Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Oh Crystal I think you're right even with cloth diapers, you get a nappi can (we got a metal can with a small child-locked lid opening) and get a cloth liner for it. You throw the cloth liner and cloth diapers all in the wash at the same time easy peasy. But I know the smell can be revolting without proper storage whichever method you choose. Thankfully people always have these so I got a really pretty blue powder coated gently used one for next to nothing.

I'm going to look into the aquarium, that sounds like a great idea! We have a Halo bassinest for easy feedings next to my bed for the first 3 months and that has white noise, gentle music, or water sounds with a small light & a timer for bf-ing. Last night my mom & sister asked if they can be present at the birth. I've always thought to myself no way but I said they could be there if they wish on one condition, if I want to order pizza that they help facilitate that. My gf swears by home births because she said she can drink wine & order pizza if she wants so I have it in my head that I'll be wanting pizza? I'm sure I won't want it if I'm in pain but I need an ally to help with those logistics just in case:haha:
Lol 2h on the pizza!

Gorgeous girls crystal. A still likes his sound and light cube - he smiles when I put it on!
Yes am so much enjoying the summer with a nearly toddler 2h! He is so cute and funny I'm so lucky. He just loves the paddling pool, can't get enough of it!

Yay for a ticker PC and great you are getting 2 week scans :)
Congrats on that ticker PC what that represents to us is priceless ! We wait so long to be able to make that pregnancy ticker! Xx

BF, your summer must be very different this year with A.. He's such a cutie
Day 6 post FET, dont notice any difference. Last time i had alot of cramping during the 2ww, this time slight every odd time. Plus slightly swollen ankles, been reading up and google says could be water salt retention, fertility meds, early pregnancy. So who knows. If its meds strange i am having side effects. And the swelling did happen after egg implant, unless i just happen to motice then.

Howvis everyone doing?
Hi SKP, if there's one thing I've learned over the past few years, every cycle is different and the 2WW is impossible to predict! Also Dr Google is not always your friend! Great that you're feeling well (apart from swollen ankles!), only one week to go ... Will you test early or hold out? Got everything crossed for you!
Hope everyone else had a good weekend? Busy one for me so been exhausted. I'm on count fine to holiday in 2 weeks time, going easy with my whole family (parents, siblings and their families), so plan to tell them all then, even though I'll only be 10 weeks. Theres no way I could get through that week without drinking and them not thinking something was weird! x
O yeah google knows all the answers ;)
July 18th is a sat, so i wont get result from blood until mon, so i will do a stick on friday.
Mind if I join in? Here's my back story. We've been trying since April of 2014. About 8 months ago, we went to the RE to get a workup. I have a low ovarian reserve. DH's SA was fine. We did 3 rounds of clomid. It didn't work well on me. So, we moved on to injectables with IUI. My follie count was fine but DH's count was super, duper low. So, now he's getting a re-analysis. We go in for our consult next Monday. I'm afraid they are going to say "it's IVF/ICSI for you folks!" which we totally cannot afford. So, we are (perhaps prematurely) looking at many options - treatment for low count, donor sperm, IVF abroad, etc. We'll discuss all of these options with the RE next Monday if the count comes back low again as expected.
PC, Aww I'm sure my doctor said once you get to the 10 week mark with twins and all is ok then things tend to be ok �� I remember that because my stress level dropped a lot!! How lovely to tell family it's fun to say I'm pregnant and then add with twins haha!

WelcomeTTC74 I am 40 and had very low AMH very young and had been trying with my own eggs for a long time with no joy.My eggs were also very poor quality, we did end up going for two cycles of donor eggs one in South Africa and the other in Czach Republic which didn't work turns out I also had immune issues stopping me. I found a doctor to treat those issues and went to Brno Czech Republic and now have 14 week old twin girls :) I hope you can find answers easily that bring you your baby :)
Mind if I join in? Here's my back story. We've been trying since April of 2014. About 8 months ago, we went to the RE to get a workup. I have a low ovarian reserve. DH's SA was fine. We did 3 rounds of clomid. It didn't work well on me. So, we moved on to injectables with IUI. My follie count was fine but DH's count was super, duper low. So, now he's getting a re-analysis. We go in for our consult next Monday. I'm afraid they are going to say "it's IVF/ICSI for you folks!" which we totally cannot afford. So, we are (perhaps prematurely) looking at many options - treatment for low count, donor sperm, IVF abroad, etc. We'll discuss all of these options with the RE next Monday if the count comes back low again as expected.

