Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Vonn-great job on addressing everyone!! :) I'm sorry your sister is on this journey too. It's definitely no fun! That's great you're making progress. May I ask what it is in particular about this donor that you're most interested in? I just like how you know what you want and am eager to hear more! :) I'm going in on Thursday to see if I ovulated. If so then I do Lupron for 10 days starting Friday, then do estrogen injections every 3 days til transfer.
AFM--I just got a "peak" on my advanced opks. Skipped the "high" and went straight to "peak." I'm still not sure if I've got my cycle correct. Either I'm about to ovulate really, really late after stopping estrogen, or my cycle actually restarted when I thought it was just withdrawal bleeding, in which case, I'll still be ovulating pretty late. One last chance before the DE IVF! I hope.

Just heard back that the donor we want just had retrieval & they will contact her on March 14 to see if she wants to do her last cycle. Potentially only a week before we know if she'll go again. Then we need to figure out if we are first in line or second. Hopefully, we'll get her either way. The nurse seemed to think she'd want to cycle one more time, but she didn't know for sure. Feels like progress!!!

FYI, my sister got AF on her 3rd IUI. (I think I've mentioned her on here before...) She's doing at least one more IUI with femara & progesterone. She and dh haven't talked next steps beyond that. She has a s-i-l who's younger than her & had to do 4 IUIs to get her 1st baby (for #2 the 1st IUI worked). The b-i-l has sperm issues, but I think my sis wants to do 4 just to be sure since her s-i-l needed that many. Neither my sis nor her DH have anything wrong (at least that they've figured out yet), she's 34/he's 35 or 36. I told her a bunch of add'l tests to have done (AMH, prolactin, vit d, etc.), but her ObGyn blew them off and my sis listened to her dr. and didn't push for them. I was/am annoyed, but her journey is not my journey. I wish she didn't have to be on this journey at all.

I hope your donor of preference comes through for you

so may of us, of all ages, going through unexplained infertility. I have been reading so much lately about all preservatives and other things used even in beauty products that turns out messes with our hormones and other things...truly interesting. I just heard of a company called Beauty counter and I've read some and OMG we have so much damage to undo
FXd Stacegirl!!!! and Vonn hope this cycle surprises you ;-)
Hi ladies:wave:
BF nice to read you but sorry to hear about your feverish little guy. I'm sure you'll take good care of him, it doesn't help us though with all our worries. I still run into MacKinley's room when I sleep till 8am if she hasn't woken me with her 6:30am cry for nappy change & a bottle. Just have to make sure she's still breathing. I think it will continue maybe not with bottle wake up calls but fever, broken limbs (please no!), and then the teenage years...let's not go there yet.

Llbean, our hormones control so many functions it really doesn't surprise me that IVF can mess with thyroid. When we're overweight our hormones don't function correctly as they are fat soluable and get bogged down in our extra storage (many times rendering us with side effects of PCOS, infertility, or other issues) so you'd think the reverse is true- if we mess with our hormones it could impair functions that rely on them to run properly, thyroid, sleep, depression (I really don't know what functions specifically rely on our hormones but I could guess). I really hated the Lupron injection, it works by overloading your system with hormones which then shuts everything off. When they cap it at 6 per lifetime what does that mean? The fine print in those packages is scary!

Ladies, I'm looking forward to some updates. Hoping all the boats in irons have smooth waters ahead :)
Hi ladies:wave:
BF nice to read you but sorry to hear about your feverish little guy. I'm sure you'll take good care of him, it doesn't help us though with all our worries. I still run into MacKinley's room when I sleep till 8am if she hasn't woken me with her 6:30am cry for nappy change & a bottle. Just have to make sure she's still breathing. I think it will continue maybe not with bottle wake up calls but fever, broken limbs (please no!), and then the teenage years...let's not go there yet.

Llbean, our hormones control so many functions it really doesn't surprise me that IVF can mess with thyroid. When we're overweight our hormones don't function correctly as they are fat soluable and get bogged down in our extra storage (many times rendering us with side effects of PCOS, infertility, or other issues) so you'd think the reverse is true- if we mess with our hormones it could impair functions that rely on them to run properly, thyroid, sleep, depression (I really don't know what functions specifically rely on our hormones but I could guess). I really hated the Lupron injection, it works by overloading your system with hormones which then shuts everything off. When they cap it at 6 per lifetime what does that mean? The fine print in those packages is scary!

Ladies, I'm looking forward to some updates. Hoping all the boats in irons have smooth waters ahead :)

2have, so I guess I am not the only one crazy here :happydance: . When DS :sleep: little more than he usually does I just check whether he is breathing or not :wacko: .
2have, so I guess I am not the only one crazy here :happydance: . When DS :sleep: little more than he usually does I just check whether he is breathing or not :wacko: .

