2have & crystal - I know folate is best absorbed naturally in a variety of foods in our diet i.e. peanuts, asparagus, corn, spinach, lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, beef liver, etc... But, as a supplement do you take it in a prenatal vitamin or by itself?? Which brand of folate do you use and how many MCG's daily?? I'd like to find a good quality organic supplement. I'm highly considering switching to folate ASAP as a precautionary measure. I'm planning for my next FET at the end of October. So, I think now is a great time to switch, as I'd have a few months of it already in my system. TIA ladies xx
I'm leaning toward taking folate and Omega 3's separately in addition to a women's multivitamin. What do you ladies think??
Informative article I found.
Boopin that's a good article. I find the ingredients in most prenatals are very cheap, folic acid rather than folate, low levels of B vitamins and they're often not easy to digest, non-heme iron which constipated most women and in some prenatals, they even put calcium with the iron which is completely rediculous because calcium binds to iron - we have to take those two at least 2-3 hours apart from each other. So I take each component separately, having paid that much for IVF/fet, getting good quality sups is small potatoes.
When I transfer 2 embryos I take 5mg folate, 1 is not enough for a twin pregnancy and if you're transferring 2 you should treat it like a twin pregnancy until proven otherwise -neural defects form in the start of pregnancy.
Then the next most important vitamin is D, and iron - if you ask any pharmacist they'll have a heme easy-to-digest iron behind the counter. Or you can get a liquid like Floradix or Spatone and drink it with OJ. 90% of shelf Iron vits are non-heme constipation monsters. Vit D in liquid and 1000mg/day. It's one of the only vitamins that have no negative outcomes even in high doses in pregnancy (or otherwise), babies have less deformities when pregnant ladies take vit D. It's also the only vit that doctors recommend all babies get and when in liquid form digests & absorbs most easily.
Then I take an easy to digest B vit: https://www.aor.ca/en/product/advanced-b-complex
And now and then I take a liquid calcium/magnesium but I eat enough yoghurt & milk that i'm not so worried about it calcium is for mom, all other vits above are for baby.
The 1st folate you listed is most like the one I take: https://www.newrootsherbal.com/product/id/1900
I don't think it matters which brand, they are all lab synthesized as long as it's affordable and in a decent quantity (ie 60 caps @ 1mg each).
The problem with trying to get either folic acid or like my anemic friend said she'd do instead of taking a quality iron sup as her doctor recommended, you need to eat 5 cups of peanuts, 6 cups of spinach, or 5 cups of asparagus each day in order to get just 1 mg if folate (and if transferring 2 5mg would be hard to achieve via food sources). And depending on how you cook your food you can very easily lose nutrition. And for iron, we'd need 5+ cups of legumes to get half the amount of iron that a pregnant lady needs or 30 plates of spinach each day. And those are non-heme sources so reduce the amount for 30-50% malabsorption. Nutritiondata.com is great for getting the breakdown of iron/folate etc per serving from a food type.
The only other supplement I take is N-Acetyl Cysteine which reduces maternal inflammation which we get from eating carby, sugary foods, stress, and exercise and it has really high statistics for preventing mc: