Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2have - If it were me and got pg naturally, I'd play it like a fertile and not say anything until I was 12wks anyway. Your leave in April was from your annual leave anyway? Then say as much or as little as you want to. Could just say a miracle has occurred and you're pg if you're pushed.

SKP - Omg I watched greys. I was gripping DH's hand. This story has done me in. Credit to them they have done it very well and beautifully. I love greys.

Coolstar - 5 blasts is still good work. Contrats on being PUPO.

Crystal - you poor thing sounds like you've had the toughest time. I wonder if its a twin thing as a twin IVF friend had terrible troubles with her kidneys in the last few months. Everyone fine now.

Mrs G - congrats on the BFP. Trying to get Betas in the UK is a nightmare, try and chill and wait for the scan. I had to get them for my greek clinic, my gp had to write a blood request, I had to pay, the results took over 24 hrs, the receptionsit had to get the doctor to tell her what to say. It was so stressful. Next time I'm doing the 2 hours drive to pay the local clinic £50 for the bloods.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. If the weather holds I'm hoping to go for a snowdrop walk tomorrow and catch up on more Downton Abbey, I've nearly finished season 3.
I forgot... I meant to ask 2have, pussycat and crystal, what drugs do Reprofit prescribe?

We would do donor embryo which is like FET, would I have to down reg or just take BCP?
Other than that before Serum had me on prednisolne (steroid), asperin, cyclogest, clexane & estrogen (I think - brain like a sieve). Got a lot of drugs leftover from Serum so hoping to save money on reuse.

Thanks ladies
Hi ladies, how is everyone? It’s lovely to see so many bfp :)
Congratulations never2late , 2 have and Mrs G on your bfp
Coolstar congratulations on being PUPO
Crystal I’m sorry to hear of your health problems but so glad to hear both babes are doing well and your scan pics are lovely
Hi ladies:wave:
Coolstar, progesterone till 12 weeks, baby aspirin, & prednisone till delivery, Lovenox till 3 weeks after delivery. How many DE IVF's have you done?
Minxy & Sienna long time no read, hi how are you two? Sienna what have you been up to?
Minxy for FET DEmbryos with Repeofit it's the bcp, AF then estrace & scans till a few days before transfer, then adding in progesterone, I would also do the immune protocols from Dr Beers clinic too. At least you don't need to do the Lupron injection. There's warnings all over that drug not to have it frequently and a max of 6 x in a lifetime. To me that sends warning bells off. Reprofit always prescribes this for fresh DE's.
Hi ladies, well that's that week all over with. So in the end we agreed to have 1 put back. The dr (Marcela, who was lovely) was really not keen on any more as the quality of the blasts was so good. As of yesterday we had 3 hatchling blasts all best quality possible with no fragmentation, we also had a 4th which they are hoping would get to hatchling stage today. So we have 2 def frosties, poss 3 and one on board. It was a bit of a difficult day: ET was complicated. First off she couldn't see my uterus so I had to go and drink loads more water, then it was still difficult to see (I have a tilted uterus) and she had great difficulty inserting the catheter as it turns out my cervix was closed. I've had a akward transfers but never this difficult. Anyway she got there in the end, I just hope it won't effect the outcome. Then I had to have the Intralipd and I'm not sure what happened but the needle didn't seem to be in right as it was really painful, so they changed arms and as the infusion went on the same thing started to happen. A third nurse then came into check and said some of the infusion was leaking under my skin (my arm had started to swell) so she stopped and tried again back in the other arm and this time it was all fine. However I now have 2 very sore and bruised arms. I was full of confidence yesterday but today already feeling crampy, exactly like last time. However great news that we have frosties (so I still have another chance) and our embryos were such amazing quality.
Minxy chick, I was on BCP, then had a depot injection and started Estrogen a week later, prednisone and baby aspirin. On day of egg collection I had an intralipid infusion (which was easy not like the one I just described!) and added in progesterone. On day of ET I had another Intralipd infusion and added in Clexane injections (stopped aspirin). The intralipids, Clexane and prednisone are all because I tested positive for raised NK cells. Fingers crossed this all works! If I get BFP I have to have one more intralipid. Test day 26th. If you email the coordinators at Reprofit they are really helpful.
Crystal lovely to hear from you but sorry you've had such problems, your gorgeous girls will all be worth it in the end.
Coolstar, how you feeling?
Anyway ladies I'm sorry for being a little self obsessed over the past week, just need to get through the next 2 now! x
Congrats on being pupo Pussycat!! And great you've for some frosties. When's otd? Sending lots of baby dust.
Thanks Mrs G, test date is 26th, which seems like a lifetime away! Hope I'm as lucky as you! How you feeling?
Coolstar when is your date? x
I'm sure you will be, I have a good feeling about this thread at the mo! I'm ok thanks. 5w tomorrow, had a couple of 3+ on the clear blue digi with conception indicator, so I hope that means this is a strong one. Got scan in 27th.
Are you good or will you test early? When do you head home?
We flew home last night, figured it was better to get a full days rest today before going back to work tomorrow. There's only 1 flight a day and it doesn't get into Stansted till 10:30pm, then we have a 2hr drive. Had a pretty chilled day.
To test of not to test? I'm not usually an early tester but it depends how I'm feeling. I've been through this do many times I know how it feels when AF is trying to break through but the progesterone is stopping it, so I reckon I'll know anyway.
What does a 3pmys mean? x
congratulation Pussycat on being PUPO :) fingers crossed for a sticky bean
Minxy & Sienna long time no read, hi how are you two? Sienna what have you been up to?
nothing exciting busy with work and dealing with some family issues, I hadn't realised how long I'd not checked in till I came to catch up!
We flew home last night, figured it was better to get a full days rest today before going back to work tomorrow. There's only 1 flight a day and it doesn't get into Stansted till 10:30pm, then we have a 2hr drive. Had a pretty chilled day.
To test of not to test? I'm not usually an early tester but it depends how I'm feeling. I've been through this do many times I know how it feels when AF is trying to break through but the progesterone is stopping it, so I reckon I'll know anyway.
What does a 3pmys mean? x

