Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi ladies,
Coolstar, keep the faith, it only takes one!
Mrs G, well I guess if it was a 'natural' pregnancy, that's all you'd get, so no news is good!
2have, excellent news, so amazing after all you've been through!
Well had the fertility update: 9 collected, 8 mature and of then 6 fertilised. I have to call back Thursday to check progress and ET scheduled for 10:45am Saturday. Is this a good number, 6? Past cycles a number have not developed so wondering how many I'll be left with? I guess I have to keep waiting.
Snow is all gone here and there's not a huge amount to do but shop! It's DH birthday tomorrow too! x
Hi Pussycat, great fert report!! We had similar numbers, 7 out of 9 fertilised, 5 got to blast. We had a sat lunchtime ET too! Everything crossed for you. Enjoy a couple of lovely days.
Hi ladies,
pussycat, those are great numbers, we had similar numbers, 10 harvested, 8 fert, 6 survived to day 3, 4 on transfer day. 2 were perfect the other 2 they said were nearly there and would wait 1 day for them to get bigger but in the end they didn't meet the Reprofit standards so they destroyed them. I was really upset but figured they probably knew what they were doing. It conflicted with my plans to go back and have child 3 & 4 since I was convinced I'd be singing the tunes to twins that year. Frozen anything needs to be great quality.

Mrs G my only symptoms are being constantly cold, but it's a real cold snap here in Calgary right now. Saying that I've got a down sweater jacket on while I type here in the office lol. And the nips won't stay down, so sensitive and sore! With my other 2 pregnancies I've had a stuffy nose and slight ms after 7 weeks for stupidly not eating regularly.

No signs are ok, especially in the initial stages. Since I didn't know I was preggers until 1 week past AF I feel I've lost a lot of time that usually slips by very slowly. It's always such a daunting wait during first tri.
Yes hopefully 2have you will have time go by fast! How long do you think you have to be on all the drugs?
PC The hormones stop at 12 weeks, the blood thinners, baby aspirin, & prednisone up to end of pregnancy. Some of the lovenox ladies with the same clotting issues as me took it till 3 weeks after birth. The ones who weren't diagnosed with clotting issues or didn't get prescribed enough lovenox had clots in their legs, arms, lost babies because the placenta was blocking nutrition with blood clots. There were some horrific stories when I was reading the threads. Undiagnosed & untreated causes implantation failure + early mc's because the bean can't implant properly.
Coostar best of luck today with transfer, you'll very soon be PUPO!! Let us know how it goes. x
Been thinking about past old B & B, friends. Does anyone ever hear from Crystal or Jooba? They must be 6-7 months pregnant by now? Ladies if you're out there, big hi and hope all is going well for you both! x
Good luck with ET today Coolstar.
Pussycat, hope you're having a relaxing couple of days.
Coolstar how did it go today?
PC I have heard from Crystal, not Jooba unfortunately. Crystal's coming along, 9 weeks to go now. She's had horrific medical complications but she's tough and has a great family. Her babies are measuring much bigger than normal which I think is pretty good, maybe not for the poor wee lass but just in case they come early that's always a good thing!
Hi Ladies, had my ET yest. 2 embryos transfered, everything went well. We have 3 embryos for FET. Only thing is that my doc prescribed me Gestone inj till my beta test because of my endo and those inj are so painful.
Great news Coolstar, your PUPO! And 3 back up frosties! Were you always going to have two transferred? I was set on 2 but now thinking it depends on how many we have on Sat and if any are good for freezing. Thinking if I have 3 then perhaps 1 back as I would have 2 to freeze, not sure if it's worth freezing just 1? Decisions decisions....
2have, sorry to hear that crystals had complications, was it down to the big babies, hopefully not age as I think she's the same as me (44). Say hi to her and best of luck with the birth. Will they make her go full term if the babies are so big? I'd love to hear how Jooba is, we cycled together last time. How you feeling hon? When do you have your next beta/ scan? x
Coolstar that's fab news! Are those progesterone injections then? I chose to do them as I hate the mess of the up-the-hoo-hoo kind. My hips were getting really puffy so I remember some ladies saying the leg site injection really isn't painful so I did that yesterday. Biggest mistake! It wasn't painful going in but my leg was so sore I could barely walk straight yesterday. I skipped my workout class and not sure if I'll go today either. I'll put up with the pain in my backside as I think those hip muscles get used less. My pharmacist also said I could do bicep so I might try that too.

Pussycat would you be ok if you got twins? I'd def put 2 fresh ones back, you've paid for a fresh cycle so you might as well make your odds the very best they can be. When they're frozen your chances decrease. We were going to use frozen embies at roughly $2200 vs fresh at $7500, that's a huge difference in price for the premium. You're paying to have your chances increase from 35% to 60-80% with fresh. But it's a very personal decision because not everyone is OK with twins! You can always come back and pay for frozen eggies. Actually I"m not even sure Reprofit does them because frozen eggies are so fragile, but you don't get the chance to do fresh everyday. Plus there's so much more cycle work to time everything with fresh vs frozen.

