Inconceivable and beyond :-)

That's great news Minno, February will come round in no time!
Pussycat I laid it on thick and let it settle with him for a day or two, and now he can't wait!!
I'm frustrated I haven't heard back from the clinic yet - sent them two messages but nada grrrrrr oh gosh I'm so impatient!!!

Ok now time to depress me. What are the success rates with frozen blasts? I'm being asked one or two back, hatching and glue? Im inclined to say yes to all. Carpe diem ladies xxxx
Pussycat I laid it on thick and let it settle with him for a day or two, and now he can't wait!!
I'm frustrated I haven't heard back from the clinic yet - sent them two messages but nada grrrrrr oh gosh I'm so impatient!!!

Ok now time to depress me. What are the success rates with frozen blasts? I'm being asked one or two back, hatching and glue? Im inclined to say yes to all. Carpe diem ladies xxxx

I'm pregnant with frozen blasts! As for the hatching and glue, if you think you'll have regrets if you don't, then do it. However, I was under the impression that assisted hatching was only used on embryos before they reach blast stage, as was offered it one time I had a day three transfer, though after talking to the embryologist, we decided against it.
Ah Leilani i didn't know you were preggo with frozen blasts - that has cheered me
up a lot :) now did you get one back or two?
I've been offered glue with frozen blasts and hatching. Had them both for fresh transfer also. Asked for embryogen too but can only have that with fresh xx
We had a chat about glue on 'the other' thread and I think it was Jooba that said it wasn't really found to make any difference (Joiba, did I get that right?), the clinic we use in the uk also said they didn't offer it or assisted hatchling as they didn't believe either made a difference, but it's weird that so many other clinics offer it, so surely there has to be some benefit? It's very confusing. Minno are you going to Gest? I spoke to them and I think it was them that prompted me to ask the questions previously. If it's Gest can I ask why you picked them over say Reprofit or any other? x
Ah Leilani i didn't know you were preggo with frozen blasts - that has cheered me
up a lot :) now did you get one back or two?
I've been offered glue with frozen blasts and hatching. Had them both for fresh transfer also. Asked for embryogen too but can only have that with fresh xx

We had two put back, and hopefully in just over two weeks we'll find out if there's one or two in there!

If things don't cause any damage, then there's no harm in trying everything!
PC, yes it is Gest. They fitted the bill for us. Fantastic coordinators, good price, located in Prague so easy to get to, great success rates, offered all the new techniques , guarantees of 5 eggs and 2 blasts minimum, reduced costs for subsequent cycles if you need them etc.
I've been impressed by them altho the one thing they don't do that would be helpful is full immune testing!

Leilani, wow, maybe twinnies on board!! Can't wait to hear the update xxx
hi ladies

sorry I haven't had chance to catch up, I've been really busy.

I've now had my aquascan which shows either a polyp or scaring :( I'm now going to Serum for a hystroscopy in December instead of the transfer. We're both upset that the transfer will be next year now, but at least I haven't had a failed transfer.

Have any of you had a hystroscopy and how was it?

2have what was it like on your own in Athens as I'll be going on my own.

I hope everyone's well and having a good weekend
hi ladies

sorry I haven't had chance to catch up, I've been really busy.

I've now had my aquascan which shows either a polyp or scaring :( I'm now going to Serum for a hystroscopy in December instead of the transfer. We're both upset that the transfer will be next year now, but at least I haven't had a failed transfer.

Have any of you had a hystroscopy and how was it?

2have what was it like on your own in Athens as I'll be going on my own.

I hope everyone's well and having a good weekend

I had to look it up because it is called a different procedure in the USA. I had one done when I was 43 after my 2 MC. It was not that bad however I had heard from other who had not had a baby that it was painful! They put like a balloon to blow up my cervix and tooka scope that had a camera and took picures to see if there was any scarring or polyps. Mine turned out fine! You have to take pain reliever before the procedure!
Hi Minno, I like the research on embryogenesis but it's too bad it's only used in fresh transfers, I suppose it's the medium the embryos grow in therefore if we get frozen they're already grown? I didn't like the studies/feedback that I've heard from the docs at Reprofit and Serum on glue, like Jooba said the docs seem to feel it can compromise implantation. I did a scratch before each of my last 2 transfers and I think it impeded implantation. For people with immune issues apparently it can cause too much inflammation. But who knows:shrug:
I'll be doing frosties too next round. I feel the cost of fresh DE IVF is beyond us at this point especially if we're investing in adoption process. I'm going to contact Gest as I like all of the extras they seem to have with their plan.

Sienna, I have no problem travelling by myself-in fact I really love it! I seem to meet so many more people and have had some lovely conversations the last time I went. I love strolling around the shopping boulevards. I usually do a little research before I go somewhere alone, figure out how to get to the best outlet malls, best places to eat in the market areas and load a whack of movies on the ipad because hotel tv in foreign countries sucks:haha: I load my phone with data to navigate the subways/trams/busses. Are you worried, is it your first time travelling alone? What would be your biggest concern?
When I'm alone I prefer to book a hotel with free breakfast and have internet in the room. This way you can skype DH anytime. I wish I could come with you:hugs:we'd have a lovely time!
Minno I was under the impression that the success rates with frosties aren't that different to fresh rates when it comes to DE but I might be wrong :shrug:
Thanks for the info Butterfly, that's encouraging. When our fresh cycle failed the coordinator told me to come back for frozen transfer quickly because he said my uterus would be more 'primed' so better chance of success. But they can freeze embies for years so surely you still have a good chance even though there's been a time gap? I also worry about thaw rates - but with four you'd hope to get at least one that survives eh?

