Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi Cali -Kt and welcome to the thread. Look forward to hearing more about your story over the coming weeks.

Question for the immune experts - I do fairly intense exercise about 4 times/week. I've read somewhere that this triggers the immune system so should I be stopping it before my treatment cycle or is it enough to stop just before transfer?
Also my clinic have sent the prescription for prednisone to the e-pharmacy Andes me to take one 5mg tablet daily at the same time
I start progynova. Any thoughts on this dose- seems low to me? Xx
Hi all, hope you had a good wknd.
Minno, I don't know about dose I'm afraid, I've never taken it b4 and don't have my drugs yet, sorry.
The clinic rang toads as cd1 was yesterday. They've said I need to do 3 wks bcp as it's tight before the shut for Xmas. I never had bcp on a cycle b4, just down reg? Think she said it basically shortened it by a wk? Anyone else done this?
Hi Mrs G yes I had BCP last cycle, it effectively shuts your system down and enables them to sync your cycle with your donor, I think it's pretty normal. Exciting to be getting started! x
Hi all, hope you had a good wknd.
Minno, I don't know about dose I'm afraid, I've never taken it b4 and don't have my drugs yet, sorry.
The clinic rang toads as cd1 was yesterday. They've said I need to do 3 wks bcp as it's tight before the shut for Xmas. I never had bcp on a cycle b4, just down reg? Think she said it basically shortened it by a wk? Anyone else done this?

I've used BCP in all my cycles (too many to remember now, but I think it's 8), and last December was only for 15 days, so that I could fit in with the clinic's schedule for Christmas - I quite liked it, as it made time go quicker having something to do every day!
Me too. I had to take it for my fresh donor cycle. Caused me to bleed a bit until my body got used to it x
Hi Minno, yes exercise can induce inflammation but over long term it reduces inflammation. I'd stop a few days before transfer and try not eat things that react with you. Common things for me are gluten and eggs. Others react to milk products badly (gets gassy and bloated feeling), just listen to your body. I also took turmeric with milk twice/day, ate salmon, omega 3/6/9 oils and walnuts (the top 3 anti-inflammatory foods. 5 mg is pretty low, I was on 10 and 15 to start and at transfer 20 and 25 with my two cycles. If you're careful about food it might help. Are you getting excited?

How's everyone else? Mommies, pregnant ladies? Those up next? AFM we had an appointment with the adoption agency Friday and they got us into the Nov workshop which was already full up - which I was very appreciative of. We're busy filling out forms and doing up a 'profile book'. You should see the books some people put together, they're beautiful! I'm excited to design ours, we had a go at it tonight. Have to dig out some old photos.
Had a massive blowout with my sister, she's such a self-centred cow sometimes and mom completely enables her. Bleh! Now that she works in the same department as me I told her this time she needs to either make some effort to resolve things or find work in another department. Three times now she's ousted my from her life for years at a time for absolute stupid reasons. The last time it was because we gave her dog some fish (dog eats raw and human grade meat only) and she didn't like that yelled and me (after I dog sat for two weeks) and bam! Didn't hear from her for 3 years. Mom thinks there's something wrong, I'm just tired of the drama. You know how it goes right?
2have, that's great news on the adoption front. Sounds like you have to put a lot of work in. Sorry to hear your sister is being so difficult, it's so hard when people are that unreasonable, especially if you now have to work together too. I hope she chills out a bit.
Thanks for the info on exercise and immunity issues. I've started running again and eating really healthily, however it's 3 months before I cycle (going to pay deposit today for provisional collection date of Feb 9th!) so by then my body should have gotten used to my running regime after a couple of years break.
Cali-kt welcome! Good luck with your cycle keep us posted with your progress.
How's things going with everyone else? Crystal / Jooba, hope you're both feeling well!
Cali KT I think I remember you from another thread. Welcome here, these ladies are so wonderfully supportive and full of great information!

:hi: Hi Mells- Yes we were on an IVF board together. Don't know which one but I definitely remember you!! Glad to see you!
HELLO EVERYONE! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hope all is well. I've been super swamped. Spent a few days last week in Melbourne for a conference, have been doing a lot of Uni work (my own fault for leaving it all to the last minute) and have been hunting for locum work during my 2nd tri. Other than that nothing new to report. Pregnancy is going well - have definitely popped in the last week and a half. No hiding the pregnant belly now. :haha:

So excited to read there are a few cycles coming up. :happydance: Hoping for lots of good news in the months to come. :thumbup:

2have - tell your sister to grow up or get the hell out of your life for good. Who needs that high school drama!? Hoping things go brilliantly with the adoption agency :hugs:

Love to you all
Hope everyone's ok.
Thanks for the replies on bcp. Leilani, same here, if I don't go on bcp they can't get us in b4 Xmas shut down.

Had a letter from last clinic today confirming bfn. Strangely made me chuckle cos it said "we are sorry you have unsuccessful this time" makes it sound like a job interview I messed up!!

