Inconceivable and beyond :-)


Not sure if you lovely ladies have heard of epigenetics? Sorry if I'm preaching to the converted here but just thought it was interesting. Minxy, I also thought it might help with your oh's worries.

Anyway, a biologist I work with was telling me about it. Basically, it states that any organism has a certain genetic makeup (ie from the donor) but that how those genes can be expressed is variable and is determined by environmental factors (ie the womb and pregnancy) She said the example she saw was with mice. One litter came our ginger and prone to obesity, the next litter, same embryos, with different food given to a different mother were black and slim.

Genes are expressed within a given child depending on the environment and its effects. The environment is the pregnant woman's womb and its is her genes, and not the donor's, that will determine how the genes received from the egg or embryo donor, are expressed. The child born would have been emotionally and physically different had the child been carried to term by another woman.

Taken from a booklet published by Freedom Pharmacy “Many believe the uterus is simply an incubator. Nothing could be further from the truth. The most important aspect of all pregnancies – including egg and embryo donation pregnancies- is that as the fetus grows, every cell in the developing body is built out of the pregnant mother’s body. Tissue from her uterine lining will contribute to the formation of the placenta, which will link her child. The fetus will use her body’s protein, then she will replace it. The fetus uses her sugars calcium, nitrates, and fluids, and she will replace them. So, if you think of your dream as you dream house, the genes provide merely a basic blueprint, the biological mother takes care of all the materials and construction, from the foundation right on up to the light fixtures. So, although the donor’s grandfather may have genetically programmed the shape of the new baby’s earlobe, the earlobe itself is the pregnant woman’s “flesh and blood”. That means the earlobe, along with the baby herself, grew from the recipient’s body. That is why the child is her biological child.”

Kath xx
Minxy- a weekend way and a relaxed Christmas sounds like a great idea!

Mrs. G- I love this. I love reading all about epigenetics in regards to EA/ED!

AFM- Had some cramping yesterday...kind of scary. NO bleeding, just cramping. Took tylenol and felt a lot better. Today feeling good, other than mild nausea. Almost forgot beta #2 is 1100!!
That's big numbers Cali!!! When's your scan?

Happy Friday everyone! Xxx
So exciting! Do you have more bloods inbetween? X
Congrats Cali! Those sound like twin numbers to me...

Minty, sorry for your BFN. Hang in there, and enjoy the holidays with family and friends.

Hi everyone!!!
Hi ladies! Mells how's it going mum? Everyone else ok? Cali those are fantastic numbers!!
Mrs G. I really do believe in epigenetics, one of the reasons I wanted so badly to get pregnant. I also believe the prenatal stress and nutrition have quite serious long term effects baby.

Just had the adoption workshop, it was very positive! I can't believe adoptive mothers can breastfeeding their babies. We had a bit of a chuckle when one of the adoptive couples (both chiropractors) were saying they didn't know the long term or negative health effects of fertility drugs therefore refused to do IVF (sort of off putting to the rest of us in the room) and is there a tactful approach to telling the young mothers which supplements they should be taking? Omg, the social worker shut them down so fast...she told them that it's just not something appropriate to be lecturing a struggling mother who's about to make the hard choice to give away her baby and they should be so lucky to not get a coke addicted mother:dohh: There were so many positives, just waiting for the crim and child intervention checks to be done now. Off to bed:)
Hi ladies, how's everyone doing?
Crystal, hope you got rid of that pesky stone and you're feeling more comfortable?
Mrs G, exciting times for you, fingers crossed! Plan B (and in my case C, D, E, F ....) is always good, I think it's how we naturally react. I also love the epigenetics stuff, it really helped me accept the move to using DEs.
Minxy, I hope you're getting through this, every step is such a big one. I remember when I first started and IUI seemed such a big thing, now here we are DE and if that doesn't work it will be adoption. However I know totally what you mean about the UK system, it's scary but then this whole process has been.
Minno, right behind you on the Rd to Czech R.
2have, how's things, I love your friends FB message and your workshops sound very positive.
Jooba, hope you're ok.
Cali, great numbers! x
Wowwee Pussycat....whoopee I will keep the plane seat warm for you!! I only have more af then the next time it's start the meds...yikes. What can I expect in terms of side effects from the prednison one ladies?

