Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Since twins have come up, I am curious about everyone's thoughts on twins versus singleton. We are weighing the pros and cons about putting one or two back. (I know embies can split on their own, so we only have so much control. Plus egg quality matters too.) I feel quite unsure of what to do. On one side, I want two kids. And the sooner the better. And I'd rather not have to start this tortuous journey all over again. On the other side, I know it's much harder on your body & with my health issues, I'm afraid my body wouldn't handle it well. I don't want to try for too much and end up with nothing. Plus, the difficulty & expense of having two infants (day care, etc.) at once. What do you all weigh when making this decision???,
Hey ladies / Vonn, so sorry I've been absent, I am catching up but have another 40 pages to read! However just saw this post and had to respond! My girls are now 5 months old and I am truely blessed to have them! There's no denying that a twin pregnancy can be risky and cause problems, but it is not always the case. I've met a lot of twin mums and no matter what their story they all say it was worth it. From my own experience: I'm 45 years old, had 2 embryos transferred and both implanted, 1 also split which meant at 6 weeks I had 3 heartbeats. I have to say I was terrified and had never considered that 2 could become 3. Anyway, a week later the third heartbeart was gone and I had my MCDA twins. My pregnancy was SO easy, no sickness nothing! I had an elective c section at 36 weeks on advice if Dr (age and because they were identical) and both girls were small, but healthy and strong with no need for special care. Caring for twins is hard, but I am lucky as my girls are pretty easy. There are things that I can't do as easily as my mummy friends with single babies (eg swimming), and I often think how easy one baby would be, but then me and my other half wouldn't have one each to cuddle! It is expensive, but there are very few things you have to buy new and where I live there's an amazing twin network. Many classes offer twin discount, but you often have to ask and also have to check about suitability and accessibility. Twin mums are amazingly supportive of each other. I can't imagine life with only one baby, even at the toughest times, I know I am blessed.
I'm going to try and catch up properly with where everyone's at, but it may take a while! x
Boopin!!!! So exciting! Sounds like a boy hehehe. Congrats!

Ok 2 for 2 so 2have we wait on you next :dance:
I think it's a little lighter this morning. It's concerning. I got a pos on a digi this morning, though.
I think it's a little lighter this morning. It's concerning. I got a pos on a digi this morning, though.

Yes that might be difficult to gage. The frer's show nice progressions whereas the digitals jump to only showing quite high hcg numbers and can be concerning if you're not far along.
Hi ladies, I go away for a few days and come back to lots of positive news which is lovely to see :happydance:

Boopin congratulations on your little bean that’s a great heartbeat :happydance:

Congratulations 2have on being pregnant can’t wait for your scan :happydance:

LLbean great news you’ll be cycling soon

Pinkie I’m so pleased for you that’s great news :happydance:
2have - Your up next, hun. I'm sending you positive vibes for the 30th!! :dust:

Congrats TTC on your BFP!! :happydance:

Pinkie - How are you feeling?? xoxo

I wish everyone a safe and fun weekend!! :hugs:
Hopingormore welcome :wave:

Sienna, how are things with you, any new on the horizon?
Crystal that's very interesting. I wonder about pc's twins too! Is there an easy way your GP could test to find out? Crystal, when's your next meeting with your RI? Would you ask his opinion about blood donation, how that might effect thrombophelia/antiphospholipid antibodies? I'll be tsking a really goid haem iron supplement but would like an off the cuff opinion...i might write Dr Sher online, he seems to answer people freely and see what his opinion is.
Bluebell how are you doing? We haven't heard from you in a while.
Sorry, delayed response to things, I'm slowly catching up and responding as i reach them, apologies also if things have moved on since then as I haven't read further.
My girls are definetly identical, they shared a placenta but each had their own amniotic sac. The reason we know 100% for sure is we had 2 hatchling blasts transferred and at our first scan there were 3 heartbeats, 2 in one placenta, the third in its own placenta. The third heartbeat was very weak and had gone at the next scan. x
Right, I've caught up!
OMG!!! What news there's been! You BFP ladies, I am so excited for you! 2have so impressed that you've gone for it so soon and such amazing news.
Crystal, I remember when you got pregnant with your girls and here you are thinking about going back, amazing! I totally get your fears about another set if twins though!
Beetle, time has flown past! I had my MCDA girls at 36 weeks by elective c section. It was all very straight forward and recovery quick and easy. Neither baby needed special care. I was in hospital for 5 days, but only to try and establish feeding. I tried very hard to BF but my milk never really came in properly, despite expressing. The girls just wouldn't latch. Eventually when they were 6 weeks old they did, and until then we managed c1 feed a day of expressed breast milk, after 6 weeks until about 13 weeks they had 1 breast feed a day, but it was really more of a cuddle as I simply didn't produce enough milk. That said I know a lot of twin mums who do feed so it is possible, just bloody hard and no one told me it would be that hard. It took me a while to come to terms with that, but it meant I got help with feeding. So excited for you!
Ladies its been so nice to catch up with all your news, I'm going to try and keep up!
Pussycat--so good to hear from you! What are Lily and Iris up to now??

All the pregnant ladies...Bluebell, Pinkie, Boopin, 2have, Beetle, TTC...I am living vicariously through you, so please share how you are feeling; any crazy or totally normal symptoms?!?

Llbean--when will things start happening for you?

Hoping4--what's your story?

Hi Crystal, Sienna & Stacer! And anyone I missed!

AFM--Nothing's happening for me. Just waiting. First, for the donor we want to finish her current cycle and then (hopefully) agree to cycle again. Next, for the genetic screening to (hopefully) come back clean. Then, for cycles to sync. Finally, to actually start. That's a lot of waiting. But in the scheme of things it's really not that long, it just feels that way right now.
Hi Vonn, sorry ypu have to wait so long. Do you think September-ish would be the big month for you?

I feel absolutely nothing, no cramping, not overly tired except for the early morning starts with MacKinley, and 3:30/5:30am feeds. No ms, not very much bloating...I'd prefer a little ms really or food averersions just to remind me I'm pregnant. But this is exactly how it went with #1 so we wait till heartbeat scan!

MacKinley prefers to walk than crawl. She gets so flustered crawling but I don't want her walking as her balance is terrible :haha: so I let her duke it out on the floor. Next week I think it'll be smoother, hopefully!
OMG , I have so much to catch up !! And so many BFP's , i am so happy.
2have, you are pregnant!! It's amazing, sorry I couldn't read everything but is it natural or IVF ? I am so happy for you.
Boopin, Hun , yaaayyyy . Was thinking about you. You will be a mama soon, don't worry. Lots of hugs :)
TTC, congratulations!
Pinkie, I am so happy for you. congratulations and don't worry. Everything will be fine this time.
Llbean, how are you ?
Sorry if I missed anyone. So excited to read the BFPs. The journey is really worth it. DS is 6 months today and I am enjoying every second. Those who are trying just don't give up and those pregnant just enjoy it :)
Hi coolstar, a famous Reprofit FET. 2 back, grade A hatching & expanded.

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