Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Oh everything is crazy & a little upside down on this thread!! Boopin I'm sorry to hear about restarting your cycle but maybe like you say that's a very accidentally wise thing that happened!
Vonn when it rains stress, it just flippen pours. Do pat yourself in the back for getting through it all, a nice hot bubble bath maybe & a wee snuggle with DH? It's ironic how couples work through issues. DH and I always seem to pull our shit together when gearing up for an ivf but the inbetween parts were horrendous sometimes. We fight, not crazy but we def have arguments and it's always during the mundane parts, in between holidays, events etc. don't be too hard on each other. Have a lovely relaxing weekend.
Crystal even if we got a boy girl twin combo we'd prob still try for more naturally and knowing it's highly unlikely. I'm super happy with 3 girls too, macKinley has quite a closet full of amazing clothes to share. My bf growing up had 2 sisters and they were close and always shared clothing too. But they weren't that close that they could be in the same school grade, it could very well happen since MacKinley was registered on the last day and told she'd be in the next years class rather than the year she should attend (due to high enrollment numbers). Crazy!
Pinkie lovely to hear you are now 25 weeks :happydance:

Vonn sorry to hear you are still waiting on AF it’s so frustrating when things don’t go to plan

Boopin I’m so sorry to hear your cycle has been cancelled, good luck with the weight loss

2have congratulations of the girls three girls will be lovely

I still haven’t found a local place that does hysteroscopy reasonably priced so it looks like I’ll have to go to London, just waiting to hear back from a clinic in Manchester.
Hi sienna :wave: How much does a hysteroscopy cost in the UK?? It's $800 USD here in California. A pricey procedure.
RE: Lupron--does everyone get really bloated and fat when taking Lupron? It's bad, my pants are tight & I feel gross. I hate having to stare at my belly every night to do the shot, I just want to ignore the area! I was thinking Boopin, maybe that's where the extra 5 lbs has come from for you, too. Possible?

Sienna--good luck getting that hysteroscopy scheduled. I hope the Manchester clinic works out, I assume that's closer than having to go to London. So much research and planning goes into this. You'll get there!

Thanks for the support, ladies! :hugs:
I'm on Synarel same as lucron and yep it bloats me horribly:blush: I find it hard to do my pants up by the end of the day
Boopin in London its £400 but all the local clinics are £900 and upwards and that’s for under local.

Vonn going to London will possible mean me staying over night depending on the appointment time where as Manchester is only a couple of hours away.
Sorry been away for a bit ladies.

Boopin, I am sorry that your cycle is having to start again. You and Vonn will be in 2ww together it seems. I know it's disappointing though but hopefully for next cycle you will have a strong lining for little bub to settle in.

Vonn, I am angry with your delayed AF too. I feel aggravated for you. Is that breathing class you started helping any. Doesn't help to have disagreements with DH. I hear ya. Kinda dealing with something myself. More stress when not needed. I hope it's calming down now for you. I think I was bloated on Lupron too. I've never gone down from that bloat I started on since cycle started lol.

Sienna, hope you get to figure out the hysteroscopy place. All this sure adds up with $$.

Crystal how are things going for you?

2Have. Wow 3 girls...that's outnumbered for sure. One boy in there would be nice. Full house you will have there!!!! I can't even imagine how busy it'll be with one. Hats off to you and all moms out there.

So had a weird family argument fight going on since day before yesterday that has left me feeling really agitated. My BP was probably up the whole time and I was having difficulty breathing. I hate all sorts of arguments/fights. My argument was with bro. DH got involved and now it's a mess. Have to see family today and I think DH wants to confront on what happened. I want it all back to normal...

So scheduled a first prenatal visit for Thursday. Picking a doc out of blue is not very encouraging so let's see. Seems I will be discharged from RE next Tues. Today's visit showed bubs at 8w3d, hb 164. I think I saw tiny arms. Looking more like a baby now. Was told to cut down progesterone even further to 1/2 ml every day and estrace to 2x daily. Told that after 7 weeks, the placenta is taking over. So dropping progesterone last week from 1.5 ml to 1 ml, my level only changed from 28.8 to I suppose it makes sense to drop a bit more and see how it goes. Well I will be happy to be done with these shots soon...

Ok will go deal with my nausea and headache now.

Hope bro visit today is ok...not looking forward to family fighting.
ps--I hope the evening went okay. Sorry to hear about the argument with your brother. Family drama is terrible. I've had my fair share lately, too, and it's not over, I'm sure of that.

2have--I forgot to respond to what you said about your three kids perhaps being in the same grade together. OMG. That would be crazy!!

Boopin--has AF arrived for you yet?

AFM--No AF for me yet. I'm not surprised (I don't think my dose was high enough to force it very quickly), but DH is really getting antsy/nerved up about it. I'm trying to tell him that it might take up to two weeks, but he's stuck on the fact that the nurse said 5 days and now we're past that.
Vonn, No AF. I was told 1-2 weeks. The earliest that I expect her is this Friday. I'm praying for the both of us. I really hope this is our time. We're overdue some GL!! :hugs:
Lots to catch up on.

Boopin I am sorry you've had to cancel the cycle, but definitely the right decision to start again, I see it happen quite often. It will turn right for you on the end.

