Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Skp, I am so sorry. Thinking of you. Xx
Thx Garnet, um I posted : hi :, which should look like a little guy waiving his hand :hi: and when I come back to view it now it's :sex:, I don't get it! Also the other day I posted that my mood was cheerful and I come on to chat and it says I'm feeling drunk!?!?! Um pregnant & drunk don't mix well, anybody have this weird stuff happen with B&B?

Garnet all the best with the resume & job hunting, hope you find something satisfying!

Well maybe you were subconsciously thinking about it!:haha:
Skp - I am so sorry to hear your betas have dropped. I pray there's a chance there were 2 and 1 is ok. After having a miscarriage myself last year, I know what a terrible time this is. My heart goes out to you.

2Have - hope the cold has gone, your holiday sounds awesome. Enjoying the updates.

Pussycat - I would transfer 2 but you need to be happy there's a high chance it could be twins. Its a hard choice xx. When are you hoping to have your FET? I've contact Serum and we're going to do a donor embryo cycle after my May AF, transfer mid June. I'm going to have an endoscratch too. I will need to have mine in May before my AF.

MrsG - Wonderful to hear your 12wk scan went well. The time has gone so quickly as a bystander!

Garnet - Hi, hope life is treating you well.

Hope everyone else is well.

AFM: We've decided to have a frozen donor embryo cycle with serum. All being well this will be mid June. We've decided to go frozen as we can't afford a fresh egg donor cycle even though we may get frosties (more expense to freeze).
We're going back to Serum as we really like the clinic, a frozen donor embryo is basically a FET so only relies on my lining and we won't have the problems down regging and waiting for donors etc which we had in October which nearly sent me over the edge! Also if DH can't get the time off work (his work are really funny at the moment), I can happily go there by myself as I know the city and clinic. I know the team at serum will take care of me.
As it's a FET I'm concentrating on living my life normally until we go. My priority is to get fitter and losing some weight, I'm hoping for twins so I need to be ready to carry them!
Minxy Chick,
I know some don't like the percentages that frozen eggs gives you but their are a handful of ladies on our old thread that have had successful pregnancies with frozen eggs and now have their little ones!! So let hope for the best! Excited tht Serum makes you feel comfortable! Good luck in May!
Had an ultrasound, there was nothing there. Can,t even say if 1 took or 2.

Trying again now with our last frostie for June.
SKP sorry to hear the bad news, are you having a pathology done? The first time I mc'd from de IVF it turned out to be Turner's a Syndrome (sperm related chromosomal factor). Pathology testing is free, the clinic gives you a container if you wish to have the testing done.

No I didn't have a pathology, they told us it just happens.
Hi everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place, just looking for some postive support from anyone going through the experience of finding out they have low AMH. I have been ttc for over three years and after one MC and failures ever since I got my blood work done. My AMH is 3.7. A huge blow. I never thought it would be this. I am trying to stay postive, but it can be tough. Everyone else seems to be having babies around me:( I recently read the fertile heart, started acupunture and supplements. Has anyone tried the imagery exercises from the fertile heart? Waiting to see fertility clinic as well.
Hi SKP, so sorry to hear that very sad news. I know there's nothing I can say but suffice to say I'm thinking if you. x
Minxy, it's so important to feel comfortable with your clinic, I wish I'd changed to Reprofit sooner! I'll be one month ahead of you, scratch this month (25th), then start Estrogen, prednisone & aspirin day 1 of next cycle which I hope will be start of May, the FET c day 21 (lining dependent).
SKP sorry to hear about your loss, sounds like the mc happened before you got to the clinic anyway so they couldn't collect the products and tell you why you mc'd anyway (which is why they may have given you that generalized answer - 'it happens').

If there was something wrong with baby then it's not likely your body, if baby was ok chromosomally you may have immune issues which compromise your ability to carry babies (like PC, Crystal, and I). fx for your frostie to work out! :hugs:
Thanks 2have, :)

yes it was a few days later before I got to the clinic.

Thanks everyone
SKP, I am so sorry. Noone should miscarry specially Ivf ladies :( . Hope your next cycle works.
FDP, welcome to the thread. Even I have low amh. But I have seen many ladies with low amh getting BFP with and without assisted help.
Skp :hugs: I am so sorry to read this lovely. Look after yourself xx

Welcome cool, I too have a low amh, mine is 3. I've been ttc since a mmc after a natural pregnancy 15 months ago. I've had one failed ivf so far and planning to try again in the summer.

