Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Oh good lord ladies, projectile vomit and babies feet where they have no right to be? What have I to look forward to?! x
SKP, Congrats !!
2have, love your bump pic !! Hope you feeling better now, not much days left for your due date.
PC, you have 4 feets to look forward to :)
Coolstar, how are you feeling? You're 1/4 of the way through second tri now!
I am going for my ultrasound on Thurs. To my ivf clinic 8 hours away. They have more advance technology so they can have a better look since it is early. But whats weird they were telling me to have it booked if i was anle to here in my own city, but yet to have it there its too early ?
Skp any of the u/s labs have the technology in Ab to do an early u/s. Who was telling you that it's too early? Locally they prob haven't dealt with an ivf patient butthat doesn't mean they can't do it. They may not be able to pick up a heartbeat but they can prob see the pole & yolk sac. I had many early day scans and the ladies never batted an eyelash. They confirmed the 5 week mc and saw the hematoma, and tracked every week from there. Push to be taken care of locally if you can, the internal scanning equipment is the same wherever you go. Only difference is that our clinic in calgary has now widened it's profit margins by double charging for u/s's. They're paid through the healthcare system + they now add on a private fee :grr:
I dont like getting things done where i am, it sucks. Last time they wouldnt do it becuase they said its too early. They said the ultrasound downstairs is better then upstairs. They are not tellingme to come there, we choose to.
SKP- I'm sure that 2have will agree that your comfort comes first.

AFM - my first u/s will be in about 2 weeks (a week from Friday).
SKP- I'm sure that 2have will agree that your comfort comes first.

AFM - my first u/s will be in about 2 weeks (a week from Friday).

It just sounds to me like SKP is getting the shaft wherever she goes. The local clinics have the ability to scan internally however standard practice is to come in at the 7 week stage after heartbeat is visible. Our u/s's are covered by universal healthcare here in Canada and when prescribed by a doctor the clinics are meant to help us out - no matter what week of pregnancy a lady is in. Only Calgary has an IVF fc tho, so it's likely the scan clinics in Calgary, alternative to the busy fc, see women at early stages all the time and proceed with warm welcome because the doc has sent the requisition. Instead, SKP has to travel 8 hrs and pay extra for a scan because her home clinic has made a fuss of it. It makes me sad to hear, we should feel welcome and comfortable wherever we go and the Calgary fc should not be double dipping on their scans (getting us to pay extra for scans AND submit to have them covered by gov't healthcare as a matter of process). If I lived outside of Calgary I'd have laid into them but I'm very demanding of healthcare professionals. They're paid very well to take care of us, they should be offering access & professional conduct no matter where we live. And when a person lives in a Commonwealth country with universal healthcare, the standards should be similar giving equal access no matter where a person resides. If we never demand for these things - well we'll either slowly see them degrade (as we have under the Conservatives) or we'll not get them in the first place - like and the US, by allowing Republican's in power.
PC , I can remember thinking and even being very irritated in the thought that no one warned me about how a twin pregnancy was going to be. I realized it's because there are so many variables and it is day to day how you will feel:) it's an adventure that's for sure but totally totally worth it :)

2have, just from what you've mentioned in the past, those clinics sound dodgy at best :(
I have to pay for that scan?
I just rather go there. When i had my mc they wouldnt even do an ultrasound. And they don"t know the ins and outs of ivf.
Skp totally understandable, yes, they're now charging extra for u/s's at the clinic. My gf started up with the fc in Victoria as she was just a number at Calgary Regional fc, spent so much $$ with very little progress and was waiting forever for anything to happen. But when they started charging for u/s's and couldn't get in for 5 mnths to do an IVF they made the decision to go elsewhere. Victoria can treat immune issues as well from what she tells me so if she does do IVF and mc's they'll help send her bloodwork off and coordinate with Dr Beers clinic. Calgary blew off all immune issues when I gave them my diagnosis.
You do whatever makes you comfortable. On a higher level, you should be getting better treatment.
Hmmm i didnt know that.
Everythig seems to be going good there.
Once this trip is done i wont be going back anymore.

