Inconceivable and beyond :-)

thank you for the welcomes!

2have - LOVE the announcement!! adorable! congrats on the twins! I would totally not mind twins (I say that now with zero parenting experience) but it's the only way I'm getting 2! :) unless we have one and adopt later but let's face it, I'm gettin' old. :jo:
2have I’m so glad your scan went well, and that is a lovely birth announcement :)

Welcome to the thread wish2bmom
Wish--welcome, my friend! So glad to have you with us. :thumbup:

2have--what's been the response to your announcement? Did you go back to work much earlier than you were expecting? I hope the transition isn't too tough.

Hi, everyone, happy Friday (in my neck of the woods, anyway)!

AFM--The nurse messaged me back this morning after I sent a message last night asking if donor's genetic screening results were in yet. She started her reply with "I'm sorry but..." and my heart sank for a split-second until I went on to read that the results were not in yet. Whew! :wacko: It would be really nice to know before the weekend. Give me a little time to compose myself if the results are bad news. That can't be the case, though, can it? I certainly hope not!
Vonn - I'm keeping my fx'd that your new donor passes all of her genetic testing with flying colors!! :hugs:
Boopin--did you have a follow-up appt this week?
Boopin--did you have a follow-up appt this week?
The f/u appointment with my RE is Friday 7/22. I'm anxious to discuss the plan/protocol for my next FET cycle. I have prepared myself with a thorough list of questions, diagnostic tests and blood work that I'd like to have done. I'm definitely asking for the NK cells test, another hysteroscopy and an endometrial biopsy. It just boggles my mind that I was pregnant with a "normal embryo" that had a strong heartbeat... and still miscarried. :shrug:
Wish2bmom do you have a place picked out for you de ivf? Are you looking to do it soon? This fall will be exciting, we have a few ladies cycling in Nov, I'm already looking forward to beta & scan updates!

Vonn everything crossed for positive genetic results tomorrow!
Yes, the response was fantastic to our announcements thank you. I was bombarded with lovely comments, IM's, texts and we even got some phone calls! There was only 1 friend who responded strangely - that friend who got knocked up as soon as she heard I was pregnant with DD, the one who refused to take prenatals, iron when her doc told her she was anemic and now she's refusing the whooping cough vaccine as her doc recommended in 3rd tri to protect her baby. So she doesn't reply on fb but rather texts me asking if it's true that we're having twins. I replied that I certainly wouldn't lie about that and we're very excited and have so much gratitude as parents-again-to-be. An hour and a half later she sends a message 'are you happy?'. Of course we are, we're on cloud 9 jackpot!!! In my head I'm thinking she took that time to think how she could either a) Have another baby to one up us right away or b) have twins too. Maybe she just got caught up with something but I just don't trust that she has good thoughts for us. Especially after she failed to congratulate and asked if I was happy. I think she must be terribly unhappy to respond like this. Is she projecting? Sienna you're the expert here lol, help me out? I asked if she was ok and she started blabbing about home renovations. I reassured her that once baby comes things will be ok and keep ip the good work. Kept it short, I was hurt by her response.

I don't go back to work until Aug 8th, just set it up with HR today. I also met with my team of designers for coffee, they were reassuring that the politics have died down and things are much smoother. Either way it'll be from Aug-Jan/Feb and I have 2 months holiday time accrued. I never take my birthday off but I might just do it this year. Will miss DD terribly!
2have, I think her reaction was more about herself. She clearly could not see herself with one child let alone 2 at once and 3 under 2. It's her issue and nothing about you. I will say the term "friend" is loosely used there lol.

People tend to put themselves in scenarios and panic, because they themselves are not equipped to handle them.... Wouldn't even give her the time of day.

Vonn crossing all for awesome results!

Booping hope you get some answers today at your appointment

Welcome Wish

As for myself I had my appointment with endocrinologist on Monday and the blood results are in... Thyroid levels are good again (1.26) so we are ready to rumble ;) she will increase my thyroid meds as soon as a pregnancy is confirmed for sure to cover our bases.
vonn - I hope you get your results today too!! let's go, docs!

boopin - good luck at your appt today. I love how you're going in fully equipped!

