Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Sienna - I'm happy to hear your doing good. I hope all goes well with your phone consultation this week. Keep me posted gf. :hugs:

As for me, my nurse coordinator says that once my beta hcg becomes undetectable and I have my first menses after mc, I can start another cycle. I'd like to try again in April/May. Until then I'm going to remain positive and get as healthy as I can.
Ahh Boopin glad to hear your doing better. I'm glad you've taken time to process and your body can get pregnant so I take that as an amazing sign. I'm sure the next cycle will be your golden one! - as it will be for Sienna.

Before on the thread a few people were talking about inflammation. I followed a vegan diet (give or take a bit of cheese on a pizza to keep me sane every week or so) in the months leading up to my cycles and I have no doubt in my mind that it helped me. Well I was vegetarian for two years before so it wasn't a major hurdle. I'd read the high protein info out there but honestly I didn't worry because I was eating heaps of beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, etc and it's surprising how much protein I ate in a day as its in nearly all veggies and my morning oats etc. it wasn't too hard after I got the hang of it.

Afm I heard the heart beat on Monday at the scan and it hasn't really sunk in. Weird? We've been wanting it for so long just protecting myself in case something happens. keeping positive though ;)
Afm I heard the heart beat on Monday at the scan and it hasn't really sunk in. Weird? We've been wanting it for so long just protecting myself in case something happens. keeping positive though ;)
Congratulations Miranda on hearing your little bean's heartbeat!! You've reached another milestone. Totally understandable to be cautious during these early days. As hard as it may be, try and enjoy your pregnancy. I'm so happy for you!! :happydance:
Miranda, congratulations on hearing the babies heartbeat. I have heard it takes a long time for it to start feeling real.

Boopin, my hcg had gone within two weeks and hopefully April will arrive quickly for you. Glad to hear you are doing ok, it can be so difficult to pick yourself back up again but stay strong lovely.

Minx, congratulations on your special girls, enjoy every moment of motherhood.

I finally started my meds yesterday, scan and bloods came back great. I have a lining scan next Fri fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

Have a good day x
Pinkie-fingers crossed everything goes well!!

Boopin-sorry to hear, but your positive attitude is what's going to get you where you're trying to go, on the journey of motherhood! Stay strong my friend!

Miranda-congrats! That's very exciting!!

Afm-I have my next appt a week from today and will know if I have ovulated and whether I can start medications.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Miranda it prob won't feel real until you have your baby in your hands, or at least start getting kicks and a nice big beautiful bump xx congrats on a heaetbeat!!!

Pinkie looking forward to your update tomorrow, roll on fet!!

Boopin, vonn, sienna how are you doing?

Stacergirl all the best on a positive o test, lets get the party started!

Very excited for you ladies:bunny:
Boopin I’m glad to hear you have a plan, I’ve had my consultation and the doctor wants me to have a hysteroscopy and scratch the month before my transfer. As they have a wait list my transfer will either me June or July.

Miranda it’s lovely to hear your scan has gone well :happydance:

Pinkie good luck with your transfer
2have - Each day that goes by I feel a bit better post mc. I'm looking forward to what the future holds. I'm trying not to dwell on "what could have been". It's still so heartbreaking. How's little MacKinley doing?? Is she crawling, yet?? She's such a cutie!! xx

Sienna - June/July will get here before you know it!! I've had a hysteroscopy done before, it wasn't bad at all. I had a valium and a shot of toradol. I was relaxed and barely felt a thing. However, I'm not sure about the "scratch". :shrug:

UPDATE: My beta this morning was 136. So, my body is doing what it needs to do naturally. I finally stopped bleeding today. And now I'm waiting on the results from the Antiphospholipid Panel and Lupus anticoagulant tests. I'm going to use this in between cycle time to get as healthy as possible. I'm on a mission to lose 15-20 lbs in 8 weeks. I can - do it.. lol!!

