Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Boopin, I couldn't agree more with what Vonn said, we're so lucky to have a positive strong spirit like you on this thread, I'd hate to lose you. Very glad you got the embryo tested, it's exactly what I did when it happened to me. It turned out mine had Turner Syndrome and I had immune issues (but that came out with seperate testing which would be obvious anyway if your embryo turns out chromosomally competent).

Take care of yourself, do small things everyday that bring you joy. My heart ached for so long and I was so depressed there's not alot anyone can say to help this crappy process. I'm glad to hear you have 1 more - your embies turned out really high quality and way more thsn we ever got. There's hope! Sending you massive hugs xx :hug::hugs:
Vonn, I hope she transfers next week so that you can get your answers. The waiting is really hard. Happy to hear things are moving aling abeit slowly.

Llbean, how are things with you? Any news on timing for your next round? Do they still want to freeze eggs first or can you fo a fresh cycle?
Boopin, I second everything Vonn and 2have said. Look after yourself lovely and we will always be here.
Vonn, you have the patience of a saint. Your clinic do things a little odd don't they? I hope you don't have to wait too much longer and she agrees to another cycle. Does she have to wait a number of natural cycles before being allowed to go again? I know I had to when using my own eggs.

2have, how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?

LLbean, any news?

How is everyone else?

I am doing ok, been having on and off symptoms and sickness, a little worried because they seems to have almost disappeared from yesterday. I have my repeat scan tomorrow where I should be 8w3d and I am praying everything will be ok.
Vonn, you have the patience of a saint. Your clinic do things a little odd don't they? I hope you don't have to wait too much longer and she agrees to another cycle. Does she have to wait a number of natural cycles before being allowed to go again? I know I had to when using my own eggs.

2have, how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?

LLbean, any news?

How is everyone else?

I am doing ok, been having on and off symptoms and sickness, a little worried because they seems to have almost disappeared from yesterday. I have my repeat scan tomorrow where I should be 8w3d and I am praying everything will be ok.

Pinkie all the best with your scan tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. Sorry to hear you've had sickness!

I get sick feeling after I eat and it started tonight. We were out for 5 hours doing a hilly river park walk and I came home famished. Had some kale salad while waiting on bbq chicken & roasties. Had 1/2 a chicken breast and 5 half roasties and just about puked. Why can I never eat when pregnant? The babies are only the size of blueberries. Had to lie down for 1/2 while the feeling passed. I was worried about gaining weight because I've had a crazy appetite lately but this was a reminder from last time, it takes 3 hours for me to eat a meal. Just have to eat very slowly.:pizza::sick:
Boopin you are amazing and we are so happy you are part of our BNB family and your support always shows. This baby will come for you. Hang in there!

As for's going. They actually upped my dose of meds because it seems my TSH went up like crazy with the MC or something...almost wondering if it is what caused the MC? anyway...waiting to see if the new dosage brings it back down
Boopin, so glad your looking into things and taking your time before you transfer again. I kept being told I needed donor eggs and everything would magically be ok. It wasn't, I had pretty severe immune issues so was so depressing when de didn't work for us. Have you been tested for clotting issues etc? If you need any help just let me know 2have has a ton of knowledge about immunes too. i'm so sorry this has happened :(

Vonn, I hope you get an update very soon about your donor, jeeze you're paying the clinic they should bloody chase it up for you :thumbup:

2have, ughh wait til later when you have no room for the food at all
Pinkie, I always stressed when my symptoms would come and go, hang in there

LL make sure you get your thyroid sorted and double check its sorted before you cycle :thumbup: hopefully things settle quick so you can get going on making this baby :)
yeah TSH had gone up to 10 at one point! its a 4.47 now so hoping it will continue to come down
Hi ladies! Wow so much has been happening. Boopin I'm truly gutted for you - it really sounds like something else like immune issues is going on. I'm glad you are giving yourself time to recover and find out what the problem. I hope you get the answers you need. And congrats to all the other pregnant ladies. 2have - great news about twins so pleased as it was what you wanted. Pinkie all the best for your scan! Ll Bean - wow that's majorly quick change on your thyroid - it's v important to get it settled before starting treatment. Hope it calms down quickly.

AFM I'm currently nearly 33 weeks and entering the really painful last few weeks of twin pregnancy!!energywise I'm fine but it's so painful at night as I just cannot get comfy! Last scan showed that twin 1 was 3lb 11 and twin 2 was 3lb 15 so they are doing well so far. They are keeping a close eye on me as there is a greater risk of the placenta failing with twin pregnancy. C section booked 29th July but not sure we will last that long!
LL, glad they picked it up before you cycle and I hope the meds help it settle so you can move on quickly.

2have, I can't eat a big meal it makes me feel worse I have to eat little and often which then feels like I am constantly eating! I hope you haven't had too much sickness since.

Bettle, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be at the moment and I hope you are getting plenty of rest when you can. Only a few more weeks to go and your girls will be here, how wonderful.

AFM, we had our repeat scan today and still one perfect little bean. It still feels so surreal writing this because I never thought it would happen. They said there was no need for another scan until our 12 weeks because everything looks perfect.
Hi ladies! Wow so much has been happening. Boopin I'm truly gutted for you - it really sounds like something else like immune issues is going on. I'm glad you are giving yourself time to recover and find out what the problem. I hope you get the answers you need. And congrats to all the other pregnant ladies. 2have - great news about twins so pleased as it was what you wanted. Pinkie all the best for your scan! Ll Bean - wow that's majorly quick change on your thyroid - it's v important to get it settled before starting treatment. Hope it calms down quickly.