I've come to accept my paranoia :haha: and will use the energy from it to give her extra attention & experiences. I've asked my family & DH to call me out however if I become overly protective in the years she needs to make her own way & mistakes. My sil wouldn't allow her boys to walk to school or the playground to meet their friends. She kept them in until 13. At 11 their mom divorced their dad and at 14 they got to choose who to live with. They're both in Vancouver now with their dad experiencing life. She said it'd be the end of her life if she ever lost her boys and she kind of directed things to go that way with her over-protecting attitude. I know I'll have a fine line to walk with the way I feel about her and the life I want to give her. It's so hard to let go and let them fly by themselves but in witnessing what happened to my nephews, it gives them so much more when you do xx
Oh I forgot to wish you all .......
You are strong, beautiful, compassionate
Much more than words could ever say !!
Today is yours as any other day !
You can do almost anything, you put your mind to ......
You can swim the deepest ocean, and climb the highest peak!
You can face adversity, and still walk dauntless......

I really don't know what I would have done without you ladies. You encouraged me when I was down and out. Celebrated with me when I was happy. Thank you all !
Coolstar - DITTO!! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the support from all of you Lovely Ladies. I'd probably be in the insane asylum by now.. lol!! HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!! :friends:

AFM - The results are in from my Lupus Anticoagulant & Cardiolipin Antibody tests. They're both :mail: .. NEGATIVE!! \\:D/ One less thing to worry about. My FET can't get here soon enough!! Wishing on a star for my rainbow baby. xx
[QUOTEso may of us, of all ages, going through unexplained infertility. I have been reading so much lately about all preservatives and other things used even in beauty products that turns out messes with our hormones and other things...truly interesting. I just heard of a company called Beauty counter and I've read some and OMG we have so much damage to undo[/QUOTE]

Yeah I watched the Human Experiment documentary about all the chemicals in our food/products etc. We use 50,000 chemicals and only 5 have been tested for human use. In this doco these girls with PCOS were blaming society and the chemicals. I started to switch my products to natural stuff.. it's a pain but getting there. Whoo oho Boopin!!

btw I think the hormones with IVF messed with the fact I now get really bloated and it never really went away!

Boon that's good news. FET must be coming up for u soon!
Coolstar--That's so nice of you, how sweet! I must admit I'm not familiar with Women's Day, though.

Boopin--that's great news! When's your estimated FET date?

llbean--what's next for you?

Miranda--I always think you are pg, but then when I look at your siggy & bio info, it doesn't mention this so I second guess myself! Are you feeling like you might jinx it by changing your descriptor to "pregnant (expecting)"? I think you got this! Don't pg women complain of bloat, sometimes right from the start? I think your IVF med-bloat may have just changed to pregnancy bloat! Good for you for switching products. I am starting the process of doing the same. I think I'll even try to make some of my own. Have just ordered some essential oils.

AFM--We just found out that we are the first couple in line for the donor we want. The couple ahead of us went with a different donor. I am so pumped! I think she's about 1 week away from her AF. I am a little less than two weeks away from mine. The clinic uses bcps to align cycles. I'm a little confused about how this works, how long it takes, etc. For those who have suppressed with bcps in order to match cycles, what was your experience with this??? Of course, I am trying to estimate out retrieval and transfer dates even though the donor hasn't even said yes yet to doing one more cycle (they will contact her in one week to ask)-- I'm just being my completely obsessive self! :wacko::wacko::wacko:
Boopin, yayyyy for the results! When will you start with your FET?
Vonn, during my first DE IVF I was on bcp to sync my cycle with the donor. If I am not wrong once you stop bcp after 3 to 4 days AF starts and so will your donor .Then your donor will start with stimulation injection and you will be on suppression meds or injections ( so that you don't ovulate )till her retrieval. So around 45 days from your first AF you will have your transfer. My cycle ended up in BFN and the next cycle which was a FET ended up in BFP.
Hi ladies, just popping in to say hi!! Hope everyone is doing well looks like some cycles coming up which hopefully result in some more BFP's :)

2Have omg I felt exactly like that with my older kids when they were little the thought of school made me have anxiety lol! As they get to each age though surprisingly it's natural to let them try things within reason and spread their wings a bit. It's just so hard to imagine it with a little baby that someday they will be ready for the big wide world. I know you would never end up like your nephews mum, you down to earth and fair I know you'll be fine :)

How is everyone doing? I think we may be going back in September for one last cycle and hopefully a younger sibling for the girls. If it doesn't work that's ok too we have two amazing little baby girls from this journey so I'm good with that :)

Liz, how are you going? How's the thyroid I saw your nails and funny from the time I was pregnant to a few months after I had a ridge where I assume things shifted from pregnancy to postpartum so I assume it's the same for thyroid as well :)
Vonn yeah I haven't changed my signature - I should - you're right I'm just worried I'll jinx things. I'm trying to relax a little bit too and not worry it's all going to be taken away.. But it's just hard to let go! Our embryo was genetically tested too so you'd think I'd be able to relax. Though each week gets a little bit easier!

Thats so good you got the donor you wanted. You're not far away!!
Booping that is wonderful news

Miranda it's amazing how much crap we don't know and could be harming us

Vonn that's great about the donor! Hope she will agree!

