Inconceivable and beyond :-)

MrsG - I hope Tommy is doing better.

AFM - I have turned up another natural BFP but my beta was super low (below 10). So, they don't know if it was just super early or if it's another ectopic or something. I go back in for another beta Monday.
TTC, keeping my fingers Xed that it is a sticky bean. Keep us posted !!
Boopin, wow !! you started your bcp. It is so exciting to start the process and at the same time when the transfer date approaches its little overwhelming. So maybe a month left for you (for ET ) . I am keeping my fingers and toes Xed for you :) so that your donor has lots of eggies for you to transfer and freeze.
Coolstar, wow the head is down how scary and how exciting. Obviously eager to meet mummy and daddy. How are you feeling?

Boopin, great news that you have started bcp. I found the build up went really slow but once it gets started then really flies by. Hoping your lovely donor is getting herself ready to give you lots of fab eggs. So exciting.

TTC, congrats on the bfp I hope you have a rising beta on Monday. Good luck.

AFM, I am still bleeding!!!!! I had my Skype follow up call with the clinic today and he thinks I am still bleeding because there are remaining conception products. Oh god, I really hope not. Thankfully I have my scan booked tomorrow so will find out what is going on. We also discuss what went wrong with this cycle and then plan for FET. Cutting a long story short, we were unlucky there are no obvious reasons why I had a MC and wants me to take a positive that I did actually get pregnant. He also wants me to get blood clot testing as its the one thing we havnt tested and he wants to make sure its covered. I need to wait 4-6 after I finish bleeding so might be the New Year now but I am hoping things move quickly so I can still get back out for FET early new year. It's good news that there isn't anything wrong but there is a part of me that wishes they could find something so I can take a magic pill and make it better. If only...

Hi to everyone else here, hope all babies and bumps are doing well and you're having a good week.

Pinkie hopefully more testing will help you understand what's going on and help you with success in the next IVF!
Coolstar are you getting excited for bab's arrival-you're very close! Any birth plan in the works? You took a birth n babies class didn't you? How was it?
Ttc that'd be the best to have another surprise natural pregnancy on this board, miracles do happen! DH is just in putting our little miracle to bed at the moment. Fx that your numbers come back healthy & high.
Boopin' all the best with np this next IVF, all my f&t are crossed for more bfp's for you ladies right now!! Let's have a busy 2016 ladies<3
Hey Ladies,
MrsG, thinking about your and your precious Tommy, I can't imagine what you're going through and hope he's improving.
Boppin, woohoo, you've hopped on the start of this ride! Fingers crossed for lots of lovely healthy eggs!
2Have, how are you doing with your lovely one? I'm getting so nervous about whether I'll be a good mum and cope with having 2, however I guess it's like everything else we've been through, we HAVE to cope!
Pinkie, I know exactly what you mean about just wishing you could take a magic pill, I think 'unexplained' infertility is one of the hardest things, however hopefully with a bit more testing your next FET will be the one.
Coolstar, how are you coping? You're 5 weeks ahead of me, though my girls will probably be born within a week or two of yours as we'll be saying hello early. How's your bump? I've gone through a huge growth spurt the past 2 weeks, so getting big. With at least another 10 weeks to go I'm beginning to wonder just how big I'll get! At least I've not got big anywhere else apart from my bump!
Sorry if I missed anyone else, hope you're all doing fine. x &#128573;
Oh TTC, how could I forget! It would be so amazing if you've got another natural BFP!! Got everything crossed! x
PC, I am sure it's only natural to be nervous but you will make a great mother. These girls are very lucky to be wanted and loved so very much.

Quick update from me... Had my scan at the EPU today and the sac has now gone which suggests a complete miscarriage, however they also done a pregnancy test which came back positive. I have to go back next week for a repeat test and scan. Does it ever end??

Have a lovely weekend ladies x
Hello Lovely Ladies,

I'm at work and it's slow right now, so I'm checking in.. lol!! I actually wanted to pop in and say how Thankful I am to have found this thread/community. I don't know what I'd do, if I didn't have this support group. No one in my life can begin to understand my fertility struggles. Unless you've been through it yourself, you truly can't empathize.

AFM, I'm anxiously waiting on my donor's AFC report. I pray everyday that she works out for us. I'm very hopeful about her. She's 24 (young enough to be my biological daughter). :haha: She's very active and a bright young lady. I love the fact that she's of a different ethnicity than me. She's absolutely beautiful (Lebanese & Korean). I didn't feel that it was important to try and find a donor that looks like me. I just want to be a mommy. That's what matters the most to me. <3 I feel in my heart of all hearts that she is the donor for us!!

