Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Boopin you are a mere spring chicken :haha:

LL I really hope you go for it! Sometimes I look at my son and he looks just like my nephew and my mum has said that too. I really think we pass on some dna to them like recent press reports have said :thumbup:
LOL!! Butterfly - I'm cracking up over here @ "mere spring chicken" :rofl: I needed a good laugh.. thank you!!
Boopin, don't be concerned about your age with DE, it's the age of your donor that counts! I'm 45 and pregnant with twins and it's been a very straightforward pregnancy. I truely believe if your fit and active before it helps enormously.x
I'm not sure that is an option for us but always curious... Hubby is not wanting to spend another dime on this so...seems Reprofit is cheaper than here in the US if need be. Yet I find most o the people that went to Reprofit are from idea why the US folks don't? Guess the inconvenience of having to book travel out again if it did not work?
Thanks for the reassurance PC. I have to keep reminding myself that my donor is 24 with lovely viable eggs. And that I have a healthy uterus. My embryos will implant!! I need to erase all doubt and stay positive. How have you been? How did the babies nursery turn out? Your delivery date is almost here. You'll get to meet your precious miracles :baby::baby: soon. Wishing you a smooth delivery and speedy recovery!! Keep us updated. :hugs:
I'm not sure that is an option for us but always curious... Hubby is not wanting to spend another dime on this so...seems Reprofit is cheaper than here in the US if need be. Yet I find most o the people that went to Reprofit are from idea why the US folks don't? Guess the inconvenience of having to book travel out again if it did not work?
I think there are lots of folks go from the US, there were certainly Americans there when I went and indeed there is a lady who can help you organise your trip etc. I looked into that but neither myself not 2have felt she could offer anything that we couldn't do ourselves, however check out her website or contact her if you are curious, her name is Magdalena Cogbill and company is My IVF Alternative it's worth remembering she is not a doctor and only makes arrangements so any medical advice comes from the clinic. If you mention MyIVF when booking grand hotel Brno you get a good deal. x
yeah good to know.

Again it's unlikely but thought I would ask just in case. I was told they don't show you pictures of the donor at all so you have to blindly trust they picked a match so that is why I was wondering what experiences were had.

I know Crystal says her babies look just like her daughter did at that age...My daughter looks like her dad (my first husband) so I don't want to show those pics to them LOL I rather they match to me
You won't see pictures of your donor, however this is very common in Europe. You'll be told basic info (height, weight? Age, hair and eye colour and a bit about the donors education, hobbies and character). x
Boopin, nice to know that lupron injection was easy for you !!
PC, not much time left for you to hold your miracle babies.How do you feel ?
Wishing everyone Happy New Year!! Hope this is the year with lots of BFPs in this thread.
How are other ladies doing?
I'm 17 days post MMC and still testing pos on hpt. I have an appointment on the 21st with the RE to discuss what's next. Since after over a year of trying I finally got pregnant naturally, we may just continue to try, but I'm so concerned that my eggs are crap with such a super low AMH that I just don't know.
Hi ladies :wave: happy new year, and let it be magical for all of us!! :dust:
There are lots of women that go to Reprofit and Europe in general from both Canada & the USA for DE IVF. I went to Reprofit, then Athens, then Athens the next month for an FET when the fresh cycle didn't work, and if we can't hit the baby lottery again this year I'm going back to Reprofit again in September. We accidentally saw my donor in Dec 2013 when we did our first DE IVF and she looked exactly like me. Same height, hair colour, build, face even looked similar! I wanted to wrap my arms around her and thank her but I couldn't knowing it would breach her privacy. She could barely walk. Obviously in pain from the transfer, her bf was helping her. Reprofit has one of the largest donor banks internationally and has been operating more years than most other clinics in Czech. Athens had a terrible donor bank, they also weren't very professional. Reprofit was super professional and now seeing our donor the first time and Crystal's babies (what a close match!) we'll definitely use them a second time. Athens accommodations & food were expensive and the city was dirty, we loved the islands but not the city whereas Prague was very affordable & gorgeous, one of our best vacations ever. The shopping was fabulous too!

