Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2have--woohoo!! Babies are coming! Safe delivery & cant wait to meet your two new babies. I can't believe that cute bump has/had two babes in there. Lookin' good right til the end.

Crystal--sweet Xmas pic!

PS--I wish veggies were appealing like they seem to have to you. But everyone tells me stop beating myself up ab my food issues, so that's what I'm going to do!
Vonn, be gentle with yourself about food I craved a can of Coke everyday while pregnant lol! I had gestational diabetes and my dietician told me to have it and they adjusted my insulin to suit. Once your further along your food aversions will start to go away
Ok I've had all day with cirvidil in and it's 13 hours later with cervix pain but no contractions. The on will come check me after her delivery and if I'm favourable put me on oxytocin. If not, will give me morphine + gravol and I'll go to sleep.
2Have thinking of you and hoping things are moving and progressing right along.

Vonn true do not beat yourself over what you can or can't eat. Just do what you can. That's what I was told. I hated veggies too in beginning. Hated it all except tolerated yogurt. In time you will get better.
They gave me gravel & morphine and I slept. Was barfing any water I drank in the morning but was favourable for oxytocin and they wanted to get things going and break water. I told them no, I was dehydrated, exhausted and needed a sleep. So I slept, had breaky and a shower and am awaiting them to come up & start the process. They're in a C-section right now. Long process this!
Oh wow is it what? Things will hopefully pick up quickly once they start the meds. I can't wait until you know what you've had very exciting!
Hi ladies, 5 hours after they broke my water and hooked me up to an oxytocin drip I gave birth to Miss Teagan Brenna and 17 minutes later her sister Miss Piper Cora appeared breach. They both weighed 4 pounds 14 oz and were doing very well. They're going to be in the NICU for 1-2 more weeks until they learn how to feed well. My ob was fabulous, despite the breach birth I didn't have a scratch on me. Any bruising on Piper's leg went away today and thank goodness for the top up on the epidural as it kicked in right before he tried to position baby #2 for delivery. I saw the look of horror on my sister's face and it told me I wouldn't want to feel any part of that!
Love the names 2have! Very sweet and again congrats lol! Enjoy your first days together xx

Congratulations on your precious twin babies. How adorable they look. Enjoy each and every moment with your precious family and this new phase. Love their names too!
2have--I'm thrilled for you and your family! Two more girls :cloud9::cloud9: WOW! I love the names, too. And that they weighed exactly the same. That's great. Get some rest, mama.
Happy New Year ladies

2have you had a lovely bump before your beautiful twins were born, I love their names

PS57002 & Vonn I’m glad to hear all is going well with your pregnancies

SKP – good luck with your next cycle

Crystal lovely photo of the girls they are growing so quick

I’ve been full of cold & had tonsillitis just starting to feel better, I’m just waiting for my period then I can get going with my cycle. Anyone been to Prague have any recommendations?
Sienna, sorry to hear you were sick. Are you set to cycle in Prague then or not sure of which clinic over there? I'm so glad to hear it's your turn. Will be eagerly following to hear your good news xx

Crystal the names you gave your twins are really the best, I know I made a joke about what you would possibly name them if you had more ie more flowers but my DH and I just love Poppy & Lilly. Beautiful.

How are our pregnant mamas? My goodness I just looked up the thread and there are so many of you! What a positive year! Boopin I haven't heard from you lately, are you ok? I hope everyone is finding their way through aversions, ms, drug irritations ie bloat etc without too much difficulty. It's a constant reminder that you have a precious gift onboard. Savour every moment of it's glorious rottenness:thumbup:
Sienna, so sorry you've not been well but here's hoping to a successful cycle :)

2have, thank you and yeah There's actually so many flowers to choose from:haha::haha: Love your girls names though.. I showed Mark a photo and he said aww they are gorgeous girls! Congrats!:thumbup:How are they going? Are they feeding well yet?

Pregnant ladies, hang in there, it's worth every minute of worry, fear, sickness, frustration etc.
Congrats 2have!! Beautiful names and beautiful girls!! Hope their nicu stay is short!!!
Oh my gosh hi Lucinda!!! Congrats!! Mine will be 3 in February!! Can't even believe it!! I see you're working on #2?? We just did all those exact tests and they came back normal but still waiting on chromosomal results. The lab either didn't do the test or lost the results bc I went in and had blood drawn but it was at quest and not my ivf clinic. I too am on the same plan as you regarding the trying naturally but that the chromosome results could change that. Hopefully I'll have those results soon to be able to make an educated decision!!

Vonn-sorry you're feeling crappy!! Hope you feel better soon. Basically dr is just trying to figure why I have recurrent miscarriage, so that's what they're testing. We just haven't found anything wrong which is good but also bad bc nothing to fix. Ugh!!

Hope everyone is well!!

Hi ladies! Just wanted to drop in to see how everyone was doing.

Vonn-so exciting!!! Congrats to you!!

No real new news for me, except that I did blood work for lupus and blood clotting issues but all came back normal. Im doing a chromosomal test tomorrow and DH will do one as well. We still want to try on our own first but if the chromosomal test comes back as abnormal then that could obviously change!!

Hugs to all and I'm hoping that the new year is a great year for all of us!!

Stacer!!!! just wanted to pop in and say hi!!!!! Dont know if you rember me but my lil one turned 2 in oct :0
Hi ladies, I just wanted to jump on quickly to say sorry I have been absent for a while. Life has been pretty busy and I never seem to have time to update properly.

I wanted to say Hi and that I do think about you and try to read along. Vonn, PS and boopin, I hope you are all doing well and pregnancy are coming along nicely. Sorry to hear of the sickness etc I hope it gets better soon.

Ladies who are cycling soon, best of luck.

Little to report from me, 37 weeks now, having a scan in a few days because baby not engaging. But one way or another baby will be here in a few weeks.

I will try and keep up and post again soon, take care of yourselves.


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