Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Bettle it will be here in no time

TTC I know oh too well that feeling. We too lost the heart beat of our boy at 7.5 weeks. With us we had a D&C and biopsy to see what had gone wrong and it was a Trisomy they had missed... Hang in there, you WILL get your baby.
Hey ladies, I hope you're all getting ready for Christmas?
For those of you TTC and cycling soon or in 2WW, wishing you a chilled out Christmas full of hope, it WILL happen! For those suffering recent disappointment or loss, take time to grieve and recover, it can be a tough old road but stay strong and persist with pursuing your dreams. Those who have had their miracles this year, enjoy your first blessed Christmas with your little ones. Coolstar, I hope all has gone well for you and we can include you in this category.
I had my 32 week scan today and all is well, both babies now head down, one slightly bigger than the other. Neither will be big but booked for c-section 15th Jan so all official. After so many years of TTC, dashed hopes and longing it's very strange that in just over three weeks time I'll have two tiny babies and even though I have a very obvious pregnant belly, it still feels unreal! xx
Coolstar - Thinking of you. Enjoy the early days with your bundle of joy. I hope everything went well for you and your baby boy. Pussycat - I'm happy to hear that your babies are both head down. Sounds like their ready for delivery. 3 more weeks to go and you'll get to meet them.. how exciting is that?!?!

AFM - My nurse coordinator called today with really great news. Our donor passed all of her genetic screening/blood tests. So, this means our donor egg cycle is moving forward. Our medications were ordered today and will arrive by 12/30. I start Lupron injections on 1/1. I have my tentative cycle schedule and if everything continues to go accordingly donor egg retrieval could possibly be 1/26 and possible embryo transfer could be 1/29-1/31.

I can't believe this is going to happen. It seems surreal. I could possibly be pregnant by 2/8 - 2/10. Wait... I'm going to think optimistically and say I WILL BE PREGNANT!! I feel really good about this and have been working hard to get my body ready for implantation. I've recently lost 32 lbs and I feel healthier than ever :bodyb: LOL!! Enough about me, I'll keep you ladies posted as things develop.

I hope that everybody has a blessed & safe holiday season with their loved ones. And I pray that everyone gets what's on their wish lists!! :xmas4: LOVE LOVE you my TTC sisters!! Merry Christmas ladies!! :xmas10:
Well, I'm back in the TTC game. My doc wants me to wait 2-3 months but the mayo clinic says it's unnecessary to wait. I don't want to wait and at 41, who has time? So, I'm waiting to O. I also have an appt with my RE on the 21st to discuss options.
Coolstar, I hope everything went well with the birth and you are enjoying every minute of motherhood.

PC, great news that all is well and that you are now booked in for Csection. The holiday season always goes so quickly so it will be here before you know it. Get some rest and prepare for a house of fun in a few weeks time.

TTC, I hope you can move forward with TTC and good luck with your appointment.

Booin, whoop for starting the cycle, how exciting! Love that you are starting on the 1st, New Year and new starts and all. Well done on achieving an incredible weight loss, its so difficult so congratulations to you. I am sure that will definitely help with implantation.

Hi to everyone else, I hope everyone is enjoying the run up to Christmas.

AFM, I received a letter with the results from the lab following my procedure and it confirms that I had ectopic pregnancies in both my tubes and their suspicions were right at the time of the operation. Seriously what are the chances of that?

Other than that not much to report. Life is getting back to normal trying to enjoy the holiday season, so many nice foods and drinks so why not, I will be getting back on the healthy wagon in the New Year.

For those of you TTC and cycling soon or in 2WW, wishing you a chilled out Christmas full of hope, it WILL happen! For those suffering recent disappointment or loss, take time to grieve and recover, it can be a tough old road but stay strong and persist with pursuing your dreams. Those who have had their miracles this year, enjoy your first blessed Christmas with your little ones. Coolstar, I hope all has gone well for you and we can include you in this category.

I second everything PC has said above.

If your Christmas can't be wonderful this year then I hope it is peaceful. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. :xmas16:

I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone over the last 6 months, its certainly had its ups and down and I am very grateful for all the support you have given me. :hugs:
Hi ladies:wave: I hope everyone is settling in cozy & relaxed for the holidays.

Coolstar let us know how your delivery went, can't wait to see a picture if your cherub!
Ttc I don't believe it's necessary to wait, they also say that after delivery to wait a whole year to let your body recover but the truth is I'm recovered and feeling great! I've already tracked O and weather an egg was formed or not my body is trying to put one out. We take vits and eat healthy during pregnancy so why wait? We're not getting any younger!

Boopin all the best with your cycle!!

PC wowzers how time flies! I can't believe you've already baked your buns almost to completion! Here's to a smooth delivery!