2have - interesting response! yeah, i'd think she's projecting too, like if she found out she was having twins, she'd flip out so she's probably wondering how you're not.

ll & sienna - hi!

Yep, I'm going to stick with IVF NE, who I've been going to for my IVF as well. They do donor eggs here so why change. My insurance, though I guess this isn't covered by insurance, considers them a Center of Excellence, so anything that DOES get billed to them gets a great discount.
I had my consult appt yesterday with my RE and here's the synopsis:
It was actually much more informative than I thought it was going to be.
So we are going to go with Frozen - 6 eggs only. That should hopefully give us 1-2 tries. DH's sperm better fertilize!!
I have to get a new sonohysterogram, I'll set that up on my next Day 1. Then we have to also get appts with the DE team, a psychologist to go over any questions/concerns/make sure we understand how to tell the baby that we're making it this way, etc. We have to sign the consent forms and then who knows what other appt. But then we'll get the keys to the Donor kingdom to make our choice on donor. I have to go on BCP and then Lupron to stifle ovulation, then estrogen to plump up the lining, then PIO shots for progesterone (ouch!!). They thaw the eggs, get DH's boys lined up and do ICSI into each egg and we wait to see fertilization rate. Then hopefully we have more than a couple make it to blast and we'll transfer 1-2 and freeze any leftovers. They guarantee at least one transfer, so if none make it to blast, then we start over with another batch. But if we only have one, we only have one...
I really think I need this finite # of attempts. The doc said that the only benefit, really, of going fresh was that the # of eggs available could be higher than 6, so more attempts. But I think having the end game in sight is the way to go at this point. We've been trying for so long, and I'm almost 41, I don't want to keep this up if it's just not meant to be. And quite honestly, I don't want to go through the rigmarole that a Fresh cycle entails.
so that's that!

I have to make the calls and such to get started, which I'll probably do after we get back from vacation 2 Mondays from now. But yes, I'm thinking sometime this fall, things will be in full gear. I can't wait! I really really hope this takes!

From what you've all read on this thread, is there a tendency to go more Fresh over Frozen or vice versa? Just curious on the trends...
Llbean I think I've called her a friend for too long, I guess I'm slow to let people go but she's going to have to gently slip out of my life.

Wish I'm really not a good person to talk to about frozen eggs. I don't like the experiences people have had with them and if DE live birth success rates are 35-50% and frozen eggs are 10% lower it seems expensive for the success rates. I'm glad you made your decision and have a plan, glad your clinic has a guarantee. It's important that you at least get 1 fair chance.
Wish--having a plan feels so good, doesn't it? I'm glad the appt went well & you got a lot of information! It will be nice going into a vacation with this understanding. My clinic told me that using frozen eggs has a 5-10% lower success rate. It's also cheaper, so a bit of a trade-off. I like that your clinic has a guarantee, that should put your mind at ease, I know it would mine.

2have--I agree with others that your friend is projecting her fear and anxiety onto your news. That's too bad for her, but she has to sort through all that on her own. I'm glad you aren't close friends, that would be more awkward. I'm glad so many people are thrilled for you!

Boopin--I hope your dr is receptive to your wishes and questions today. Thinking of you!

AFM--no word yet...I'm thinking it won't come today.
2have, I had a few friends that were standoffish when they heard twins :( You'll soon find out even in public people can be lovely or very mean when they see twins. My girls are well behaved and quietly sit in their stroller while we're out and we still get the glad it's you because I'd kill myself:growlmad: Or double trouble.. Not really, their not really trouble at all thanks! They're my daughters and never trouble.. or my favourite.. Why would you want two??:dohh: I always say they're a blessing we waited a very long time. Mark gives the death stare like step away from these babies or I will rip your head off:haha: He has the best resting bitch face ever haha:haha::haha: but the girls hear these comments and it peeves me off to no end :growlmad: There are lovely people as well thankfully that tell them what a blessing they must be etc but people lose their filters. Be clear with your "friend" this is very much wanted and if she continues then bye bye.. Who needs it??

