Inconceivable and beyond :-)

ps - Thinking of you. :hugs: How are you feeling hun?? Did the bleeding stop??

Vonn - Any signs of AF?? Fx'd she rears her ugly face ASAP!!
Thanks for asking, Boopin! You're a sweetheart. :hugs:

Still no AF, despite trying all kinds of stuff. My nurse estimates we will be transferring a week later at this point, maybe longer. This is not good news because I have a big event at work that I run on Nov 14. I had agreed to do the transfer before the event only because I'd still have a week to finalize everything. Now, I'll potentially be gone right up until the event. Not good. And everyone at work will be wondering why the hell I'm gone right before my program. The whole point of going on the bcp was to avoid the delayed AF, but it happened anyway. This is so annoying. :growlmad: Sorry to vent, I'm grumpy.

ps--ditto what Boopin said. :kiss:
PS, I am sorry to hear about the bleeding, it's so scary when you see that. It's also very common and I truly hope that is the case for you. How are you feeling, have you been for another scan?

Vonn, I am sorry AF hasnt arrived and it's messed things up for you. So frustrating. When I am on BCP it's always a minimum of 5 days before mine arrives so hopefully yours won't be much longer.

Booping, great news on the baseline, glad everything is going according to plan so far. I hope you are feeling ok?

Crystal, wow that's protocol. But you sound like you have everything under control. Will look forward to the updates.

Thank you all ladies. I am sorry I was MIA yesterday as besides the bleeding stuff had lots other stuff to deal with personally. The somewhat heavy red bleeding during day ended with a quarter size clot in evening and I was done in my mind and dear husband saw too and was concerned too. Went for another scan in am yesterday and they didn't do blood test. The scan showed the baby ok and with heartbeat of 124. Doctor who did it was not my regular one. My husband was convinced this happened due to a somewhat rough scan the day before. Anyways she says all seems ok. That to expect some more bleeding and not to worry if heavy. I've had some light brown discharge/tinny clots since but no red bleeding. Yes it was scary as heck and to hear that heartbeat was very reassuring. I hope no more bleeding :(

Boopin that's great that you are starting up now. When is your transfer date, approx?
Vonn, I hope that AF has come in already. They say certain foods do trigger and papaya is one of them. Doesnt hurt to try. I hope you don't need to and it's right there. Sorry that it messed up your schedule in terms of work etc so am hoping it starts right away for you.
2Have, that's great that the car ended up in the right hands. I can imagine the people coming to "test drive". Lol I still need to learn to drive. Gotta do that soon.
Crystal, that is quite a protocol for sure. Keep the updates coming. I hope it gets easier from here on.
Pinkie how are you doing? Any tips on food aversions and nausea? Mostly I have food aversions. Yesterday after dinner at bro's, coming home I was so sick in car and wanted to throw up. Keeping eyes closed helped.
PS, did they see the actual hemorrhage on the scan at all? Sometimes it's reassuring as they can see that it's not near the placenta. My last scan for bleeding ended with the guy telling me that implantation is actually quite an aggressive situation that can cause bleeding. In my case he said it's great because they've snuggled in quite deeply for the long haul. I'd assume this is what's happening with you too xx

Vonn, Lemongrass too is meant to bring on AF, it's banned once you're pregnant (as I learned only a month ago) :haha: What a relief that you didn't book your flights, I always find the logistics quite stressful.

Boopin have you booked your flights & accoms then? I always look forward to this part, it makes everything seem so real! :bunny:

OMG I'm sooo tired today, a walking zombie. With DD sick and crying every hour last night (teething a molar and front bottom tooth too) she had fever most of the night and completely congested. And if she wasn't waking us I'd wake with dead zinging throbbing arms. Ahhh the things we do for having a family!! I'll never complain though, just maybe grab myself a starbucks with a little caffeine to help start the day. Take care ladies!

It's difficult when it's your first pregnancy to even know what to ask. Last 2 scans have been with different doctors. I can't wait to see regular RE on Tuesday. It's like you have to know what to ask for and to then get those answers. She did show the hemorrage on screen and I think she said it wasn't of concern or related to placenta (i think) but not sure. She didn't say to do bed rest etc. She said I'd bleed more and she would be worried if my cervix was open or something. All this information...all new to me.

Having lovely bouts of food aversion and some nausea today. Peppermint tea is now my friend. and a headache coming on too....

I am sorry your dear daughter is not feeling well. I can't imagine what it must feel like to watch a sick child and be tired at same time. I hope she feels better soon. The joys of parenthood. I would love some starbucks too. Always cheers me up. But off caffeine for now...
2have, the wrist,hand pain is awful :( It did go after I had the girls but I still do get it occasionally, do you get restless legs? Those are such a pain too I can remember waking all hours either walking around the house or begging Mark to rub my legs lol! Hope little miss Mack is feeling better very quickly xx

PS, sounds like things are going to be just fine but it's so scary bleeding, hopefully it slows and stops quickly

Vonn, stupid AF shows when we don't want her:dohh: hopefully it soon arrives

Boopin, yay for starting meds!!! Fun times ahead lol! Worth it though without a doubt :)

Pinkie, hope your well!!

