Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Boopin how you doing today, have you stopped bleeding? :hugs:

Stacergirl I don’t get why your clinic needs you to ovulate if you are using donor eggs, mine was a medicated cycle and I didn’t ovulate.

Yeah it doesn't make sense to me either. I guess they want me to ovulate to then start me on Lupron the following day. Then 10 days after being on Lupron to start the estrogen injections.
Boopin--I'm a few days behind, but wanted to give you big :hug: for what you are going through. This is heartbreaking. I don't know how you could possibly focus on anything except this until you have a definitive answer. I do believe that our instincts are worth trusting, yet at the same time, those of us using DE have had so many disappointments along the way, it starts to feel like it will never work. So I will continue to hold on to hope that you have at least one healthy bean in there. I am thinking of you and sending you the most positive vibes for the best possible outcome in this scenario. :hugs:

Coolstar--hearing the reassurance of your story and of pussycat's, and of the other successful ladies is what keeps us going! Thank you!

Stacergirl--this is a dang rollercoaster of emotions, that is for sure! I'm glad you are feeling more secure.

Hi to everyone else!

AFM--I met with a new clinic I think will work for the monitoring since they assure me they can get labs back on the same day. In terms of lining, the vaginal estrace did what it was supposed to do as my lining was 11-something when I had it checked over a week ago (& then stopped the estrace). But it halted my follicle growth and then a few days later I started spotting, or maybe it was a light period. I'm confused. I figured AF would be heavier since my lining was pretty thick, but what I had was pretty light, even for me and I usually have a light, short, clotty AF. I've left it as spotting, but may change it to AF. Not sure what to do. Anyone else have ov/bleeding issues after stopping estrace/estrogen?
Hi ladies, boopin this whole process isn't fair. It's not fair that we have to spend sooo much money on creating a family, it's not fair that beans don't stick when we've gone to the lengths we have. There are so many things at play, your immune response, the chromosomal integrity of the embies (were yours pgd before implantation?) With my first DE ivf I have no idea why I lost 1 at 5 weeks - immune response? Then the next at 8 weeks (a missed mc) waa Turners Syndrome. So while I ordered a D&C done (and bawled like a blubbering child just before I went into surgery), I had immune testing done while awaiting the results. Such bad luck. Then after flying around the world to get immune issues dealt with, 2 more DE ivf's w/o even a bfp. Not fair! I think it's a lotto in the best of situations. That's why we can't give up, keep going and if you're back is up against the wall financially as mine was after 6 ivf's our last no-fail route was adoption. You can't beat yourself up, just start taking time each day to do something that pleases you, a walk, tea & chat with a friend, a book. And start thinking of your next steps for the next try.
Sorry you are going through this, tomorrow I'll be thinking of you sending you big hugs!!

Stacergirl would you ask your fs the reason they want you to ovulate? For those of us seeking DE ivf due to poor reserves this sounds outrageous and a wait like that would infuriate me (but I am quite impatient being into our 7th year now of ttc). On the positive side I read, during one of my fresh ivf's, on the Lupron package that the drug has helped many endo ladies as it somehow stops symptoms. I hated Lupron as it made me itchy & on edge but maybe if you have any pain it'll be a relief to you?

So I got in touch with a doula where my pregnant friend lives and asked for her to refer some classes that I'm going to gift my friend. There were 3 options for baby & birth classes and I hope my friend can muster up enough intetest to pick one. I think education and seeing how other pregnant ladies are going about their business will really help her get her priorities straight. At least i hope so anyways. That'll be my shower gift to her.
2have--what determination you have. That is incredible! And what a good friend you are, very cool idea for a shower gift. I hope your friend appreciates all your thought and effort!
I'm having a "missed miscarriage". My doctor ordered me to stop all medications, except for prenatal vitamins. He said that the pregnancy tissue should completely pass within the next week (probably a few days). The ultrasound showed a gestational sac and contents measuring a week behind at 5 weeks. He said that the pregnancy more than likely stopped developing due to chromosomal issues. And there's nothing that could've prevented this mc from happening. None of my embryos were PGD/PGS tested. My donor is 24 and I figured that the embryos would be of good quality.

The doctor ordered an Antiphospholipid Panel and a Lupus anticoagulant test. He said that I need to get my beta hcg down to zero, allow my body to recover and after a couple months, I can do a FET cycle.

The silver lining in this dark cloud is that I was able to get pregnant. My body accepted/implanted the embryos, they just had chromosomal issues. I won't allow this experience to defeat me. I'm going to remain positive and stay focused on creating my baby that I want so dearly. Thanks ladies for supporting me through this difficult time in my life. It really means a lot to me, especially coming from women who've traveled a similar path and now have their little blessings in their arms. You encourage, inspire and reassure me that IVF can and will work eventually. You give me hope!! :hugs:

UPDATE: 2/23 Beta = 9,025 :shrug:
Oh, Boopin, I, like many others, have been checking this thread today to hear from you. I had truly hoped the outcome would not have been an mc. It is really shocking that your 24 yr old donor had a bad egg. How do they know that, btw? Your spirit of optimism and hope is really incredible. I'm so glad you have a plan to move forward. You will get your rainbow baby! And, yes, it is amazing that you were able to get pregnant. That is inspirational to a bfp virgin like me. :hugs:
Boopin I'm so sorry to hear that. The chromosomal issues may also be sperm related as ours were. My DH has always had fantastic SA's too, on one of my iui's the nurse came in dancing telling me 'guess what I have' with bright optimism...65mill after wash. Well, again, it's not fair. Glad you're thinking of your fet. Relax & recover body & mind xx
Boopin, I am so sorry to hear this. Devastating news for you and your DH. Its so unfair to get a bfp and have it cruelly snatched away. Unfortunately even a young women can have chromosome issues, I think there is only so much science can do to detect the quality. I pray that one of your snowbabies will be your take home baby. Glad to hear you are trying to take a positive, its so difficult at this time but you are right your body accepted the embryo and you can get pregnant.

