Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thanks Dmama, so helpful. My clinic is in prague and I'm in UK so would have to get another private scan re ov. Butttttt I think af is now beginning!! Shhhhhhh can't speak too loud just in case but feeling but more hopeful this morning. Will keep u posted. Otherwise yes, I will be asking for bcp as my periods are often wonky lol when I was on it last time I hated it and it made me bleed but hey ho it's a means to an end. Hope all good with u. Xxx
Hi ladies.
Hope you all had a great Xmas.
Been AWOL for a while and trying to keep up on here but not doing a very good job!! I know I've missed news and will forget to mention peeps, so apologies in advance...
Dharma, massive congrats! Such fab news hun.
Minno, I've def read you can re freeze blasts. Never got to blast personally tho :-( I was on bcp to get in sync with our donor, like you say, you do what you have to...
Pussycat, so exciting to have a date! Ours is end jan so we're really close. I've never flown after et so can't help there. Reckon you need to think where you'd be most comfortable? Think I'd come home.

Afm, postponed our dec cycle as it was getting too close to Xmas and stressing me out too much. Test day would've been 28th. Thankfully donor had waited for us, had baseline bloods today, waiting for donor af, ec pencilled in for 21st jan. Hopeful for this one...

Kath xx
Oh there's so much going on! All the best with the cycles in the next few months ladies, do keep us in the loop.
Just wanted to say happy 2015 everyone. :dust:
Minno, what news? Hope it's good and this is day 1! I'm in BCP to sync my cycle with the donors which I guess is how they can be so precise about dates. flights booked, depot injection appointment booked for 16th Jan, monitoring scan booked 4th Feb and meds all here! Stop BCP 21st Jan then start with the oestrogen, aspirin, and prednisone 26th! I presume I'll have a bleed sometime after 21st. Should get info in my donor v soon, it's all getting exciting! The one thing I don't know is what the depot injection is for, anyone know?
So exciting pussycat!
I took my last bcp today. have my first uterin scan and labs on Friday.
Then another on the 23rd, and then my FET on the 30th! :happydance:
Pussycat and Never2 - it's our turn again, yay!!! Hope we can see one another through the madness.
Pussycat, so impressed by your scheduling. Great to know exactly when things will happen and your flights etc all booked. Also same for you Never. I don't know about depot injection, never had one in previous cycles, but I'm sure one of the other ladies will be able to advise.

AFM, well I did start af yesterday but it hasn't picked up at all, very in and off. I just started the meds today anyway. Had to make a decision and didn't want to miss the window. Does anyone know if it will make much difference in FET? Obviously if lining starts to shed nearer et that will be a major problem but now I've started the progynova (2x3mg) and predniolone (1x5mg) should it be ok? I have scan booked for 16th. Informed clinic today.mthey are waiting on utrasound for lining check so won't give me any dates etc until then which is frustrating coz scan is in the evening on a Friday which means won't hear from them until Monday. Really need to get flights booked as not many options flying from here. Grrrrrrrr. If lining is ok I'm assuming it will be all very quick after that.

I am a bit worried about my timing of the meds tho - supposed to start cd1. Time will tell I guess but if anyone has any encouraging thoughts please share!!
Hi ladies, minno I'm kind of surprised they didn't give you northistorine or something similar to force a complete shed of the lining (since yours seems to be sporadic). My previous Reprofit coordinator joked it can make even a dead old man have a period.
Pussycat, depot forces a complete overload of your hormones which then makes them dead after the 2 day overload. It allows the doctor to control the hormones that month ie by giving you increasing estrogen and eventually progesterone. It made me intensely itchy for some reason.

Hang in there ladies, all will work out and you'll be pregnant in NO time!

I've signed up for knitting classes and I'm trying to shed these 20 lbs from my last cycle that I gained and couldn't drop. I'm 5 down with just eating properly, need to add exercise now (dreading it as it's -30 degrees C here in Calgary right now). Maybe a few ski days (I should get into the gym too), wish I had kids so I could go tobogganing! We were whinging over Christmas that we wish we had kids so that we could play
Nope 2have. Never ever had that in any of my cycles. I bled lightly for about four days last week and then it came on again on Monday, but at felt more like af, except it petered out again, I think may be an annovulatory cycle. So possible that's the lining shed from last cycle anyway (af last cycle was pretty heavy). I've started meds now so we'll just have to see what happens at the scan.
Most other cycles of ivf I've done I've bled while on the estrogen but lining still been ok. I dunno whether I've done the right thing by starting meds or what but committed now x
Nope 2have. Never ever had that in any of my cycles. I bled lightly for about four days last week and then it came on again on Monday, but at felt more like af, except it petered out again, I think may be an annovulatory cycle. So possible that's the lining shed from last cycle anyway (af last cycle was pretty heavy). I've started meds now so we'll just have to see what happens at the scan.
Most other cycles of ivf I've done I've bled while on the estrogen but lining still been ok. I dunno whether I've done the right thing by starting meds or what but committed now x

