Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Bluebell--GL to you with tomorrow's transfer! I'll be thinking of you. How many will u be transferring?

Pinkie--how's it going for you?

Stacer--that is great news that you can get started! Can't wait to follow along.

SKP--it's so hard to know. I know the waiting is killer when our bodies are confusing, but time will truly tell....

Hi everyone else!

AFM--they think the donor will be in touch tomorrow. Please be so, this wait is trying my patience. I got AF yesterday & the nurse called in bcps, which I am to start tomorrow. I guess they are confident the donor will say yes. I soooooo hope they are right.
Vonn my fx for you with your donor!

Stacergirl fantastic news on the scan, distract yourself if you feel stressed, you're doing great, roll on transfer now!

Bluebell your donor produced alot of eggs - yeay! All the best with the transfer. It sounds like you're putting back 1 is that right?

Skp, why don't you take an hpt?

Well boopin, any signs if AF? I've been feeling bloated & tummy ferls heavy. Hoping body is working on something.

Hi to everyone :bunny: any plans for Easter ladies?
Yip, just putting back one as I am on meds for blood pressure and couldn't risk a twin pregnancy.
Hi everyone, sorry for comms silence - I'm not getting the updates despite signing up to them - I've obviously done something wrong but I completely haven't the foggiest what!
Anyway - its been an age and apologies for not doing individual hello's but I did want to say a special congrats on being PUPO to Pinkie ... and hopefully Bluebell as well if I've read everything correctly?!

AFM - its beginning to feel a bit more real. Probably something to do with already being the size of a small building ... at only half way through. Being a massage therapist its hell on the back and I now have to wear a very attractive belt which makes the bump stick out even more! Dont get me wrong ... I'm absolutely not complaining - this is what I've wanted for the last 8 years! (Wry smile on face!) We have our 20 week scan next Tuesday ... can't wait to see them again. One good thing about expecting identicals is that I get to have a scan every 2 weeks - its brilliant for piece of mind.
Oh and I must be feeling a bit more confident as I've put a ticker on!
Have a lovely Easter break everyone! :)
Yay, I'm now officially PUPO. We had 3 grade1 blasts today, 2 of which were hatching. To phone tomorrow and see if we have any more to freeze. Put one back and should have at least 2 to freeze so delighted and relieved to say the least. Thanks for all the words of support ladies, it means so much to share with people who understand this completely xxx
Beetle wonderful to see you here and YEY Ticker!!!!!!!! I bet the twins are beautiful!

Bluebell that's terrific!!!! you are Pupo!!!!!!!
Bluebell, congratulations on being PUPO :happydance: when is your OTD?

Vonn, I am doing ok thanks, just on countdown to test day. Yey for AF and I have everything crossed for your donor update tomorrow. Good luck.

Beetle, thank you for your well wishes :hugs: and lovely to hear from you. I love the ticker :thumbup: glad everything is going well with the twins and you are being well looked after. Good luck at the scan next week.

2have, boopin, any sign of AF yet?

Hi to everyone, hope you are having a good week and looking forward to the Easter break. Any other news?

I am doing ok, this tww is going well so far, I haven't been stressing or over analysing everything and not symptom spotted or used Google once yet haha. Today I am 6dp5dt, apart from some mild cramping I feel fine. My bHCG is booked for Monday lunchtime but I wont find out the results until Tues. I am still debating if to POAS Easter Sunday, do you think it will be too early?

Hi beetle, congrats!! Being active will help you stay strong for when you have to carry that wee one around everywhere. I did fliw yoga & pilates till week 7 and only had 4 lbs extra after delivery and carrying her around is just about killing me! I couldn't imagine the hip & shoulder pain if I was mire put if shape ir heavy after delivery. And who wants to go to the gym when you've got this amazing angel at home!!

Llb nice to read you, how are things going?

Bluebell CONGRATS at being pupo!!! :bunny: i hope we have LOTS to celebrate this spring!! Fingers toes abd everything possible crossed for you :bunny:

Pinkie Easter sunday is a fine time to test. I can usually see the line 7 days after transfer when I'm able to get that far. I'll be thinking about you my dear! Fx :dust:

Ok I'm 5 lbs up, I predict AF will be here very soon. I feel terrible. Just in time for our dinners at Easter :grr:
Hello Ladies :flow:

2have - I tested my bhcg yesterday and its 2. It's now considered undetectable, but does it need to be at zero for my period to start? I've never had a mc before. This entire experience is new to me and I pray that I don't ever have to go through it again!! I don't have any real signs that the witch is flying my direction. Just the occasional dull ache in my pelvic area. :shrug:

I'm hoping that AF starts soon for you, but not too soon!! Fx'd you can start after Easter, so that you can enjoy the festivities :munch: without being burdened by the evil :witch: .. haha!!

Pinkie - I don't think Sunday is too early to test. I got a positive 6dp5dt.

beetle - I LOVE LOVE your pregnancy tickers!! They're so cute and girlie pink!! xx

Congratulations Bluebell on being officially PUPO!! :yipee:
I think AF is coming, weird tho how I never have brown spotting. Now today there is a little more then spotting and still brown. I think its old stuff, and the new will be soon.

