Ttc I put back 2, 1 hatching blast and 1 expanded both grade AA.
Pinkie, the second beta is to see if there are twinnies growing (or try), not to see if it's viable - it is, and you've got this! I'm so excited for you!
2have, how are you feeling??
Pinkie,sometimes with twins your numbers will double much quicker some women also have a higher beta earlier because there's two babies. I had a beta of 180 at 6dpt and two days later it was just over 400 at 8dpt. That said as my doctor told me it makes them suspicious of twins but singletons can also produce very high numbers. Only an ultrasound will tell you for sure but it's still fun guessing
Anyone go to Greece or Czech? I'm trying to weigh my options between these 2 countries. I'm also trying to decide between my eggs and donor eggs. I'd love input. I'm 41 with extremely low AMH. So, I get that donor eggs might be my best option. I'd still prefer to try my eggs, though. So, I just don't know.