What finally worked was a truckload of meds nuepogen, IVIG, intralipids, steroids, clexane, low dose aspirin and 1600mgs of progesterone. It cost thousands and thousands just for meds but we do what we have too. My girls are priceless to me I would have spent more to ensure they got here safe. I've hated my body for turning on me and stealing the one thing we as women want and that is family. For me it was a big mess of drugs holding me together but I got there in the end
I think the same happened with us, our fs completely put down the idea that there could be immune issues involved and warned me that she had a patient pass away taking IVIg. I didn't believe her then and it's still sounds unreal to me. We can't get IVIG even prescribed in Canada for anything other than Rheumatoid arthritis so how was she administering it in a hospital for infertility especially when she doesn't believe in and is not educated in the entire science of reproductive immunology?
The other thing that made me run from our local clinic is their insistence of using frozen eggs and boasting that they give high success rates. When most European clinics now will only freeze embryos with eggs being too fragile, and seeing SKP spend $50+ on 12 frozen eggs only to have 3-4 decent embryos and none take. We could have gone down that route too very easily. I just thought they're selling the luxury of seeing a picture of the donor for a very high price over the quality of fertility treatment.
I tried acupuncture, yoga, lost weight, CoQ10, DHEA (that gave me really weird dreams!), super stim cycle, gentle stim cycle. It was getting on the steroids(prednisone), blood thinners and injectable progesterone and going to a clinic that had high rates of success and only us us high quality embryos that Reprofit does (Serum & Calgary not so much) that made the difference. Had we cycled in the States with the donor we picked from the World Egg Donor Bank that looked pretty close to me for a whopping $20-$30 and 6+ month wait time we wouldn't have been able to afford the 3 tries we did in 2012 & 2013 at Reprofit and Serum. Not to mention the immune testing that the Dr. beers clinic did for me. All this time, going through mc's, flying for treatments, immune & DE IVF's my friend witnessed and still refused to make a move. Our third mutual friend did 9 iui's back to back with an ectopic pregnancy and she got her rainbow DS first. Try, try, try and when you're sick to death of trying, try again.
I'm just about to do this course about fertility that I thought some of you might be interested in - it's free and open to anyone. They do some really interesting stuff on there:
Wow, that looks awesome. I was curious to see what else they offer and omgoodness, they've got some really cool topics covered. I've always wanted to design my own fashion line
I hate how so many shoes and clothes are ill-fitted or the law courses about money and intro for non-lawyers...I could never do law but have always been interested in it. Or the management courses for work. Now to carve out some time. Thank you BF!