Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Mrs G that letter you wrote sent tears to my eyes, so touching, very very sweet. I really wish all of you cycling ladies the best, this thread needs mo babies! Pussycat, Minno, Coolstar, skp, and everyone who's still trying Dmama? that means all of you!

I'm really not expecting anything with our next cycle but if something hapens that hey fantastic. I'm annoyed right now that DH's crim check is taking so long, I'd love to get the social worker interview done and get on that official adoption wait list! My friend was a contact for a girl who just adopted and she said to the social worker during the 3 month after-interview that they do (to assess the ability of the adoptive parent to be a good parent before going to court to seal the deal) that she needs to find me a baby. hahaha no pressure on the social worker hey? The social worker was the lady who did our intro-to-adoption seminar in Edmonton and said there's no doubt in her mind that we'll not take the full 3.5 years wait. I was like how does she know that! She doesn't, she was being kind but I really appreciate it. Like I say there were some real weird personalities in that classroom of hopeful parents, they stuck out like sore thumbs. A Chiropractor couple who wanted to know what the right etiquette is to talk with the expecting mother about what sorts of vitamins she's taking. The class had a chuckle when the social worker said just be happy it isn't a mom who's lied on the forms about taking cocaine or drinking while pregnant. That Chiropractor couple turned several shades of red to white & grey.

I've seen my friends baby and she so cute and delicious, just adorable and so well behaved. I have no doubt that things will work out. This life can't all be shoots and mudslides can it :bunny:
Mrs G, the note was so beautifully written. What more can I say except that it's perfect.
2have, I really wish that your next cycle is success. And I always believe " The night is darkest just before dawn".We all deserve happiness in our life, and I know God is just testing us. Sometime I just think what have I done so bad that I am suffering so much and then I realised its just sheer bad luck. What is so difficult for us will be easy for many, but what is tough for them would be easy for us. The infertility journey has made me stronger, wiser and more compassionate. And you are correct life can't be all mudslides :) .
Coolstar I completely agree about this journey making us more compassionate. It's also made me much less judgemental, not many people know what I've been through the past few years and I know that I've behaved irrationally and been a bit of a bitch in work at times. So now when people behave in a way that surprises me or I think is a bit unreasonable I realise that you never know what's going on beneath the surface, many of us have such heart breaking secrets that we simply don't talk about but that influence our day to day behaviour. What you say is not always the whole story and it's taken this journey to help me see that.
2have, I wish so much for this to work for you so you don't have to wait on the adoption list and go through all that. Remind me, is it April you're next cycle at Reprofit? If this doesn't work for us then we too will start the adoption route (unless we get frosties then we'd use them). It's something I'll need to build myself up for as it's such an intrusive process, understandably of course. xx
I am wishing we all get our dream babies this time round ladies, goodness knows we've all been through so much and for so long. At the clinic on Thursday I met two other ladies from the UK who have been trying ivf for years. One of them is also under Dr Beers care for immune - she was lovely and was saying that sometimes she thinks that she'll have to accept that ivf won't work for her. I hope we never have to face that but if we do we are all much stronger now and will find a way through it. Good luck to us all xx
Hi folks, sorry I’ve been away for a while, me and DH decide to go away at the last minute it’s been lovely having a break from everything. Looks like there’s been lots happening in here and it’s going to take me a while to catch up :)
Welcome back Sienna.

For this round of IVF, Im hoping that 1 all eggs survive unthaw, and 2 all fertilize. If not Im hoping to at least have 4 out of 6 good ones, like I did last time.

But if say the 2 hopefully that get putt n, I hoping it will be successful, if not it makes me think of surrogacy with my remaining eggs or should I keep trying myself.