PC is right, it makes a huge difference to be in shape and eating a low carb/low sugar diet before a transfer, and I really liked the advice from my original home clinic to load up the comedies and make sure you laugh a lot after transfer. I also ate an anti-inflammatory diet, lots of curry & turmeric, not much wheat, cereals, or sugar.

boopin my fx for you, when do you test?
Llbean, that's hard, I was pretty hard on my partner when he was dragging his heels with DE IVF, told hi that with or w/him I am going to be a mom so he can either join me going to have a lovely vacation in Prague and get me pregnant with his :spermy: or I'd go alone and use donor sperm. I make as much as he does and carry half the financial burdens of our household. He wanted to wait too long for kids and now I can't have them using my own eggs, not having kids was never the agreement! So he came to Prague and Athens and we tried and he's now over joyed to have MacKinley - no matter how she came to us. But it's a relationship-breaker for me to not have kids so he needed to choose, I was ready & willing to be a single mom. Not your typical bowl of Cherrios hey?
Coolstar how is that little monkey of yours, are you finding bf-ing ok?
PC I can't wait to hear your birth story, I'ms proud of you finally getting your family. You worked hard for this with your immune testing & treatments and now you'll work super hard this next year with newborns but oh man after that it's all pleasure & joy! I have a few mom's from B&B on my FB with their twins and LOVE their updates. On Uzk mom ordered a massive blow up pool in their second year, the thing only cost $60 and this monster blows water onto this slide - well I wished I could play too!

We've been busy with major home renos, redid the hardwood floors, retailing around the master bath & hot tub area, putting in a kitchen islandall with baby - really crazy. Thankfully we've had some help from my mom babysitting.
Athens had a terrible donor bank, they also weren't very professional. Reprofit was super professional and now seeing our donor the first time and Crystal's babies (what a close match!) we'll definitely use them a second time. Athens accommodations & food were expensive and the city was dirty, we loved the islands but not the city

For anyone that reads this thread, I would just like to point out that my recommendation of Newlife in Greece is not in Athens but Thessaloniki which is North of the Island. I have never been to Athens so can't comment but Thessaloniki is a lovely city. Also this clinic has a very good donor bank and because of their reputation they turn donors away and only use the best.

Just wanted to add that in as my clinic has also been amazing so don't want people thinking its the same place.

Thanks :flower:
Happy New Year 2have, sounds like you have been busy. New baby, renovation, trying for baby number 2. How is little MacKinley coming along? I bet she is getting a little personality on her now.

LL, there are a lot of places that will do a free Skype call with you and DH if he wanted to learn more about the cycles. I also know plenty of women in US and Canada that go to Europe. I was massively hung up about a perfect match before starting DE but once things got moving I really don't care anymore, a young healthy women is all I want, but it took a while for me to get into that place. I hope you and DH can make some decisions together.

PC, how many days do you have left? Are you feeling ok?

Coolstar, are you settling into family life?

Boopin, how are the meds coming along?

TTC, good luck at your RE appointment.

Little update from me, I had my follow up review today. Not much more to report than what we already know, we discussed my recovery which has thankfully be good and that my first period finally arrive the other day so my body is getting back to normal. We did speak about the lab results and my left tube was 5cm which is large and apparently I was very lucky it didn't rupture (scary), my right one was enlarged but not so big. Although a double ectopic is rare, she has seen them before. We tried to focus on some positives and the one good thing is that the embryos that we used had a very good implantation capacity, as they even implanted in the tubes and therefore this gives me hope for the one frozen embryo that we have, so roll on March!!

Pinkie, by the sounds of it your Greek clinic was wonderful, and with hearing that our Athens clinic managed to get one of our ladies pregnant - it can't be all that bad. I'm thankful they could deal wirh immune issues but didn't like how they held back donor characteristic details, didn't enjoy the dance music in the recovery rooms, stressed over a lack of timing (could have had to be over there for a month instead of 2 weeks), and Serum smelled like smoke. They're all different, each with benefits.

It is very positive that the embryos are sticky, next turn is yours my friend!

Little MacKinley is off to physiotherapy this week, she has a tendancy to tilt her head to the right. We've switched up the direction she faces when we hold her, change her, nurse her so that her muscles develop evenly and while she is strong enough to push herself up on her arms she still favours her right side slightly - imbalance of muscles. She's eating well, we have her on breast milk, formula and pablum now. Milk isn't enough to satisfy her. She's teething and had a terrible night last night, really painful so we gave her a dose of Tempra. I hate to see her in such pain but I guess this is just part of life. She gets out everyday with us for a walk even when it's -15 Celcius. She tends to sleep better, as do we, with fresh air.Apologies for the spelling, posting from my cell.

