Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Sounds worth it hey? Don't think they can test them once they're frozen.
check it out...looks like it can be done
2have--do you know the ages of people donating embryos? And do you know the results of their attempts with the embryos they used? That info might help me decide if it'd be okay to go ahead with untested ones. It is amazing that they have any that are pgd tested, that seems fairly uncommon. It would be reassuring to know they've been checked. It's a tough call, good luck!

Also, on the diet front...good for you for doing an anti-inflammatory diet! My dr thinks inflammation is the #1 cause of unknown infertility. I am taking homemade turmeric pills to help with inflammation. Turmeric is supposed to be super good for you. I am also on a really strict diet for the sugar, no grains, no dairy, no starches, no alcohol, no caffeine. So far no cheating, 23 days in.

llbean--how awful that you had the testing and a chromosomal abnormality slipped through. That has to be fairly rare, isn't it?

Beetle--you and PC both have the most amazing story with the identicals. So glad things are going well for you!

Boopin--still thinking about you, hope you're okay

Pinkie--you are less than a month away! Doing anything special to prepare?

Stacergirl--how's it going?

Sienna--how are you doing?

Hi to everyone else!

AFM--I went to a donor conception support group a couple nights ago. Live and in-person! It's a new group, only their 2nd meeting. Apparently there were enough donor folks in the IVF support group to split off and make their own. It was amazing to sit in the same room with others in similar positions. It was mainly couples, but since my DH works evenings he can never come.

Two of the couples hadn't transferred embies yet; one couple was 16 weeks with twins; one couple had just had their 2nd confirming beta; and one guy came without his wife (she had a conflict). Turns out that guy is one of my closest colleagues!!! My jaw just about dropped when he walked in the room. We both had shared with the other that we were dealing with fertility troubles & he knew I was moving towards IVF. But he didn't know it was with donor eggs. And I knew his wife is having a polypectomy next week, but I didn't know they needed donor sperm. It was more than a little weird. Since he went to the first meeting, I asked him if he minded if I joined the group & he was fine with it. I think it will be amazing to have this group.

One of the questions that was brought up was how many to transfer. The ppl pregnant with twins had transferred 2 and the newly pg couple had transferred 1. It was an interesting discussion, with good points on both sides. I'm still undecided (though I know it all depends on the fertilization report & lots of variables, so impossible to really "know" ahead of time). I think my DH leans towards 1.
here in the US (or at least in GA) I've been told that they won't transfer 2 because of the increased possibility of twins and with "advanced maternal age" (which is dumb since anyone 35 or over fall in that category) they really think its too risky for the mother.
The clinic in Minnesota I was going to and the clinic in NY I will be going to both say they recommend transferring 1 but will do 2. The clinics around you sound more strict than some in other locations. That's interesting.
The clinic in Minnesota I was going to and the clinic in NY I will be going to both say they recommend transferring 1 but will do 2. The clinics around you sound more strict than some in other locations. That's interesting.

Actually went to hear the spiel in one and I asked that...the main doctor said that they are so good at screening donors (75% of candidates get refused allegedly) that inevitably every time they have put two in they have gotten twins lol

I don't see the problem :winkwink: but apparently they do. Guess with one you can still have the egg split

Actually met a woman at target once that had what clearly we're twins and anothe boy that seemed older or bigger but not a full year.... Turns out it was IVF and they put two in.... One split and the other remained a singleton....she had triplets! Now that would surely freighten me lol
Hi Ladies, I am finding the time to sit down and catch up on all the posts, I seriously miss talking to everyone regularly.

Bettle, huge congrats on your twins and making it to 14 weeks. After everything you have been through I am sure this must seem pretty surreal. So happy for you and like all the other successful ladies on here you continue to give me hope.

2have, so exciting that you have a potential donor embryo. I completely understand why you are scared, after so many disappointments I think each transfer gets harder. You are a strong, brave women and I have no doubt you will make the right decision and make this work for you.

Vonn, I would have been shocked seeing a colleague in my group too, such a small world. Its nice that you have someone close to share this with, hopefully you can meet up with his wife too for extra support. There is always the question about transferring 1 or 2, sometimes I haven't had the choice but if I did Id go for two. I have heard the success rate goes up slightly and I would love to complete my family in one go so I can put this infertility behind me and move on. However I only have one frozen embryo and if the world blesses me with one child I will be happy.

LLbean, I didn't realise the outcome of your last pregnancy, I am so sorry to hear that.

Boopin, Sienna, stacergirl - I hope you are all doing ok.

