Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Llbean, my DH always tell me our DS is simply lazy. Pumping is such a pain. At first I was planning to bfeed for 6 months, now I hope I can continue pumping till he is 3 months. Feels like quitting now, momma is really exhausted :p .
Llbean, my DH always tell me our DS is simply lazy. Pumping is such a pain. At first I was planning to bfeed for 6 months, now I hope I can continue pumping till he is 3 months. Feels like quitting now, momma is really exhausted :p .

My thought is (right or wrong) if you are stressing too much over it it really is not worth it. Some women can't even breastfeed at all and the babies all are fine. Any milk he got from you will help and antibodies have already been passed to him. Keep trying but if it becomes too much just be ok with it. When we get upset it affects our milk too so that is no good either. I know this first hand! If I ever got upset with her dad...fight or something like milk would sour. She would always throw it up! So, if you are stressing too much it's probably better for all concerned to just be grateful there are other options and move on. Give it a good shot but don't beat yourself up over it
Cool star I agree with LL about stressing over bf-ing, if it's too much don't lose hair over it! MacKinley is on pablum and I pump (I went out before DH and her were up this morning and left a small breast milk bottle in the fridge for them. I only pump twice/day and it sucks that he won't latch (I mean he hates the right boobie - he must have already a tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist or fussy at such a tender young age:haha:). These wee ones are all different, work with what you've got. She tends to cluster feed in the evenings and I find pablum helps her slow down a little and sleep better. Otherwise, it's just drink & pee drink & pee repeat a gazillion times!
Well I got AF back yesterday, I was shocked as I thought it was meant to only come back after bf-ing is done. I've started up the cbefm again and will see if I O at all and if we can do it again naturally - not holding my breath.
I have so many meds left. I'm temped to try a tiny bit of Gonal F with one of my cycles if it doesn't work naturally after a few months. Maybe the lowest dose possible? I feel quite safe knowing that I was on 450mg, the highest dose possible with no reaction at all. They say gentle IVF's are better for low AMH women and even if I did 50mg for 7 days and then tracked O to bd, I could put these meds to use before they expire...
Hello Lovely Ladies :flow:

2have - I say go for the low dose Gonal F injections!! You know your body - what works and what doesn't. You never know, you could get lucky with a natural BFP. And I agree not to let those expensive medications go to waste!! AF paid me a visit yesterday, too!! I've never been so happy to see the evil :witch: in my life. :rofl:

AFM - So far everything's staying the course on my tentative cycle calendar. My period was predicted to start on 1/10, but started a day early on 1/9. I have an appointment on Tuesday the 12th for a baseline scan and blood draw. And I'll get to find out about my donor's progress as well. I can't believe that my transfer is almost here. It's incredible and feels surreal. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'll keep you ladies updated!! Take care everyone. :hugs:
Coolstar, sorry to hear Bfing has been difficult but you cant say you haven't given it your best shot. I think there are very few who have an easy time with this.

2have, good news that your body is back on track, they say you are most fertile after having a baby so get BDing!! Good Luck.

Boopin, yey for the witch. Glad to hear everything is going to plan so far. I hope the donor is growing you some lovely follies and you get some good news Tues. Good Luck.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. x
2have, llbean thanks!! I have decided not to stress anymore about Bfeeding. I guess till my baby is eating well and gaining weight I need not stress about it.
2have are you planning to use Gonal F next cycle ? Even i thought you don't get AF when Bfeeding.
Boopin, how did baseline scan go ?
PC, thinking about you. Not much time left for you to hold your miracle babies.
Pinkie, when do you need to start your meds for March cycle ?
How are other ladies doing?
hello Ladies! Happy New Year to you all! For some reason I'm not getting the updates so sorry for my comms silence.
Wow - its all happening.
PC - I'm so excited for you! When is D day? How are you feeling? You are my inspiration - 45 with identical twins ... just like me! (except ahem that I'll be 46 by the time they come ....) where are you based? (I'm in the UK). I'm keeping everything crossed that its all textbook for you.
Coolstar: It must be heartbreaking when your baby won't feed from you properly - and add on top of tiredness and hormones etc. I'm glad you are relaxing a bit about it - its so common after all and formula isn't devils food! A lactation consultant could well help but don't put yourself through any unnecessary stress. You can only do so much! I hope you are enjoying being a mum otherwise?
Boopin: woohoo - so exciting that you are doing the donor cycle. Keeping fingers, toes crossed for you and well done for mastering injections! its amazing how quickly you become a pro!
LLBean - who knows now your thyroid is getting sorted, maybe a natural pregnancy will be on the cards for you. I really really really hope your dreams come true.
Pinkie - how are you doing hon? Have you decided when you are going to start a cycle with your frostie?