Pinkie that really is the worst having a double tubal ectopic, I'm sorry this happened to you! :hugs:

Hi to everyone, tell us what you're all up to for the holidays xx

As for us - we're doing some major renos, resurfacing & staining hardwood floors, new kitchen island. We're out if the house vacationing in Banff national park (last week) and Panorama ski resort this week. Just deciding which day to go back for mom's Christmas dinner - tomorrow evening or Christmas day.
I've been tracking O and we ttc a week ago (don't know if I actually got an egg out of my body's efforts) but it's very clearly trying! Not counting on anything lol. Would love to get a bfp and go back to work, give the DH the rest of the paid parental leave at home while I collect my 600 hours towards another maternity paid year off. We'll see what happens!
So ladies, I was induced last Friday and from Sunday morning 6am went into active labor. At 11:45 am I was dialated 8 and doc wanted 10 for natural delivery but the babies heart beat started to drop so they did not wanted to wait and went for c section. Seems his cord was all entangled. At 12:53 pm on December 20th my miracle baby was born weighing 5 pound 12 ounce. I am still in the hospital, can't figure out how to upload the picture. Baby is doing fine :) , can't believe I am a mom now.
2have, your baby is so adorable. Lots of love to the little one.
2have she is precious and FXd for baby #2!!!

Coolstar congrats! Omg how exciting! Can't wait to see the little prince!
Congrats Coolstar on your baby boy, fab news! X

2H go girl on ttc number 2!

Pinkie yes what are the chances? Unbelievable :nope:

Ttc good luck in trying again, yes no point in wasting time x

Great news boopin for the new year :)

PC I can't believe you will have your babies in a few weeks. You are definitely a role model for never giving up after all you've been through x

Happy Christmas everyone xx
Coolstar, huge congratulations. Enjoy every minute of it. I hope you get to go home soon and settle into family life.

2have, your little girl is gorgeous, I could eat those cheeks.

Coolstar, congratulations! You have your miracle boy. I hope you're recovering from your section and hope your gorgeous boy is doing fine. Best Christmas present ever! xx
Hello Ladies...
Happy Holidays...
Not able to get on the site frequently, so my apologies go out to you all.
I am a bit overwhelmed with a toddler and new baby, but things are going well. It is so good to see how everyone is progressing and though I haven't posted, I have been trying to read along.

Coolstar - congratulations...sorry you ended up with a C section, but it seems it was the best decision in the end...hoping you have a great recovery and are enjoying this time...the beginning two weeks seem to be so hard, yet so different from all other times, so get lots of pictures and stay in the moment...

2Have - fab that you are trying again...hoping you succeed on your own

PC- you are getting close...eeeekk! Seems just like yesterday you got your BFP!

We are at 5 months now and I am really thankful for DE as otherwise, I don't think I could have her. Been dealing with some reflux and colic, but now I think she is growing out of it all and is a happier baby. Mamma has been tired, but all in all it has been good. Have to try to stay in the moment sometimes.

Really hoping everyone is doing well and enjoying the Holidays!

Congrats Coolstar on your baby boy, fab news! X

2H go girl on ttc number 2!

Pinkie yes what are the chances? Unbelievable :nope:

Ttc good luck in trying again, yes no point in wasting time x

Great news boopin for the new year :)

PC I can't believe you will have your babies in a few weeks. You are definitely a role model for never giving up after all you've been through x

Happy Christmas everyone xx
Glad you are moving forward!!! Stay positive, I think it is key! Good luck!

Coolstar - Thinking of you. Enjoy the early days with your bundle of joy. I hope everything went well for you and your baby boy. Pussycat - I'm happy to hear that your babies are both head down. Sounds like their ready for delivery. 3 more weeks to go and you'll get to meet them.. how exciting is that?!?!

AFM - My nurse coordinator called today with really great news. Our donor passed all of her genetic screening/blood tests. So, this means our donor egg cycle is moving forward. Our medications were ordered today and will arrive by 12/30. I start Lupron injections on 1/1. I have my tentative cycle schedule and if everything continues to go accordingly donor egg retrieval could possibly be 1/26 and possible embryo transfer could be 1/29-1/31.

I can't believe this is going to happen. It seems surreal. I could possibly be pregnant by 2/8 - 2/10. Wait... I'm going to think optimistically and say I WILL BE PREGNANT!! I feel really good about this and have been working hard to get my body ready for implantation. I've recently lost 32 lbs and I feel healthier than ever :bodyb: LOL!! Enough about me, I'll keep you ladies posted as things develop.

I hope that everybody has a blessed & safe holiday season with their loved ones. And I pray that everyone gets what's on their wish lists!! :xmas4: LOVE LOVE you my TTC sisters!! Merry Christmas ladies!! :xmas10:
Sorry for your recent loss, but glad you can move forward more quickly...Stay well and Hugs!

