Coolstar, I hope everything went well with the birth and you are enjoying every minute of motherhood.
PC, great news that all is well and that you are now booked in for Csection. The holiday season always goes so quickly so it will be here before you know it. Get some rest and prepare for a house of fun in a few weeks time.
TTC, I hope you can move forward with TTC and good luck with your appointment.
Booin, whoop for starting the cycle, how exciting! Love that you are starting on the 1st, New Year and new starts and all. Well done on achieving an incredible weight loss, its so difficult so congratulations to you. I am sure that will definitely help with implantation.
Hi to everyone else, I hope everyone is enjoying the run up to Christmas.
AFM, I received a letter with the results from the lab following my procedure and it confirms that I had ectopic pregnancies in both my tubes and their suspicions were right at the time of the operation. Seriously what are the chances of that?
Other than that not much to report. Life is getting back to normal trying to enjoy the holiday season, so many nice foods and drinks so why not, I will be getting back on the healthy wagon in the New Year.