AFM - 8.5 weeks pregnant - haven't had any bleeding since 6 weeks. Am extremely bloated (I'm having to use a belly belt to extend my jeans!), no morning sickness (I think that's because of the steroids I'm on) but I have to eat very regularly or else I do feel a bit nauseous, and last night I think I had my first round ligament pain experience - I know it sounds bizarre and v. early but I swear that someone had a knife in my groin on my right side. It felt a bit like cyst pain ... v. odd - lasted on and off all evening but has completely gone this morning. Anyway - my next scan is a week today - I can't wait. Despite my symptoms I am still terrified that at the next scan there won't be heartbeats as this has happened in the past. My donor was 35 so chromosonal issues are still a possibility. So basically I'm suffering from typical pregnancy paranoia made worse by my history.

Apologies if I've forgotten anyone. 2016 is going to be a great year! :)
Good Day Everyone!! Nice to hear from you beetle. And I'm glad to hear that your bleeding has stopped. I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!! PC - How are you and the twinnies? Keep us posted on your labor and delivery. We're all thinking of you and the babies. Pinkie - When do you start your next IVF cycle? Hopefully we can be bump buddies!! I'd LOVE that!! LL - I have hypothyroidism dx in 2013. I can relate to your thyroid issues. As long as you keep your TSH less than 2.5, you should be fine. Good luck on a natural BFP!! Coolstar - Time sure does fly by... your little man is almost a month old. I remember when you were getting your hospital bag ready, seems like it was yesterday. I hope you're enjoying motherhood. 2have - Glad to hear you've started AF and hopefully you'll ovulate this month and can get your BD on!! Hello to anyone I may have missed. xx

AFM - My baseline ultrasound went well, no cysts!! My estradiol was 5.22 on CD4. My nurse coordinator said not to worry about the low number because I have DOR and the estrogen injections and suppositories will do all the work that my body can't do naturally. I didn't get any update on our donor. She's going to be seen by this Thursday. If all goes well with her, than she'll start stim meds on Friday 1/15. And I'll continue lupron, start delestrogen, estradiol supps and 81 mg aspirin. I've got an appointment next week 1/21 for a lining check and blood draw. I'll keep you ladies posted on my progress. I appreciate all of your support. <3<3
Hi ladies! Would you mind if I joined in? My dh and I started to move forward with DE after we had 2 failed Ivf cycles with my own eggs (1 cycle I got pregnant but miscarried, the second cycle none of the eggs fertilized so we couldn't do a transfer). Prior to those failed cycles, we got pregnant our first Ivf cycle back in 2013 and have a beautiful boy who is almost 2 (although we got pregnant with twins and lost 1 at 8 weeks). Since I have low amh, We started trying for baby #2 right away but started going back to RE when he was 6 months. Since then I've had 2 cancelled frozen DE cycles because my lining wasn't thick enough (my 2nd cycle was just cancelled today). my first cycle was with lupron and oral estrogen. 2nd cycle was natural with letrozole. The third cycle won't start til the 21st day of my next cycle and they want me to do estrogen injections and lupron. Anywho, I really would like to surround myself with other women going the DE route. And also see if you ladies can tell me if you've been in a similar situation with your lining and if so what protocol worked for you! I'm also very happy to hear that a lot of you are having successful outcomes!!
Welcome Stacer - Sorry to hear about your recent infertility struggles. You found the right thread for support. A lot of us here are currently doing DE IVF or have done it with recent success and even failure. These group of women are amazing, informative and very supportive. Hope you stick around to share your ttc journey with us!! :hugs:
Hi ladies, PC let us know how it goes, I'm so excited for you! Beetle, lucky lady to have identicals, I hope for twins too with one of our next tries. I took magnesium with my pregnancy as it relieved leg cramps when I was working out and is meant to prevent ms. Eating frequently and small amounts like you're doing helped me too.

