Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi everyone, things are certainly getting busy on here! Really hope we're all going to have good news! 2have when are you next off to Reprofit, is it April? I'm all booked! Deposit paid, forms completed and Egg collection hopefully 9th Feb! I've gone through my IVF in the end as they could get me in a month earlier. Eva is still my coordinator and she's been in touch, just waiting on treatment protocol. I've sent them all my communications from previous cycles and UK clinics recommendations if I was to go with them again so just waiting to see if they suggest similar. I've found a place to do my scan for £80, so much cheaper thank clinic who want £160 plus £250 admin because I'm being treated elsewhere! Have also found somewhere that will do the intralipid infusion for a fraction of my UK clinics cost, it certainly pays to do a bit of investigation work! Drs appointment with my own GP next week so hopefully I can get a prescription for BCP from him and will talk through our plans. Next step will be to book flights and accommodation, just trying to work out where. I feel relieved that I'm finally able to make plans!
Hope you're all doing well! xx
Hello lovely ladies.
Congrats on being pupo Cali. Wow those are some awesome looking embryos girl! Waiting to hear your exciting news very soon :)

Great news Pussycat on ring able to get going with things. Always makes me feel better than sitting around counting the days.

Liking the sound of your workshop and hotel 2have! What's the next stage after this and how long are you likely to wait?

As for me, I have received my prednisolone today. Arranged my hotel and will be starting the meds with my cycle in Jan. The way it's going at the moment it's likely to be early Jan and then off for a scan after 10-12 days, fly out week after for ET, all being well. Doesn't feel like far away now at all and I'm excited! Xx
Pussycat- very exciting that you are all booked!! :dance:

Minno- Thanks! I'm very excited about embryo quality! Well it sounds like you are all set up!! January will be here in no time!!
What beautiful embies Cali_kt, fingers crossed for you

Minno - time seems to be flying by already, Jan will be here before you know it!

Pussycat - you seem to be onto it and really organised, well done on getting better prices, I know we're all prepared to spend to make this happen, but when we feel like we're being ripped off, finding a bargain feels like a real victory - I think I'm going to ask DH's cousin (who is a nurse) if she can do my next intralipid.

2have - staying in hotels is just great, it really can make a trip. How exciting that things are moving quite quickly for you just now, what is the next step after the workshop? The photos you describe sound perfect for your profile.

Mrs G - Hope the BCP is being kind to you and fingers crossed for the best Christmas pressie ever!

Jooba - glad to hear things are going well. Is there much locum work around at this time of year? Surely some docs want to have a nice extended Christmas holiday!!

Minxy - how are you holding up? have you POAS?

:wave: eveyone else!

As for me, it's been yet another stressful couple of weeks. After meeting with my new Ob 2 weeks ago, and getting a sneaky scan in, where everything looked just as it should, my blood test results at the end of the week weren't as good as they should have been, but still within the normal range. A week on from that (last friday), my HCG had hardly risen at all, so we spent the weekend feeling pretty low about the whole thing and preparing for bad news, as we had a scan booked for Tuesday we decided to just wait until them to get definitive bad news. However, at the scan yesterday we had a heartbeat and a CRL of 11.3mm (at 7w5d it's supposed to be 12mm, but that's close enough for me), the only possible problem is that the yolk sac is bigger than it should be, which could be an indicator of an abnormal pregnancy/impending miscarriage, so we are not out of the woods yet. Our next scan is in another two weeks, and if we can get that far and all looks good then, I think we might be able to relax for a little while. I really don't feel pregnant, which I said to my mum was either a fantastic sign (as my cocktail of drugs is doing the right thing hiding the pregnancy), or a terrible sign. I was so sick from quite early on with Timothy, so feeling so different this time is quietly reassuring - when I'm not imagining the worst!
Oh no Leilani! So much to worry about. I'm sorry you have to go through this - it's not fair. Measuring small and a yolk sac that's too big, I'm sending you massive bear hugs from Canada:hugs: Take some time to take care of yourself.

Pussycat that's amazing you found so many alternatives to the beaten path. It's robbery that the clinics we see feel they can charge extra admin fees for providing scans when that's part of what they specialize in and you've invested so much in them already (at least I had with my clinic). The admin fees were $1200 for starting up satellite monitoring and then extra fees for each service on top of that. Robbery!

Minno it's nice that you have everything squared away then. Feb will be here before you know it!

The wait with adoption can be from 3 months to 3.5 years. It depends on how you filter out what you'll be willing to accept (a mother who's smoking, drinking, doing drugs, race, and gender) as well as how you represent yourself and what your social worker says in her review of you. The mother gets to see everything. My friends friend who just adopted said they were honest about everything. Social worker asked all about his wild drug use when he was in his 20's. She wrote down that he now lives a sober life :haha: which they were not pleased about. They asked her to take it out and she refused:grr: as long as they don't call me a 'cat lady' or something derogatory like that just because I used to volunteer with a local shelter, we won't have problems:gun:
Next step after the workshop is the home study. Interviews, snooping around, police & intervention check, and financials.
Reprofit is in April at the end of our vacation. I'm way more excited about the adoption stuff, I just don't believe I'll ever get the pleasure of being pregnant.:nope:
I have great news!!!! I got my :bfp:!!!!!!!!! So over the moon! :dance::yipee::wohoo: Telling DH tonight! I'm only 4dp5dt. Please say prayers for my babies that they stay with me for 9 mos!!!
Congrats Cali !