To be honest, agree to what coolstar said about being more compassion. Before my tTc journey, I knew ppl had infertility issues and some go through a lot. I just never thought i would go through with it.
Welcome coolstar and good luck with your cycle
Mrs G I’m excited for you, good luck with your transfer & your letter is lovely
Minxy I’m sorry to hear about your husband, I know from experience that recovering from depression is a slow process
Minno congratulations on being PUPO
I hope everyone is well and good luck to all you ladies who are cycling soon, it’s a very busy place here at the moment here’s to lots of babies :)
Ok ladies a little update. My donor would start stimulation from Jan 26th , so EC would be somewhere Feb 3rd to Feb 7th. Just keeping my fingers crossed.
MrsG, good luck to you.
Mino, how r u ?
SKP , when will your cycle start ?
Sienna, thanks :)
Not long to go now then Coolstar -excited for you!
I'm doing fine. Woke up last night feeling a bit sick and a sore left boob - random! Far too early for it to mean anything. I think I felt a bit sick cos I still have a slight headache which I'm putting down to caffeine withdrawal. I may have to relent and have a small cup of something just to take the edge off. I only have about one or sometimes two cups of coffee a day, so not loads but it is fresh stuff and pretty strong.
How is everyone else doing! Pussycat, getting very close now. Sienna lovely to have you back, hope you had a great holiday. Skp I hope you get a fantastic outcome from this cycle. Hi to everyone else😉
Hi everyone.
So ec today..... Had a momentary panic when clinic rang to say donor had only produced 3 eggs....... They don't continue treatment with less than 4.....
But they had another donor who had produced 20....and would we like half of hers? They haven't really said about the other couple, were they expecting 20?? All the nurse said was they wouldn't normally offer that many to 1 couple, they'd usually share or freeze but wouldn't tells me much. So felt a little guilty but they still have a good number right?
Anyway, characteristic match is good, eye colour actually better, 2 children of her own and 2 donor successes, so (obviously) we said yes! After cleaning etc 1 egg was no good but we still have 9 which were treated with icsi this afternoon.
Fert report in the morning and poss et thurs, or blast sat.
What a day!!
Hope everyone's ok today.
Mrs G that's fabulous news. Glad to hear you're well on the way to being pupo! What a relief that there was a back up. fx for nice big embies out of those 9 lovely fresh eggies!
Hi Minno, so hard not to symptom watch, got everything crossed for you. I want to be knitting this gorgeous baby things for you!
Coolstar, your EC is only a couple of days ahead of me!
Mrs G, what a stressful day for you, but you've got great numbers! Will you get fertilisation report tomorrow?
AFM, had a stinking headache for the past 2 days and been sooo cross!! Poor DH has been very patient. However coming through the other side of the evil BCP withdrawal and starting to feel human (ish) again. Started oestrogen, prednisone and baby aspirin today. Also really focussing my diet on foods to boost my lining growth in the hope of getting above 8mm: lots of greens, veg and a glass of pomegranate juice a day, no idea if it works but I'll give anything a go! xx
Hi Pussycat, Pomegranate juice? I'll try anything! Hope you're feeling better. Bloody meds!
Yes fert report late morning. We've had around 60% in the past. They said today if we had 4/5 they'd go to blast. Never had more than a day2 transfer b4 so a bit scary.
Does anyone know, do you generally lose many between day 2/3 and blast?
Mrs G , phew I am glad they had backup. It must have been such a stressful situation for you. Sorry I have no idea about how much one loses between 2/3.
Pussycat, even my doc told me loads and loads of green veg. I am praying too that the lining becomes good if not my Doc told me the cycle will be cancelled and it will be FET. Around when will be your donor EC ?
Hope everyone else doing good.
Coolstar EC scheduled for 9th Feb, our appointment is 10am when DH does his bit and I get scans etc and a dose of intralipids. Transfer (all being well) 14th Feb, there's a valentines gift for you!
Mrs G good luck today, such an exciting moment. With regards to day 3 - day 5 and survival rate. I think it's impossible to tell, it's all down to those pesky eggs and the quality. However the advantage of waiting till Blasts is you know that you're getting the most viable embryos and success rates after transfer as a result are better. x
It's all happening on this thread now!
Mrs G that's great news about the backup. I'm keeping everything crossed that you get some juicy blasts from those eggs. I do t know about attrition rate but if they make it to day 3 ok there's a good chance they'll continue to progress. As Pussycat says, blast transfers have higher success rates so I hope thats what happens for you.
Pussycat - ah yes the devil drugs. I hat bcp and progesterone makes me feel bloated and rubbish. It's a means to an end tho if it all works out. Here's hoping!

Afm I'm on 5dt5dt today. The last two nights I have woken up feeling quite sick during the night but then it goes away. I think it's the meds. Still too early to tell anything. Tempted to poas but won't! Xx
Minno, are you being good and not testing til otd? I never get that far without caving in to temptation!!!

Fertilisation report was really good! Of the 9 we had, they injected 8 and 7 have fertilised!! :happydance: they've cancelled my day 3 appointment and made one for sat. They'll check them again thurs. Never had this many before, excited!!

Fantastic Mrs G - blasto transfer here you come!!
I will probably poas this weekend but not before as its too early I think. Right? X
Mrs G, that's great news, congrats!
Minno, I'm always torn as to whether to POAS or not, do you think you'll be able to hold off till the weekend? xx

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