Pc, Coolstar, MrsG, I hope you and the little ones are still well and loving motherhood.

This time in 3 weeks I will hopefully be PUPO, I am waiting for AF to arrive which should be in the next few days and I can start my next stage of building a beautiful lining. I am started to get really nervous, I keep thinking 'what if my lining doesn't thicken enough', 'what if my embryo doesn't survive the thawing', I will fly all the way over there and be devastated. I know this is only natural but I only want positive thoughts. I am not doing anything extra special to prepare, I am just making sure I stick to a healthy diet, lots of water and gentle exercise. Roll on the next 3 weeks.

Have a good weekend :flower:
I’m good thx Vonn, I’ve contacted Gennet and have all the forms to complete, hopefully looking at trying again in June. The group you’ve joined sounds that it’ll provide you with good support, there’s nothing like that near me.

2have and Pinkie good luck with your transfers which clinic are you both going to?

How’s everyone else doing?
2H I was going to ask the same as Vonn - what age are the donors? I didn't have any testing done on mine because she was 21 so I figured that would be okay. And as these are leftover embryos I guess we can assume that the other ones were successful ? So hopefully they should be good 😃
Hi ladies, Reprofit don't use leftover embryos.. They are created from egg donors and male donors so no infertility or treatments are
an issue. They have an actual embryo bank if that makes sense.

Hope everyone is doing well just popped in for a quick hello! Hopefully everyone has their BFP soon, you just have to keep going. Congrats to all the BFP's and new bubbas, for a bunch of infertile women we sure produce lots of beautiful babies :)

My girls will be 11 months in two days, can't believe we're almost at a year old! I still feel so lucky everyday to have my girls :) Anyway hope everyone is keeping well!
Wow Crystal...hard to believe it's been almost a year!!!!! They are perfect!
2have--do you know the ages of people donating embryos?

Also, on the diet front...good for you for doing an anti-inflammatory diet! My dr thinks inflammation is the #1 cause of unknown infertility. I am taking homemade turmeric pills to help with inflammation. Turmeric is supposed to be super good for you. I am also on a really strict diet for the sugar, no grains, no dairy, no starches, no alcohol, no caffeine. So far no cheating, 23 days in.

Vonn I take turmeric too! I cook with it, when I do IVF's I take it with milk and my fs has said that inflammation is terrible for us in so many ways. Just make sure you brush your teeth well right afterwards lol. Good for you for being so disciplined!!! It's the main reason I got food intolerance testing with a naturopath & allergy testing done, arthritis & immune issues naturally give me inflammation I just want to be preventing food related inglammation too. DH got me a fizzer machine for water so I drink alot of lemon fizzy water & tea (ginger etc). And yes the candida thing contributes to inflammation as well as yeast/uti/vag infections (mostly candida & immune system related). I hate seeing people try to cure chronic yeast or uti infections with antibiotics. They've already killed their gut flora with sugary drinks & foods and then they go and take antibiotics over and over? Try cleaning up the sugar/carbs in the diet, take a probiotic and eat prebiotic foods. But 99% if doctors push the pills so:shrug: I have been very lazy to not try to lose the extra weight from the pregnancy (it's under 10 lbs but still feeling lazy & nit getting to the gym regularly) so hopefully a few months of clean eating will help this too.

Pinkie & all the ladies gearing up for transfers soon all the best!!! Treat yourself kindly & think positive thoughts :dance::dust:
Hey LL, Cristina gave me the direct contact to the doctor with the database. I'm looking at donor embies, but pretty tall like us (170cm+ and him 190cm+), doesn't matter hair colour, green or blue eyes like us. So they have untested frozen embies with a perfect match but the pgd tested are 5'1 and 5'9, 8" shorter than each of us. I'm just wondering if PC, Crystal, Minxy, Coolstar - any DE IVF mamas really from used chromosomally tested whatever (be it embie/egg/sperm). I'm scared to get unlucky again. Been through too much & scared of blowing another $3000+ on this with no results.

We did not do PGS testing but I would definitely say if money is not the issue and if it is feasible then go ahead with PGS testing :thumbup: .

DS had his vaccination last week. He was fine and slept a lot. DH held him while I stood in the corner of the room looking at the ceiling :dohh: . DS has been referred to pediatric cardiologist ( UCSF ) . His pediatrician said he could hear heart murmur so wanted us to check. I am just praying it's nothing serious.
Crystal, enjoy your girls 1st birthday.