LL where are you in your cycling?:happydance:

Vonn, glad things are getting there it is draining but so worth it !

Boopin it is best to be tested and the Endo biopsy is the best way to find out NKC, are you being tested for clotting issues, MTHFR is a common gene defect and needs to be treated during pregnancy. Best of luck with it, I was sorted within a few months of testing, you just need to know if and what the problem is :)
Hi Ladies :hugs:

My f/u appointment went productively. My RE has ordered diagnostic imaging and coagulopathy labs. The plan moving forward is to do testing and then treat accordingly when the results are in. Definitely, we're adding Lovenox and Doxycycline to my next protocol/FET. I'll list the procedure & blood tests below.

3D Sonohysterogram

AntiB2 Glycoprotein (IgG/IgM)
AntiPhosphoSerine Ab (IgG/IgM)
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Fasting Homocysteine level
Factor II activity (prothrombin 20210A mutation)
Protein C activity
Protein S activity

BONUS: The RE said my uterus is healing nicely and my Right Ovary has a small cyst because I'm getting ready to release an egg. So, I BD last night. :sex: Hoping for a miracle.. LOL!!
Hi Ladies :hugs:

My f/u appointment went productively. My RE has ordered diagnostic imaging and coagulopathy labs. The plan moving forward is to do testing and then treat accordingly when the results are in. Definitely, we're adding Lovenox and Doxycycline to my next protocol/FET. I'll list the procedure & blood tests below.

3D Sonohysterogram

AntiB2 Glycoprotein (IgG/IgM)
AntiPhosphoSerine Ab (IgG/IgM)
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Fasting Homocysteine level
Factor II activity (prothrombin 20210A mutation)
Protein C activity
Protein S activity

BONUS: The RE said my uterus is healing nicely and my Right Ovary has a small cyst because I'm getting ready to release an egg. So, I BD last night. :sex: Hoping for a miracle.. LOL!!

GL with that golden eggie!
If they aren't checking for MTHFR please consider taking folate with your next protocol rather than folic acid. If you have this issue you can't absorb folic acid, and this is a direct cause of mc according to the NHS studies on that mc scholarly website. Did they say why they aren't testing for NKC's? It's a very common IF condition as women get closer to menopause. And the only other thing I'd ask is hopefully they tested your free protein S levels when you had your d&c - they did mine at that time and then compared it to levels 3 months later. According to my Hemotologist, if your levels are elevated during pregnancy over usual it's an indicator of pregnancy clotting.

I hope they find something for you Boopin! :hugs:
I agree MTHFR is an important one for pregnancy, I have it and had to take folate instead of folic acid, clexane etc. your also at much higher risk to have a baby with neural tube defects and clotting. If your going to test you might as well get all the common issues out of the way, NKC are very common too, Other then that it's a good list to start with :) hopefully your answers in that list Boopin xx
Wish, welcome to the thread you will definitely find heaps of support here. I have only ever used fresh or frozen embryos, my DE clinic will not freeze eggs. I wish you all the best and have a good vacation.

2have, I agree with the others about your 'friend', I think sometimes people don't know what to say and I wish those people would just not bother saying anything. I am glad to hear that the important people are thrilled for you.

Boopin, good luck with your testing, I really hope something comes up so that they can work with it, this has to be your 3rd time lucky.

LL, great news on the thyroid, I hope you get to cycle soon, I reckon there is going to be some more bfp coming on here soon.

Vonn, any news on your donor tests yet?

I hope everyone else is doing well and you all had a good weekend.