Pussycat, I run a lot too. The only neg thing I've been told was by my acupuncturist which said it would deflect energy away from the uterus so avoid in the week or so running up to transfer. Great news with dates! Is that in Prague?

2have, great news about adoption, it's fab when things move on quickly. Sorry to hear about sister troubles, they say you can't choose your family!

Big wave to everyone. Xxx
Thanks for the tip on running Mrs G, next cycle is Czech Republic but in Brno not Prague.
Sorry you got the letter, even though you knew it was coming it's always disconcerting to get 'that' letter. They are odd the way they word things and yours did sound like a failed job application! Suppose in some ways it is. Really glad you can cycle again so soon, got everything crossed for you. xx
Thanks so much for info 2have. I've been hitting the les mills pretty hard - have a very shapely arm and shoulders now tho lol. I am getting a bit addicted I think as I hate it if I have to miss a class. Going four times a week and walking my dog every day. Feeling quite fit and strong now. My diet could do with a makeover however. Im pretty slim so I kind of just eat what I like within moderation but could defo do with more fruit and veg - now on the pregnacare conception and eating lots of blueberries!! Will look into the omega oils don't like fresh fish.
Sorry to hear about your sister- sound like infantile behaviour and attention seeking. Don't rise to it!
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to update you! We transferred two grade 1 embryos!! :dance: My own embies never looked this it is very exciting!! Transfer went smoothly! Now I"m at home doing movies, football and relaxation. The wait begins!! I'm very optimistic and excited. The RE told us our odds are great with DE. I hope I'm not too optimistic and get my heart broken, but I can't help it. I'm hoping and praying these are our kids. Cross your fingers and say prayers for us!! Hope you are all well!
Cali-kt, great news! Take it easy for the next two weeks and we'll be waiting with baited breath for your BFP! x
Cali that's great news! Take it easy for 2ww. What day transfer did they do? Did you get any frosties?

Hope everyone's ok.

I'm a week into bcp, start dreg next week, ec pencilled in for 12dec. Right up to the wire as they shut down for Xmas!

Anyone started thinking about Xmas yet??
Ohhh there's so much going on, I'm terribly excited for Minxy and Cali - fingers and toes crossed for quick BFP's and non-eventful boooring pregnancies for both.
Mrs G I hate the BCP, hope you make it through the drugs without too many negative side effects.
Minno, Sienna, and everyone else (there's sooo many now it's a lovely big group!) HOW ARE YOU LADIES?
Pregnant bellas too?

I'm just reading loads on the adoption home study stuff. Getting electric outlet safety plugs, cleaning up, filling out forms, I booked our hotel because the workshop is in Edmonton, a 3.5 hour drive from us. I LOVE staying in hotels - I don't care about the workshop too much but the hotel YEAY (silly hey?) And I'm designing our 'profile book'. We have so many silly fun photos with the nephews in the amusement park/playing board games/sailing/hiking and apparently kid photos always go over really well. There's one that cracks me up of DH with a pirate hat on scowling hilariously at the camera as the boys board his wee 2 person sailboat. And the images from our dinner parties with friend's kids with everyone having a bounce on the trampoline. The best trampoline image is one of our nephew with his hair standing on end as if he were touching one of those scientific electrified balls - the static on that tramp is great fun.

We saw many books that were all about the couple's wedding and all I can think is how would a 20-something year old mother relate to or understand what a couple is all about by seeing someone's wedding photos? I really loved our Scottish wedding but we've only included 1 photo because the little kids were wearing kilts (and OMG they look so darned CUTE!) and my brother in law had shoved a bouquet of flowers between his legs making the kids howl while they were waiting for the borish photos to be over. YUP, I hope this is more of what the mother can embrace. Compromising positions and laughing until someone pees their pants. Welcome to my family. That's what & who we are at heart.:haha: It's brought back great memories if nothing else.
Thanks ladies! It was a fresh donor embryo transfer!

2have- Very exciting time for you. Lots of stuff to do! I love staying in hotels too! :) Profile book sounds fun to make but also a lot of pressure to put it in the right stuff! Very happy for you!

AFM- I'm already wanting to POAS. 2dpt! hahah. I'm crazy. I just wish there was a camera in there to see what they are doing. Hope they are all snuggled in!!
Thanks ladies! It was a fresh donor embryo transfer!

2have- Very exciting time for you. Lots of stuff to do! I love staying in hotels too! :) Profile book sounds fun to make but also a lot of pressure to put it in the right stuff! Very happy for you!

AFM- I'm already wanting to POAS. 2dpt! hahah. I'm crazy. I just wish there was a camera in there to see what they are doing. Hope they are all snuggled in!!

Congrats on being PUPO cali_kt - I just wanted to ask - how is it that you did a fresh donor embryo transfer? I have heard that some people don't use all of their frozen embryos and donate them, but I haven't heard about fresh donor embryos? Are they done at the same time the couple has their fresh transfer? Sorry if that is too many questions...fingers crossed!
We used a donor egg that was fertilized by donor sperm! It is the double donor program. I'm with California Conceptions.

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