Hi TTC74 & welcome :wave:
where are you from? If Canada, we don't have options for fresh donor egg/sperm unless you get an altruistic donor and in the States it's hugely expensive $40K+ going through a bank + clinic. If you can find a US clinic that will do it all in a fresh cycle ie egg/sperm sharing it might be $20K. Your rates of success double with fresh cycles over frozen sperm/egg. Frozen FET's are great too as frozen embryo's are much more resilient than frozen eggies. Of the ladies here Crystal, PC and I have all been to Reprofit in Brno Czech Republic where they are very professional, timed right down to the hour making for easy travel, they're very competitively priced, they have a huge donor bank to choose your characteristics from, and high rates of success. They can treat for some immune issues too if you've been tested for those issues. If you've never heard of reproductive immune issues check out Dr Beers Website in California:

If you start trying with donor embies and it's still not working I recommend getting immune testing done. PC, Crystal, and myself all had treatment for immune issues and all got pregnant after treatments. Also being in shape helps, there's a website on how BMI effects implantation & m/c (including how exercise and supplements effect these things too): "Being overweight increases risk of miscarriage 29%; being obese, 71%; having a BMI over 35, 119%" Before I went through the rounds of IVF I lost 60 lbs to get my weight into the low range healthy BMI zone and each time I was dieting/exercising I got pregnant naturally. For someone who's been diagnosed with DOR and less than 5% chance of getting pregnant, that's like winning the lotto (with much work). My friend is an iron man triathelete and each time she trained for a competition she got pregnant with each of her 3 kids ironically. There must be something about exercise & good diet!:haha:

Inflammation negatively effects implantation and m/c - I say that because I had to be extremely careful with what I eat & the type of exercise I do. I have stage 4 arthritis so my dietary regime is anti-inflammatory, and keeping inflammation at bay while going through IVF processes can help. Being overweight contributes to inflammation too without even having something as dastardly as arthritis, you're much more likely to reject embies when you're bloated & inflamed from diet or inactivity (just leisurely walking increases fertility rates!) I feel strongly that it can make or break the deal and you don't want to go in spending heaps of $$$ when you're not physically at your best. Get in shape first, then try what the doctor's recommend for you.

I wish you the best of luck with your appointment - do let us know how it goes. This is a fantastic group of ladies, they've helped me through extremely tough times and been a wealth of knowledge. Immune issues can be tough to navigate since it's a relatively new science, but the ladies here especially Crystal really helped when I miscarried my twins after my first DE IVF at Reprofit. xx
Hi everyone.

Wow, it's busy on here!!

Pc, I am so excited for you. Sad for your little embie but twins is amazing!!! How are you feeling?

Skp, how are you? Are you an early tester like me?! Or are you hanging out for otd? Keeping everything crossed.

Crystal, your girls are so gorgeous!!

Ttc74, welcome! There is a lot of good advice here.

Afm, doing ok. Only 2 more days of work til the summer hols, then I've decided to only go back for 2 1/2 w in September. Had a massive braxton hicks yesterday!! In a yr 10 lesson!! He was pushing soooo low down I honestly thought he might arrive!!!

Awesome tips. If i am bfn i am goong to get my weight off, i need to lose 50 pounds. And get my body healthy, also get my thyroid under control. I wont be abke to do ivf till jan, whjch gives time for my system to relax.
I am doing well, no sumptoms yet. I like to test day 9 jyst to see, then do another one on the 18th, which is also my blood test day, but i wont gety result until the monday.

