I'm new! Anyone else due on/around 26th Sept?

Know what you mean, I made sure I booked my 22 week MW app for May yesterday!

TBH we haven't sat them down and told them, I'm still nervous about things going wrong and as we sat them down last time (when I MMC) I'm reluctant to do the same again, maybe I'm being silly I don't know.... Can't get the image of their little faces when we told them baby wasn't there anymore out of my head. We haven't been avoiding baby talk around them, I just don't want to jinx anything with an official announcement... probably why I'm in no rush to tell friends/many family members either... still haven't decided whether to take them both the the 20 week scan (3 WEEKS TO GO GIRLS!!) or not! Are you telling Daisy?

Really want half way to come now!
Forgot to say Hayley, will Daisy be about 18 months when you're due? That was how old Jessica was when we had Amelie and the age gap is fab now!
She'll be 19 months so pretty much, I am so looking forward to them being close in age - sometimes wish it was an even smaller age gap though :dohh: Have lovely images of our family holidays to come when mine are about the age yours are now :cloud9:

Are children allowed into your scans then? we are strictly one adult only - I can see why but sometimes wish they were a bit more leanient.

I can understand you not sitting down to tell them, I couldnt imagine having your own grief as well as theirs, but without wanting to upset, if you lost this baby you would have to give birth, have a funeral for them (you dont have to but most parents do, the hospital could do a group one) you'd have hand and footprints, its a real little person now so they would be aware that something is going on iykwim? and you would likely want to talk about their little brother/sister! I took Daisy to a babys burial yesterday and she's too young to know what was happening, but I dont want to block her out from what really happens in life, hope that makes sense. But I'm sure your baby will be just fine :hugs:

It'll be wonderful :), we were only just saying the other day how when Am was born, J was huge compared with her, but now they are evenly matched! In everything, share clothes (although they drown Am a bit!), toys, games, make believe stuff and fights, in fact it's usually Am beating J up!

Thank you xx I know what you mean and you know what you're talking about :hugs: You can take children in yes, it was just Am at the 6 & 12 week but I hope (if we decide to) that we can take both in in May, fx J seems v into hospital stuff and whats going on inside her body (she watched the whole of an animated look at pregnancy video the other day! - enthralled!) So I know she'd be just so excited! xx
I am due our first child! Yey! We originally had a date of 14th from out LMP date but after the scan they put me further along and then moved our due date later too..... which confused us but we are going with the flow. I am now 17weeks and 3 days. We announced the baby at our wedding last week 18months of planning went great.... (we decided to get started trying before the wedding as everyone said it would take forever.... well it didn't lol!) we have our 20 week scan 11th May, and 3rd midwife appt tomorrow afternoon...... will she try and hear the HB tomorrow? its all new to us, as out first baby.... and not sure what to expect! i think i have been feeling kicks, but not sure they are certainly something i have not experienced before, so am panicking that everything is ok, and know that hearing th HB is hard with a hand held dopplar. wow.... i can babble on cant i? hehe.

nice to meet you all xxx
Hi mrsmattylou!:wave: Congratulations on both your wedding & your 1st baby, what a year for you :) Yeh another for the September club! :happydance: And your scan is just the day after mine :)

We were thrown all over the place with our dates too, from LMP date we predicted about 20 Sept, then we had an early scan (referred by my lovely GP) after having had MMC in November which put me at 30 Sept then my 12 week scan put us back to the 26th! Both my girls came on their due dates so I hope they've got this one right!

You should def get to hear HB I would have thought although some MW's prefer not to and won't unless you ask them, so make sure you ask if she doesn't offer! It is so wonderful to hear and breaks up the 12-20 week wait! Can remember the first time I heard my first daughter's HB, it was so so special!

Don't mind babblers here, we're all sharing the same thing and saves us boring our other halves lol!

Let us know how you go this afternoon xx
Good luck mrsmattylou - hearing the hb is lovely, but do remember that baby is still little so dont panic if she doesnt pick it up fast or at all today :)

My due date started 28th then got moved forward to 26th so means I'll hopefully be induced 12th :) to think they'll be one of the oldest in the school year, I was one of the youngest being late May, but I remember everyone 'bragging' if they were a lot older :lol: x
I'm due September 25th :)

Congrats! And hello! :wave: This your first? Are you going to find out what you're expecting? When is your scan?