Everytting will be done locally
Some Dr clinics in the States won't see a woman until 8-12 weeks and so many have to Emergency room to get a scan! I had to many times gone to the ER just to see what was up! The cost at the ER can be astronomical if you don't have good insurance!
Some Dr clinics in the States won't see a woman until 8-12 weeks and so many have to Emergency room to get a scan! I had to many times gone to the ER just to see what was up! The cost at the ER can be astronomical if you don't have good insurance!

Garnet, that doesn't shock me. My gf just moved to LA and married. She's planning to ttc in a few months and has no healthcare, no plan - prob will have to deliver at home. I told her to come back to Canada when she's in third tri, at least to get into a hospital without winding up oweing $20k+ for a simple delivery as she would in the States. The USA has the highest maternal mortality rate (and rising) because of the lack of healthcare in all of the developed countries. If the Democrats can get in again then universal healthcare might be able to get stronger (it was totally botched up by the Republicans when they rejigged and rewrote all sorts of details in the original legislation in order for Obama to shove it through). But with so many people totally brainwashed into believing that private is best (where wealthy-only get care) it's embarrassing to say the least as the quality of care for most American's is equivalent to impoverished African nation's. And good old Harper here in Canada has tried hard to pull us down that same toilet bowl by cutting all sorts of things (women's & vet's health services) and making prescription drugs more $$$ by guaranteeing German drug companies that generics won't be allowed on the market until after 5 years rather than 3. Mark my words, the upcoming election in Canada will sort out those CONServatives, and not a moment too early:thumbup::winkwink:
Wow I guess we're lucky here that we have private and public where we can choose to pay for private healthcare or out of pocket or get healthcare free and wait on the list to be seen. For IVF we paid around $8000 per cycle that included everything.. Meds, scans etc. and we would get around $5000-6000 back as soon as there was a transfer or the cycle was cancelled. Any scans we pay for we get a portion back from medicare as well. Even the overseas cycles I did I could claim on taxes last year and got a good portion back, so it is affordable here or if you can't afford it or get this your on Centrelink(welfare) they actually give you a massive discount it may even be on the public system so for free. That blows my mind but that's another subject I guess. Anyway, we are lucky it's affordable for us here to be able to be treated :)
Hmmm well if it looks like you swallowed a basketball (not noticeable from behind) then it must be a boy... for some reason with the picture you posted it looked like you would.

Skp congrats and fx that you can have a sticky bean.

Llbean nope, in fact I was wearing a striped shirt when I bumped into an old friend at Walmart yesterday and he didn't notice! That shirt did conceal things if you look head on but when I turn you can see the bump, I love being incognito!

Baby's feet or head or something are coming up into my ribs now. When I tried to eat lunch yesterday there was such a feeling of pressure on my tummy I ran to the loo and projectile vomitted (thankfully made it to the toilet). It was so violent my nose started bleeding. Second time this whole pregnancy being sick. Crystal I don't know hiw you did it with twins in that little body of yours! I don't like eating anymore with baby competing for space and still 2 months to go:dohh:
I read somewhere that low hcg or slow rising could be a boy. Would love a boy
SKP did your DH have brothers or sisters? What about his dad, did his dad have brothers/sisters - how many? We can do an educated guesstimate for you.

We did the genetics stats from DH all the way back to hi great Grandad's and he's 50/50 for having either a boy or a girl. Although we both think it's a boy. Llbean, I still have a waist (bizarrely), as soon as I swing around you can see the 'basketball' as you so correctly put it!
SKP did your DH have brothers or sisters? What about his dad, did his dad have brothers/sisters - how many? We can do an educated guesstimate for you.

I have 1 older sister, he has 1 younger sister.
His dad has 2 sisters and 2 plus brothers. I think 5, cant remember. And one of his brother is a twin.

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