Have a blessed & relaxed weekend ladies. Be good to yourselves!! :hugs:
Pinkie, I'm not sure what that means from your report, does HCG remain in your body for a while? Do they have to wait for it to drop before you can move on?
Boopin, what a lovely post and I couldn't agree more with what you've said. There have been times on this journey where I've wanted to scream and cry and just knowing that the ladies in here understand helped so much. It's such a nerve wrecking time, my donor was also 24, a good age for healthy eggs! Will they give you an AFC? My clinic would only tell me the count after collection, I guess they don't want to get your hopes up. Where are you being treated? x
Hi PC, Our clinic will do an AFC test on the selected donor before she's "locked in". Our clinic likes to see 15 or greater antral follicles for a fresh and a frozen cycle. We're on the 1 fresh & 1 FET (if needed) plan. It's reassuring to know that if our donor doesn't have enough antral follicles, we can choose another. But, I really hope that she's the one!! I love everything about her profile and it just feels like a good match. We should know the results soon, next week to be exact. I'm being treated in the United States. PC, I feel inspired after reading your TTC journey. You didn't give up on your dreams of motherhood and eventually it happened for you, X2!! That's so awesome!! Are you nervous about raising twins?? What a blessing =)
Hey Boopin, that's a great plan that your clinic offer, there's no risk with your donor, I have a good feeling for you!
I'm glad my journey has inspired you, though I certainly hope yours isn't quite so long and drawn out!
Yes I'm starting to get nervous about raising twins! However I'm also so excited and can't wait to meet my miracle girls. I know it's going to be harder than I can imagine but I'm sure the rewards will be more than worth it. I've got all the nursery furniture being delivered today, feels like another big step! I never thought I'd see the day when I had a cot/crib in my house! You will too, I know it! xx
Your going to make me cry PC!! That's so touching to hear you say that you'd never thought to see the day that you had a cot/crib in your house. And now your going to see 2 of everything!! You've definitely been blessed with your "miracle girls". Your going to be a great mom. You've wanted this for so long and have planned well, I'm sure. Your an older mom like me and I know you'll have a lot more patience and will appreciate every milestone. Don't be nervous PC, it will be fine. Are you going to have a c-section? What are your birthing plans? I'm excited for you!! :dance:
Aww thanks Boopin, that's so nice of you. I'll be having a csection, I asked our consultant and he said hed recommend a section, as he rightly pointed out it's been a long hard journey to get here so why introduce any element if risk. I can't argue with that! Plus we can plan as we'll know exactly when it will all happen. I have another scan on Thurs AM, midwife Thurs PM then consultant on Friday, however I thinki it's too early for them to plan when. Last time I asked they said they simply see whether the babies are better inside or out and go from there. I'm hoping for c22nd Jan as I'll be 37 weeks then. xx
Pc you will be a great mom! Just get organized beforehand :haha:
I think the most valuable purchases for us were the stainless steel Pura Kiki bottles that you can heat in 10 seconds under the tap - a screaming baby needs fast food:winkwink:

The huge tommee tippee steamer - throw 6 bottles, lids, soothers, nipple shields and medication syringes in there, hit the button and bam! Ready for next feeding.

The SpectraC breast pump - pumps milk faster than any other breast pump on the market & has a night light for night pumping when you don't want to wake the DH or baby. It's aldo the easiest to clean & mist hygienic because it's a closed system (check babylabgear). Git mine off ebay for $79 new :) rates the products you'll need. We also have done daily walks with the Uppababy Vista stroller which comes with bassinette, is lighter than 99% of prams and converts to carry 1,2,or 3 kids.
PC, Jan 22nd.......... so excited for you !! I totally feel you, even I am so worried whether I will be a good mum or not. I mean 3+years of my life I just wanted to get pregnant and now when the date is approaching I am scared/ excited/ worried how will I be as a mom.
2have, how is the little one ? My EDD is Jan1st, but my Ob/Gyn said she wont go beyond my due date since mine is an IVF, so I am not sure what if I don't go into labor by 1st Jan, maybe C-section. Need to talk with her about the issue.
Pinkie, I think its take time for HCG to get out of the body. Hopefully by the next test it will be negative.
Boopin, I am keeping everything crossed for you.
MrsG, how is Tommy ?
Coolstar/PC I am sure you will both make wonderful parents. I suppose for us we put everything into actually getting pregnant you don't think beyond that. Your little miracles will be coming into the world soon I can imagine it must be very exciting and scary. Are you now organised and sorted with all the things for babies arrivals? It looks like the lists are never ending.

Coolstar, maybe they will induce you after Christmas so you don't go after your due date? Especially as baby is head down already, certainly eager to meet you.

2have/Mrs G, how are your little ones getting on?

Boopin, any news/update on your donor?

Not much to update from me. I am still bleeding!!! Will find out more at the scan and test on Friday. I can't have my blood tests until 6 weeks after a negative HCG level so there is no chance of me having a FET Jan, I think it will Feb at the earliest. Will know more once the test results come back after the new year so in the meantime I just have to sit and wait... :coffee:
So happy for all you new moms and soon to be new moms!

Pinkie - so sorry you're having to struggle through this wait.

AFM - I went for my followup beta and it was 485 which was way higher than I anticipated. The Dr is very happy with it, and I'll go in for my ultrasound in 2 weeks. Bizarrely, just before my BFP I placed a call to find out about financing for IVF and the message is still on my phone!
TTC74, that's a great beta, congratulations. I hope you continue to have a H&H 9 months. Keep us posted on your progress.

Coolstar I fail to understand the connection between conception and delivery method. The women in my birth class who had to be induced had a much harder time of it. I hope you go naturally and never be afraid to assert questions or opinion - your body, your baby!

Pinkie after one of my natural pregnancies ended at 8 weeks I didn't have snything happen for 2 months. Maybe it's a goid thing your body is doing, i had to go on meds to kick start any sign of life/cycle. I hope the new year brings you success. Waiting is the hardest part!

Ttc congrats on your beta! I had a feeling it may be something positive:happydance::bunny:
When's the first scan?

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