2have, thanks for info on embryogen- that's exactly right- it's the medium they fertilise them in so too late to apply to frosties. Don't know about the other stuff tho. We had it last time and I got a bfp, altho of course it didn't last but I don't know why.
It's all a crap shoot, as you would say 😉
I think you'll like Gest. Try them out xxx
I just had a comforting thought! If I want transfer in Feb, I can start the meds with Jan period eh? And hey, if it arrives early in Jan well I can just go with it considering it takes about three weeks anyway from starting meds to transfer, and that's if it all goes well. So January here we come. It's November next week! Xxx
Hi ladies
Hope you don't mind me gatecrashing, Garnet pointed me in this direction. :flower:
My ticker pretty much sums up out story, but just to add although my otd for our donor egg cycle is not til thurs, I am pretty sure it's not been successful. Have had (numerous) neg htp's, am 13 days post ov and with dd's cycle knew for sure by now.
So this may be defeatist, to me its self preservation, but I need to know what plan b is. We are at the top of the waiting list at a different clinic and they will be able to match us pretty much straight away. We have invested so much in this so far, time, money and emotion, but for me to say we need to stop is a much harder decision than to go through it all again.
Right, am off to read back this thread and hopefully get to know you all better.
Thank, Kath xx
Sienna, I have no problem travelling by myself-in fact I really love it! I seem to meet so many more people and have had some lovely conversations the last time I went. I love strolling around the shopping boulevards. I usually do a little research before I go somewhere alone, figure out how to get to the best outlet malls, best places to eat in the market areas and load a whack of movies on the ipad because hotel tv in foreign countries sucks:haha: I load my phone with data to navigate the subways/trams/busses. Are you worried, is it your first time travelling alone? What would be your biggest concern?
When I'm alone I prefer to book a hotel with free breakfast and have internet in the room. This way you can skype DH anytime. I wish I could come with you:hugs:we'd have a lovely time!

thanks 2have for the tips, I have traveled in the UK on my own but this will be the first time in a foreign country on my own. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all at the minute. I shall do some reading up on things you have suggested.
Hi Sienna - I'm with Serum too. I had an aquascan with P in May, then after my mc after our July FET I had a hysto back in the UK start of September. I paid extra over here to be knocked out but the staff seemed to think I'd had no problem with it & simalar to aquascan (I'm just fed up being poked about). No one told me to rest up and I went back to work the next day. The worst part for me was the 2 days after where i was in a lot pain and just needed to sit still. If you're having it done in Athens, make sure you sort out some hotel entertainment, loaded Ipad or something. But the actual procedure & that first day I was fine. I previously found this with ECs, it was day after that I felt it.

2have - we only did DE last time, was very smooth as we only went for tests then ended up using someone's back up donor. We freezed the embies & had a FET in July. Which was soooo easy compared to this go.

AFM: Thanks for the welcome ladies. The stress of DE goes on, had my lining scan Friday and all perfect - phew!
First the clinic said EC is likely to be Wed / Thurs this week, & they'd mail today. I finally gave in & 5pm their time mailed them, likely to be Thurs / Fri. OMG this is slowly killing me. Me & DH have started our holiday and are sitting here waiting to book & go. Its so frustrating we couldn't leave a frozen sperm sample (quality too bad). I know we're waiting on someone else's cycle but after waiting 28 days for their AF and now the EC it feels like we're being messed around or our donor isn't that great. I could never do another fresh DE cycle like this, this may be our 6th IVF but its by far the most stressful. I think the clinic likes to keep people happy but I'd rather know the truth.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
thanks Minxy, I'm sorry to hear your waiting about, that's seems to be the main negative with serum and one of the reasons we're going with frozen as I don't have flexibility with leave at work. Good luck with your transfer, keep us up to date on how things go. Which hotel are you staying in?

minno February will be here before you know it :)

welcome Mrs G
Sorry to hear that Minxy. How frustrating. I am already amazed with how easy FET is to arrange than the fresh cycle was. I hope you get the nod soon.

Sienna, when are you doing your next cycle? We can be frozen buddies lol
I heard from he clinic today - I've just to start the meds as soon as my cycle comes round in January. So it's no time at all really. They said just pick a month and start when u want! I've still got to make sure they order me the meds soon tho.
Hi Sienna - the timings is the only negative I have with Serum. There is a wait on appointments when you're there as they're so busy but I take a book & that's fine.

Are you using frozen eggs or embryos? My FET was so easy with them. Good luck.

Minno - good luck with your FET. As you say FET is so much easier & less stressful than fresh.

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