AFM I'm currently nearly 33 weeks and entering the really painful last few weeks of twin pregnancy!!energywise I'm fine but it's so painful at night as I just cannot get comfy! Last scan showed that twin 1 was 3lb 11 and twin 2 was 3lb 15 so they are doing well so far. They are keeping a close eye on me as there is a greater risk of the placenta failing with twin pregnancy. C section booked 29th July but not sure we will last that long!

Oh Beetle hang in there! I hope you can make it a little longer to get their weights up a touch more. Well done mama! I can't wait to hear about how things go! Fx for you for a smooth last little bit and delivery xx
LL, glad they picked it up before you cycle and I hope the meds help it settle so you can move on quickly.

2have, I can't eat a big meal it makes me feel worse I have to eat little and often which then feels like I am constantly eating! I hope you haven't had too much sickness since.

Bettle, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be at the moment and I hope you are getting plenty of rest when you can. Only a few more weeks to go and your girls will be here, how wonderful.

AFM, we had our repeat scan today and still one perfect little bean. It still feels so surreal writing this because I never thought it would happen. They said there was no need for another scan until our 12 weeks because everything looks perfect.

Pinkie, I'm so relieved that everything is ticking along for you! When's your 12 week scan then? That's the most exciting one from what I remember. They point out all of baby's features.
I haven't felt ms at all, just can't eat very much at once. Will be taking food very slowly!

Llbean did they give you parameters of where they want your numbers before you cycle? I seem to remember someone else on B&B Boopin perhaps talking about the magical number of 2 or less? Can't remember now. All that working out you're doing should help things nicely:thumbup: Hormones are fat soluable and when you get moving it helps your body 'read' what it is they're trying to do by unlocking them from the fat. Including responding to IVF drugs. It's definitely part of the reasonI think I've only ever been able to get pregnant naturally by working out and losing weight like a mad woman. I don't necessarily have that much to lose but oh wow, things start working when I force the fat burning & exercise.
Wishing you a speedy cycle/BFP.
yeah it seems the magic number is under 2.5. They will test again in a month they said, apparently it can take that long to see the new meds take effect
Pinkie that is wonderful! That's a bean growing in there for sure and getting strong! Were you able to hear the heartbeat? that's always so amazing
Llbean--when you got pg, did they check your thyroid numbers and increase your dosage pretty much right away? I think it's usually about a 50% increase. If that didn't happen, make sure you get it done this time around. And hopefully they check more than just TSH. Free 4T and free T3 are just as important.

I hate thyroid stuff. Mine is tricky, I've got something preventing T3 from getting into my cells, so I actually feel best when my T3 is really high (suppressing TSH to practically non-existent) because even though it's high in my blood, not too much gets into my cells. But that increased amount crosses the placenta & isn't good for baby, so my T3 blood level has to be in the normal range, which means not enough gets into the cells. I really want to figure out why the T3 isn't getting into my cells. It's hard to find drs who will help with this sort of thing. My dr just added vitamin A into the mix as that supposedly helps prime the T3 receptors. I hope that does the trick. Sorry for going on about this...

Ladies, I am going to lose my mind. I just found out the donor we wanted (3rd choice, mind you...) has decided she doesn't want to cycle again. I am just pissed. Excuse the language.
WTF!!! :dohh: WFT!!! :dohh: WTF!!! :dohh: WTF!!! :dohh:

I called DH to tell him and we chatted for a couple minutes. Then he was like, "I just need to process this a little. I'll call you later, okay?" Poor guy, he doesn't even know what to do any more. I am quickly losing confidence in this clinic. But everywhere else is more money and (generally) longer waits. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
Beetle, ah those last weeks are so hard and painful and so short of breath... Just trying to sit felt like legs were pushing everything to breaking point. I can tell you that as soon as they are delivered it is instant relief :) After that the baby side of things seemed easy lol! My girls weighed in at 5.5lbs each at 35+1 but I had gestational diabetes and I think at the end of the day it helped the girls have a good weight. Rest as much as you can and just get through each day :)
Vonn would a clinic like reprofit not be an option for you? It sounds like American clinics are incredibly slow, incredibly expensive and I'm not sure I could put up with that. I was confirmed for fresh DE in 2.5 mnths back in 2012 when I started with Reprofit. And with ~$7500 for a fresh DE round plus maybe $2000 for flights & accomms we thought it was quite reasonable compared to our $20k-$40k options in the States. I'm sorry you're going through this. It feels like they're playing games with your life plans :grr:
Vonn - I'm so sorry hun to hear the bad news about your 3rd donor choice. This IVF process seems so cruel and unfair at times. I'm disappointed, frustrated and pissed at the moment, too!! It seems like women all around me are getting pregnant left and right. While I'm just experiencing failure after failure. I'm so heartbroken. GUTTED!! I'm almost to the point of depression. I'm seriously considering therapy. I've done everything right... to the T, yet I had 2 consecutive miscarriages. WTF!? :dohh:

Hang in there my dear. I know it's very frustrating, but don't give up on your dreams of being a mother. Sending you the BIGGEST HUGS that I possibly can (through the internet)!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Give your poor DH hugs. He's effected, too.

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