Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2have , wow loved your project specially the skirt. It's so beautiful. I don't know anything about knitting. The only thing I know is cross stitch and little embroidery stitches. I always wanted to do a cross stitch of baby record kit for myself but never got a chance :( .
Pussycat, fxed for your scan. My Donor retrieval will be on Friday. Today doctor showed me the ultrasound of her ovaries. She has around 13-14 eggs. Sizes are around 14.My lining not that good :( . I really don't know why for once something goes in my life as expected. Today I had a scan and my lining was around 5.2 , she wants at least 8 during transfer. If it is less ,then embryo would be frozen. I am little tensed now. Just want it to get over soon.
2have , wow loved your project specially the skirt. It's so beautiful. I don't know anything about knitting. The only thing I know is cross stitch and little embroidery stitches. I always wanted to do a cross stitch of baby record kit for myself but never got a chance :( .
Pussycat, fxed for your scan. My Donor retrieval will be on Friday. Today doctor showed me the ultrasound of her ovaries. She has around 13-14 eggs. Sizes are around 14.My lining not that good :( . I really don't know why for once something goes in my life as expected. Today I had a scan and my lining was around 5.2 , she wants at least 8 during transfer. If it is less ,then embryo would be frozen. I am little tensed now. Just want it to get over soon.

Are they upping your dose of estrogen to help out? Try drinking red raspberry leaf tea (stop after transfer) and or pomegranate juice...some people swear these things help....I myself did the red raspberry leaf tea, but lining was never an issue for me as my periods are always very heavy....KMFX for good lining next check
Minnoo - Sorry you don't have a good feeling, but you are not out of the game....HUGS

Everyone - it is hard to keep up with the action! Good luck to those in the tww and to those with upcoming transfers!!!! Really hoping for some more BFPs here....

AFM - ...had my 1st trimester screening...ultrasound looked good, and waiting for the blood test results...
2have, you've been busy! The skirt looks very complicated, I suspect that's beyond my skills! I'm making a sweater (cable knit) at the moment, unfortunately I can't take it with me on the plane, the needles (even bamboo) are deemed as dangerous and I'm only taking hand luggage.
Coolstar, my lining has always been pretty thin so I researched ways to improve and as Dmama says: raspberry leaf tea (I take at least 2 cups per day) is meant to improve uterine health (though stop after transfer as it can cause the uterus to contract which is exactly what you don't want). Pomegranate juice (250ml/day), vitamin E (good for cell renewal) and usual prenatals (including B complex). You've got a great number of follicles so fingers crossed your lining thickens up. What Estrogen are you on? I've stepped up to 3 x2mg /day and last time I cycled they added another 2x 2mg vaginally as transfer date approached.
Dmama, great news on your scan, nearly through the first trimester already!
Minno, how you doing?
Pussycat wishing you lots of good luck and sticky dust for upcoming transfer :). I will be thinking thick for your lining 😄
2have, you have skills girl! I could never do something like that - definately don't have the patience.
Coolstar - thinking thick for you too petal x

No update from me. OTD tomoro and then I will
Contact clinic and ask them
To plan my next go. Think I may ask to be put on bcp the month before so that I can control when af arrives. We get back from hold on 21st July, so if af arrives shortly after we get back I can just get going without delay. Also means no af while on holiday 😉xxx
Dmama great news about your scan results. Hope bloods are all a-ok too x
Hi everyone.
Minno, I hope you're ok. :hugs: I always found it good to have a "now what?" plan. Made me feel more in control.
Pussycat, hope scan goes ok. Coolstar do you have another lining scan soon? I've never had a great lining, last thurs it was 7 and by transfer was 10 so there's still lots of time. I was on 3x progynova a day and they didn't increase it. Lovely thick wishes coming your way!!
Dhama, great news about your check up, hope more of us can join you soon.
2have, you're so creative! I wish I had the patience!
Nothing to report here, literally! Can't decide when to test, there is no way I will wait til otd. I know that sat is the equivalent day I got bfp with dd......
Mrs G v excited to hear about your good news at the weekend! Xx
I'm ok. Caught a cold from my son who's been unwell for a few days now and off school. Just waiting to get the formality of OTD over and start planning for August! Will
be in email comms with clinic tomoro to get things sorted x
Good morning: :flower:

Trying to catch up with you all..