I'm cruising along now and as always am feeling great on estrogen and steroids:haha: if I could just live life like this I'd be a happy camper I always feel great for this part of the cycle. Took the girls activity shopping yesterday:happydance: for fun things to do on the flights was interesting because at 18 months they chose everything so I had to pick and choose age appropriate. Was a fun day though ☺️
Crystal I'm so glad you're feeling great! Now please keep this moment in your brain so that when you're 8 months in with twins again and feeling like the world is ending you can keep that energetic feeling of being on top of the world. Wouldn't that be so amazing if you now had twin boys? I know you only want 1 but chances with Reprofit of 1 not working out are low:happydance:
I can't believe another person had numb hands/arms! Wow, I thought I was totally alone. Well glad to hear it clears up for sure after delivery. It's such a weird and irritating side effect of pregnancy & diabetes.
I have had restless legs Crystal BUT it's a classic symptom of either potassium or mag deficiency. As long as I have a teaspoon of mag in my tea every night I sleep much better and my leg cramps and restless legs go away. I drink waaay too much water right now to not take both potassium & mag, water washes those minerals out of your system, same with when you're working out a lot (and drinking a lot of water).

PS be careful with peppermint tea. If, when you get heartburn with your pregnancy, mint anything is not going to be your friend. It greatly exacerbates heartburn. It sounds from your tech that just like mine, they've determined the bleed isn't a threat to your baby. Just really aggressive deep implantation.
ps - I'm happy to hear that your little bean's okay!! :hugs:
My FET date is Friday 11/4 (as long as my UL cooperates).
Crystal, that is awesome that things are going well for now. Sounds like double fun with the twins!!!

2Have thank you for the tip regarding peppermint and heartburn. My tummy is all bloated, gassy, burpy, full of heartburn and sometimes got the runs. So no wonder i got more heartburn yesterday. Any tips on the severe food aversion and bit of nausea kicking in. It's difficult being prego first time, no one in my life knows, and I don't know what the heck i am doing.

Boopin countdown to Nov 4th. I like Friday transfers to allow rest afterwards. Will you be doing progesterone?

Vonn. Is evil AF there yet?
PS, so pleased to hear that everything was ok at the scan and baby is doing fine. I hope the bleeding stops as I am sure it's very scary to see. I have to say I cannot tell you many times I have seen it over the years and they go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies.

Crystal, I remember being on steroids on a previous cycle and felt amazing I have never had so much energy in my life!

Vonn, I hope AF has finally arrived?

Have a good weekend ladies X
Ps high hormone levels often make us sensitive to certain foods. For many sugar is one of the most popular. I can't handle any fruit, carbs, juice on a stomach with no protein in it, I'm over the toilet in seconds. I shared a peach with DD one morning first thing without protein (greek plain yoghurt/cottage cheese/eggs/sausage) and was over the toilet in minutes. I've found others are like this too on the pregnancy threads. Protein seems to slow the absorption of sugar and levels out your insulin response (spike). So even if you don't feel like it try to avoid crackers, bread, noodles, rice, cereal anything carby (most carbs spike your blood sugar more than any other food group other than fruit), and fruit before a few bites of something with protein in it. I have a chocolate protein shake that I mix with milk for more options. This seems to help with ms. I don't think you can do anything about aversions. But if your aversions are for everything except for coke or ice cream (like a friend of mine) :haha: you'll have to find a way to defeat that and eat healthy for your baby. How many weeks are you now? Thankfully once you hit second tri many lose all the aversions & nausea.
2have--do you have GD or do you have type 1 or 2 diabetes? All this pregnancy info is really helpful, thanks for sharing so much!

Crystal--so glad you are feeling terrific right now! If only you could bottle that feeling.

Pinkie--you are just sailing along, 24 weeks already. WooHoo!

Boopin--are you using a local clinic or will you have to travel? Hope the estrogen injections are going well.

ps--you need a ticker so we can keep track of where you are at! It's for real now! I hope the spotting/bleeding has stopped. I agree it's hard to know what questions to ask when you haven't been through this before. Thank goodness for our wonderful pregnant friends here to help "us" through!

Bluebell--how's your pregnancy going, hun?

Sienna--is surgery scheduled?

Stacer--where are you guys at? Hope you've healed from the mc.

Pussycat--it's been awhile! How are mom, dad, Iris and Lily doing?

Hi to anyone I missed!

AFM--thanks for all the well-wishes. Still no bloody AF. Not sure if I should wish for it to hurry up or take so long it pushes traveling until after my work event. I'm leaning towards hoping we can push it back until after Nov 14. I have another scan and labs on Monday to see what is going on. My last one last Monday showed 2 follies (14mm and 10mm) and estradiol at 400+. That seems sooooo weird & made me think the BCP/Lupron was not shutting things down adequately. I asked my nurse if maybe I was still going to/already did ovulate and she seemed unsure so told me to have another check on Monday.