Have a blessed weekend Ladies :flow:
Boopin I’m glad to hear your starting to feel a bit better, you’ll be cycling again before you know it. Will the test’s your having hopefully explain why you miscarried I’ve not heard of them before. I shall join you on the getting fit and losing a bit of weight, I just can’t get the motivation to start yet!
Boopin have you had any other immune testing done? The Antiphospholipid Antibodies was one of the diagnosis that I got. If yours is positive you'll need to do daily celexane injections during /after ivf. When you grow old you might consider baby asperin too. It's a clotting condition that can be negative earlier in life and positive later in life. They don't know why however one of my doctor's 30 year old patients died from it when a clot formed and broke off and travelled to her lungs. Pregnancy naturally at least doubles our propensity to clot, there are many many other factors (lupus antibodies, thrombophelia, etc) that cause too much clotting which doesn't allow the baby to implant properly most often resulting in either a bgn or mc before 8 weeks. Thankfully I don't NKC's but that's another common reason for ivf struggles.

All the best with the weight loss ladies!
We had a spectacular sunny day here so MacKinley got to go to the park:
Lots going on here ladies and I'm not good at remembering everything but always wishing you all well.

Minxy massive congrats I was wondering how you were doing. Sounds like you have 2 beautiful strong girls there and I love the names.

Boopin you've been through a tough time but glad you are getting through it day by day

Miranda fab you heard the heartbeat! Yes it will take a while to feel real.

Have had a sick boy this week with fevers. The scariness of something happening never goes away. But the smiles and laughter make up for it.
You are all strong and determined ladies and I believe you will have your babies in your arms one day soon xx
awww 2have she's precious

Booping still rooting for your next cycle!

congrats to all the milestones!

I actually had a 28 day cycle! it's been years so who knows if it was a fluke or if it is my thyroid meds getting me back on track. Guess we wait and see.

Hugs to you all!
Lots going on here ladies and I'm not good at remembering everything but always wishing you all well.

Minxy massive congrats I was wondering how you were doing. Sounds like you have 2 beautiful strong girls there and I love the names.

Boopin you've been through a tough time but glad you are getting through it day by day

Miranda fab you heard the heartbeat! Yes it will take a while to feel real.

Have had a sick boy this week with fevers. The scariness of something happening never goes away. But the smiles and laughter make up for it.
You are all strong and determined ladies and I believe you will have your babies in your arms one day soon xx

oh no, sorry the little guy wasn't well. Hope hes better now :kiss:
2have - MacKinley is adorable and growing so fast. I'm still waiting on the test results. It's been 2 days. I have no idea how long it'll take to receive them. These are my only autoimmune tests I've had done.

Butterfly - Wishing your DS feels better soon. Keep him hydrated and give him lots of hugs. xx

Coolstar - Did you have the appointment with your son's pediatric cardiologist, yet? If so, how did it go??

LL - Congrats on having a 28 day cycle!! :happydance:

stacer - GL on a positive OPK.. 4 days until you can start meds!!

Pinkie - Thinking of you. I hope your lining is getting nice and cozy for your little bean.:dust:

sienna - Yes, if the autoimmune/clotting tests comes back positive it means that it could've contributed to my mc. The combination of blood clots and constricted blood vessels may impair blood supply to the fetus and placenta resulting in complete fetal demise or growth ******ation. I'm [-o< that I don't have this condition.
Boopin--You have a wonderful outlook. When will you have your hcg level checked again? The tests should help to either put your mind at ease or help determine treatment. The more information the better, right?!? I tried to get as many of those tests as I could done just for peace of mind. Some, like the mthfr, were denied because my insurance said they were genetic tests. I didn't pursue those and pay out of pocket.

Butterfly--I hope your little one is feeling better!

llbean--what are your cycles usually like? When my thyroid was at it's worst, my cycles were 30 days long, but my luteal phase was only 7-11 days long, with spotting starting days in advance of heavy flow. That makes things impossible! Hope your meds do the trick!

Sienna--how far in advance of the July-ish transfer will you have the hysteroscopy/scratch?

