Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Just bought one for £40 via Medical travel shield for ivf abroad.
Phew - feel better now. Thanks so much for the heads up Pussycat xx
Mrs G, 18 follicles wow !! That's awesome. Keeping my fingers xed for you.
Minno, great that you have purchased insurance.
So today was my last day of bcp. Also my doc wants me to start a down reg injection in a very low dose for around 10 days. So I have started with my injections from today.
Mmmm that's a bit worrying Pussycat. Do you know of particular insurance that would cover ivf abroad?

My insurance was the same as Pussycats. If something happens with the IVF it's on you, if you have an accident or get Norwalk virus and need to see a doctor it'll be covered (but I wouldn't be telling them I was there for IVF or they'd prob have the choice to pull your coverage).

As far as they told me it's similar to if I'm diagnosed with cancer while on my company insurance I'm covered but if diagnosed before I'm with them and then I go to them there's no coverage. It's that sort of thing that's out of the loop.

Your doc in Athens/Reprofit should give you an Emerg number incase something goes wrong - you are their responsibility while under their care. That's why they get the big bucks, that's what we're paying them for.:shrug:
It's all go. Good luck ladies.
Amazing numbers Mrs G.

It's such a tough choice deciding how many to put back.

I've just found the button at the bottom of the page to optimise this for mobile phones - now I can see the screen I might be able to respond more often! Only taken me 2 years!
Minno, I'm glad you got the insurance sorted. I haven't bought any yet, thinking it over.
Coolstar my last BCP is tomorrow, can't wait to get off it, that said it will only be replaced by a whole other bunch of raging hormones!! x
It's such a hard decision. I think if we get to blast we might go for one. Could I cope with twins and a 5yo?? Of course I could, if it came to it!!!:wacko:
Pussycat, what are intralipids?? I'll be on meds for nkc after ec which I've never had before.
Intralipids is an infusion via an IV drip and it helps lower the activity of NK cells. Each infusion takes around 90 mins and I'm getting one on day of EC and also on day of ET (I think!). I think if you then get a BFP you may need more until 12 weeks. I'll worry about that if it happens! Other meds I'll be on: Estrogen (as usually to build lining, dose gradually increasing over the first week),
Baby Aspirin (think to do with clotting) and Prednisone (low dose steroid) which is meant to aid implantation and I think reduces antisperm antibodies. Then after ET stop the aspirin and take Clexane injections. Oh also progesterone after EC. Lots of drugs but if it gets me my BFP it will be worth it! xx
Wow! It's weird all clinics are different in how they do it! I'm on progynova 3 times a day as well as buserelin then predisolone from ec and cyclogest from et.
Have you been tested for nk cells or did the clinch just recommend the drugs?
Was tested for NK and thrombotic risk due to my history. All my failed own egg cycles we're put down to poor egg quality despite good quality embryos. When I then used DE and had three good embryos put back and also failed to implant my clinic suggested the tests. The results showed no ithrombotic issues and slightly raised NKC, however the clinic we're appalling at feedback and to this day have never properly explained the results. Fortunately I managed to get the nurse to advise what the protocol would be if I cycled again so I took that and passed it onto Reprofit. The science behind the testing and treatment is not exactly proven and the tests are expensive but I needed done answers, even if they were inconclusive. x
Hello everyone :)

I had 2 attempts so far for donor IVf, One in July 2014, and October 2014.

Our next one is for the Spring. I start meds tomorrow. And I have to do another sonohysteragram, its been a 1.5 years since my last one I believe.

Im booked for the 26th, This will be my second sono. Much prefer it then the dreaded hSG's; which I've done 2. I also had a laproscopy and a hysteroscopy and dnc done. All of this the past 2 years.

This is our last attempt for ivf with a new donor. Fingers crossed :)
Hi everyone, hi Skp

Donor had scan today and they want her to have a couple more days drugs... Lost a couple of big follies but still 13 good sized ones with 3 more possibles. Scan Friday with ec booked for Monday. I know it's only a few days but just frustrating!!

Hope everyone's ok.

Pussycat, do they reckon nk cells are worse with de?

