Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thanks everyone for your support it’s really appreciated, I’m struggling at the minute and not sure where we go from here. We don’t have the money to try again for a few months & Penny thinks it was my lining that was the issue and wants me to have a hysteroscopy & scratch before I have another transfer. This adds a couple more months to get the money together for this and the transfer.

Boopin how you doing? have you had your beta’s and are your number good, fingers crossed all continues to go well for you.

Sienna, I know it's tough. I felt like giving up after my failed DE IVF. Don't give up, it will happen for you. Trying times will pass, just be strong :hugs:
Boopin those are great numbers.
Sienna was your lining thin then? Did she give you any feedback when you did your u/s that things were sketchy?
Minxy hi lady, how are you?
Hi ladies, just a quick one to say Sienna I am so sorry for the failed cycle, its heartbreaking. Take some time to grieve, stay strong and hopeful. This will happen for you one day. Hugs.

Boopin, congratulations hun thats a wonderful number. Well done, I see it happen for so many of you that it continues to give us, the ones still waiting, a lot of hope. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well xxx
Hi Pinkie - You'll get your BFP in 2016!! I just know you will. I have a good feeling about your next transfer. It's already known you can conceive and now that your tubes are no longer a part of the equation, there's no reason your frosty won't stick in its fluffy new home. Keeping my everything crossed for your FET in March!! xx :dust:
Lovely numbers Boopin – the first of many US will be here before you know it, looking forward to seeing your scan pic :happydance:

2have my lining was 8.7 at transfer

Anyone heard how Miranda betas went?
Sienna - I'm nervous for my 6 week US, another hurdle of the unknown. It's driving me nuts thinking about all the possibilities!! Miranda posted her beta on another thread. This is her post I copied and pasted to our thread.

"So we got the beta test back today. It was 640! That seems high! I'm 11days post 5 day transfer.. They only did 1. Ultrasound in 3 weeks time!"
Boopin, I understand your nervousness. I was scared throughout my pregnancy thinking something might go round. Enjoy your pregnancy, time just flies. I still remember the day I had my transfer and now my DS is nearly 2 month old.
hey everyone.
Oh Sienna it's such a heartbreaking time. Definitely take time out for a little bit and give yourself time to recover emotionally. I really think 2016 is the time for u (and Pinkie) to get your BFP! It's really hard someone once said its like running a marathon but u just don't know when it ends. But it will. I really really wanted it to work for u :)

Booking they're good betas!! Yeah! Right so your date is 18th October? When was your transfer? They haven't told me mine. I think I was one or two days ahead of u. My brothers wedding is Oct 22nd. It I keep telling myself cross that bridge when we come to it about going/not going.

As for me, well I don't feel any different. Not sick at all - but my Mum wasn't sick at all neither was my sister so taking that as a good sign. Waiting for the US at 29th Feb. I haven't really let myself get too excited by it - I guess I'm protecting myself incase it doesn't stay put. I'm back at the gym doing light things - my Dr said its fine just watch your heart rate, over heating and being too flexible. I was pretty fit before and know my body.

I read on here someone reckons they had like post traumatic stress from everything she went though with IVF she couldn't really enjoy her pregnancy. It dawned on me yesterday i think this is me at the moment. Well i had so much worry wth IVF and then I realised I'm just going to be worried when I am pregnant and my friend said that worry just keeps going as a mum!! So I've been trying to just mediate and put those thoughts aside. Someone told me just workout what u can and shouldn't be doing/eating when you're pregnant and then just trust your gut and let the rest go.
Ah Boopin I just looked back. Your transfer was 31st Jan. I was 28th Jan so it would be 15th October if I get that far!
Sienna, I'm so sorry this hasn't worked out for you.
Don't give up, I've been in your position so many times, your determination will get you your BFP, but do take the time to get over this. Each try is a gamble. I'm sure my lining wasn't that much more than yours at transfer and 8mm was the minimum. The endo scratch shouldn't cost that much so hopefully you can get the cash together. I had an endo scratch with the cycle that gave me my twins and there's so much positive reviews of this x
Boopin / Miranda, huge congrats! Thrilled for you both. xx
Hi Sienna - taking a break is really hard, I took 7 months between my cycle 6 and successful cycle. Cycle 6 nearly broke both me & DH, I never want to feel like that again but even though I was desperate to try again that 7 months did me the world of good. I started to act like a normal person again - not obsessed by doing all the IVF success things & I concentrated on getting fit so my body could cope with a pregnancy one day. I had both a hysteriscopy & endo scratch before our last cycle & both in the UK. Scratch was £150 can't remember on hysto but I paid extra to be knocked out. Xxx

Miranda - you've definitely got the right attitude to being pregnant. It's so easy to spend the pregnancy worryibg, there will be worrying times but everyone has earnt the right to enjoy it.

Good luck to everyone at every stage of their journey
Have a blessed weekend Ladies. Take time to LOVE yourselves and treat yourselves to something that you enjoy. You all deserve it!! :icecream::juggle::lolly:
Ah Boopin I just looked back. Your transfer was 31st Jan. I was 28th Jan so it would be 15th October if I get that far!
Miranda - Here's a link to an IVF Beta hcg Calculator and an IVF Due Date Calculator. I hope you can find them useful. :)
Boopin I’m sure your US will be fine; I shall keep my fingers crossed for you

Thanks Miranda and congratulations your beta looks really good, it could be twins let us know how your US goes :happydance:
PC, was thinking about you . How is it going with your miracle babies ?
Anyone heard from MrsG ?
Hi Ladies :hugs: Happy Valentine's Day!!

I just got a 3 weeks+ on a digital. I pray this is a good sign!! I'm not even 3 weeks development / 5 weeks pregnant until Tuesday. My 3rd beta is on Thursday. Keeping my fx'ed that this little bean sticks. I <3 this little beanie babie!! LOL!!


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Hi Ladies :hugs: Happy Valentine's Day!!

I just got a 3 weeks+ on a digital. I pray this is a good sign!! I'm not even 3 weeks development / 5 weeks pregnant until Tuesday. My 3rd beta is on Thursday. Keeping my fx'ed that this little bean sticks. I <3 this little beanie babie!! LOL!!

remember when they calculate it it counts from your CD1 so yes you should be 3+ weeks ;-) Basically by the time the transfer happened you would already be 2+ weeks
Boopin that’s great news, you never know you might have two in there :happydance: do you have a date for your first scan?

I’m starting to feel a bit better; it’s going to be later in the year when we can re try. I’ve been looking at other clinic options as I’m not sure I want to go back to Serum has anyone used Gennet and what was your experience or any other clinics in Europe that you would recommend, thanks.
Sienna - I'm so happy to hear that you're starting to feel a bit better about things. Don't give up on your quest to be a mommy. It'll happen for you, I just know it!! I believe 100% that it will work out for you. :hugs:

AFM - I don't have an exact date on my viability scan. I'll find out after my 3rd beta results. The US will be in my 6th week of pregnancy. Fx'ed [-o&lt;

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