My first prenatal is scheduled for next Thursday and DH said he doesn't want the first scan until 10 weeks. I completely understand, he wants to pass that unlucky 8 week mark that we always lose our babies at. I'm going to trump him though and get a scan for week 8 (2 weeks from today). If this pregnancy isn't viable I want to still have time to have AF before April so that I can time a frozen DE IVF (get on the pill) scheduled for April 16th. Maybe the doc will give me two scans, week 8 and week 10 or 11? Then week 12/13 the Nauchal Translucency scan. I feel fine, other than some small pinching earlier on in the week, hungry cravings, and sore boobies, otherwise I'd have no idea what's going on!
Hi everyone.
Congrats on being pupo Coolstar!!
Pussycat hope you're having a lovely time. I was set on 2 but as they were such good blasts went for 1. I'm just glad we've got some frosties.
2have, glad you're ok. I've not got any real symptoms either, feel a bit odd if I don't eat regularly. It is otd today, peed in the official stick! No heat for me but scan booked for 2nd march. Hope the time flies!
Hi lorna.

A couple of clinics I've been to here have done blood tests but never made a big deal of the beta, just said pos or neg! This one I'm at now just give you a poas to use but won't take the result til 12dp transfer, which is thurs. I've emailed the nurse and told her I've had bfp but she said to confirm on thurs! I think the scan is at about 6/7 weeks. I might go to the early pregnancy unit in my local hospital tho, when I had my mc they said I could self refer to them if I fell again for an early scan. Such a nerve wracking time, after all the hectic weeks of a cycle, it feels like the next few weeks will drag, I really want to enjoy it but am still v nervous.

So you now you're having a boy? Have you chosen a name?


I remember all to well the nervous wait of the first Scan, although I had a good rising Beta, I have had that in the past and I still miscarried so only teh scan reassured us. Then it doesnt stop until the 12 week scan oh and then the 20 weeks scan actually I think I will have some anxiety until baby is born :wacko: But yes try and enjoy it I did at the same time and was adamant to remain positive and so far so good :winkwink:

We have chosen Jake Andrew and nickname him JJ at moment :hugs:
Hi Ladies!!! :)

I feel awful I've been MIA but I really was not well :( I have chronic kidney stones but for whatever reason they seemed to want to flare up in pregnancy. I've passed 5 so far and both kidneys still have stones. So its been a painful experience, baby girls are great though :) They are measuring 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ahead in weight so I had to go a little early for the Glucose Tolerance Test and yep I have gestational diabetes. The diet didn't do anything so am now on insulin :thumbup: I also have high blood pressure from my kidneys but that has been well controlled. So I've been lucky as well! I have a fab team of doctors so all is well

I've read back a little and congrats on the baby boy Lorna!!!!How exciting!!

2Have, I am still so so happy for you!! May this be the one for you :hugs:

Pussycat, best of luck with the transfer!!! I can't say enough about Reprofit... they gave us these two beautiful girls :) I'm 40, was 39 at transfer :thumbup:

Hi everyone else am going to read back further today so I can get caught up:)


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2have, yes they are progesterone shots. Since my natural progesterone is very very low, it is never viable for pregnancy. The shots are painful And my bum is sore, I cannot sit properly. Since it is oil base injection after taking the shot massage gently for a min, it does help. Also I am using a heating pad after taking the inj to reduce the pain. You can try that too. How long are you going to take the shot ?
Pussycat, if I am given a choice between twins and bfn I would go for twins. My DH agrees with me and also my doc told us that it increases the chance of one sticking. I know it's a diff decision. And ultimately I think if it is meant to happen it will happen whether we transfer one or two .
MrsG, how are you feeling ?
Hi everyone, Lorna how are you feeling? Hope you can enjoy without too much worry.
Crystal you poor thing, can they help you with the pain? You'd think they could blast them? Are you going to be ok after the babies? Hopefully things will calm down.
Coolstar, yes I use a heating pad too, I don't usually massage, I give them to myself after my shower then out the door for work. BUT weirdly, when I did my workout class today my leg didn't hurt at all, I think the heated muscles help kill the pain of the oil in there, but after getting up from my desk after concentrating for an hour or so it kills = cold muscles?? Feel the oil? Solution maybe to bring a heatable beany bag to work and keep it on the sore parts.

So at work my boss thinks I'm leaving in April for medical leave to have another IVF round. I'll be 5 months preggers when I come back :haha: my gf & DH are telling me just to leave it as is, we don't know if I can keep this baby, if I come back I coukd have a plan: wear clever clothing to offset the tummy from showing and get a leave in late August from the doctor for the mat leave. Then they'd likely just think baby came early. I hate having to tell him all the details, even tho he's neutral it's no one's business but mine!
But it's risky, people will be asking questions. I think the truth is the only way to go? What would you guys do?
Hi everyone
Lorna, that's a lovely name
Hi crystal, great pics!
Coolstar, I always injected stims/down regs in my stomach, flab was always less painful then muscle! But not sure if same applies to prog injections? Hope you're enjoying being pupo, when is otd?
2have, work is always tricky, my boss knows everything and is vv supportive but I know it must be really hard if people don't get it. How's your symptoms?
Pussycat, how are you? Will be thinking of you and sending baby dust tomorrow.
Afm, am 4w4d today and got 3+ on digi.... Have moved scan to 27th feb, only 2 weeks away but feels like a lifetime!
Happy Friday everyone. X
MrsG , my OTD is on 27 th Feb. The progesterone inj are I/M , so I guess u can't take it in you stomach. You said you got 3+ in digi. I could not understand what it is.
Pussycat, thinking of you.
2have, heatable bag is a good idea. For how long you need to take the shots ? Yes you are correct people would be asking question.
Hey how is everyone!

I finished my bcp a couple days ago, just waiting on af, so then I will start estrace. March 17th is transfer day :)

Did anyone watch greys yesterday? Spoiler (highlight line) I bawled my eyes out.

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