Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Stacergirl I'm so glad you've been able to start your cycle, good luck with it and keep us up to date on your progress.
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing?

Sorry I have been awol, looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.

Vonn, wonderful news on your donor do you have an idea of when things will kick off?

Boopin, great news on the blood tests that is one less thing to worry about. I think your future baby is waiting in the freezer.

Stacergirl, what a relief that you can finally move on with the cycle, do you have any different meds to help with the lining?

Hi to all the usual ladies, sorry if I have missed anyone I feel totally out of the loop at the moment and missed a lot of news. I finished work today, its been so tiring I feel like I could sleep for a week. I am going back in 3 weeks but only part time on a casual basis so that suits me. I can hopefully get back into the real world again instead of living my Mon-Fri in the office. On the TTC front, I had my lining scan today and its everything is perfect, 7.6mm and triple lined. I continue my Progynova (oestrogen), folic acid and aspirin then on Sunday my progesterone pessaries (oh joy). Transfer is booked for next Friday lunchtime. After such a long wait I can't believe its nearly here.

Have a lovely weekend ladies xx
Thanks sienna!

Pinkie-I think I'm doing the same protocol as you. They're trying estrogen injections this time in hopes to get my lining thicker. Looks like your protocol worked for you! That's awesome!!!
Pinkie that's great news about your lining, next Friday will be here before you know it, which clinic are you using I can't remember
Pinkie that's great news about your lining, next Friday will be here before you know it, which clinic are you using I can't remember

Hey sienna, we are with a clinic called Newlife in Thessaloniki, Greece. They have been amazing x
Pinkie--I hope all the prep is going well. You'll be in Greece before you know it! Do you fly over the day before? That's only 2 days away!

Stacer--when's your anticipated transfer date? You are close, too!

Hi to everyone else! :hi:

AFM--we are impatiently waiting to hear if our donor will go one more cycle. They were going to ask her today & I thought maybe we'd find out this afternoon but we didn't. I've got butterflies! We are so close. . .close to paying a $10,000 deposit. Yikes, that's real. I just looked to see if they'd posted the results for the donor's recipients this last cycle and they did, two positives! So far, in 5 fresh egg cycles, this donor's recipients have 8 bfps and 2 bfns -- an 80% bfp rate. That makes me soooo pumped. Of course that's not a live birth rate (they don't list that), but it's a great start, right?!?!?
That is a great start Vonn! How exciting to see that information! I hope your donor agrees to another cycle!! Fx for you!! I'm thinking my transfer won't be until beginning of April if I make it that far! I pray I do but it just depends on my lining. This cycle I'm doing estrogen injections which I anticipate starting next Tuesday.

Pinkie-you're only a few days away! Yay!

Ladies what gage needles did you use for progesterone/estrogen injections that you do in the buttox? My pharmacy didn't send me any and I know I have some left over from fresh ivf cycles so just want to make sure I use the right ones! Thanks in advance!

Hope everyone else is well!
2have, I am sorry you are having tough time. The only thing I learned is that babies are so unpredictable. Around 2 weeks back DS would start crying around 7:30pm till 9:30pm non stop, no matter what we do. That continued for around 8/9 days. And then he stopped. Started sleeping for 5 hours at a stretch at night and so yesterday I proudly told my DH that my boy is all grown up and sleeps well. Guess what, yesterday night he gave me a sleepless night waking up and crying every 2 hours or so.
All the ladies cycling, Fxed!!
Bah ha ha coolstar, murphy's law! We had a party Saturday night and it's set her back to her 1-2am bedtimes. It didn't help that we had a time change spring forward an hour that night too. It'll be bath time tonight at 9:30 in hopes of a 11:30 bedtime. Grandma is taking her this afternoon to allow us to get a start on taxes. Fun fun:nope:

Fx for all the cycling ladies. Vonn fabulous news about your donor lets hope she goes one more round! Stacergirl I can't remember the gage but they're a little longer than the typicdl ivf syringe. Pinkie roll on Friday. By Easter you'll have some embies snuggled right in!
Stacer - I used 22G 1 1/2 inch needles for both the estrogen and the progesterone injections. GL to you my dear!!

Thinking of you Pinkie. Soon you'll be PUPO!! :bunny:
Pinkie--you are on my mind! Can't wait til you are PUPO.

Stacer--what a bummer that you didn't get the needles you need & not you have to try and hustle some up. So annoying, hope you figured it out!

Coolstar & 2have--hope you're able to get some sleep! That part makes me nervous, I have to admit.

Anyone have anything going on?????