Stay strong

Hugs x
Hi Ladies, as you know I don't get to drop in very often on this post but I just wanted to say Boopin, I'm gutted for you and so proud of your positive attitude.
You should take every comfort that your body did indeed get pregnant, and I'll be keeping everything crossed for your FET. Give yourself a chance to rest, and lots of pampering and retail therapy and hopefully the wait will go quicker than you think.

On a positive note, I'm now 14 weeks pregnant with MODI (identical) twins (furthest I've ever got has been 9 weeks!). We had the results from our Nuchal tests and we are low risk for downs/Turners/Edwards (yeehah!). I still feel like this is happening to someone else but feel blessed that after years of trying and years of heartache that the Universe decided to bless us with not one but two little beans! To everyone on this post, the what seems impossible can happen. DON'T loose the faith! Big hugs xxxxx
Booping I am so sorry to hear the news. Not what we wanted for sure but nothing you can do. I am THRILLED you are not letting this bring you away from your dreams. The baby will come soon! Hang in there!
Hi Ladies, as you know I don't get to drop in very often on this post but I just wanted to say Boopin, I'm gutted for you and so proud of your positive attitude.
You should take every comfort that your body did indeed get pregnant, and I'll be keeping everything crossed for your FET. Give yourself a chance to rest, and lots of pampering and retail therapy and hopefully the wait will go quicker than you think.

On a positive note, I'm now 14 weeks pregnant with MODI (identical) twins (furthest I've ever got has been 9 weeks!). We had the results from our Nuchal tests and we are low risk for downs/Turners/Edwards (yeehah!). I still feel like this is happening to someone else but feel blessed that after years of trying and years of heartache that the Universe decided to bless us with not one but two little beans! To everyone on this post, the what seems impossible can happen. DON'T loose the faith! Big hugs xxxxx

way to go Beetle!!!! So happy for you! :happydance:
Pinkie, you are next ! Fxed for your cycle.
Beetle, so happy for you.
Boopin, love your attitude. I know it will happen for you.
Llbean, how are you ?
2have, how is your little one ? Hopefully your friend will take birthing classes and maybe appreciate the fact that babies are privileges .
Vonn, sorry I don't know about it.
PC, MrsG thinking about you ladies.
Boopin I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a miscarriage I was so hoping that you’d been having twins and lost one of them. Get plenty of rest and give yourself time to recover, sending you :hug:

Beetle it’s lovely to hear your now 14 weeks with twins :happydance:
Hi beetle, I've read you in a number of threads and just wanted to wish you congrats!! It will feel surreal even once you deliver. Even today at 5 months thinking about our baby gets me teary eyed. You'll have less time to get all emotional mind you but ...fab news!!

Well I got news of a great match on frozen embies from Reprofit. Now just going to do taxes to see if we get enough back to do a doublw fet adoption. I was also tested today for protein S, another thrombophelia related autoimmune clotting factor that requires blood thinners to carry a baby to term (and avoid a stroke later in life).

Going on an anti-inflammatory diet too to help get pregnant either naturally or maybe with an fet in April. No coffee, alcohol, juice or sugary fizzy drinks/food, low carb, & lots of high quality protein & veg.
Hi beetle, I've read you in a bad mber of threads and just wanted to wish you congrats!! It will feel surreal even know once you deliver. Even today at 5 months thinking about our baby gets me teary eyed. You'll have less time to get all emotional mind you but ...fab news!!

Well I got news of a great match on frozen embies from Reprofit. Now just going to do taxes to see if we get enough back to do a doublw fet adoption. I was also tested today for protein S, another thrombophelia related autoimmune clotting factor that requires blood thinners to carry a baby to term (and avoid a stroke later in life).

Going on an anti-inflammatory diet too to help get pregnant either naturally or maybe with an fet in April. No coffee, alcohol, juice or sugary fizzy drinks/food, low carb, & lots of high quality protein & veg.

woah that was quick!!!! AWESOME!
Awesome news 2have, hope you can start your FET soon. But will you be going for donor egg or donor embryo? And I totally agree , even now when I think about my ttc struggle my eyes wells up.
Hey LL, Cristina gave me the direct contact to the doctor with the database. I'm looking at donor embies, but pretty tall like us (170cm+ and him 190cm+), doesn't matter hair colour, green or blue eyes like us. So they have untested frozen embies with a perfect match but the pgd tested are 5'1 and 5'9, 8" shorter than each of us. I'm just wondering if PC, Crystal, Minxy, Coolstar - any DE IVF mamas really from used chromosomally tested whatever (be it embie/egg/sperm). I'm scared to get unlucky again. Been through too much & scared of blowing another $3000+ on this with no results.
can they test the taller one? I'm sure they will charge you for it but...

When I did IVF that was what did me in... I produced a ton of eggs both times and a lot of them fertilized and went to day 5 etc...but only one each time passed the PGD test...and the one I got pregnant with and lost at 7 1/2 weeks was because of a trisomy they had missed....(confirmed after D&C) so

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