I've not heard of the imagery - what is it?
Ps mrs G, hope you are well. We've just bought a house near Bournemouth! X
Welcome FDP, low AMH isn't the end of your chances, it does make things harder but lots of people have success.
In a real quandary about one or two, just as well I have a while to think about it! Both clinics have always told me that two doesn't increase the chance if success but increases chance of twins. However you ladies seem to say different so I'm a little confused. My concerns with twins are my ability to carry them (I have a dodgy lower back which has been playing up since Jan after 5 problem free years), also health of babies given my older age (44), and of course looking after two babies! However part of my loves the idea of it and I always wanted more than one. Plus our two frosties are the last chance, we won't do this again putting one back could potentially extend the TTC process. DH says 1 based on the Docs advise. A bit of a quandary.
How's everyone else doing? The sun has finally come out on the south coast of England and it feels like spring is here, so I've been at the allotment all day today, bliss! xx
Hi everyone.

Welcome fdp. Have always had acupuncture but never heard of the exercises.

Mrs w, that's exciting! Whereabouts?

PC, we had 2 put back with dd's cycle and fet. They were only 2 day 4 cell. The next cycle we got to ec, we only had 1 to transfer. First donor cycle we put back 2 but again they were 2 day 4 cell. This cycle we only had 1 but it was a grade a blast. B4 dd I would've loved twins. I think now I'm more aware of the risks during pregnancy. I do always think with dd's cycle, what if they'd chosen a different embie or we'd only had 1 transferred. It's so hard!

Skp, I hope you're doing ok.

Big wave to everyone else.

PC I can't understand why they would say there is ko higher chance of success with 2 embies. Otherwise everyone who put 2 back would either end up with 2 or nothing :shrug:
I think with DE twins there is more chance they will be healthy because of the donors age. It would be great to have 2 for them to play together but of course it will be tough. :hugs:

Skp sorry for your loss :nope:
PC, my doc thinks more increases the chances of getting a BFP ie at least one might stick. Saying that I know many ladies get BFP with single low grade embryo and and BFN with two good grade embryos. So in the end it is a game of luck ( for me I feel it will be easier to win lotto then getting a BFP :( ) . But if you have back problem then do what is best for your health.
Mr W , fxed for your ivf cycle.
AFM, I was having leg cramps from last 2 days. I talked with my doc and she said its side effect of the Meds , which may lead to blood clotting. So I should eat potassium rich food and should do little bit of walking. So I started taking banana, milk, coconut water and luckily the pain is gone.
Hi Coolstar, I got leg cramps last cycle too, it's a real pain. Apart from that are you ok?
Thanks for the input on 1 or 2. I have 2 top quality hatchling blasts frozen and the last time the dr was very firm about the womb being made for one etc prior to this I always had at least 2 transferred but that was with my own eggs and then where they wouldn't freeze the second embryo so thought I might as well go for both. Still thinking on this one! xx
PC also be aware that at Reprofit the doctors are very conscientious about being seen internationally to do the 'right' thing. Every year Czech Republic hosts a reproductive technologies conference where their doctors are under great scrutiny. There is a set of international standards amongst fs doctors and one of the most important is they frown upon creating multiples. I felt previously by their communication that they didn't have the interests of getting me pregnant first, they were more concerned with their reputation and statistics creating multiples - which goes with your story about how he told you the womb is meant for only 1 baby. The conversation should have been around the stats! The laws state that 2 embryos are perfectly safe to transfer. You need to make your own decision and then be firm with what you want him to do for you. It's well known that 2 does increase your chances of success but he didn't talk odds with you did he?

It's very similar to how my regional fc tells people they have success with frozen eggs (not to be mistaken with embies, as eggs when frozen are much, much more delicate). So sure they have successes but with a price tag of $25,000 each go I needed to know the average number that make it to top grade for freezing and the number of successful pregnancies that made it successfully to term. That number was so small we had to go abroad for fresh cycles. 3 fresh cycles per cost of 1 frozen plus a nice vacation and an increase by 50+% to that fresh transfer will make it to term. I really hate the spin doctors try to sell you with their preferred methods - they need to remain neutral and put all of the facts on the table!

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