AFM--still no word if our fav donor will go one last time... I contacted our nurse again today and asked for any sort of update, pleeeeeeease.

Yesterday I sent over the records for the hysteroscopy from August that I guess hadn't gotten forwarded. I requested them and when I looked at them, I was confused. It seems as though maybe I just had a fibroid, not a fibroid and a polyp as I originally thought. It looks like what they thought was a polyp (that's what I was sent by my RE to have removed) was instead a fibroid. That dr who did the procedure was a shit communicator, glad he's not my regular dr. I'll probably ask my nurse at CNYF to clarify, if she ever gets back to me. She's not being a great communicator either. I get that these people deal with this stuff all the time, so it's routine, but it is ALL a BIG deal to us patients!!
I'm on cd 28. I've been on Lupron for 7 days. I'm supposed to get my period but haven't yet. Of course I can't help but worry that this will be another road block... Hopefully it comes today?! Have you ladies had your period come late on Lupron? I've been on Lupron before and it never came late.
Vonn, there is nothing worse than people who are rubbish at communicating, I hope they pick up their game soon. Good luck with your donor agreeing to another cycle, any news?

Stacergirl, I've not used lupron but on all my DR my period arrives late, the one time you want it to arrive it doesn't. Very annoying. Give it a few days.

Coolstar and 2have sounds like you two have your hands full and two little munchkins who want cuddles from their mummy in the night. Hope they settle down to give you some rest soon.

Hi to everyone, hope you are all ok?

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes. I arrived in Greece today, we are just chilling in our room for a bit and then plan to go somewhere nice for dinner. Transfer is tomorrow lunchtime, I am nervous about the embryo surviving the thaw but I am so excited about finally getting to transfer again. I will keep you posted xxx
Pinkie-how exciting!!! Everything's crossed for you! I'm sure the embryo will do just fine!!! Enjoy!!
Hi ladies, vonn very irritating when they don't communicate well with us, I hope they have good news for you soon.
Pinkie, have a great little Greek holiday and all the best with the transfer (fingers, toes, and wverything crossed for you)!

Well I'm going to apologise in advance for my rant. I'm feeling so depressed today. Iused the rest if my ivf drugs in Jan and didn't even O-no surprise. Then what looked like a wee little break thru bleeding then 15 days later a good solid + opk. Now nothing, 70 days and no + opk, hpt or AF. Total stall. Feeling depressed. Even if I wanted to do a transfer in Reprofit I still need my cycle back. I having hot flashes all the time, feels like full on menopause! I desperately want more babies, MacKinley needs siblings. The joy she's given me has been overwhelming and I'd like to give back to her with some brothers/sisters to share her life with :cry:
Hang in there 2Have, I'm sure it is still your body bouncing back from baby. Hey my cycles have been 25 days since my IVF attempts and last month finally 28 days again and it seems like another 28 day for this month since O is CD14! You will bounce back. Keep the faith
2have - No need to apologize. You can rant to us anytime you feel like it. We're here for you through the good times and the bad times. :hugs:

It sounds like your experiencing perimenopausal symptoms. I've heard of being prescribed a low dose bcp to regulate irregular cycles. You still have time to ttc. Women that have already gone through full blown menopause can get pregnant with IVF using donor eggs. So, don't give up 2have. It can and will happen for you. You'll be able to give MacKinley a sibling. One way or the other it will happen for you. I truly believe that!!
Pinkie, everything xed for you. Relax and keep us updated.
2have, I am still premenopausal. I wake up at night sweating. I did talk with my ob and she told it happens after birth since our hormone levels are very high during pregnancy and after birth it hits rock bottom.
Stace, I was on lupron shots for my endometriosis and it did delay my AF. In fact after the shots I was given meds to induce AF.
Vonn, when will your donor let you know whether she is interested or not?
2have, you are one determined lady and I have no doubt that whatever is thrown at you, you will make sure your little girl has siblings. I am sure your body is still trying to get to normal but maybe speak to someone if you are worried oh and rant away whenever you want x

I am officially PUPO. My snow baby thawed beautifully and transfer went well. Now the dreaded wait. Wish me luck xxx
Pinkie :hugs: wishing you success :dust:

Thanks for the kind words ladies, can't believe how crappy I feel -very teary eyed this week. Will check in with my GP when we go for Mack's 6 mnth check up. Can't wait to finish taxes to see if there's enough of a refund to cover a transfer at Reprofit. We have the airmiles for the trip but it's still $700 in taxes on the flight and doctors fees. Waiting patiently for AF. IF has got to be one of the cruelest human conditions ever, stacked up there with debilitating diseases.

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