2have & crystal - I know folate is best absorbed naturally in a variety of foods in our diet i.e. peanuts, asparagus, corn, spinach, lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, beef liver, etc... But, as a supplement do you take it in a prenatal vitamin or by itself?? Which brand of folate do you use and how many MCG's daily?? I'd like to find a good quality organic supplement. I'm highly considering switching to folate ASAP as a precautionary measure. I'm planning for my next FET at the end of October. So, I think now is a great time to switch, as I'd have a few months of it already in my system. TIA ladies xx

I'm leaning toward taking folate and Omega 3's separately in addition to a women's multivitamin. What do you ladies think??,320_&psc=1&refRID=Y91S2R70PWVGSQ12M57E

Informative article I found. :coffee:
2have & crystal - I know folate is best absorbed naturally in a variety of foods in our diet i.e. peanuts, asparagus, corn, spinach, lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, beef liver, etc... But, as a supplement do you take it in a prenatal vitamin or by itself?? Which brand of folate do you use and how many MCG's daily?? I'd like to find a good quality organic supplement. I'm highly considering switching to folate ASAP as a precautionary measure. I'm planning for my next FET at the end of October. So, I think now is a great time to switch, as I'd have a few months of it already in my system. TIA ladies xx

I'm leaning toward taking folate and Omega 3's separately in addition to a women's multivitamin. What do you ladies think??,320_&psc=1&refRID=Y91S2R70PWVGSQ12M57E

Informative article I found. :coffee:

Boopin that's a good article. I find the ingredients in most prenatals are very cheap, folic acid rather than folate, low levels of B vitamins and they're often not easy to digest, non-heme iron which constipated most women and in some prenatals, they even put calcium with the iron which is completely rediculous because calcium binds to iron - we have to take those two at least 2-3 hours apart from each other. So I take each component separately, having paid that much for IVF/fet, getting good quality sups is small potatoes.

When I transfer 2 embryos I take 5mg folate, 1 is not enough for a twin pregnancy and if you're transferring 2 you should treat it like a twin pregnancy until proven otherwise -neural defects form in the start of pregnancy.

Then the next most important vitamin is D, and iron - if you ask any pharmacist they'll have a heme easy-to-digest iron behind the counter. Or you can get a liquid like Floradix or Spatone and drink it with OJ. 90% of shelf Iron vits are non-heme constipation monsters. Vit D in liquid and 1000mg/day. It's one of the only vitamins that have no negative outcomes even in high doses in pregnancy (or otherwise), babies have less deformities when pregnant ladies take vit D. It's also the only vit that doctors recommend all babies get and when in liquid form digests & absorbs most easily.

Then I take an easy to digest B vit:

And now and then I take a liquid calcium/magnesium but I eat enough yoghurt & milk that i'm not so worried about it calcium is for mom, all other vits above are for baby.

The 1st folate you listed is most like the one I take:
I don't think it matters which brand, they are all lab synthesized as long as it's affordable and in a decent quantity (ie 60 caps @ 1mg each).

The problem with trying to get either folic acid or like my anemic friend said she'd do instead of taking a quality iron sup as her doctor recommended, you need to eat 5 cups of peanuts, 6 cups of spinach, or 5 cups of asparagus each day in order to get just 1 mg if folate (and if transferring 2 5mg would be hard to achieve via food sources). And depending on how you cook your food you can very easily lose nutrition. And for iron, we'd need 5+ cups of legumes to get half the amount of iron that a pregnant lady needs or 30 plates of spinach each day. And those are non-heme sources so reduce the amount for 30-50% malabsorption. is great for getting the breakdown of iron/folate etc per serving from a food type.

The only other supplement I take is N-Acetyl Cysteine which reduces maternal inflammation which we get from eating carby, sugary foods, stress, and exercise and it has really high statistics for preventing mc:
Thanks for replying 2have!! After reading (3x over) every vitamin that you mentioned in your previous post, I'm going to make some adjustments to my daily supplements. What you're saying makes sense. And I'm going to take what you've said into consideration when making my choices. Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it very much. :hugs:

I found another good article on folate vs. folic acid. :paper:
Thanks for replying 2have!! After reading (3x over) every vitamin that you mentioned in your previous post, I'm going to make some adjustments to my daily supplements. What you're saying makes sense. And I'm going to take what you've said into consideration when making my choices. Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it very much. :hugs:

I found another good article on folate vs. folic acid. :paper:

Boopin, I'm sure they'll find something and if they don't you'll be well equipped to make a success of it. I can't wait for your next go!!!:flower:

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