Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Vonn omg what a pain! Sigh...well hope between you and hubby you can figure it out.

As far as me yes, that is when it jumped to 10! Doc explained that can happen and they do increase meds after a BFP but mine jumped right up there real quick so it was already wonky. They adjusted my dose now and say that they would up it right away when a BFP is achieved
Boopin, you have every right to feel totally pissed right now because life is just too cruel sometimes. I honestly didn't think I could take any more and thought after everything that has happened it was a sign for me to give it up. I honestly never thought I would be where I am today. You are such a strong positive women and I truly believe this will happen for you. I had counselling and if it is something you are open to I definitely recommend it. I hope you get some answers soon hun so you can move forward :hugs:

Vonn, I can't believe it. I am so sorry this has happened again. I said this before but your clinic seem to work in a strange way. I agree with 2have, would going abroad be an option for you? I know my clinic would not even tell us about a possible donor without them being thoroughly screened and signed up to the program. Again I am so sorry and I hope this gets sorted for you, stay focused and stay strong. :hugs:

2have, I have my 12 week scan booked for 25th July its unlike the NHS here but everything got organised very quickly.

LL, unfortunately I didn't get to hear the heartbeat this time I was so shocked at what I saw on the screen I forgot to ask. Hopefully I will at my next one.

Have a good weekend ladies, look after yourselves xx
Happy Canada Day!
Just got a grumpy little baby down for a nap and thdn we're going downtown to enjoy some festivities. Then off to a toga BBQ.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I getting right plied with alcohol free bubbly:haha:
Boopin thinking of you :hug::hug::hug:

Vonn I’m so sorry about your donor, hopefully you’ll find another one you like soon it's so frustrating when you can't move forward

Pinkie I’m so glad your scan showed a lovely little bean :happydance:

LLbean fingers crossed your levels keep reducing
Vonn, so sorry to hear this. No wonder you are frustrated being messed around like this. I agree with the others about maybe checking out your other options with alternative clinics.
Pinkie, fab news about your scan. I have my 20 week scan on the 25 th July also :flower:
LL - hope your thyroid stabilises with the adjustments to your meds.
2 have- Happy Canada day x
Boopin, I never did any counselling but it was something my hubby and mum had encouraged me to consider when I was feeling really down about our situation. If you feel it would be helpful I would certainly go forward with it :hugs:
Beetle, not long to go now. Hang in there xx
Boopin, so sorry to read your news. Once again Mother Nature is so cruel, take time to heal and totally agree with 2have and crystal, investigate all you can before you use that final embryo.
Vonn, OMG! How shit is that? I can't praise Reprofit enough, so if you can head for Europe!
Beetle, your babies are a good weight! I was 36 weeks exactly when my girls were delivered at 4lb 9 and 4lb 12. Those last few weeks really take your breath away and I found sleep hard, I wasn't even that big! However suddenly your bump is gone and you have these two amazing creatures!
2Have, woop woop! Welcome to the twin club! You're about to embark on a crazy journey! My girls are almost 6 months now and the past couple of weeks have been hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Hi to everyone else!
Happy 4th of July to our American ladies, I hope you have a wonderful day:wine::cake::drunk::dance:
Beetle--exciting how close you are! I read your blog and saw you had some stuff about essential oils. I'm curious about how you've used them during pregnancy. Have you? Companies here are leery of recommending it since they haven't studied it, but then I read of plenty of examples of moms-to-be using them. Curious about your thoughts.

Happy Canada Day and US Independence Day!!

AFM--thanks for the support, ladies. It means so much to be able to share my constant bad news with you all and just get love back. You are all life-savers to me. I'm so torn about what to do next. I'm not happy with my current clinic, but I'm hesitant to jump back into the feverish research mode. I had felt so good about our decision and it exhausts me just thinking about opening it all up again.

I did call one local clinic to ask more questions, but they haven't called me back. I also checked a couple websites for clinics in Czech (Reprofit and Zlin) and they seem to give you almost no info about the donor, only a birth year and blood type. I also looked at Serum in Greece and they provide more info (height, weight, hair color, eye color, cultural and education background). None of them seem to provide pics, esp not both child/baby and adult, like CNY-FC does. It's hard to give that up. And the opportunity to choose your own donor, not be assigned. I should look more into US egg banks, but the info I found previously indicated higher pricing. UGH.

I'm so tired of all this. I can't believe I'm 41 and the soonest I could have my first baby is 42. That is terrifying and I sometimes think I'm crazy for even bothering. But then I see a baby and remember what it's all for! :wacko:
Hi Vonn, we're here for you, good & bad, anytime! I liked the thought of seeing my donor when we first started researching donor egg options in Canada and the US. But I found the price tag and wait times were too much. It may not be a success the first time so you need to be able to afford an fet or another round. A surprising fact in the screening process is that American clinics allow herpes infected women to donate eggs, while European standards are tighter. You can see this herpes detail on the profiles on some of the donor bank websites. I was pretty shocked yo say the least.

