Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Gosh Pussycat - there's just a year between us in age! I hope it's our turn soon. You can knit us both some stuff! Xx
Ps ladies are any of you getting pop up adverts when you open bnb? It's driving me crazy. I'm using the app on my phone or on my tablet (hence all the spelling mistakes due to predictive texting) but every time I open the thing I get a full page link to some fitness and diet magazine. Grrrrrrrrr

The ads are annoying....they are popping up on sites all over the place nowadays....I guess that is income for the sites, but pretty annoying...
Ps ladies are any of you getting pop up adverts when you open bnb? It's driving me crazy. I'm using the app on my phone or on my tablet (hence all the spelling mistakes due to predictive texting) but every time I open the thing I get a full page link to some fitness and diet magazine. Grrrrrrrrr

The ads are annoying....they are popping up on sites all over the place nowadays....I guess that is income for the sites, but pretty annoying...

Sooo annoying! Thought it was just me being targeted with "how to lose 21lbs fat"!!!!
So ladies I have a question. I am on BCP now. Any idea what happens / steps after I finish my BCP till ET .
Welcome Coolstar! I think you get your AF and start estrogen. I just read my protocol this morning for March/April and read the instructions. My instructions doesn't tell me when to start the pill tho so I've emailed in to my coordinator. Usually I start estrogen with AF and gradually build up the dose. 7 days before ET you should start progesterone.

Booked most of our accomms and intercontinental transport for our little Europe trip coming up. Did everyone have a good weekend? We saw a really funny movie on Sat with friends 'PK' - I highly recommend it.
Hi everyone. Hope you're all ok.

So donor started stims yesterday, ec pencilled in for 23rd!!! With all my previous cycles I've mentally shut down and not allowed myself to think about the possibility of it working, I guess in self preservation. But this time I keep thinking about having another baby, like walking to school this morning with dd I thought would I bring the buggy or maybe get a sling. Is that foolish or positive thinking?

Cool star, in my experience bcp is just to get your cycle in line with your donors. I was on it for a month, had af, started again on bcp then they stopped me to line up with her day 1. I'm now on progynova and she started stims cd3. I'll increase progynova as the days go on but ec is booked for what would be her cd14. All clinics seem to have slightly different protocol but it's not a long process really.

Kath xx
So ladies I have a question. I am on BCP now. Any idea what happens / steps after I finish my BCP till ET .
Hi Coolstar, protocols vary slightly depending on the preference of the clinic, however essentially they all do the same thing. BCP is to basically stop you ovulating and means they can synchronise your cycle with the donors easily. You may have to take a depot injection a week or do before donors day 1 (I do in this cycle, but didn't last time). You'll probably start taking oestrogen on your donors day 1, probably increase the dose gradually. This is to develop your endometrial lining and you'll probably have a scan to monitor it, they may adjust the Oestrodel dose depending on how your lining develops. On the day of egg collection you'll start Progesterone supplements, this is essential for implantation after they have transferred the embryo(s). You'll continue with both, I think till week 12 of pregnancy, sadly I've never got that far ...
I'm pretty certain your cycle will look like this, there may be a couple of other drugs (low dose aspirin etc) if your doctors think it's appropriate. Hope that helps! It's all very confusing but there's lots of experience on this forum so ask away and you'll usually get an answer! x
Great news Mrs G! It's funny, I'm the opposite, in all my past cycles I've imagined how it would be. This time I'm staying kind of removed from it. I think because we're being treated overseas it's a little more removed so easier for me to stay grounded. How I'll be as it gets closer is a different matter!! x
Thanks ladies !! Just wanted an idea for what steps I am heading towards. Also I have an appointment on Monday with my doctor hopefully she can tell me in details.
Mrs G EC on 23 rd , Wow !!! Really excited for you :) . I know the feeling but after my failed lVF I am scared of thinking how it would feel to hold my baby :( . But we all need to be optimistic. I heard positive mind yeilds positive results.
Good luck all you ladies with upcoming cycles...pretty exciting that so many of you are all cycling at the same time!!! Whoot whoot! Can't wait for the news of BFP after BFP!

I graduated from the OB at 10.5 weeks! All meds stopped...thanks goodness because my butt is sore!!! So far so good, but I am still a bit on edge since so many things still need to go right.....

Take care ladies! and Good luck!!!!!
Congrats dmama on everything, smooth sailing!!
Good luck Pussycat, Minno, Coolstar, MrsG, never2late70.

Has anyone heard from Jooba, Crystal, Sienna, Minxy, Leilani, Cali_KT, or Lorna?
Mels, BF how are you doing mamas?