Minno: Will you test again? Do you have any frosties?

Dmama: Hooray for 1st trimester being done. Will you find out the gender?

Coolstar: What dose of progesterone and estradiol are you on? My lining started out thin but they increased my progesterone and it thickened up quickly!

Sprinkling massive baby dust!

Prayers and blessings,
~Angie <3
Hi Never2 how did transfer go?
Yes we have two blast frosties left and are going back in August to put them both back.
Roll on August! X
Hi Never2 how did transfer go?
Yes we have two blast frosties left and are going back in August to put them both back.
Roll on August! X

It went really well..Thank you for asking ..Got a postive this morning. Makes me scared it will go away when I say it out loud, but this hpt looks just like my son's did last year. I'm trying to stay positive .
Blood test scheduled for Monday. :thumbup:
That's fantastic!!! You were ET Friday weren't you? How many did you have back?
Hi Ladies! just popping in to see how you all are progressing.
Minno, sorry this wasn't your time.
Angie, congrats on BFP!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Congrats Never2. Lovely news. Hope beta is strong and gets stronger x
Never2 Congrats for your BFP. So happy for you !! fxed for your beta. Praying that you get a good number.
Dmama , wow for your u/s :)
Mrs G, how are you ?
Pussycat, when will be your Donor ER date ? How did your scan go ?
Mino, good that you have 2 frosties left.
I am taking Progyonova 6 * 2mg. I asked my doc to up the dose but she is not willing at present. She called me again for u/s today and my lining increased to 6 so that is .8 increase in a day. Any idea how much lining increases in a day ? I am already taking POM juice. Have a blood test tomorrow( estrogen ).
Hi Never2 how did transfer go?
Yes we have two blast frosties left and are going back in August to put them both back.
Roll on August! X

It went really well..Thank you for asking ..Got a postive this morning. Makes me scared it will go away when I say it out loud, but this hpt looks just like my son's did last year. I'm trying to stay positive .
Blood test scheduled for Monday. :thumbup:

Whoo hoo! Let the BFP train begin!:happydance:

BTW - yes, the plan is to find the gender...mainly because I want to be able to either plan to keep or plan to get rid of stuff from DD. What about you?
Never2 Congrats for your BFP. So happy for you !! fxed for your beta. Praying that you get a good number.
Dmama , wow for your u/s :)
Mrs G, how are you ?
Pussycat, when will be your Donor ER date ? How did your scan go ?
Mino, good that you have 2 frosties left.
I am taking Progyonova 6 * 2mg. I asked my doc to up the dose but she is not willing at present. She called me again for u/s today and my lining increased to 6 so that is .8 increase in a day. Any idea how much lining increases in a day ? I am already taking POM juice. Have a blood test tomorrow( estrogen ).

I have no idea how quickly the lining grows in a day, but it seems yours is growing nicely! How much time do you have before transfer? is it a frozen cycle? Seems they should be able to work on this until it gets where they want it. is Progyonova 6 the same as Estradiol or Estrace 2mg? I took the equivalent of Estradiol 2mg three times per day. Is that the equivalent of what you are taking? Hoping this works out for this cycle!
Minno - I'm so sorry to hear your news. Take care of yourself, lots of snuggly sofa time & kids movies whilst you and DS are ill maybe?

Butterfly - thanks, I'll have a look at GineFIV.

Dmama - congrats on trimester 1 scan done & great, roll on next trimester.

Pussycat - I can't wait to hear how you get on & what you think of reprofit. If we go there we'll definitely make a holiday out of it too, as we've never been that before and it looks a great area. All this travel IVF is getting me to do! Good luck.

Coolstar - sounds like your lining is coming on well. My friend on twitter had lining problems & got to 8 for transfer and is now 21wks pg with twins (DE), so there's plenty of hope. I always like to have a good steak in the run up for my lining.

MrsG - My accupuncturist recommends the same. I like to make sure I'm warm with no drafts in my clothing. It seems to make sense. Lots of nourishment.

Never2 - Congratulations on the BFP. Hope you have a lovely high beta.

2have - I love the yoga socks. Your knitting is at the next level. Very relaxing.

Afm: nothing to report, not had time to look into clinics any further. Definitely won't be going to America, too pricey.

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