After we did our first DE ivf at Reprofit and I accidentally saw our donor walking our of the clinic I was completely satisfied that Reprofit does indeed have a large donor list. They do tell you height, ethnicity, eye color, education, blood type, those things are legislated and Reprofit goes by the book. Athens Serum clinic, on the other hand will put more than 2 embryos back by request, and they refused to tell me all of the characteristics of our donor. Height was really important to both DH and I as we're both tall and Penny refused to tell me. I was really angry after that. The clinic also smelled like smoke and I wasn't ever able to see the embryos. They were 'great quality'. Even though 5 of them never took with a fresh & fet attempt, and despite $6000 in immune treatments leading up to that DE ivf. So just be careful of the clinics rates of success, and don't go by everything online. Reprofit is by far the best clinic I've been to of the 3 that we've had experience with. Crystal can tell you about Zlin.

Don't get too hung up on pictures. The main thing is that the clinic has a large donor bank do they can match you well, they have high standards, they will be professional with you, and don't keep you waiting more than 3 months. Keep at your dream, you may be tired but there's plenty of time for being tired once you've got a big bump on your belly!
Vonn I just sent you a PM with some info. Most clinics will not show you an adult picture.. I know there is one in Los Angeles that does? I think it was called California Fertility Partners
My experience with Serum was not a good one, I had premature ovarian failure so at 32 my AMH was low and by 36 was very low and and by 38 was seriously low lol now at 41 I struggle to believe there's any left:dohh:
We did a cycle of DE in South Africa which ended up a chemical, contacted Serum because I had heard Penny was good with immunes and after all my doctors here saying my AMH was low and my egg quality was super poor.. In 4 IVF cycles I had nothing even fertilise. She suggested I do mini IVF with them:dohh: I asked her if she read my notes and she said yes.. I said my eggs are not viable..she insisted mini IVG, I did not proceed with Serum.

Zlin is an awesome clinic, there's a hotel attached and in a small town the only downside was that it is a bit out of the way. They offer embryoscope etc there as well. Reprofit is great as well after all they gave me my girls :happydance: I prefer the Czech clinics as they're clean, efficient, to the point and very organised.. If there's an problem they will try and fix it. I have an FS and Immune doctor here is Australia so really just needed a clinic to do the transfer and they were fine with that as well. Would definitley recommend Reprofit all day long :)
Vonn I know it may seem important now to get as many details about the donor as you can but I can't stress too much how, once you get your baby, the donor just won't matter. My clinic only gave me age and said that they would match height, weight, hair and eye colour. I think it's natural to want as much information as you can Get, but once the baby is here he or she (or they!) are yours and no matter what they look like you will love them unconditionally. Plus they will probably look like DH anyway :winkwink:

I agree with the others. Find the clinic that will do their best to get you that bfp xx
Vonn, I second what the others have said. I would be inclined to go with the clinic that gives the best success rates. We were told height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, education and hobbies at Reprofit. They matched everything we asked for.
Hope everyone is doing ok?
I confess to caving and buying a few baby things this week in the sales. I had planned to wait until after our next scan but there are too many cute things all reduced in the stores at present xx
Bluebell you have no ticker! Remind me how far along you are? In my last tri I found it impossible not to get a few things. I didn't want to get clothing but I caved and bought a few things and 1 boy OshKosh outfit (whoops!)
Enjoy the sales :dance:
Bluebell--it's okay to buy a few are pregnant! I can imagine how hard it is to believe it's real, so I understand where you are coming from. We will just carry the enthusiasm until you are totally ready to embrace it! A ticker would be fun, though.

Thanks for all the helpful info, ladies! I really appreciate your expertise and learning from your experiences.

Reprofit sounds like a great choice and I am inclined to try it if and when we change clinics. It's weird that they say on their website that they don't provide much info to recipients about their donors, but then they actually do. I certainly trust you guys, though.

And LLBean, the program you sent me details about seems like a great deal, compared to other guarantee programs. The ones around here cost $39,000, not $28,000. It's still not in the cards, but I'm glad I know about it in case something changes. You never know!

I think I am getting closer to feeling like (as you all indicate) all the info in the world doesn't matter if you can't even get to transfer, let alone pregnant. I just want this to happen.

DH and I talked last night. He isn't quite ready to find a new clinic yet. He really doesn't want to lose the opportunity to select our donor. I can understand where he's coming from, plus I am not keen on starting the research process again. The options are either keep taking a chance on this clinic, or pay more money and/or get less info about the donor. I asked the nurse about a couple more donors. One has decided not to cycle anymore. The other may cycle again, she needs to call in and confirm. We are once again waiting. Hopefully, we will get an answer within a couple days.
Bluebell--18 weeks, that's amazing! Congrats! :happydance:
I have just started to feel some movements in the past couple of days I think :flower: Either that or it is just wind!!!

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