Coolstar, sorry to hear DS has to go for a check up, I hope that just sounds more scary than it actually is. I hope everything is ok.

2have, good luck with the clean eating and losing weight. That's always a battle of my life. I need to lose the same amount and I find it such a struggle.

Hope everyone else is doing well, any other news?

AFM, AF finally arrived (always late when you don't want it to be) I have my baseline scan and bloods tomorrow and then hopefully I can start my meds. I got the first appointment to get same day result so I can stay on track. Its an early start!

Boopin - I'm so sorry to hear your news. almost the same thing happened to us ivf5 (DH sperm & donor egg), for 1 week I'd been the happiest ever, I was devastated. The next year was tough but remembering how happy I'd been kept me going.

I can't remember if it was you asking if we PGD our donor embryos - we didn't.

Beetle - massive congratulations on your idenitcal twin pregnancy. Mine are identical too.

I hope everyone else is well whatever stage of their journey.

AFM: My identical twin girls were born 6 weeks ago at 35w1d by section, a week earlier than planned as one twin only had 25% share of the placenta meaning from 34w her growth had slowed down. Olivia was 5lb4oz and Charlotte 4lb. No issues other than poor feeders & could't hold their body temps. We stayed in the special care baby unit with the girls for a week and a half, them in the room with us as all they needed was a heated matress and feeding tubes - rather than in the nicu proper.
Today Olivia is 7lb8oz and Charlotte 5lb14oz, every one is very happy with them. We are in love with our donor embryo babies from Serum. I've no doubt without double donation I'd not be sitting here with my girls, for us it was the best decision.

I never saw Pussycats birth story, would love to know how her girls are doing as we've probably only a week between them.
Minxy - Congratulations on the birth of your identical twin princesses!! Your precious miracles are 2 strong little girls. They're growing nicely now. :thumbup: After everything you've endured, you've been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters. You're such an inspiration to all of us ttc. How are you doing/recovering hun??

Pinkie - Glad to hear the :witch: has arrived!! I'm so excited for you.. soon you'll be PUPO. I'll be keeping everything crossed for your FET!!

Coolstar - I'm praying that your DS will get a good report with the pediatric cardiologist. Please let us know how it goes.

Sienna - How are things coming along with you my dear?? xx

PC - I hope all is well with you and your baby girls. :twingirls:

:wave: Hello 2have, Mrs G, beetle, LL, crystal, Garnet, miranda, stacer, Vonn and Butterfly!!

AFM, I've been able to process the loss of my pregnancy. It's been a tough couple of weeks, but I'm beginning to feel emotionally and physically better. I'll never forget the short time I experienced being pregnant. It was an amazing human connection/feeling and I long to have it back. I'm focused now on what the future holds. I'll definitely keep you ladies updated as things progress with our next steps. And I'll be popping in to check on everyone. LOVE you all my ttc sisters!!
Minxy, massive congratulations!!
Pinkie, keeping my fingers xed for your cycle. Keep us posted.
Boopin, I was thinking about you Hun ! I am glad you are feeling better now . And I know you will me a momma soon.
Ahhh Minxy, you brought tears to my eyes reading your story this morning. I'm SO happy for you. Hug those little angels for me, makes me want to try again with donor embies, asap!!!

Coolstar as if you haven't endured enough, I'm so sorry to hear of a possible heart murmur. Vaccinations are hard aren't they? DH usually holds our MacKinley and I hold her little palms and squeeze them hard in pulses to get her brain thinking about me doing her hands rather than the pain of the needle, then we stick her on the boob after the injection. We both dread going there and because we've chosen to break up the vaccinations (no double injections only singles), we wind up going frequently. But the nurse reassures and thinks it's good this way so that if she has a reaction we know which vaccination caused it. Whatever, it's hard whichever way you do it. But the boobie really is a magic quick fix - I've never felt such relief from having boobs as when we stick her on and she stops crying, best feeling ever.

Pinkie yay for AF and hoping this next cycle gets us all cheering for sticky bean(s) for you! :bunny::dance:

Boopin that feeling of being pregnant is magical, the happiness it brings is illustrated perfectly the way you described it, the most joyful time of my life. And it will be yours again soon too xx

Hi everyone :wave: I hope you're all doing well.
Congratulations minxy on your twins, I’m so please for you :happydance:

Coolstar I hope all goes well with the cardiologist appointment

Boopin I’m doing good I’m having a phone consultation with Gennet this week, have you got a plan for your next step I’m sure you’ll get your baby next time. :hugs:

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