Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Exciting news Crystal! Darn stone get out of there soo you can have a peaceful pregnancy! Babies will be fine!

Cali, This early probably is twins!

Go Minxy!

Hi 2have, jooba, Dmama, Sienna, Minno, Pussycat, Leilani, Mrs G and all the mamas!
Hi ladies,
Great news Cali, congrats! With such strong results so early, good chance of twins!
Crystal glad your little ones are doing well, sorry to hear about the kidney stones, ouch!
Minxy, got everything crossed for you, hopefully this is it! Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time since you got back.
Leilani, hopefully your next scan will put your mind at rest. It never stops does it?
2have, great that your progressing well down the adoption route, I honestly think it sounds harder than IVF so hats off to you. If our cycle in Feb fails we too will start the process, though it's different in the UK.
Garnet, nice to hear from you.
Hope all you other ladies are doing ok! xx
Hi everyone. Happy Friday!!
Reckon this is a lucky thread! Big congrats Cali. Minxy have you not tested?? I never get to otd without!!

Hope everyone's ok. Xxx
Mrs G, hopefully that luck will continue for you in a few weeks!!
Sorry ladies tested yesterday & BFN. Not a hint of a line. Retested today & nothing.
I'm not going to bother with the beta, it'll be a day across country & a waste of money.

As we've now no chance of a child with even half our DNA, we've lost all hope of a bio child. As sadly you gals know it's very hard when you've lost all hope. This has really hit us both hard. I hope DH comes round to donor embryo but I think we need some timeout to rest & regroup.

With regards to the sperm dying when washed - they tried different washes all standard but the sperm just died. This is a reflection of how bad DH's sworn is. So the bfn shouldn't have been a shock but we had so much hope.

Cali - good luck. I'm hoping for big numbers from you today.
So sorry Minxy! Yes take time to regroup! There are some ladies that DE and used a egg and sperm donor in our group! Some have even said the child looks like their biological child so don't give up all hope! Something to think about! :hugs:
Minxy, so sorry hon. The first few days after a BFN are so difficult and your head must be all over the place. Gutted for you. xx
So the bfn shouldn't have been a shock but we had so much hope.

Hi Minxy, I'm sorry this didn't work out for you. Sending you big hugs from across the pond.
Is your DH open to other methods of having kids? IE donor embie or adoption? I hope so, you deserve children no matter how they come to your home. My gf sent me a lovely fb message over the weekend and this may not apply to you but it made me smile: Adoption is when a child grows in a mummies heart instead of her tummy. I hope donor embies work for you whenever you decide to try again. I highly recommend Reprofit for donor embies since they are SUPER choosey about freezing embryos and can schedule your transfer (fresh cycle or not) down to the day and hour (no stress).

We're doing donor embies in April but I think with my diagnosed immune issues there's next to no chance that things will work out. I believe in luck though so will keep trying. I hope you can rest and heal, sending you massive hugs:hugs:
We have a donor embie.. .and I'm so glad we did it. Took our time to really let go of the fact that we will never have bio kids and grieve our m/c and now I am moved on!!

Waiting for my beta now!!
My beta is 406! I'm 9dp5dt. :wohoo: :dance: :yipee:
I just can't believe it. It is so surreal.
Minxy, I am so sorry. It is such a hard thing to go through, I am thinking of you. For me, I needed to have a plan b in process to deal with bfn, I know we've rushed from cycle to cycle but it was just how I needed to process it. I hope you are ok, you know the support in here is amazing. Xxx

2have, I love that quote ☺️

Hope everyone else is ok. Starting dreg tomorrow, eek!

Lots of love to all.
Oh Minxy, I'm so sorry to read this. Even when you think things aren't great, you still have that slice of hope! The whole donor embryo thing was thrown on us with about an hour to decide - as it was that or nothing, as I'd been on the Gestone for 5 days so couldn't delay, and DH just said go for it - especially as adoption or surrogacy just aren't viable options in NZ. Thinking back dh's sperm has been the issue from the beginning (added to bt more poor response to the drugs), and we probably should have used DS all along, but there is no point in having regrets, as there's nothing we can do to change the past!
Minxy I just wanted to say how sorry I am that it didn't work out for you this time. It's such a difficult time but you will regroup and then you will
emerge stronger and ready to move forward. Thinking of you x

Cali- great numbers lady woo hooooooo!! I bet you are delighted xx
So sorry Minxy and hope DH comes round to donor embie :hugs:

Congrats Cali, great number! :happydance:

Hi to everyone :wave:
My beta is 406! I'm 9dp5dt. :wohoo: :dance: :yipee:
I just can't believe it. It is so surreal.
Cali congratulations on your beta, are you having a second test to measure doubling times? If you do, this is my favourite doubling calculator, I know we can't predict twins but if your scores are off the charts...
Thanks 2 have!!! I'm still so nervous because of my chemical I had with last IVF. I am always scared the other shoe is going to drop. But I need to be positive!!! Praying for good doubling!
Minxy – I’m so sorry, it took my partner a while to come round to the embryo adoption route

Cali excellent numbers :)
Hi Ladies, Thank you everyone for your kind words, you all give me such hope.
It felt a while ago that everyone was doing DE but now I think everyone is doing donor embryos so I'm in good company. I really hope if we go this way it'd work out. I've had a chat about it with my Mum and she thinks it's the way to go to bypass all our issues.
DH had said this was our next option previously so hopefully in time (but not too much), he will come round to it. Hopefully we can have a chilled out Christmas and then get onto it again. Am going to look into if we can go for a weekend night away somewhere. DH is basically out of holiday leave but I think a little break would do us good.

Cali - Big congrats on the Beta. I understand your cautiousness I'd be the same, but embryo adoption is a game changer, so I hope this onto to a happy & healthy 9 months for you.

MrsG - I'm big on having a plan B too, if I have a back up plan I can chill but as this is about the last back up I'm going to have to sit tight. I'm not sure I can hack the UK adoption process. Good luck on your DR. Are you doing daily shots or a one-off shot?
Hi all, hope everyone's doing ok.

Minxy, I really hope things work out for you, there is so much for you both to get your heads round, I do think men are worse than coping than we are! None of my dh's family have a clue about any of our treatment! And if he had his way non of mine would either. Male pride is a massive thing.
I'm on daily buserelin, quite used to it, got blood test next fri to see if suppressed. Just gotta wait for donor's af too, then hopefully all go. Thinking of you. :flower:

Nearly the end of another week ladies! Not long til Xmas!

Kath xx

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