Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Pinkie, sorry Coolstar reminded me I was also having daily Clexane shots during both cycles. x
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and sharing your stories with me, I appreciate it. For me, I feel like there is no stone left unturned, I have tried everything, steroids, clexane, aspirin, embryo glue, HSG, hysteroscopy, time lapse, endo scratch, acupuncture the list goes on, I really thought it was my eggs. I am still waiting to hear from the clinic and it will be interesting to hear what they say.

MrsG, I am so pleased to hear that you've been able to take Tommy home. I hope he continues to build his strength. :hugs:

I hope everyone else is getting on well, have a good day. x
Pinkie, don't give up you still have frosties, I think what we all forget is IVF (whether our own eggs or donor) is never a guarantee, it's still a gamble that we all take each time. My clinic told me success rates with DE were 50%, so maybe next time you'll be in the right 50%. In the mean time take care if yourself and make time to grieve with your partner. xx
Pinkie, just be strong. I hope your clinic has some explanation. No one should mc specially IVF ladies. I thought IVF was a sure thing, then came DE and when that failed I realized nothing was for sure. After spending so much money, heartache (not even talking about the physical pain ) its all about luck.
MrsG, I am glad to know that you and Tommy are back at home. Hope he recovers soon. Keep us posted !!
PC and Coolstar, I couldn't of said it better myself. Whether using donor or own eggs, IVF is a numbers game. And hopefully we're on the winning side eventually!! Don't give up Pinkie, you'll get your take home baby soon!!

AFM, My stay-cation is almost over (2 days left) then I go back to work. I'm a Nurse and not looking forward to those busy & long shifts.. lol!!

HELLO to everyone else :wave:
Thanks for your encouragement ladies, don't worry I wont be giving up that easily :thumbup:. I just need that luck to fall my side. I was given 50% chance with each of my OE cycles and then 70% chance with this DE cycle. By the law of averages we have to get lucky soon.

The clinic want me to take a positive from this that I did get a positive B-HCG and a sac was detected so hopefully this is a good prognostic for future treatment. I have a Skype call booked for next week so hopefully find out more then.

I have to go the early pregnancy unit once my bleeding stops to make sure the sac has gone and no other remaining conception products. I am really hoping it comes away by itself and I don't need a D&C.

Boopin, good luck in returning to work. You nurses are wonderful people.

Hope all babies and bumps are doing well x

Pinkie, you're in my prayers.

AFM - I'm 7 DPO today on a natural cycle. Given my success thus far, though, I'm not that optimistic. I reached out to the people who do financing for IVF for my fertility clinic. They are supposed to call me back. My credit stinks. So, that's probably going to be a no-go, but I figured it would be better to know where I stand.
Pinkie I am so so sorry to hear that...Don't lose hope. One frostie left and it is your little rainbow!

Miscarriage after IVF should be against the laws of nature. That's all I can say.....Pinkie, hope you don't need D&C. Was yours a blighted ovum ? I had read its the leading cause of early mc. I am keeping my fingers Xed for your next FET cycle. Always remember night is darkest just before dawn.
TTC, hope you find some good news with your credit score.
Boopin, all the best !!
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing ok.

Pinkie, stay strong, I am thinking of you.

So Tommy is back in hospital. The repair to his food pipe tightened and virtually closed back over so he had surgery yesterday after a few scary days of stopping breathing and being unable to feed. He'll have to have surgery a few more times to stretch the pipe but is so much better today. The last 3 weeks have just been a blur, think I'm surviving on adrenaline alone!

Mrs G I'm very sorry to hear about Tommy being still in and out of hospital, i can't imagine the stress you're going through. Xx

Pinkie, hang in there! After countless ivf's, de ivf's and then after immune testing and the countless treatments of humira, IVIg, Lovenox (celexane), prednisone, and LIT, then another fresh & frozen ivf's still failed, we got pregnant naturally. I agree with what the ladies say - it is a numbers game. Keep trying, my body always seems to respond better when dieting and exercising (super low carb, high veg & protein diet), but as much as I've tried everything it all boils down to winning the lotto!! Take care of yourself, take some time to heal your spirit and then go again full force. I'm so sorry it ddn't work out this time, my heart aches for you having to go through this. Sending you massive hugs xx
MrsG, so sorry to hear that Tommy is back in hospital, you've certainly had a tough time of it over the past few weeks. I hope you're coping and getting the support you need. x
MrsG, can't imagine what you are going through. It must be so tough, hope Tommy gets well soon.
MrsG - How's Tommy doing?? xx

Pinkie - How was your visit at the early pregnancy unit?? Are you okay??

Have a blessed Sunday everyone!! :hugs:
Hi Ladies, how was everyones weekend?

I stayed at a friends for a few days and it was nice to get away from everyday life.

Not too much to report from me. I am still waiting to finish bleeding before going to the early pregnancy unit. This is my 11th day of full flow bleeding, is this right? I have never bled this much before.

MrsG, I am so sorry to hear about Tommy, I can't even imagine how difficult this is for you. He sounds like a little fighter so hope he is getting stronger. Anymore update?

How are you all getting on, anything to report?

Hi ladies, mrs G I hope Tommy is out of the woods now and happily cuddled in your arms xx

MacKinley has had 2 bouts of thrush since getting home, odd since I take probiotics and she does too. She's strong enough to hold her head up by herself and smiled intentionally at me yesterday for what I think was the first time (Yeay - I had a wee cry). It snowed over night but we're still going to do our afternoon walk. Will put the bunting down snow suit on to keep cozy.
2have, Yey for a smile I am sure that was a heart melting moment. Sorry to hear the little lady has thrush, bless her that can't be nice. Hope it clears up quickly. Enjoy your walk x
2have, cant believe your baby is one month old already ( time just flies ) and she smiled, that's so adorable.
Pinkie, it was good that you were with your friend for few days. Takes your mind off. What will be your next step after your AF stops ?
MrsG, hope Tommy is better now. Keep us posted.
PC, Boopin, Llbean how are you ladies ?
AFM, I had an appointment with my ob last Friday. She did an u/s and baby is head down. Also did register with our hospital yesterday.
Coolstar - Your baby's head is down, that's great news. Baby is getting into position, not a whole lot of room left to move around in. I just noticed that your due on New Year's Day. You could even have a Christmas baby. What a wonderful gift that would be to have your sweet baby in your arms on Christmas Day!!

AFM, All of our testing is complete. And now I'm just waiting to hear back from my Nurse Coordinator during the week of 11/16. She'll give us the AFC results on our donor. I'm praying that our donor has plenty of follicles. Enough for a fresh and a frozen cycle if needed. I started BCP on Sunday and I'm anxious to get my 1st IVF cycle started (it seems like it's taking an eternity to start)!! :haha:

Hello TTC74, PC, Llbean, 2have, Pinkie and MrsG :hugs:

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