Cali - how you doing? Not long until scan time :)))
Minxy - hope you're ok and looking ahead to your choices. It's all such a journey but we just have to keep going come what may.
2have - now that sounds like a very interesting workshop! One step closer...xx
Love to everyone xxx
Hi ladies, pussycat when are you going to Reprofit? Sounds like there will be a string of us then, me just a little further out in April.
Minno, prednisone gave me a puffy face, sleepless nights (anxious feeling) and breathlessness during workouts or steep hill walks that I'd normally have no trouble with. I found these things weird! But it's meant to keep inflammation at bay and so if it works it'll be great. Are you on baby aspirin too?
Hi 2have, EC scheduled for 9th Feb, ET 14th Feb.
I've been going back and forth a bit with them over the protocol as the original one looked like a standard one taking no account if my NKC count. They thought I'd have an immunologist who could recommend protocol but all my tests etc were done my my UK clinic and they don't do ANYTHING for nothing! Anyway, they have now come back with a revised protocol and I'd appreciate some advise from anyone who can help.
Depot injection: 16th Jan intramuscular sounds scary, is it easy to do yourself? Does it hurt? They've given some options on drugs depending what I can get does anyone know which is better of the following or does it not make a difference: Decapeptyl / Gonapeptyl / Zoladex. I can get all three in UK
Estrogen: 26th - 18th (and presume beyond if I get the golden ticket). All fine I have Climaval tablets.
Prednisone 5mg (26th Jan - 18th Feb)and Aspirin 100mg (26th Jan - 13th Feb): all clear
Progesterone: (9th Feb - 18th): have a choice of Utragestan capsules / cyclogest pessaries (used before and I have some) / crinone gel / geston injections. Anyone any idea if one is better than another? I'm sure someone said Crinone was best previously? I've always used cyclogest (which is also the cheapest option!)
Clexane: 14th - 18th. Is this like heparin?
UK ladies, where did you get your meds, I'm looking at a couple of online pharmacies who will deal with EU Drs prescriptions.
Sorry for the long selfish post but would appreciate some advice. Thanks!!
Oh forgot to say Intralipd infusion on day of EC and also day of ET, is that normal so close together? x
Hi just a quick hi because the alrm is bout to go off, I just read your post Pussycat and 5mgs of prednisolone is not nearly enough. Actually that dosage will do nothing infortunately you need at least 15-20 mgs to have any effect. They do prefer you have an immunologist because they don't have a good grasp on immune issues but they are upfront about it and will only offer a very basic option.

The intralipids will only be 100mls so yes you will need one on EC and ET and you should have one on BFP and every 2-4 weeks until 12 weeks but definatley up that steroid dosage. 5mgs doesn't even suppress your immune system so no effect on NKC.

Will be back ona little bit to catch up with everyone ��
Ok I'm back and have caught up :)

2have, glad the adoption workshop went well :) the chiropractic couple really have no clue do they? Uggh there's always one in the group!!

Minno, I had a scan and found out I have multiple stones in each kidney with some to big to pass, I have an appt tomorrow evening to see what my options if any are:thumbup:

Cali, yay and yep looks like twin numbers :happydance:

Minxy, so sorry for your BFN :(

Hi everyone else hope your all well!!!

I had my 16 week scan and we are team :pink::pink: YAY!!!!!!! I'm so excited about it ��
Pussycat, I second what Crystal said about the steroids. I self-selected to be on 20mg this time, after being prescribed 10mg from one Ob and 15mg from the FS, I just didn't think either of those were enough to make a difference - and well they didn't work for three transfers, but who knows what makes a transfer work or not? My new Ob is more than happy with 20mg, and also reasonably happy for me to stay on that dose as long as I'm pregnant, but we're also going to play that one by ear depending on how things are going as the weeks progress.

I'm also on all those other drugs you are getting - I have a weeks worth of Gestone left, then I'll be moving onto Crinone for a couple of weeks, and finally (as a security blanket), I'll move onto utrogestan for as long as I can stand messy knickers! Clexane is low molecular weight heparin (though I don't actually know what that means)! Why are your medications only until 18 Feb? I'd be wanting them forever!

I do the Gestone injections (intramuscular) myself. I looked up a few clips on YouTube, but found the best way is standing with your weight on the side you're not injecting, whilst looking in a big mirror. If you are right handed, you'll find your right butt cheek easier to do, so stand on your left leg. look up images for the outer upper quadrant so you stick it in the right place.
Thanks ladies, I'll ask about the dose of steroids but it seems to be common to get that (from searches and what my Uk clinic said). I spoke to my GP tonight and he's agreed to do the depot injection so I can get him to show me how best to do it. Leilani, Can I ask why you're on different types of progesterone? Is one form better absorbed than another? As for stopping on 18th, that's as far as my plan goes so far, I presume it will be extended when I'm there to include what I take if treatment is successful. x
Thanks ladies, I'll ask about the dose of steroids but it seems to be common to get that (from searches and what my Uk clinic said). I spoke to my GP tonight and he's agreed to do the depot injection so I can get him to show me how best to do it. Leilani, Can I ask why you're on different types of progesterone? Is one form better absorbed than another? As for stopping on 18th, that's as far as my plan goes so far, I presume it will be extended when I'm there to include what I take if treatment is successful. x

I'm only on different progesterones, as Gestone isn't available here, so I'm using up all that I have amassed from Cape Town first, then my clinic recommended Crinone (and less messy than regular pessaries), but it's expensive, so will move onto the utrogestan last, as I'm nervous about stopping taking it!
Pussycat, I'm also on 5mg prednisolone. Gest only do 5-10mg max. I'm not in anything else other than Estrimax and cyclogest - just dos I had some left over and no utrogestan which I threw out after last cycle. Clinic says either is fine.
I got my prednison one via fertility2u as couldn't be bothered asking my gp. Only cost me £20 and came very quickly from England pharmacy xxx
Crystal, yeah on team pink!!!! Of course I'm partial to 2 girls!

Happy thanksgiving to those that celebrate. I'm thankful for all the BnB a ladies that supported me this past year.

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