Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Bluebell--33 weeks! Oh, my gosh, you are so close to holding that precious little baby. Do you know gender? Have any names finalized? I hope the nursery is coming along, that would make it feel very real...although having a baby taking up real estate in your uterus would certainly make it feel real enough! I hope you get the best results possible at your next scan.

Coolstar--thanks for stopping in! I love the idea of seeing your brother in DS, it is amazing. I'm sure a 10 month old keeps you very busy.

PS--that pesky bleeding sure does make things stressful. I totally understand about why you haven't put up a ticker. After all the struggles, it is hard to believe. We will believe for you until your heart is ready to do it.

Boopin--you're next. So excited for you!

AFM--no AF for me. I'm in the dr office having more labs and another ultrasound. I'm on CD 31 and am about to ovulate 2 follicles (25 and 18). I can't f-ing believe it. I could hardly get 2 follies when I was injecting stim meds and now, when I have been on BCP + Lupron, I magically produce one follie on each ovary. This is insane. At least I don't have to worry about missing my work event anymore, just Thanksgiving at this rate.

Boopin, you'd asked how long I was on BCP: from CD 3 to CD 20, so 17 days total. I started 10 units of Lupron on CD 16, so 4 days overlapping with the BCP. Sounds pretty similar to what you did. Either it just wasn't long enough for my body, or the type of BCP made a difference (it was progesterone-based, rather than estrogen-based), or it's because my cycle is generally messed-up post-surgery (it was last year after the same surgery). Or it was a total fluke. Who knows. :huh:
PS, I didn't put up a ticker until I was 16 weeks so completely feel you on that. Am sorry to hear you are still having the odd bleeds, it's the last thing you want to see even though I am sure everything is perfectly fine. I felt a lot of pulling and tight cramps in early pregnancy especially when I was getting up and the worst was when I sneezed. There are a lot of changes going on in there at the moment. As for food aversions, all I have been doing is eating whatever I feel I can managed, my thought process is that my baby needs food so it's better to have something than nothing and I am taking my food supplement pregnancy vitamins in case I am not getting enough of something.

Bluebell, so lovely to hear from you and so close to babies arrival now. I hope baby grows and turns so you can go full time but it sounds like you are being well looked after and I wish you all the best. Please let us know how you get on.

Cool star, so lovely to hear from you too and I love that your DS has your brother in him, that's so wonderful. I hope you are enjoying family life.

Boopin, I hope everything is still going well and you are on track for transfer.

Oh Vonn, how annoyingly frustrating! Damn AF! Well as you say, to try stay positive in all of this at least you won't miss the event and transfer can take place after. I hope it shows up soon.

I hope everyone else is doing well and had a lovely weekend x
Vonn isn't that Murphy's law? So annoying both when you need that golden egg it doesn't come and now when you want AF...I hope this transfer goes your way, however long it may take to have it!

Coolstar how are you? Lovely to read you. My DH is always looking for family relations in DD, isn't it funny how we see all sorts of things in the people who surround us, big & small?

Bluebell I'm wishing you a smooth delivery however it may happen. Enjoy these last few weeks of quiet. It's often the first tri & last month of third tri that are the most difficult. I hope you're comfortable and able to sleep.

Boopin how are you? You must be getting SO excited! Roll on transfer day and enjoy the mini-vacation. You must be almost on your way now?

PS are you able to take some sort of protein supplement then to help baby grow & stave off ms? I am always in awe over how vegetarians are able to meet the protein requirements of pregnant women- it's already hard for me to meet the requirements without massive food restrictions never mind the increase required for baby growth. I do love my chocolate protein shakes but it was very hard to find one without artificial sweeteners. I totally understand about the ticker, I had quite the roller coaster of a first tri too. You're almost to the 12 week mark though, it'll pass quickly.

Crystal how are you doing? Is the prednisone keeping you up this time or are you able to sleep? I actually had very few issues with it this last round, in fact I loved that it hid most of the first tri ms and food aversions.