Im going to wait a bit longer to see how this goes. Just strange how I missed this month. Seems so coincidental because last March was Ivf month, maybe the body remembered lol.
Hello Ladies :flow:

2have - I tested my bhcg yesterday and its 2. It's now considered undetectable, but does it need to be at zero for my period to start? I've never had a mc before. This entire experience is new to me and I pray that I don't ever have to go through it again!! I don't have any real signs that the witch is flying my direction. Just the occasional dull ache in my pelvic area. :shrug:

I'm hoping that AF starts soon for you, but not too soon!! Fx'd you can start after Easter, so that you can enjoy the festivities :munch: without being burdened by the evil :witch: .. haha!!

Knowing me it'll come Friday when I host the big family dinner.
I don't know if I had to have levels at zero, my natural pregnancy that resulted in an mc @ 8 weeks took 2+ mnrhs to come back so I asked fs for help and they gave me oral progesterone to kickstart things, was a perfect 28 day cycle after that. The de ivf I opted for D&C so don't know either what that would have been like. I wanted a study done so that I knew if it was my body or embryo, turned out to be both.

Sorry about my spelling, i usually alwats go back & correct when I see typos from using my cell but that last message was pretty bad!
Nice to hear from you SKP – I don’t know your age but it looks like your hormones are out of whack

Pinkie was it a three day or five day transfer as this makes a difference apparently to the amount of HCG you produce and what day it will be picked up from on hpt.

Vonn fingers crossed your donor will be in touch

Beetle lovely to hear from you and I’m glad all is progressing well what’s your due date?

Congratulations on being PUPO bluebell :happydance::dust:

Boopin & 2have I hope AF is here soon for you and you can get your cycles started
Bluebell--still thinking of you, the latest PUPO! Keep us updated.

Pinkie--I would think Sunday would be a a fine time to test. You haven't done any yet, have you?!? Some people love testing and others hate it...

Stacer--how's it going?

Boopin & 2have--waiting on AF is just the pits. But there's always something to wait on in this process, so I guess it may as well be AF.

Beetle--I'm so happy to hear things continue to go well! It's 2 identical girls, right?

Sienna--anything happening with you?

AFM--I got a message this morning that our donor is ready to move ahead with this cycle!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I was sooo happy this morning. Now I have a million questions & the nurse didn't call me back today, but for a moment this morning it was just pure relief and excitement. That felt so good. Yesterday was a shitty day and I had the low feeling of, "This is just never going to happen. There will always be something out of my control that comes between me and a baby." I kept seeing babies and pg women at work, my mom was a butt-head, found out a cousin is pg. It was just a really bad day. Then, last night, I had my donor support group, which was good. Then I talked with my sister for an hour. Then I took a bath with epsom salts and essential oils. When I finished the bath I felt very calm and knew I would hear something good today. And I did. Whew!
Vonn-that is great news!!! I'm so glad your donor is willing to do another cycle! It was meant to be!! I'm Good, just doing 5 units Lupron daily and then estrogen injections every 3 days so my next one is Friday night. I go in Monday to see what my estrogen level is and how my linings doing.

Bluebell-yay! Fx for you!!!

Pinkie-hope you're doing well! I think testing Sunday should be fine! Just prepare yourself that if it is a negative that there is still hope just in case! But I think it'll be a positive!!

Hope everyone else is well!! :)
Vonn - That's awesome news regarding your donor. I hope she gives you lots of beautiful mature eggs!! It won't be long before you start your DE cycle!! :happydance:

2have - Any signs of AF?? Nothing for me, still waiting.. ughhh!! :wacko:
Vonn fabulous news! That bath sounds heavenly. I can relate to seeing babies and pregnant women everywhere, you just can't escape them! The cuter the family the more I was likely to tear up. Now I seem glued to those with more than 1 child/baby. I steal glances to see which stroller/vehicle they're using, how are they never stops. I think my DH must see me, thank goodness he's a patient, understanding man. Maybe when I'm up to my eyeballs with dirty diapers and busy toddlers my mind might be able to relax but it's irritating that my thoughts are always working overtime.:dohh:

Stacergirl all the best with your scan monday!

Sienna how are you? Anything happening for you these days?

Do you ladies have tomorrow off (Good Friday). Enjoy the weekend!
Vonn I’m so pleased for you you’ll be PUPO before you know it.

Stacergirl good luck with your lining scan, is your lining usually ok?

Boopin I feel for you, hopefully AF will come soon

2have it can be so difficult at times particularly when there seems to be pregnant women and babies everywhere you go.

I’m waiting for a donor match at the minute the earliest I’ll be looking at a transfer is looking like June.
Yes, it seems so, I was doing good when I was on meds. 27 in 4 days :) Im premenopausal because of low ovarian reserve. Some month are good some months nothing.

Soon I am going o get my hormones checked again, and get my thyroid checked. I don't want to go on bc pills because you never know I can get preggers naturally. 5% is 5%. and being a huge believer in miracles.

annnd docs said I could be full blown menopause by the time Im 30. so no bc pills for me unless Im doing IVF
Wishing all of you a Happy Easter in advance!

Vonn that is fantastic news!

2Have I am with you...always see pregnant women and adorable babies that always look at me and smile (like they know something I don't know lol)

Excited for all of you Pupo, pregges and awaiting for a DE times ahead!

SKP good for keeping the faith...I know someone that was on here a while back was also told it was like 1% chance due to her husband's sperm etc... She had not 1 but 2 babies since! all surprises! So it CAN happen
Vonn, yey congratulations on the donor, I hope things move forward quickly for you and that the nurse called you back to answer all your questions x

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