Leilani: Fingers cross that everything is going to be fine!
Woo hoo fantastic news Cali - that's way early to get a result. When is your OTD? Must be multiples!! Gives me hope - it was a FET right?

So sorry yo hear about your stress Leilani. But your embie sounds like a fighter and I have a good feeling for you. Keeping everything crossed.

2have what a process eh?! But it will all be so worth it in the end. And you still have your next cycle in April to keep you going meantime. Are you doing an FET too?
Thanks everyone!! It was a double donor embryo fresh transfer!
Leilani - Sorry to hear about your scan went, I'm praying everything gets to the correct sizes, this is such a cruel process.

Cali - Congratulations on the BFP, amazing! This gives me such extra hope & happiness as our next step would be double donation too. I'm getting tempted to test early and do it Saturday morning. It's only a day early.

Minno - with Xmas coming up the time will fly to January, new year, new start.

Pussycat - Good work on the savings! Cos we're in Norfolk we're so limited on places we can go for scans as it takes so long to get everywhere, urgh. The cost annoys me so much when these things take no time at all to be done.

MrsG - sounds all on track. You can have a lovely Xmas watching all the movies whilst your embies snuggle up.

2have - Your book sounds amazing, I think it should really appeal. Good luck as always. Always good to make the most out of these little trips.
Sorry I've not posted since getting back from Athens but after one day's rest, I got a tummy bug - bad times :sick: . I checked with the local Dr I wasn't dehydrated. Then DH's nanny who has been unwell for sometime took a turn for the worse. I couldn't go initially but I got to see her before she passed Tuesday. Plus back at work this week - its been tough all round.

So.....our lovely donor gave us 10 eggs, 5 fert and we made 2 blasts which are back home with me. OTD is Sunday, with bloods Monday.

Now for the super bad news, it took them 8 hours to do the ICSI procedure. Everything the embryologist tried to wash the sperm with killed them. It was a miracle and sheer hard work that we got these blasts. I pray so bad they stick after everything.

We always knew it was double donation next but it was a blow to hear how bad the situation is but at least there is no grey area.

Just praying this is it.
Thanks everyone!! It was a double donor embryo fresh transfer!

Wowzers Cali!! That's amazing news. Praying for a smooth, uneventful 9 months for you!! :dance::bunny::yipee::happydance::hugs:

:wave: hi Garnet, haven't seen you around here lately.

Minxy this has to work out, you've been through sooooo much. Fingers and toes crossed for you! That's incredible news about the sperm - 8 hours and they died with washes? What do they use to wash them I wonder? Glad to hear you made it, after such a long wait, being sick, having sperm issues, and even though DH's nanny left you. Sending you big :hugs: Bella!!
Minxy- Wishing you lots of luck on your OTD!! I have bloodwork on Monday too!! Hope we both have great numbers!!
Thanks everyone!! It was a double donor embryo fresh transfer!

Wowzers Cali!! That's amazing news. Praying for a smooth, uneventful 9 months for you!! :dance::bunny::yipee::happydance::hugs:

:wave: hi Garnet, haven't seen you around here lately.

Minxy this has to work out, you've been through sooooo much. Fingers and toes crossed for you! That's incredible news about the sperm - 8 hours and they died with washes? What do they use to wash them I wonder? Glad to hear you made it, after such a long wait, being sick, having sperm issues, and even though DH's nanny left you. Sending you big :hugs: Bella!!

Hello back:hugs:! Excited for all your plans! Something gonna turn up for you!:winkwink:
Congratulations on your BFP Cali_kt
2have your profile sounds like its progressing, are you still having another DE transfer next year?
Leilani I have my fingers crossed that everything will be ok
Minxy congratulations of being BUPO

I'm just waiting for confirmation of my hysteroscopy date and I can then book my flights & hotel.
Hi everyone!!!

Oh wow so much to catch up on!

2have, so nice to see things progressing with your profile! Big hugs xx

Leilani, embryos and babies all develop at different rates :thumbup: Mine have concistantly been 2-3 days behind and it's fine, as for the yolk sac well they can be a bit large or small too. Morning sickness...what's that? I had very little but it's because I am taking presnisolone. That is likely why your not feeling it :)

Minno, nice to see things moving along for you :)

Pussycat, not long now!!! Reprofit has great success rates, you'll do great!

Garnet, Hey you hope all is well :)

Jooba! How are you going with it all?

Cali, congrats to you, I got my BFp at 3dp5dt and I've got twinnies on board so I'm going to guess twins for you as well :)

Hi to everyone else:) hope your all well and new babies are
Growing strong!!

I'm 15 weeks and feel great except kidney stones I have one more I'm trying to pass but it is not pleasant!! Babies are doing great and I have an appt for scan and doctor next Friday :)
Thanks Crystal!! I've been wondering if I have 2 in there!

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