2have--It's wonderful to get outside again, isn't it? Happy little girl! I couldn't agree more with your comment about antibiotic use here in the US. It's shameful. I'm sure my candida emerged slowly over time because of a gut infection in my 20s, followed by being on birth control for years and a decade of being on extremely low dose antibiotics for acne. I asked all the time if it was okay for me to be on antibiotics and my gp and derm said it was fine because the dose was so low. WRONG. Grrrrrrrr.

I'm gonna split this up, it's getting loooooong
Stacer--how long will you be on meds? What are you taking? I can't recall where you are at & where you are cycling. Do you need to travel?

Miranda--how glorious to hear the hb, congratulations!!! :cloud9:

Pinkie--less than a week until your scan. I hope everything will look perfect. What meds are you on?

Minxy--so many sets of girl twins on this thread! So glad to hear your babies are thriving. I am still trying to learn people's stories. Did you put two embryos in and one took and split?

Crystal--beautiful daughters, are they identical? They look like it! Same question for you as for Minxy, if you don't mind sharing how you got your girls.

Coolstar--have you been to the pediatric cardiologist yet? I hope everything is fine, that must be scary! Sorry I don't know, but what kind of trouble does ds have?

Did I miss anyone? I hope not. Sorry if I did!
AFM--I just got a "peak" on my advanced opks. Skipped the "high" and went straight to "peak." I'm still not sure if I've got my cycle correct. Either I'm about to ovulate really, really late after stopping estrogen, or my cycle actually restarted when I thought it was just withdrawal bleeding, in which case, I'll still be ovulating pretty late. One last chance before the DE IVF! I hope.

Just heard back that the donor we want just had retrieval & they will contact her on March 14 to see if she wants to do her last cycle. Potentially only a week before we know if she'll go again. Then we need to figure out if we are first in line or second. Hopefully, we'll get her either way. The nurse seemed to think she'd want to cycle one more time, but she didn't know for sure. Feels like progress!!!

FYI, my sister got AF on her 3rd IUI. (I think I've mentioned her on here before...) She's doing at least one more IUI with femara & progesterone. She and dh haven't talked next steps beyond that. She has a s-i-l who's younger than her & had to do 4 IUIs to get her 1st baby (for #2 the 1st IUI worked). The b-i-l has sperm issues, but I think my sis wants to do 4 just to be sure since her s-i-l needed that many. Neither my sis nor her DH have anything wrong (at least that they've figured out yet), she's 34/he's 35 or 36. I told her a bunch of add'l tests to have done (AMH, prolactin, vit d, etc.), but her ObGyn blew them off and my sis listened to her dr. and didn't push for them. I was/am annoyed, but her journey is not my journey. I wish she didn't have to be on this journey at all.
2have, thanks for posting the pics. She is adorable :)
Butterfly, I am sorry your DS is suffering from fever. Hope he is fine now. I know it's so tough to see them suffer.
Llbean, congrats on your 28 days cycle. Are you opking ?
Boopin, still waiting for call from cardiologist office for an appointment. You know how it works, it's really frustrating.
Pinkie, how did your scan go ?
Sienna, how did your phone consultation go ?
Vonn, do you have another donor if the current donor decides not to go ahead ? I hope your sister gets BFP soon.
Mirinda, congratulations on hearing the heartbeat. It's amazing isn't it !
llbean--what are your cycles usually like? When my thyroid was at it's worst, my cycles were 30 days long, but my luteal phase was only 7-11 days long, with spotting starting days in advance of heavy flow. That makes things impossible! Hope your meds do the trick!

I was 28 days always until doing IVF (just discovered that recently) my cycles actually had gotten shorter... 25 days (gradually got down to that)

Funny thing is I just found a blog post of someone who also had thyroid issues after IVF... yes I do have family history as well and had not noticed anything crazy immediately after (that I knew of) but after finally seeing 28 days I went back to see when it was the last time and sure enough...IVF...wondering if it had anything to do the meds with my thyroid...guess we will never know

Llbean, congrats on your 28 days cycle. Are you opking ?

yes and that is how I suspected it would be a 28 day cycle because I O'd on CD14 for a change...had been usually CD 12 or so

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