Hi stacergirl & welcome, I think we wasted too much time with our local fertility clinic before we went to DE IVF. Low AMH doesn't just mean we're poor (or in my case non -responder as my eggs actually got smaller horrifyingly) responders to ivf, it also means quite often multiple m/c when you do get lucky (due to poor egg quality). It's a rocky journey but there's so many positive stories with the DE IVF ladies on this thread and so much information & support - I wish you a speedy success!

Boopin how are you doing with the drugs? I always got depressed with the bcp, itchy with Lupron, & irritable on estrogen. I love progesterone, makes me so relaxed & I always sleep really well with pregnancy levels. Love, love, love progesterone!

Coolstar how are you doing? I thought it would be 6 mnths before AF comes too but I was lucky enough to catch a +Opk a few weeks ago and get AF - what I've read is if you eat lots it can come back while bf-ing and lol, over Christmas, I ate the lions share! Enjoying sweet things again, they made me so sick during pregnancy, also with doing loads of home renos I feel like I can't eat enough. Always moving but with bf-ing we need more to fuel the tank. I just hope 2016 is another great year for everyone. There's so much doom & gloom with analysts saying how oil will sink even more and that silly Scottish bank saying to sell sell sell as the markets are going to tank (right), and with DH laid off (but he's seriously enjoying himself - maybe a little too much), if I could get pregnant again I could give the rest of my paid parental leave to him and go back to get my 6 months in for another year paid mat leave. There's so much political poop happening at work too I'd be thrilled to miss it all with another mat leave :dance::bunny:
:dust: for us all!
Hello everyone, well doesn't look like we won the $1.5 billion lottery jackpot after all so.... Back to square one lol

Hey one can dream right? ;)

Happy 2016 and may we all get our lovely perfect healthy and sticky BFPs!
LLBean - who knows now your thyroid is getting sorted, maybe a natural pregnancy will be on the cards for you. I really really really hope your dreams come true.
. 2016 is going to be a great year! :)