I have a friend who decided, after I got pregnant, that she could 'warm up to having kids'. I helped her come over from Cuba and she defected to Canada, she shacked up with a guy here after I asked her for rent (4 mnths after moving into my home) and she was lying to me about looking fora job. She cheated on when her bf when her Cuban for a visit. Then she met an American and left her Canadian bf for this man who let her live with him without working. He eventually married her and got her a green card. She's still not working and told me last summer she was going off the bcp in Sept. Now she's pregnant and refusing to take a prenatal (she doesn't eat veggies or fruit). Why is it that the people who shouldn't have kids never have a problem and those if us completely invested into giving a child the very best opportunities have such a hard time? Her DH's job is now being threatened asthey' e laid off 80% of the staff and she has no healthcare. She'll likely have to deliver at home without help from anyone but her DH. I'm so frustrated hearing her complain of ms that I've had to distance myself. It's not fair and I feel terrible for any child who'll have to be cared for by someone who's so self absorbed she won't take a pill once/day to avoid birth defects :cry: it's made me intensely sad & angry all at once. All babies deserve parents that care deeply for them.
Good Day Ladies <3

I'm happy to hear everyone is doing as well as can be!! Pinkie & 2have - I've begun lupron injections, took my last BCP on 1/5 and have a baseline scan and blood draw scheduled on 1/12. I'll continue lupron, start estrogen injections & suppositories and 81 mg aspirin on 1/15. A lining check and blood draw on 1/21 and 1/25. Depending on my donor's response, I'll begin progesterone. Possible egg retrieval 1/26, possible embryo transfer 1/29 or 1/31. Pregnancy test will be drawn on 2/8 or 2/10 depending if embryos are day 3 or 5. My schedule is tentative. As long as everything goes accordingly, this will remain my timeline. :happydance:

** And to add to the conversation about donor resemblance or not, being able to view profile pics or not... I was able to view all the donors pictures, but didn't make my decision solely based on physical characteristics. It was just as important for me to base my decision on the donor's age, education, philosophies on life, family medical history, personal traits, etc... Although she does have brown hair, brown eyes and an olive complexion like mine, she's of a different ancestry than me (Lebonese & Korean). It's not important to me to have an exact physical match, however more important to become a mother and love my child with all my heart and provide it the most loving home and upbringing. I'll love my baby no matter how he or she looks!!
however more important to become a mother and love my child with all my heart and provide it the most loving home and upbringing. I'll love my baby no matter how he or she looks!!

it's family day in Canada on the weekend of Feb 12, and what an amazing weekend that would be to find out we have another family in the making!!
I love what you said in the end there, nothing like my gf who chalked it up to 'I could warm up to having kids' :grr:
Hi LL :flower:
I'm receiving de ivf in California. Are you able to travel anywhere for treatment? It's very expensive here. So, if your looking for a fertility center that's affordable or on the least expensive end, I wouldn't recommend my clinic. I'm spending about 35 thousand US dollars for 1 fresh and 1 frozen de cycle. This includes 2 cycles, donor and recipient medications, legal contracts, pychosocial evaluations, donor compensation, ICSI, assisted hatching, genetic testing, embryo cryopreservation, etc... Excludes all precycle testing on recipient and male partner. I hope you get your questions answered from Reprofit soon. Keep us posted on your de ivf decision. Good luck!! xx

2have - Women who practically get pregnant when merely breathed on, just don't get our fertility struggles. Sometimes they can be down right ungrateful and insensitive. Makes me angry, too!! :grr: I read the story about your Cuban friend and she seems like a real hotmess!! Lol!! Your baby girl is adorable. I love her chubby cheeks!! MacKinley is so precious. Sorry to hear about her muscular issues. Hopefully the physiotherapy will balance her muscles. And she'll improve quickly!!
2have,bfing not going good :( . My soon refuses to feed from my right breast. And my milk production isn't enough for him. When he was born he refused to feed from me for 2 days. He was just crying and not eating anything as a result his body weight reduced by 8% . When his pediatrician came to visit him (he was just 3 days old ) and his crying was making us crazy and I was about to cry seeing him not eat anything for 2 days it was really heartbreaking, He wanted us to supplement with formula. We started Similac and I was pumping. Still doing the same, pumping and supplementing him. We had his doctor visit 2 days back and seems he is doing good, gaining weight. But he wants me to visit a lactation specialist.
Boopin, keep us posted. Glad your Lupron injection are going on fine.
Pinkie, even I think the embryo quality was very good since both implanted although in your tubes. I think you have a very good chances with your frozen embryo.
llbean, are you planning DE IVF soon ?

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