I really thought nothing could get in the way of staying on schedule when I started the BCP, but I sure was wrong. It is so hard to not be negative nelly when I just can't catch a break. And then I write things like that and feel like such a whiny baby. I really am just trying to go with the flow. I actually signed up for a Qi Breathing class next week. It will take place in a salt room, so I'll get the added benefits of that, along with learning zen breathing techniques.
Vonn, I'm sorry to hear that AF hasn't shown. How many bcp's did you take before stopping them?? Just for comparison I'll share my schedule with you. I took bcp for 18 days. I started lupron 10/8 and took last bcp 10/12. My period showed on 10/16 lasting 4 days with a normal flow. I'm wondering did you take bcp long enough?? Once again I'm sorry it didn't work out as you planned. The same thing happened to me last month and through my entire fet cycle off by 3 weeks. I ended up taking Provera for 7 days to induce my period and even then it was very light, lasting only a few days. I can totally understand your frustration. Sending you lots of hugs!! :hugs: I really hope you can benefit from the Qi breathing class. Ahhhhhh.. sounds very calming. :sleep:
Hey ladies, just checking in to see how everyone is.
PS -glad everything was fine with your scan and fingers crossed you have no more bleeding.
Vonn, hopefully AF will show up soon. It is typical that it disappears the one time you want it to arrive!
Crystal, glad you are feeling well and getting all organised for your trip.
Boopin, not long to go now :)
2 have, glad you got your car sold and everything seems to be going well so far for you. Have you started buying for the twins? I guess you will already have one of some of the things you will need already.
Pinkie, hope you are feeling better. Are you starting to get organised for baby's
As for me, I am 33 weeks now. Our scan at 31 weeks showed that the baby was small - on 10th centile. Liquor volume and cord blood flow and baby itself seemed fine so we were back last week for a scan and I have another one next week. I suspect it will be weekly scans from here on in. Baby is also breech at the moment. The dr was talking abut delivery at 37 weeks if growth remains the same and I suspect I may well end up with a c section if baby remains breech too. We shall see....just want the safest option for me and baby. I am feeling well which is good. Hubby spent last weekend assembling all the nursery furniture so it is starting to feel very real now!
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend. Xxx
Bluebell - You may end up delivering on Thanksgiving day. That would be special and appropriate considering all that you've been through to have your precious little one. I'm keeping everything crossed for you and baby. Wishing you a healthy and happy remainder of your pregnancy. Please keep us updated. :hugs:
Hello Ladies, has been a long time since I posted. DS is keeping me very busy. He is 10 months, how time flies. And it's surprising DS has turned out so much like my brother so I guess epigenetics is true :)
2have , hope you are enjoying your pregnancy. I guess McKinley is one year. Lots of love to her.
Vonn, Pinkie, Boopin, how are you all doing ? Sorry too much pages to read. Hope those pregnant having a wonderful pregnancy and those trying IVF, wishing all the luck.
Thank you Coolstar for the well wishes!! I need all the luck I can gather for my upcoming transfer. And thanks for stopping by and checking in on us Ladies. Sending you & your DS big hugs. :hugs: I miss you sweet lady, take care. :kiss:
Thank you for those tips on nausea/food aversions. I am vegetarian. Finding that eggs are making me feel worse. Things that do seem to help me for some reason, eating dried fruits/nuts/raisins. Also found by accident that drinking coconut water seems to help me too. Don't know why. Magnesium in it??? I am eating the greek yogurt for breakfast and that is definitely safe food for me too. Hoping little by little to figure out what works for my body and what doesn't. Going to avoid carbs like you said. But raisins do help me!!! I just started 7th week.

Pinkie, wow 24 weeks....that seems so far away for me.

Bluebell wow so close. I hope it all works out for a healthy delivery soon for you. Aww for the nursery. I can't imagine that for myself yet. It has to be so exciting.

Coolstar that is cool about what you said about epigenetics. Hoping to see me in my little one too.

Boopin how are things going for you. Getting really close now.. can't wait to hear all the updates coming in.

Vonn how are you doing? Hope the breathing classes are helping you relax and well at least let the AF not mess your work schedule. Sorry that it's causing you so much aggravation.

I am afraid of putting up any ticker for myself yet. Every day is a battle. Since that bleeding last Tuesday that then turned into a week long light brown spotting, yesterday went and had quite a bit of red bleed again:cry: I woke up and don't know if it's me getting up the wrong way, felt a sharp pull in my ovary/uterus area. Then later was bleeding and got a whole pad. Then it went back to brown spotting/bleeding. Am I causing this to myself by getting up the wrong way or twisting the wrong way or something. Didn't even bother with doc office and will wait for scan tomorrow. But I am nervous until i hear the hearbeat again. My nausea/food aversions were a bit less too yesterday so worried me.

Feeling exhausted.

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