Minno - I think all you can do now is go for the scan. I think starting on CD1 has more to do with the ovarian function moreso than the lining...They can always extend your meds to give the lining time to thicken unless you have known lining issues.... I think the worse that can happen is that your timing is off and you might have a lead follicle or cyst. I really don't know how that affects FET though. I know that for IVF they would not want that because that interferes with the development of lots of follicles, but I am not sure about how that would affect (if it does) the FET? So you will see how it goes at the scan and in any case, whether your timing is off or not, the scan is what is going to tell them what to do next and give you a better sense for when to expect transfer. Good luck!!!!
Dmama thank you so much. That's very reassuring and kind of what I had thought myself. I'm not sure I ovulate very regularly now and my Amh is rock bottom so I'm not too worried about major follicles lol Its difficult to know what to do when cycles are irregular but I just have to go with it. Never ever had lining issues before so just hope its ok at scan. Doc in prague seemed more concerned if I hadn't had a period in several months as I gues they'd want me to shed the old lining before starting to grow a new one. I've been regular up Unti now so lining shouldn't be too decrepit!
Will keep u posted and thank you once again for your help. Hope all is very well with you and good luck to Pussycat and Never2 this coming cycle xxx
Hi all
So great there's a few if us cycling together! Just waiting for donor cd1 then we'll have dates confirmed but looking like ec week of 21st jan. Do I allow myself to get excited yet??
Yes you can get excited
Mrs G! We have all waited such a long time for this that I think we are entitled to enjoy it as much as we can!

ET is now set for me for jan 22nd. That's assuming ultrasound is ok and endo is at right level. That, I am not so sure about given my erratic cycle and only had two days bleeding :( it's off now but I bet she comes back right when I need things to thicken.
Estrogen is giving me a bit of a dull headache too.
Wish I would feel more hopeful instead of Mrs doom and gloom all the time! X
Hello! Yup, today is my first uterin scan and labs. Then my second scan and labs on the 23rd, Transfer on the 30th :happydance:

Love reading everyones updates
Hi ladies, can I join in. Mrs G suggested me about this thread :) . About me I am 32 and have been ttc #1 from last 3 years. I have endo and low Amh. Last year I had a failed Ivf :( . My doc advised me to go for DE due to quality. I am on BCP and my donor is on meds. My donor stims will start around 2nd Feb and retrieval will be around 12th Feb if everything goes well. I am really nervous , keeping my fingers xed.
Hi ladies, there seem to be lots of us cycling Jan / Feb! If I've got this right:
Minno: jan 22nd, FET at Zlin in Prague.
Fingers crossed all will be fine at your scan on 16th. Sods law that this would happen now. I guess they don't put you on BCP as you don't have to sync with someone else as you're doing FET.
Mrs G: EC 21st so I guess transfer will be c26th? If I remember correctly you're UK and fresh eggs?
Any news on donor cd1? If you weren't excited it would be wrong!
Never2late: 30th Jan, FET. Where are you being treated?
How did the scan and labs go? Sorry I get confused!
Coolstar: EC 12th so I guess transfer will be around 17th. Where are you based?
Welcome! As you can see you're in good company, it's a busy time for this thread!
Sienna: Embryo adoption in Feb, in Greece? How are your plans going?
Me: EC 9th Feb, transfer 14th Feb at Reprofit in Czech Rep.
I decided to fly back the night of transfer (14th), the clinic said it was fine and would have no effect on the outcome. I have a late checkout at the hotel so can chill for a few hours after transfer and will then have the whole of the 15th at home and back to work 16th.
Dmama, how you feeling? I bet you can't wait for your next scan!
2have, v jealous that you're in Calgary, get out there and ski before you have all those little ones! I knit a lot, I love doing baby things as they're fast and v cute, hopefully I'll soon be knitting for my own baby!
I hope I didn't miss anyone? xx
Hi everyone.
Welcome cool star!
Pussycat, yes I'm at a clinic in southampton and using fresh eggs. Donor cd1 was yesterday, a couple of days later than planned so guess ec might get pushed on but depends on donors stims response. She's got a scan tommorrow and will start stims. Waiting again!!
Hope everyone's ok, such exciting times.
Kath xx
Welcome Coolstar. Lots of luck to you for this cycle. We will be here for you no matter what.

Pussycat, thank younger the summary, that was mega helpful. You got me completely right except the clinic is Gest not Zlin. I agree with you about the bcp -
Clinic think it's not necessary as no synching. All depends on lining scan now.

Not long for you now either! How are you feeling about it this time? I am Flying back day after transfer but in the early morning so I don't think it makes much difference. Might be better to be home and relaxing!
I've been to see my wonderful gp who had given me a post dated sick certificate for the full 2ww!! Never even asked him for it but he insisted given my two prior losses. I think I will take it off as this is near the end of the line for us and I want to make sure I've done all i reasonably can to help it. Bet it makes no difference to outcome but it's more for me psychologically than anything else. Pussycat it's such a shame we're not travelling at the same time - we could have met up!
Ps ladies are any of you getting pop up adverts when you open bnb? It's driving me crazy. I'm using the app on my phone or on my tablet (hence all the spelling mistakes due to predictive texting) but every time I open the thing I get a full page link to some fitness and diet magazine. Grrrrrrrrr
Mrs G, not long now! However I know what you mean about the waiting, it never ends!
Minno, yes such a shame our timings are just out, would have been lovely to meet. Your GP sounds great! I have to admit mine as been pretty helpful so I can't complain.
I'm also on phone / iPad ap and keep getting the annoying popups, it happened a while back and stopped but back now and very annoying! x
Yep what's with that? It's doing my head in!! X

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