Oh I know Hayley, My b'day is August so I was the baby of the class but my best friend was too so I wasn't alone! :)

This one is due just a few days before DD1's b'day (beg. of October) so will be one of the older ones as opposed to DD2 who'll be a baby of the class! (July). DD1 just got her application granted for her primary school :shock: Cannot believe my baby starts school in September! Seems like yesterday I was one of the first time mums! - You all make the most of it, it goes sooooo fast!!

Ps, your little tribute to Alex as your signature is beautiful, like him, such a little prince :hugs: Alex is one of our choices for a little boy, I love the name x
Had a little scare the night before last... DD2 (as they do) jumped onto my tummy, right where I've started to feel kicks, gosh she knocked the wind out of me and for a short while afterwards, it did hurt... haven't had anymore pain or anything and I think I've felt movement since but it has worried me a bit...
Oh no :( what a worry. Is there anyway you can pop to see your midwife see if she can listen in with a doppler? :hugs: xxx
Had a little scare the night before last... DD2 (as they do) jumped onto my tummy, right where I've started to feel kicks, gosh she knocked the wind out of me and for a short while afterwards, it did hurt... haven't had anymore pain or anything and I think I've felt movement since but it has worried me a bit...

aww hunni, I would call your mw or go see the gp if you havent felt any def movement :hugs:
Thank you girls :flower: Much appreciated, I'll give it today (promised I'd take girls to the seaside - no excuse since we live 10 mins away) and ring her in morn if felt nothing by end of today - are you guys feeling movement every day now? Mine seems to come in spates... for about a week I was feeling strong kicks every day, then it'd go quiet and I cannot be 100% sure that I haven't felt something, just nothing like what I have been feeling... shall see and I will let you know, thanks again girlies, hope you're all ok xxx
I have felt baby pretty much every day since I started feeling them and theyre getting more frequent throughout the day now, still only little movements low down though, so easy to miss if on the move :hugs: x
Can't believe so many of us are due on the 26th - me too!! I think that means they were conceived around new years:winkwink:! Congratulations everyone!

I am going to check back to see how all the other 26th sept mummy-to-be's are getting on, its very exciting! Besides I am putting off a really important essay so it'll be a good distraction!
I conceived Dec 31st, well technically 1st Jan, I only know because we didn't DTD for weeks before or after that! :haha:
Morning girls :wave: Bean let me know he/she was okay last night so I slept easy! phew! Gave me a good kick this morn in bed too to make doubly sure I knew all was okay! Gosh it is all a big worry isn't it?! Hopefully I'll start to get regular daily reminders like you hayley!

Can't believe so many of us are due on the 26th - me too!! I think that means they were conceived around new years:winkwink:! Congratulations everyone!

I am going to check back to see how all the other 26th sept mummy-to-be's are getting on, its very exciting! Besides I am putting off a really important essay so it'll be a good distraction!

Hello tootsweets! :wave: Fantastic another 26th Sept mommy! :happydance: Nothing like sharing a due date to distract you! Hope we don't prevent your A grade! :) When is your scan? Are you going to find out what you're expecting?

Lol Rylies Mummy! I was going to say, I have absolutely no idea when we conceived, none whatsoever! All I know was my AF date so who knows :shrug: All that was inbetween my morning sickness from the MMC in November and this time, i.e. when we had a sex life lol!

All this hot weather is reminding what it was like being pregnant through the hot 2006 summer with DD1, phew that was a scorcher and I didn't have LO's to look after then arrgh!!
I dont know what date we conceived either, either 1st or 6th :lol:

So pleased baby gave you some little kicks to reassure you, it really is so worrying once the movement starts isnt it. x
Thanks Hayley...

I've just been reading another thread and it got me thinking - and prompted me to ring my MW. A lady had a MC and then a D & C operation and at the time of the op they gave her the anti-D jab to protect future pregnancies as she was rhesus negative blood group - oh god, more worries, I didn't get offered it and now I'm worried :-(...

MW just rang back and she doesn't know the answer!! BIG :-(!! As it's Good Friday, I've got to wait until Tuesday to ring ANU at the hosp to ask them, gawd, this is all such a worry!

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