Pussycat I'm sure you'll have a baby to knit for soon, it seems that you can produce lovely eggies, just need them to stick now! My HIIT class today nearly killed me, I've been so depressed after Athens I couldn't bring myself to workout and now I'm so out of shape:haha: Serves me right for being out of the game for so long!
Congrats Dmama - thrilled for you. Almost out of first tri!! I hope we can all follow suit.
Scan for me tomoro - so, it's next week or it's delayed possibly for another week and I have to book new flights - ugh - let's see!
Best of luck today Minno, fingers crossed all is fine.
I have my depot injection this morning, first step! x
Happy New Year everyone. Sorry its a bit late been taking a timeout from everything recently.

I've been trying to catch up on the thread so exciting to see so many ladies about to cycle. Good luck Pussycat, Minno, Coolstar, MrsG, never2late70.

2have - Looks like you had an amazing holiday over Christmas time? Must be hard going back to that Calgary weather. I've started going back to Body Combat, an aerobic exercise class with lots of punching & kicking moves after 3 yrs, I think its killing me but we will get there again and back on form. I want to shift the 1 stone 3 lbs I've put on over the last year+. IVF fails have not made me want to do exercise & eat less.

So much happened in 2014 and its taken its toll on me in many ways. The Christmas break did me good and my DH is getting there too. He's had a lot of work troubles too and the Doctor has given him some anti-depressants. I'm not convinced they're much cop. He has been seeing a counselor and is hoping to do either a mindfulness course or stress management which should help. All this on top of our IVF troubles.

I still need to a break before cycling again. I'd like to do an embryo donation cycle in May/June at Serum or somewhere in Prague. I need to start investigating clinics but can't be bothered. Wish I could just arrange it, job done.

Hope everyone is well.
Minxy good work on the body combat class, if anything it's a good stress relief & distraction. Sorry to hear your DH is struggling so much too. I think you should try Reprofit next, too much stress at Serum and did you get to see your embies? I don't like their accountability for embie quality.

I'm off to the doctor today to get a physician's statement for long term paid leave at work for April with my donor embie cycle. I'll be gone for 23 days and my doc will vouch for this. I also calculated the minimum drugs I'd need using up all of my leftovers in the cabinet. This is the last go and then we will soley focus on adopting our babies. I feel super lucky to get paid leave though, it's allowed me to bank some holiday time for when that stork finally shows up (nice supplement to Canada's 6 mnth parental leave). I did have to quote the WHO's website, they view infertility as seriously and equal to cancer or any other illness that people have to deal with. I think it was a review of that that changed some minds in the HR department (along with my family doc's lovely write ups that she always does for me)<3
How was the depot Pussycat?! Great to be getting started - really won't be long until transfer!

Minxy, so sorry it's been such a tough journey for you. I think you are incredibly strong and you will get your rainbow baby very soon! Body combat rocks by the way - it's my favourite! I'm missing it since I stopped for this treatment cycle.

2have - fantastic you have paid leave for that time. You can just relax and not worry about work at all. I'm signed off for 17 days paid first instance so I'm pleased too&#128512;

Scan tonight showed endo at 8mm at thickest bit with evidence of triple stripe. Good to go for fet on Thursday. Spottinf a wee bit but sonographer thinks it's hormonal. I'm sure I always get that a bit with progynova. V annoying! Just waiting to hear from clinic now xxx
Minno that's amazing about your leave!!! I'm super excited for you, ABSOLUTELY everything crossed for our cycling ladies!!
Ladies I am a bit exasperated and need advice. Had my scan last night and endo is at 8mm - all good. Emailed clinic and asked (again since I have asked previously) when they want me to start prpgesterone. The complication is that the clinic usually prescribe Utrogestan which you take 3x 2 daily. But I had cyclogest left from my UK cycle (400 mg pessaries) which I told the clinic about several times and was told it's the same, prpgesterone, so fine. However when I emailed my clinic last night the
Doc sent instructions on taking Utrogestan grrrrrrrrrrrrr!! When I took cyclogest before it was one pessary twice daily 12 hours apart and I want the clinic in Prague to confirm if this is what they also want me to do, not keep telling me to take 3x2 utrogestan!!!
Have any of you lovely ladies taken cyclogest - and how often? Clinic is also saying take from tonight for transfer on Thursday. Does this seem right?
Need your input ladies xxx
Hi Minno, scan sounds great! That's as big as mine ever seems to get. I'm going to be taking cyclogest as I had them left over too and my clinic were fine with it. I have to take 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening ( so 12hrs apart as you say). On my last DE cycle in the UK they added in a third at lunchtime, so up to you. I can't imagine taking a third would do any harm, can your progesterone levels be too high? Not sure, I just know they need to be a certain level for implantation to be possible. As for timing, I've never done FE cycle but for fresh I have to start taking cyclogest the day of egg collection. So their timing advice seems inline with what my clinic say (I'll start on the Monday for ET Sat). Hope that helps! x

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