Vonn, that damn AF, I can understand why DH is getting worked up, they really don't have any control over these cycles. It was the one thing my DH found difficult to cope with. Stick with it lovely, it will happen.

PS, sorry about the family fights, they are the worst. But in good news lovely to hear baby is still doing well and that nausea is kicking it,a good sign that hormone levels are high. Although it's very difficult to deal with, I had it terribly for 18 weeks and although it's not as bad I still have it. Just part of the fun.

Sienna, any luck on the local clinics, the U.K. is so expensive for these things privately.

Crystal, I hope everything with your cycle is still on track and you are looking forward to your trip.

Hi ladies!!

Vonn & Boopin I hope AF shows very soon so frustrating when your ready to get going and you can't.

We leave in two days, my lining was actually 11 mm not 10mm but what's a mm, I'm now waiting on Eva to email back because she lost my email about booking me in for Nov 14th. So we shall see such a pain
Boopin and Vonn, you both deserve a good break and lots of GL that after all this craziness, this is it for you two. I really have my fingers crossed off for you and all the ladies on here trying.

Crystal, nice good lining. That is awesome. Hope all the dates get straightened out.

I am feeling really low today. Family stuff totally blew up yesterday. My bro is only family here and now him/his wife don't want to see me. We are excluded. Had a good fight with DH after too. At work with puffy eyes from all the crying. Disappointed DH didn't hear me begging him to let me deal with what was going on or it will get worse (and it did). I have a crazy family to begin with. Here i was looking forward to end of month sharing with both sides of family the news. And now I am heartbroken at way things are with my family who doesn't want to even talk to me. DH apologizes now but damage is done. Although he still doesn't totally get it. Like they say, when significant others get involved, it becomes a mess. My DH and his DW.... Can't see my niece nephew. This was supposed to be a happy time....
Crystal Eva forgot to book your appointment? WHAAAAT? That's like when they forgot to tell me when I'm meant to take progesterone. She told me she was going to cancel my cycle with me leaving in a day to get there. So I had a few choice 4 letter words to myself and politely emailed her back to reschedule the transfer for a day after the original appointment. I hope they can get you in, they need to do something when it comes to accommodating you (your family).

PS sorry for the family troubles, why wouldn't they want to see you? What could possibly be that bad that they isolate you like that? We can choose our friends, but not our family!

Boopin, Vonn, and Sienna how are things with you ladies? I hope things are coming along. Sienna sorry that it costs that much and you have to travel in order to have it done, nothing about this is easy is it? It sounds like you're doing everything you can though to set yourself up for success.

Pinkie, how are you? Is DH feeling better?

Coolstar how are you? You must almost be ready to deliver that baby! I'm thinking about you...good luck & smooth sailing.
She booked me in for 2:15 Nov 14th so all fixed up! Thankfully because I had no plans on going back again lol

PS, my hubs has no contact with his family at all. I never got involved or even commented except to say it's family you should maintain some level of communication? It's been 6 years since he stopped all contact and for him I do understand why he chose to do it but still have never said to him it was the right thing to do. They have never met our girls, I don't even know if they know they exist :( it's sad really but his family, his hurt so his decision, maybe speak to your brother by himself and tell him your news and go from there. Big hugs!!
crystal that's great news!! You're up 1st. I'm so happy for you!! :happydance:
Crystal--thank goodness everything worked out. That is stress you didn't need! Have a wonderful trip & safe travels. Can't wait to hear all about it.

PS--I hope you will be able to mend things with your brother. It seems like you have the will to and that counts for a lot. I agree with Crystal that it would be best to have a conversation just between you two, no spouses involved. I'm not sure how hard this would be to get him to agree to, but I hope it's possible. Get a massage or do acu or yoga, you need to keep your stress down.

Pinkie--did you find those nausea pregnancy bracelets to help or ginger?

AFM--I got AF! I was shocked. Did a little dance on the toilet when I saw the first spotting (sorry if TMI). I scrambled around this morning to make baseline appts for Friday. Have to go to the alternate locations of my clinics across town, but was able to get in and that's what counts. My nurse estimated if all goes according to plan (we know how that's worked out so far :dohh:), that transfer would be on Tuesday, Nov 22. Busy time of year to be flying, but I'll take it.

Boopin--your turn....c'mon Boopin's AF!!!
Congrats Vonn on AF showing and getting a tentative FET!! Yipeeee!! :yipee:

I just wiped a bit of bright red blood and have mild cramps. I think the witch may have arrived. I'm going to monitor it and if the bleeding picks up, then I'll call my nurse for a baseline scan.

I'm beyond thrilled for us Ladies. Great news all around today!! xx
I mostly just lurk in here these days since I got my miracle just short of FET (I was in the midst of saving money as I'm sure some of you recall). I just had to drop a line to those of you who just got AF, though. I'm thrilled for you all, and how awesome that you all have cycle buddies! Fingers crossed for everyone!
Yay the thread has come to life again with activity.

Crystal, Boopin, Vonn, looking forward to those updates. Sending you ladies lots and lots of GL with coming cycle and everything to go perfectly from here on. Vonn, Boopin, hope your AFs go full now and good luck with baseline.

I will try to relax. Spotting some brown. Just need rest. I will eventually have a talk with bro. At end of day we've been through worse. But spouses stay out!!!
TTC, Thanks so much for your kind words. And congratulations on your miracle baby girl!! :hugs:

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