DD has two molars and a front bottom tooth coming in and has been so sick with a bad cold on top of it. We've had less than 4 hours sleep every night the past few weeks. Usually waking at 1-2am to her not being able to breath, feverish and in massive pain. We've gone through 2 infant Advil bottles in the past month (this is her second cold and 5 teeth in 30 days. We wash her nose with a little saline & baking soda solution (saline is too drying alone) and then we use a snot sucker to get the boogers out. And oh my, it really works well but as you'd guess she hates it and kicks up a storm. We've also got 3 humidifiers going on top of the house furnace humidifier. It's so dry with forced air heating during the autumn/winter months in Canada. We took her into a shower to get her breathing a few nights ago. It's been exhausting and now I'm on the verge of a cold too. This past week has made me scared about what would happen if DH and I were both sick with 3 infants to tend to. Normally it's easy & fine but when they're teething and sick and need you 24/7 my biggest fear would be not being able to be there for any one of them. I have a new huge respect for single parents.
2Have, wow you have your hands full with your daughter. Poor her must be so miserable and of course that you are also tired and getting sick. I've read about humidifiers being best and also nasal rinse but you are already doing that. I hope she feels better really really soon. And yes, I too have a great appreciation of single parents and how they do it. As for protein in my diet, yes I will have to find a protein shake that works for me. Right now supplementing a lot with greek yogurt which have a good quantity too. My food aversion is a very slight bit better. I am not sure if it is due to me taking the coconut water/almonds more regularly. I read that magnesium deficiency can make nausea worse. I am am also sleeping better at night as a result. So weird. Hope it stays that way. 25 weeks. Does the baby kick a lot? I can't wait to feel the first kick, maybe will make it feel more real? Yes for supplemental prenatal vitamins. Even though I hate taking them sometimes due to my aversion, i do and I know it's for the baby. I am trying a bit more magnesium in my diet and will see if helps with food aversion and nausea.

Vonn, darn that AF. It NEVER cooperates the way we need it to. So what does that mean for your cycle per doctor? What does that mean that you are about to ovulate? Sorry it's all confusing but I am hoping you can be back on track. After all this craziness, big big fat positive it has to be.

Boopin, when is that magic transfer date? Getting so close. we are all waiting anxiously with you. BFP BFP :)

I had my scan today. Baby ok. Heartbeat 174. I guess I am 7w4d? Doc expects some more light bleeding. Was my regular doc so he took more time to explain and look. The hematoma is near cervix or something? So he told me just no intercourse and no exercise at all, but otherwise normal activity. He gave me referral for an obgyn since we still don't have one. Next week again check and then we may be discharged and meds reduced etc... I better make that obgyn appt.

I wish i could sleep in mornings. I am always so tired and by 11 am i am super tired and exhausted. Nap time during lunch at 12!!!

Just got message that progesterone is to be dropped from 1.5 to 1 ml. Bit scary to drop it so anyone else please share experience of dropping. I am still at 7w4d. progesterone level was 28 and HCG was about 46000. I knew doc said they would stop/reduce in coming days but didn't expect reduction today.
PS I've read that about mag too, apparently when people go to the ER and get bagged for dehydration or simply fluids after surgery there's mag in the mix. I take it by powder every evening in my tea, helps sleep immensely and it wouldn't surprise me if it helps with ms too. It calms everything right down and takes the edge off.
I usually only go off progesterone after 12 weeks, same with everything prednisone & estrogen as then the placenta has fully attached. Why don't you discuss your concerns with your doctor? Are you doing IM jabs or supps? Maybe a reduction but to take you off completely would be scary to me too.

I will keep tinkering with the magnesium to see it helps me to sleep better.
Will also check with the doctor about the progesterone time frame. He mentioned the placenta was taking over. He reduced it from 1.5 ml to 1 ml so let's see how body responds with blood test on Tuesday next week. I might be discharged then too!!!

On bright side called my insurance coverage and was told I have a deductible of $300 but then covered 100% and am covered in general 48 hrs for natural and 96 hrs for c-section birth but can be extended with pre-authorization.

So maybe can convince DH to spend money saved on private room which ranges from $500 to $700 a night.
ps--great news on the hospital cost front! And reducing the PIO injections is a terrific sign that things are progressing. Have they become easier for you/DH?

2have--poor Mackinley and poor parents! Teething sounds rough. And the numb arms sounds just awful. You are a champ!