Next got me? Not much, just hoping my body now behaves like it should have been all along lol
Crystal I guess we will find out one way or another lol. Best of luck with the next cycle! Maybe the girls will get a little brother now ;)
Hi Ladies :flow:

The US findings on Tuesday showed that my pregnancy has completely passed. I have another bhcg on Friday 3/11. How long after mc should I expect a period? My nurse coordinator says after my first period post mc, I can cycle again. I'm estimating my FET to be sometime in May. :dance:

I'm just so thankful that I miscarried naturally and I didn't have to get a d&c. This process has been emotionally painful, but necessary. I constantly remind myself that the pregnancy wasn't viable and that I have to look forward and onward (this is how I cope).

Pinkie - Thinking of you my dear. How are you feeling? Are you doing anything special to prepare for your transfer? You've got less than a week until your FET. Sending lots of positive vibes and baby dust your way!! xx

Vonn - I hope your prospective donor agrees to another cycle. It's going to go fast once you start your meds. You'll be pregnant in no time!! <3

UPDATE: 3/11 bhcg = 20, the pregnancy hormone is almost out of my system. I've never been so anxious for my period to start as I am now!! As soon as the witch gets here, I can start a new cycle. Bring it on :witch:.. LOL!!
Boopin--I'm really glad everything cleared with the mc & no need for further action. Just waiting. I feel like we wait almost as much as we try!

Pinkie--you're next up! Remind we what you've been doing so far? Taking estrogen, I'd assume... How are you taking it?

Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, it's starting to feel real, I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about it actually happening! I'm totally trying to figure out dates, which is a complete guessing game, but I can't seem to help myself, lol.
Vonn good luck with your natural cycle and if it doesn’t work out I hope you get the donor you want. I’m still waiting for my plan but I should go out the month before for the hysteroscopy and scratch.

Coolstar my phone consultation went well, he wants me to have a hysteroscopy & scratch the month before & they’ve started looking for a donor. I’m still waiting for my treatment plan. Thanks for the lovely poem and happy women’s day to you and all the other ladies on here.

Stacergirl how did your appointment go did you ovulate?

Boopin I’m so pleased for you, May will be here before you know it :)

Pinkie thinking of you, your next :) when do you have your lining scan?
Hi ladies, Crystal that's really exciting about another round! Glad you're enjoying them so much that you'd do it lol again, that speaks volumes :thumbsup:

Boopin Yeay for clear numbers and immunes! After my 2014 mc it took me 2 .5 months to get my cycle back, I asked for progesterone to help out a little as I was getting impatient and it worked like a charm. Threw me right back into perfect 28 day cycles. Fx that your will come in good time and you'll be able to go again.

Pinkie are you ready for another trip to Greece? It should be really beautiful in the spring. One fantastic reason to cycle in these amazing European places, makes for wonderful holidays too.

Sienna all the best with the hysto and scratch then. i really hope spring gives us lots to smile about with everyone trying again!

Vonn how are you? The waiting kills me, I'm such an impatient person when it comes to family, 6 years us way too long and then when the doctors, my body, or the finances make me wait longer :grr:

Miranda, it is real and there's nothing you can do to jinx it. So this is what I call the second phase of IF kicking in. Some women can't bring themselves to decorate the nursery, can't get baby's clothing, don't want to tell anyone sometimes too until waaaay late in the game, just in case. It's fair but so unfair! Like everyone who gets pregnant at the snap of their fingers or a wee bounce on the bed, we should be able to get just as excited and giddy as them. But it's SO hard! I let myself start buying major things after the chromosomal testing was done. I didn't announce to work until 5 months and to our overseas family & friends until 31 weeks. That's also why this group is great, we've all been there and are cautiously excited for each other.

LLB how are you? I had a ridge in my thumb from sucking it as a baby/toddler. I fixed the ridge by accidentally catching it in the closet door and ripping the entire nail out of it's socket:dohh:Did you know they go quite far into your finger? Yes about 1/4 of the length of the nail itself. Don't know about thyroid though lol and I don't recommend my 'fix' for it.

Bf how's your little man doing?

Stacer any news on the O or any answers from you doc why they require that? Fx that things go smoothly for you.

Coolstar are you enjoying the baby stage? We're having troubles getting Lo to bed, ever since MacKinley hit 5 months it's been pretty difficult. Had to do a bath at 10:00 tonight with 1/2 hour of rocking afterwards. :wacko: exhausted! What a gremlin she is but I love every minute of it (still smiling ear to ear). Lovely woman's day poem. I read liads of great things on FB about initiatives to get women paid & treated equally in the workplace. Very happy to hear about progress. My fav article ever is Womenomics by The Economist. It's worth a Google. In 50 years this world will be run by women, mark my words!:bunny:

PC & Minxy how are you ladies doing?
Hi ladies! My blood work yesterday showed I did ovulate therefore I started 10 units of Lupron and baby asprin today. I do that for 10 days. Then I go in on the 21 for ultrasound and bw. This might be our last attempt so I'm praying if it's meant to be, it'll be!!

Sounds like everyone is doing well, which is great! Fx for everyone!

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