Thank you so much
Hey Ladies! Sorry been absent for a while, no good reason just been seriously nesting! I'm not going to go through you all individually as I'm bound to miss one of you, however I've read through all the posts and wish you all the very best of luck whatever stage you are at.
AFM, I can hardly believe that tomorrow I will be having my miracle identical twins! I've been so nervous but have felt much calmer over the past couple of days. I had a scan on Monday (my lovely consultant insisted to put my mind at rest) and they think my girls will each be 5lb plus which is amazing news as I will only be 36 weeks and was worried about low birth weight. For most people the birth of their children is the culmination of c1 years trying / pregnancy, however for those of us who struggle it is so much more. In my case it will be 10 years of trying one way or another and although every child is precious, I can't help but feel it makes my girls super precious. For those still trying, have faith, be strong and keep going as long as you can as it can happen and your lottery odds are better than the recent big wins on both sides of the Atlantic. Thank you so much for all your support. xx
PC - I'm so excited for you! When is D day? How are you feeling? You are my inspiration - 45 with identical twins ... just like me! (except ahem that I'll be 46 by the time they come ....) where are you based? (I'm in the UK). I'm keeping everything crossed that its all textbook for you. :)
Hi beetle, I'm in the UK (Brighton), having twins is do special, having identicals even more so! Have a look at TAMBA website (if you haven't already), there's loads of good advice etc and I've become a member. My care in the NHS has been amazing and you should get scans every 2 weeks from 12-24 weeks (as they keep a close eye on twin to twin transfusion risk), then every 4 weeks. Your care should also be consultant led, it does mean a lot of appointments but it's so reassuring. If you are at all concerned don't hesitate to call your EPU (before 12 weeks) or midwife after, they're there to support you. Do you know if your twins have their own amniotic sacs? So exciting! I'm having a c-section tomorrow, so my day is almost here!! Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to answer as quickly as possible, but after tomorrow I'll be a little busy!! xx
Llbean, my DH was upset that he did not win $1.5 B , but I told him be happy that you won $4 LOL !!
PC, 5lbs in a good weight considering you have twins and its just 36 weight. My boy was 5lbs 12oz now around 6lbs. All the best for tomorrow. Keep us posted whenever you get time.
Stacegirl, welcome. This thread is amazing !! Lots of supportive ladies to share your journey with.
Boopin, its a good news that you don't have cyst. Don't worry about estrogen. My estrogen level was low and they gave me a shot and it bumped. Fxed that your donor has loads of eggs for you and many to freeze. Time really flies. I rem last year around this time I had started my first DE cycle. And now my boy will be one month old.
2have, hope you get a BFP soon. FXed for you. How is MacKinley doing ? She is so adorable.
Beetle, I totally feel you. Paranoia with pregnancy never ends. I was scared till I could hold my baby. Always thought something might go wrong. But try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Before you know you will be holding your babies .
Boopin, great to hear all was clear with the scan that's a good start. How are you doing on the meds? Unfortunately I don't think they tell you much about the donor until EC, ask the question if you want to know that's what I did.

Bettle, by the sounds of it the worrying never stops, you get past one stage then you worry until the next. Make the most of your regular scans and try enjoy every moment of it. You've worked so hard to get here.

PC, cant believe your girls will be here tomorrow, so exciting. And yes they are super precious. Best of luck and look forward to hearing from you again soon when you are officially a mummy.

LL, good news AF was a little more normal this month. Fingers crossed everything is balancing itself out and I hope a natural bfp is not too far away.

2have, sorry to hear DH has been laid off, but by the sounds of it he is enjoying being a house husband. Get BDing and hopefully you can make this little plan of yours work out well.

Stacergirl, welcome. I replied in another thread about the lining issues, I hope it helps.

Oh and sorry no one won the lottery. I am definitely going to start playing again, with the odds we all beat one of us has to win it sooner or later!!

AFM, I have my blood clot tests tomorrow so hopefully that's another thing to cross off. I have also been told that if the AF shows up beginning of Feb as I think it will then ET can be from 16th March, which is exciting. Fingers crossed my cycles don't start playing up and delay things. I am also starting a temporary job on Monday until I fly to Greece so hopefully that will make the time go quicker.

Boopin, great to hear all was clear with the scan that's a good start. How are you doing on the meds? Unfortunately I don't think they tell you much about the donor until EC, ask the question if you want to know that's what I did.

I just received an email from my nurse, she said that our donor is cleared to start her stim medications on 1/15. That means I start my regimen tomorrow, too. I'm not looking forward to the BIG needles. I've been quite content with the tiny lupron injections. Any advice/tips on how to self administer the estrogen in oil injections? My first one will be tomorrow night. I'm used to giving the shots, not the other way around. :nope: I'm scared.. lol!!

PC - You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the early days with your identical miracle princesses. :twingirls:
Boopin , oil based injections are painful but just remember at the end it's worth it. I would just advice you to take cold compress and then hot compress , around 15 minutes each. It helps reduce the pain a lot :thumbup: .
Pinkie, it's good that you would be checking for blood clot. March 16th Fxed that the witch shows up on time.

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