Hi Mrs G, still sound like great numbers, even if you lose a few of the bigger ones! Not sure about NK cells and DE, can't imagine it would make a difference, though I guess in theory you are putting something back that was never part of you in the first place.
Hi SKP, sorry to hear your other cycles didn't work. What's a sonohysterogram? It's probably worth mentioning that this thread is for those using donor eggs TTC AND beyond, ie there may be people who have been successful and therefore pregnant who post and it's lovely to hear how they are doing. I know that this upset you on previous threads so just thought I'd mention it...
Last day of BCP for me, yeah!!!
Ladies I am here and have had my check up. Lining is all good at 11mm but I'm still having the one versus two back dilemma. The doctor was a bit grumpy with me when I asked about just transferring one. He was adamant I should have two. Does it really affect success rates that much? I'm terrified of the risks of multiples and think that I can try one back this time, and if it doesn't work then I'll come back again for a final go with two. I've always done two before and it's not worked out and I wonder if it affects my immune system and that would be less likely to kick in with one. Arrrgghhhhhhh what a nightmare

Sorry about the delay Mrs G but fab numbers - worth waiting for eh :) x
Mrs G, wow !! EC on monday.... just few days left , so the countdown begins :). You will be in my prayers. Although you lose few big follicles but you will gain in numbers so don't worry .
SKP, really sorry that your other cycles did not work. But fxed for your next cycle. So when will you start the next cycle ?
Mino, I know , how many to transfer is a big concern. Even my doc told me transferring one reduces the rate of success. But ultimately it's your decision. And yayyyy for your lining. I am really tensed about my lining during transfer.
Pussycat, what next after BCP ?
About me, tomorrow I will have my mock transfer. Little worried :( , she told me if the situation becomes very uncomfortable for me she will sedate me. Noooo, during my Ivf egg retrieval the anesthesia experience was horrible. Hope everything goes smoothly during the mock.
Minno, how exciting! Your lining sounds great, very cosy for the embryo(s). Have you had to delay your trip? 1 or 2, I'm sure my clinic in the UK told me it didn't make a difference, but not 100% sure. They only ever agreed to put multiples back because of my poor egg quality and history. Do you have 3 frosties?
Coolstar, hope the mock transfer goes well, did you have any issues previously? They've always had to use a small speculum for me, apparently I have a small cervix and slightly tilted, I'm hoping they understand that in Czech Rep! Hopefully it will all go well for you. x
Well girls I'm back after transfer. It all went well. After all my fretting yesterday about how many to put back only one of the two thawed properly - so my decision was made for me. I'm very happy with one. Otherwise I'd have had to defrost the other two I have on ice and I would like another crack at this if it doesn't work this time.
Embryologist said the I w that went back was perfect grade A - can't get any higher at this clinic. So we have a chance and let's see.
Anyone know the average success rates for fet with blasts?
Also now a technical question. They suggested I try crinone gel instead of cyclogest. I'm taking cyclogest twice daily and had one this morning. They said to take the gel at night. Should I wait for tomorrow or take it tonight even though I've already taken cyclogest today? If I take it tomoro's night that will be a gap from tonight's cylogest to tomorrow nights crinone. Will that be ok?
Any thoughts? X
Pussycat what's happening with you? Weather here in Prague is just like the UK!
Mrs G have you had your mock transfer done yet? Hope all goes well xx
Mino, congrats for being PUPO :) . Now relax , so would you be testing ( POS ) or would wait for the blood test ?
Thanks Coolstar.
Well clinic here says wait 14-16 days but likely I will test a few days before unless af arrives early. I'm realistic about chances but feel ok given we can go again if necessary. X
Ps as my clinic is in Prague it has to be poas. Although I can get my gp to do a beta if I want one x
Pussycat remind me which clinic you're going through? They were uber gentle with me in Reprofit, I was really impressed, didn't feel a thing!
Minno, it's nice to know you have back up however we won't need it this time right?
Coolstar let us know how it goes today, hoping everything is smooth sailing. It's nice that you have the option to get knocked out. In Canada they slightly sedate you to take the edge off but when they're in there with needles for 1/2 hour collecting those eggies, I'd prefer to be knocked out. That being said I don't get sick with those meds - I'm sorry you don't react well to them! Good luck bella.

SKP FX for this being your very last DE IVF. If you're going to continue post in our new thread please be aware that this thread has loads of lovely mom's that pop in to say hi & chat quite frequently hence the title, we're respectful to all types of people here, not just those ttc. This thread is about supporting each other not a personal update calender. Thank you.

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