Has anyone here other than mrs g had donor cycle and lives in uk? I hadn't really even thought about going abroad for a cycle and not sure if it would work for us but finding the convo really interesting.
Some clinics in the uk have quite a waiting list for a donor match.
We had an prior thread and a lot of the ladies were from UK and went abroad! I am only one from United States! When I went to my clinic in Prague most of the ladies were from UK and Australia doing regular IVF and Donor IVF!
some of our successful ladies went to Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Czech Republic! They did not want to wait on the list!
Mrs W if you find you keep getting bfn's, chemicals or mc's, testing for immune issues is a smart thing to do. Dr. Beers clinic found that I had 2 severe clotting issues that kept me from implanting properly and if the babies did manage to implant I'd mc at 5-8 weeks. PC and Crystal both have immune issues too, it's good to know what your dealing with if you seem to be struggling with bfn's. More chance of success if you get treatment for hidden problems.
Serum in Athens can deal with immune issues, they have IVIg, lit therapy, can prescribe whatever dose of prednisone you require and have Endo scratch, endometriosis 'cuts' before transfer. Very good diagnostics there. Also willing to put back more than 2
they will also cycle a second backup donor for you and allow you the choice of using the second donor over the main 'proven' donor. Downside to Athens is they don't have perfect timing, you can wind up waiting 3 extra weeks for your donor to come to full eggie size before transfer. If you're flying from abroad this can be stressful and that kind of stress isn't needed when you're already stressed about getting IVF/a baby to work out. They also wouldn't show me the embryos they put back or froze, so I didn't feel their accountability was as good as Reprofit's. They didn't also have tall women for donor matching. In the end height is one of the most important things on my donor matching criteria, Penny refused to tell my how tall my donor was. I'm 5'9, surely I'm not THAT tall that they don't have someone close to my height? My DH is 6'5 so it would look a bit funny if we had a child 5'3 or 5'4
but since we were in the adoption list in December 2014 that's another silly notion I had to lay to rest too
Reprofit in Brno, Czech Republic has a huge donor base - one of the most extensive in the world and has timing down to a science. If they say in Sept that your transfer date will be Dec 8th, it will be exactly that day. No donor back up but always guarantee 'proven' donors and do have back up plans if something happens. I do believe the fees just went up Jan1, 2015 in Reprofit, they are one of the longest running IVF clinics in Europe.
Downside to Reprofit is they only freeze absolutely perfect embryos, so if you have a cycle and get 10 fresh beautiful eggs, you might have none to freeze after they put back the 2 best of the lot. This can be both good and bad, you know that going there doing a frozen embryo cycle you'll get perfect gorgeous plump embies, also if you are able to freeze your embies the chances of an FET working will be really high compared to other clinics.
There are SO many clinics abroad to choose from and the ladies here have picked a nice handful of clinics with really great benefits in each one.