Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Second beta is in... its 230.2 :happydance: I can't believe it. They don't want to do anymore bloods they want me to go for a scan in 2 weeks. I am in shock, we still have a long way to go but after 5 long hard years I am finally pregnant.


Flippen amazing news! :happydance::wohoo:::bunny::yipee:
Hi everyone. Happy weekend.

So pleased for you pinkie, amazing news.

Hope everyone else is ok, sorry I've been rubbish at keeping up recently.

We're still in hospital, been moved from nicu to scbu which is one step closer to the door!! Yesterday was a terrible day, Tommy had to have his feeding tube back in which wasn't easy but he's done well over night. We'll be in a few more days til he can take full feeds consistently but he's doing ok.

Hi Mrs G, I'm happy to hear lil Tommy's health is improving!! He'll be home soon. :crib:

Hello to everyone else and hope you ALL are having a great weekend!!
MrsG it all sounds positive that they've moved Tommy from NICU, he sounds like a strong little chap. How you coping, it must he so hard on you, sending you hugs. x
Tommy's a wee trooper Mrs G, made of your resiliency. Take good care, thinking of you both xx
Hi Ladies, how is everyone getting on? How are all the gorgeous babies and gorgeous bumps doing? Anything to report?

MrsG, hope we hear some good news soon and that Tommy is able to go home.

I am 5 weeks today, our first scan is booked in for next Weds which feels forever away. I am dying to know that everything is ok. My only worry is I am not having any symptoms, I know its really early days but I thought I would feel something, is this normal?

I didn't get any symptoms until about 2 months in...then I wished I didn't have them LOL
Pinkie, I did not have any symptoms for a long time (in fact I had nausea in my 2nd tri only) , I did not feel my baby kick for a long long time due to anterior placenta. So don't worry and relax as much as you can. I know its easier said than done coz I still worry that something might go wrong.
Hi Pinkie, same here, no symptoms which made it much more stressful. I nearly had a heart attack every 2 weeks and the doctor ordered more scans to ease my stress. Was crying on week 12/13 as I was sure we hadn't made it that far as I've always lost my pregnancies at 8 weeks. One day at a time <3
Pinkie, I had no symptoms either, just some mild cramping which had me convinced I was losing my precious ones. In fact I've been very lucky and had no morning sickness nausea etc. I've only just started feeling them kick as like Coolstar I have an anterior placenta which is extra thick as it's serving both babies. There's no getting away from the fact that it's a nerve wrecking time and the '2 week waits' just seem to go on and on!
I had a scan today which was a bit of a screw up on the hospitals part as my last scan was 9 days ago and they need to leave 14 days between measurements. However they did say that there's a possibility that one twin may have increased amniotic fluid, I'm desperately trying not to google it as I'm sure it's not great. I'm being rescanned on Friday (which will be 14 days since last scan) and seeing the consultant then. That said, the girls were wriggling around like crazy and therefore the sonogropher found it hard to get accurate measurements so it could have been a false reading. The risk of twin to twin transfusion should have passed so I'm not too concerned and trying to stay level headed until I find out more in Friday. However we've passed the 24 week mark so another milestone hit. x
PC, keeping fingers Xed that its a false reading. I was asked to do a detail fetal echocardiogram since my doctor told that IVF babies have more heart defects then those conceived naturally. The sonographer really had a hard time doing it since my baby was doing gymnastics like crazy . So if babies are not cooperative there can be false reading. Yayyy for your 24 weeks marks. Try not to worry much and do keep us posted !!
Thanks ladies, I feel so much better now and that's made me a lot calmer. But by the sounds of things its one worry after another, does it ever stop?

PC hope the rescan goes ok on Friday, I had to google it because I had no idea what it was and its says not to panic, its common for twins and continue to give birth to healthy babies. These little ones do like to give us the run around hey.

Ladies, where did you get your oversea prescriptions from here in the UK? I have called the recommended clinic but I think they are really expensive and want to get a quote from somewhere else.

Thanks for the info PC much appreciated.

So i started spotting this afternoon with some mild cramping. Trying to stay calm but freaking out a little. I've told the clinic they are not worried about the cramps but I need to let them know if I am still spotting tomorrow.

Getting pregnant or at least trying is going to be the death of me!!

Pinkie, I know one thing for sure.... the worries never stops. I thought once I get my bfp I will be worry free but than I wanted to see the sac, once I saw the sac thought would feel better once I hear the heartbeat, then came the kick. Even now I am scared that something might go wrong. Cramps are normal and many ladies do spot. Try to relax.
No the worries never end, I think that's it for the rest of our lives!
Pinkie, from what I understand spotting is very common and I had cramping right up to 11 or 12 weeks, so much so that I went for a scan at the EPU. I was told that progesterone (cyclogest, Gestone etc) can cause it. However it's worth checking out. Is your scan tomorrow or next week? x
The clinic have said mild cramping is a natural early sign, the cramping isn't worrying me too much its the spotting. Although it has slowed down and now just brown and only when I wipe (sorry tmi).

My scan is next Weds I will be 6 weeks 3 day, anyone know the earliest I can go? I am thinking of changing it to Monday when I will be 6 weeks.

Hi ladies! It's been a while since I've stopped in. So, I thought I would swing in and see how everyone is doing. I see that Pinkie is doing very well! Congrats! Super exciting.

AFM - Since my freak natural, but ectopic, pregnancy, I've been TTC naturally for 2 months because I can't afford to take additional steps until January. I figure in Jan, I'll try a couple more rounds of IUI with injectables. It's all very iffy given that it looks like I've got a wonky tube (we couldn't trace it fully on my initial HSG and now I've had an ectopic to suggest that there was a valid reason for that). I'm not sure what the next step will be if the IUIs don't work out because our financial situation is so ugly. I guess the bottom line is - I'm playing it by ear right now.
TTC, been following you on the other thread, wishing you all the best of look and that you get a lovely BFP Christmas present.
Pinkie, I think my first scan was at 6 weeks, if your spotting I woukd call them and see if they can bring it forward, my hospital were great and said to go in right away. If you're worried ask for help, sometimes you have to be pushy. x

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