Welcome ttc74 :)
Welcome TTC74, 2have has loads if good info! I don't think I would have got where I am if it wasn't for the tips she and the other ladies in here gave me.
I've started tapering Prednisone the past couple of days, gone from 25mg to 20mg and feeling rubbish with it! At least I presume that's what's making me feel this way. Tired (I was anyway as not sleeping well again probably due to prednisone), grumpy and a bit headachey. Really hoping it's not going to be like this for the next 4 weeks of tapering. I know it's important to do it this way so necessary evil. Did anyone else feel rough coming off it? x
2have - I have read up on most of the things you mention. I am aware of immune system issues, but my RE hasn't tested me for them. I did have thyroid testing done about a year ago, and I seem to be good there. My big sticking point is the weight. I've been losing weight, but my BMI is still just under 40. UGH! And, the truth is that while I'm still losing weight slowly, i really don't have time to wait since I'm 40 with a terrible AMH.

It's funny that you donor embies. I've definitely thought about that, too. My big problem is the expense of it. My husband and I are both public service lawyers. So, we really can't afford to spend over $10K on any procedure nor can we finance anything with our student loan situation. So, we're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. That's why I'm considering going abroad if I need IVF. It's so much cheaper. I might be able to save up the $6-8K for that procedure.
PC thank you for the kind words, I felt SO winded with prednisone but when I tapered off it felt better. I felt generally tired and lethargic just being pregnant and lady, let me remind you, you have double the trouble on board:haha:

TTC & SKP, don't be discouraged about the weight, there are stats in that wonderful website:haha: that even when you lose 5% of your body weight when overweight, you can have a total reset. My gf lost weight, just 10 lbs but she has PCOS and on her 9th IUI hit the lucky double lines. Even small amounts can get your hormones including thyroid functioning better. For me it was cutting out bread/pasta/cereal/noodles anything carby and eating more veggies & protein that made weight fall off but it may be different for everyone. I wish you all the best xx
You know, Atkins used to work so beautifully for me but for some reason it stopped working for me. I'm not talking about a plateau. Even during induction, zero weight loss for months. So, I went to weight watchers. That seems to be doing the trick . . . when I'm good that is. Weight loss is such a battle.
You know, Atkins used to work so beautifully for me but for some reason it stopped working for me. I'm not talking about a plateau. Even during induction, zero weight loss for months. So, I went to weight watchers. That seems to be doing the trick . . . when I'm good that is. Weight loss is such a battle.

I always found when I wasn't losing weight I lost the inches, it's tricky to wait for so long for your body to be ready to make the scale move again but I always saw the inches fly of in the inbetweens so it was still positive. Whatever works for you.

I read a study on egg quality years ago, it was an accidental find by a diabetes study, they found that people with high carb diets/high sugar had small irregularities on their eggs, bumps, nodules and general infertility in higher rates than people in groups with normalized sugar levels. I always imagined when I eat sugary fruit flavoured yogurt, cheat with bread or have that piece of cake that I was ruining my eggs and packing fat away. I'm sure one could consider this really destructive thought patterns but it was motivating to get the sugar & carbs out of my diet. You have to do whatever works for you, everyone has their motivations. After birth, I've got 4 pairs of pants that I haven't been able to fit into in a long time. I want to try really hard to get the bmi down to 19-20 and see if I can fit into them. A side benefit would be getting accidentally pregnant with a second child while dieting & exercising (like a mad woman) again. I'm trying hard to eat well and keep the pounds gained to a minimum during this pregnancy. I've just found out that I have gestational diabetes despite my workouts, small weight gain and eating high protein. :dohh: I chalk it up to age and being really sensitive to sugar (AND things just wouldn't be interesting being such a problem child if this pregnancy went completely smoothly would it?). It doesn't run in my family and I'm still not over weight with the 13 that I've gained so far. But I notice rotty mouth anytime I have carby or sugary food (even fruit!) which tells me my body doesn't react well to sugar:shrug: I now keep a toothbrush at work and gum & water on hand just incase.
2have - if you don't mind my asking, how old are you (you mentioned age as a factor for diabetes).

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