On the cb digi tests it shows weeks from conception. So 3 weeks from conception, so 5 weeks pg. I know it's only a rough guide but at least the numbers are going in the right direction!! I am a test addict!
Keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Pussycat, congrats for being PUPO. Was thinking about you hon. I am sorry that they had to stick the needle 2-3 times, it's so painful. It happened to me during my mock. But you have one good quality embryo transfered , I am keeping my fingers Xed for you. My OTD is on 27th Feb.
2have, this is my first donor Ivf, last time it was with my crappy egg.
About me, I tested fri ( 3dp3dt) it was negative. I have decided not to test anymore and wait for beta. No symptoms for me and I am just feeling that it will never happen for me. I just want the TWW to get over soon, so that I can move on with my life.
Coolstar that's super early to test, I think the earliest we've seen + was 5dp5dt. Don't get discouraged bella, most don't feel anything!
Pussycat congrats on being pupo, how are you feeling?
Thanks for explaining Mrs G! Coolstar, your test was way too early to show anything so don't read anything into that! Just because you have no symptoms doesn't mean a thing, the day before Mrs G tested she was convinced it was game over and she's very much pregnant! Even if your fears come true (which I really hope they don't), you have frosties, Crystal is pregnant with twins as a result of frosties. This will happen for you hon! x
Good Morning Ladies!
Exciting things happening here! May everyone be PUPO! There are several people who use frosties and have gotten pregnant and had their little ones! When I had my cycle I had 0 symptoms and was still pregnant so don't worry each pregnancy is different! Hoping for good luck for everyone! Just keep your mind busy on other things and yes that is hard! So you can get frosties at the clinic in Zlin?. Also intralips? Do the doo the immune testing?
Hi Garnet
I was at Reprofit so not sure about Zlin. Reprofit don't do the immune testing (I had that done in the UK) and also prefer to adjust the protocol according to your immunologists report. However based on that they are happy to prescribe the meds required and also do the Intralipd in site.
I'm still feeling mildly crampy which concerns me, as it's been like this for 2 days on and off so too long for implantation cramps. I'm desperately trying to stay level headed about this as I so badly want if to work. This is going to be a loooong couple of weeks!
Heard back from the clinic that they have frozen 2 grade 1 hatchling embryos. x
Hi everyone.
Coolstar, that's very early to test hun, your embie will be settling in right now. Keep the faith. Xx
Pussycat, I've had cramping on and off since et too. Just stretching getting ready for your bubs.
Hope everyone else is ok.
Am 5w today, bbs bit sore, and had a horrible sick in mouth moment earlier (sorry!!)
Sending loads of baby dust out to everyone.
Coolstar - hold on in there, 3dp3dt is the same as 1dp a 6dt. It's so tempting to test early it would take quite a few more days for the HCG to be released & be enough to detect.

Pussycat - Congrats on being PUPO. Thanks for the info. Sounds like you had a tough time of it but I doubt it would affect anything. Yay to having 2 icicles in the bank.

2have - Not really had anything to report. Trying to enjoy life, get my exercises in I'd really like to shift as much IVF weight as possible before we go back (it's only a stone but to me that's alot). Really weighing up whether to go Reprofit or Serum. It is a tough choice. How are you?
Mrs G I can't believe how much the boobs hurt. It's aweful. No sickness, just hard as brick boobs that kill if the wind blows.

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