Well, I'm back in the TTC game. My doc wants me to wait 2-3 months but the mayo clinic says it's unnecessary to wait. I don't want to wait and at 41, who has time? So, I'm waiting to O. I also have an appt with my RE on the 21st to discuss options.
Quite and unbelievable IVF becomes necessity, however, I have no doubt you will receive a huge blessing soon. Hugs!

Coolstar, I hope everything went well with the birth and you are enjoying every minute of motherhood.

PC, great news that all is well and that you are now booked in for Csection. The holiday season always goes so quickly so it will be here before you know it. Get some rest and prepare for a house of fun in a few weeks time.

TTC, I hope you can move forward with TTC and good luck with your appointment.

Booin, whoop for starting the cycle, how exciting! Love that you are starting on the 1st, New Year and new starts and all. Well done on achieving an incredible weight loss, its so difficult so congratulations to you. I am sure that will definitely help with implantation.

Hi to everyone else, I hope everyone is enjoying the run up to Christmas.

AFM, I received a letter with the results from the lab following my procedure and it confirms that I had ectopic pregnancies in both my tubes and their suspicions were right at the time of the operation. Seriously what are the chances of that?

Other than that not much to report. Life is getting back to normal trying to enjoy the holiday season, so many nice foods and drinks so why not, I will be getting back on the healthy wagon in the New Year.

Hey ladies! Just popping in to say hi and hope you've all had a good Christmas.
Coolstar, I hope you're getting home soon. Will to interested to hear how you've recovered from c section. xx
Hi ladies, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
Congrats Coolstar - can't wait to see a pic. Hope you are now home and getting settled in.
Pussycat - 15th is no time away! I'm soooo excited for you!
To everyone else 2016 is going to be a fab year! May all our wishes come true!

AFM - I'm 6.3 weeks pregnant and all was going fine until yesterday when I started bleeding bright red blood. Typically it's the holidays so the Epu is closed so my options were to go to A and E or just rest. Bearing in mind there is nothing A and E could do and I didn't fancy a 5 hour wait - I went to bed! The bleeding has slowed right down (still pink when I wipe) so I don't know if it's all over or not. My scan isn't til 6th Jan .... Anyone had bleeding and been fine? It's just surprising with all the progesterone that this would happen. Am trying to stay positive. Maybe I lost one but not two? Anyway sorry to be down.

Wishing you all a wonderful new year! ��
Beetle, you are not a downer hun. We are all here for you. How is your bleeding ? Hope you are fine now. Many ladies bleed so don't worry much if it is not heavy. Try to rest as much as possible. I am keeping everything Xed for you.
PC, not much time left for you. How are you feeling ? Time just flies. And as Dmama said take as much rest as possible coz once you have your babies you will have none. And if possible go out for romantic dinner with you DH.
Dmama, nice to see you in BnB. Glad to know that she is now a happier baby :) . Wow she is 5 months already. We are really blessed for DE IVF.
Boopin, wow not much time for your cycle to start. You must be excited. Eat healthy and drink lots of water .
Pinkie, I am so sorry that it was ectopic pregnancies in both of your tubes. When will you start your next cycle ?
So I was discharged from the hospital last Thursday. My baby was not latching on to me for one and half days after he was born ,so he lost around 8% of his body weight. His pediatrician suggested supplementing with formula. Now he has started taking breast milk so its little better. Both DH and me are still figuring out how to change his diapers, feed him, bath him, make him sit in the car seat without making him cry and the list is endless. I am still recovering form C section , think it will take some time. Had our first pediatrician visit today and seems he is doing good, gaining weight and pooped twice while his doctor was checking him ;) . Although I am sleep deprived, tired and in pain but still trying to enjoy all the moments. Never thought I would be a mom one day but the pain and the journey has been so worthwhile.


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Hi Coolstar :yipee: Wonderful of you to pop in and share a picture of your precious miracle boy. He's absolutely adorable. And LOL at baby pooping twice while the doctor was checking him.. haha!! It sounds like you're producing more than adequate breast milk to sustain him. :haha: I have an appointment in the morning with my nurse coordinator for injection training. I start my Lupron injections on January 1st!! I can't believe that my time/turn has come. I'm starting to get nervous. I'm excited but nervous. I'll definitely take your advice about eating healthy and drinking lots of water. Did you do anything else in particular to prepare for your transfer? I keep hearing that if the embryo is going to implant, it will implant. If its not, it won't. That there's not much we can do to influence it. Seems like the best thing to do is relax, be healthy and be happy. :wacko: :wacko:

Hello Ladies =.) Cheers to a New Year!! I wish you all good Health and lots of Happiness for 2016!! And BFP's for all TTC!!

Beetle - I'm keeping my fingers x'ed for you honey xx :dust: :dust:

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