have questions about, not only the acctual process of adoption but other things like what to tell them when they are older?.
I wanted to Add a ticker here for each of the children. I cant wait to have them with us
https://lb1f.lilypie.com/wWuMp1.png https://lmtf.lilypie.com/LaDX.png
Thank you if you took the time to read this