AFM--even though Monday's ultrasound showed all systems a-go for ovulation, my LH level was not very high, indicating ov was probably not imminent. Yesterday morning my nurse called, confused as well. She told me to take one shot of PIO to get a big surge of progesterone, which, when followed by a major drop in the progesterone level, should induce AF. It's our first time and we chickened out last night and couldn't do it. I have been calling all the clinics I go to to try and get in to have a nurse do it/help us the first time. Call...wait for someone to call back...they have to ask someone else, so wait...then they have to call back...then transfer me a different location...repeat...gahhhhh!!! I got an injection training appt at a different location of the clinic I have my labs done at, but it's all the way across town. I keep hoping the clinic I use for ultrasounds will call back and be able to get me in because that would be much more convenient. They are concerned about liability of helping with an injection they didn't prescribe & have to run it by some higher up. The other clinic didn't seem to have a problem with this, thankfully. I'll take whatever help I can get.
Vonn I am so sorry you are going through this craziness. Is your DH willing to do it though and just chickened the first time. It really doesn't hurt as much as you anticipate. my DH has gotten good at it and even though he still wonders why I flinch sometimes, but really isn't that bad at all.

The key that I found for me is to have everything prepared and ready. Keep the ready to go needle in your warm hand for 10 min or so and just relax laying on stomach on bed. I keep one leg bent slightly with ankle on ankle of leg not getting shot. Ice the area for a few minutes and it will numb it out so you don't feel that much pain. First time DH was freaking out and I had to reassure him he could do it. I knew that may mean i'd have pain but if I didn't encourage him, I couldn't have gotten him to start. And he did great. After the shot, we take a warm damp washcloth all squeezed out and heat area and massage it. So far I can't say I've been lumpy or anything.

I hope you guys can do it tonight and/or get a clinic to help you. Call your insurance and see what they say too. There have to be some nurse on calls to get to come and do it.

I'd help if I could but sending you vibes that you guys can do it today. And hope that brings on that darn AF.

Watching online videos helped hubby to see that it didn't hurt that much and could be done.
Vonn - I wish that I could be there to inject your PIO. I know how intimidating IM injections can be initially, but I have faith that you can do it. There are some really good "how to" videos on YouTube. Have you watched any videos, yet?? xx

I think the biggest factor of feeling unable, is the fear of the unknown. Fearing that it's going to be painful. 1 tip that I can share with you is icing the injection site 5-10 minutes before giving your shot (this will numb the area), then apply heat 5-10 minutes afterwards (this will help PIO absorption). And make sure to massage your injection site 3-5 minutes afterwards, it'll prevent knots from forming.

You can do it Vonn!! You got this!! :thumbup: :hugs:
Thanks for asking, ps! And for the suggestions, boopin! I agree the fear was definitely about the unknown -- giant needle, on my back-side so wanting DH to do it, but he had a lot of fear. We got in at a branch clinic across town yesterday and got a nurse to do the PIO shot. I put some numbing cream on the general area about 40 minutes ahead and I didn't even feel the shot, which was quite a relief! I started getting sore later in the evening, turning in my sleep was painful and it's very tender today. I can't imagine getting a shot in the same side every other day. I think it will help immensely to massage and put heat on the area after the shot. I asked the nurse about it, and she said that it probably would help, but didn't really give me time to massage the area in the office and then I got in the car and drove. I will do that part differently next time. DH was put at ease seeing it in person. Now we see if it actually works and brings on AF...... :coffee:
Vonn I am glad you were able to get it done at a clinic. By now I hope that AF is starting to show up though I know very little about this process. And it's good that your DH is feeling a bit better about the shots in general and will be more encouraged to do them when the time comes. It never hurts to put a warm heat pad and massage that area even after the fact. I might do that on my side from yesterday today. Lol think it is a bit sore today. Hoping for AF to start real soon for you.
Vonn it really does help doing a little rub afterwards. I used to do the injection and then go into a hot shower and give that spot a little rub. It seems to calm everything down. It does get sore doing it everyday. It helps to do a different side and different spot. It's all so worth it and after a few weeks you'll be an expert and it prob won't even bother you anymore!!

Ladies, I had an OB appt on Thursday and asked her what she thought we were having. It's all very unofficial but she said it looks like 2 little girls. DH will def be very outnumbered! I'm going to want to keep trying after these two just to see if we can get a little boy in this house. We're still team yellow till birth as it's very unofficial but I'm excited either way.
Congratulations 2have on your "unofficial" princesses!! :twingirls: Your dh will be truly outnumbered if the gender predictions are correct. Lots of estrogen in your house.. LOL!! MacKinley will have playmates for tea parties & dress up. Too cute!! xx
Vonn - You won't believe this when I tell you... My cycle was cancelled due to my uncooperative lining. And today I injected 2 ml PIO to induce my period (eta 1-2 wks). So, I'm in the same boat as you waiting for AF to start AGAIN. I'm staying on 10 units lupron daily & going for a baseline once I'm CD1. I think we're destined to be 2ww buddies!! :friends:

I'm happy to hear that you found a nurse to inject the PIO and to give your dh a shot demonstration. Yayy!! :thumbup:
Hi ladies!!!

