Boopin, great to hear all was clear with the scan that's a good start. How are you doing on the meds? Unfortunately I don't think they tell you much about the donor until EC, ask the question if you want to know that's what I did.
Bettle, by the sounds of it the worrying never stops, you get past one stage then you worry until the next. Make the most of your regular scans and try enjoy every moment of it. You've worked so hard to get here.
PC, cant believe your girls will be here tomorrow, so exciting. And yes they are super precious. Best of luck and look forward to hearing from you again soon when you are officially a mummy.
LL, good news AF was a little more normal this month. Fingers crossed everything is balancing itself out and I hope a natural bfp is not too far away.
2have, sorry to hear DH has been laid off, but by the sounds of it he is enjoying being a house husband. Get BDing and hopefully you can make this little plan of yours work out well.
Stacergirl, welcome. I replied in another thread about the lining issues, I hope it helps.
Oh and sorry no one won the lottery. I am definitely going to start playing again, with the odds we all beat one of us has to win it sooner or later!!
AFM, I have my blood clot tests tomorrow so hopefully that's another thing to cross off. I have also been told that if the AF shows up beginning of Feb as I think it will then ET can be from 16th March, which is exciting. Fingers crossed my cycles don't start playing up and delay things. I am also starting a temporary job on Monday until I fly to Greece so hopefully that will make the time go quicker.