2have! How exciting with 2 more little princesses!! Awww well personally I preferred the thought of having same gender twins. I think it's easier in general for most things and my girls are so close :) Your three will be inseparable and as you said you can try again if you choose!

Boopin, I'm so sorry your lining isn't cooperating. Infertility is just so unfair

Vonn, hope the progesterone finally brings on AF for you!

PS, hope your well
Hope everyone else is doing well :)

I had my lining scannon Thursday gone, was a okish placenot the best but was the only aopt available at a time dh could watch the girls. She disn't understand I am downregulated so day 14 of estrogen means nothing really I can stay in this limbo land forever if my RI chose to keep me here. She kept asking when transfer was as I needed to soon and then would proceed to ask when I need to start progesterone.. uugghhhh so frustrating!!! So my uterus has tipped after the girls delivery and apparently quite common after twins? No idea tbh it may be or may not she seemed clueless.. so she said lining looked great at 10mm but she couldn't see a triple stripe, I've never not had a triple stripe so asked my fertility nurse and she said she hadn't recieved the report yet but if my uterus is tipped a triple stripe would be very difficult to see and she felt it very well is. Either was is fine for transfer but that was an experience I never want to repeat.. they should have the report by Wed which is crazy it's almost a week. The nurse was very pleased with 10mm :)

Having some issues sleeping but so sleep much better I think chasing 2 x 18 month olds this time is helping haha! Off to try and sleep :)
Crystal--working with multiple clinics can be soooo frustrating! You just constantly have to explain everything. Glad you are getting close! Not long now until the big trip!

Boopin--nooooooooooo. Really?!? I'm so sorry to hear this. You were just days away. :hugs: This is not for the faint of heart, but you seem to be in okay spirits about it. I'm thrilled to have you as a cycle buddy again. We WILL get there! Do you often have lining issues? By comparison, I am on 5 units of Lupron daily and my PIO injection was only 1 ml. I hope my doses are high enough.

2have--How exciting! I had my wedding dress altered by a woman who had 6 girls. She got pregnant with an ooops baby and guess what? Another girl. Talk about being outnumbered, that poor DH! How much weight do you give to the nurse's (educated) guess? And if you do end up having at least one boy, will you still want to try for more?

AFM--today was the day we were supposed to leave. I've had a crappy week...major, major drama with DH, just wiped out by the ttc emotional side, trying to prep for an interview (that I had yesterday for a manager job of my team). I am exhausted. And waiting for AF, waiting to hear about the job, and they both might take awhile. Gotta try to do something light with DH this weekend to have some fun.
Fx'd you get the management position. Sending you super positive vibes Vonn!! GL my dear!! xx
FYI: Here's a link to injecting fertility medications (click on Explore Fertility Medications). Progesterone is at the bottom of that page.

I didn't have lining issues prior to this cycle. I was at 9.6 & 11.6 a week before transfers. I think that I inadvertently sabotaged my cycle this time. Like an ignoramus, I used 3 combo suppositories thinking that I was building my lining quicker, not taking into consideration that they have progesterone in them. Needless to say, it messed me all up. So, we're scrapping this cycle and starting with a fresh lining. I'm totally fine with that because I had a thin lining this cycle due to my menstrual issues post D&C. Hopefully, I'll start with a thicker and more receptive lining next time. [-o< Also, I'd like to eat a bit healthier and lose 5 lbs. Wish me luck ladies!! :kiss:

crystal - I'm sending you all the GL dust I can for a nice & cozy trilaminar lining!! :dust:
Oh Boopin, that sucks!! We do what we think is right but your right to just start from scratch.. even thought I know down regulating is best for me for nasty cells, I still think maybe I should have just timed AF with the bcp and did the 12 days of estrogen and been done. So many decisions to make and sometimes they just don't work out :( your going to get there! Xx

Vonn, oh you poor love, it's been a shitty week for you hey?? Hang in there xx

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