Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi Everyone,

dmama, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl.

2have, what a great photo and your bump looks fab.

I ordered my prescription today and part of my down regulating I will be taking one injection which is prostap, did anyone have this?

Hi Pinkie, yes for every fresh cycle I did a Lupron injection and then started estrogen tablets. I hated how Lupron made me feel, itchy & irritable! I hope you have no side effects. Smooth sailing into pregnancy along with a lovely relaxing holiday:dance:
Dmama, Congratulation on the birth of your baby girl :baby: . Hope you recover soon from your C-section .

Pinkie, Fxed for your cycle. I just goggled Prostap whose active ingredient is leuprorelin acetate . It is basically used to treat endometriosis. Do you have endo ? I was on Lupron shot (leuprorelin acetate ) last year to treat my endo. I had taken 3 injections of Depot shot for 3 months. If you don't have endo maybe the doc wants you to take the shot for down regulation. Just to tell you I had side effects from depot shot like hot flushes.

2have, love love your bump pic :kiss: . Do upload more pics !! About 32 weeks, it is not same as 8 months coz some months have 5 weeks and some 4 weeks. So as time goes by the difference increases.

MrsG, my Ob-Gy told me that delivery can be 3 weeks before EDD and 2 weeks after EDD but for her IVF patients she does not go beyond EDD. My due date is Jan1st, I can have my baby 3 weeks before due date but not after since usually IVF patients have placenta decay (reasons unknown ). I am scared that I will go into labor on Dec 25th and there will be no doctor , LOL !!
Hi ladies! I have my first scan on Thursday afternoon. I'm very excited about it. I freaked myself out by taking one of those infernal weeks estimator tests and it suggested that my hcg level had fallen from 2-3 weeks pregnant to 1-2 weeks pregnant. We were sure that something had gone wrong with the pregnancy. So DH called the RE who told us to chill out because those things are so notoriously inaccurate that they need to be taken off the market. Later that night, on a much longer hold, I took another one just to see what would happen. It said 2-3 weeks again. So, I'm never touching one of those again! Hopefully all goes well with my scan Thursday. I haven't had any severe cramping or bleeding. So, fx!
Coolstar I too was told that they won't want my baby to go past 39-40 weeks tops as the placenta degrades faster causing higher death rates in women over 40. I do NOT want an induction so I might be running marathons trying to evict this little critter before then. You're right about Lupron being used for endo, although it has a maximum lifetime recommended usage on it in the small print which scares the heck out of me. It puts your entire system into over drive spurring massive outputs of all hormones which completely deadens everything after that. I hated the idea of taking it and was especially pissed when Magdalena with Reprofit (a recruitment & payment coordinator) told me to take it before the doctor actually drew up my prescription protocol. I was absolutely livid. But I'd do absolutely anything for a good chance of getting a wee sprog, I lost 60 lbs and went to Europe for fresh DE cycle, another Lupron shot wouldn't kill me would it?

TTC all the best with the scan! YEAY for early scans:bunny: My GP took over after my IVF's always ordering extra scans if I needed reassurance over varying concerns. Glad to hear your team has been responsive!
Hi Everyone!

2have :Love your picture! Beautiful!

Dmama: Congrats on your little one!

I used Lupron at the last minute and had no side affects but my whole protocol was kinda messed up! I think I was to stressed and worried about everything else to worry about my body!

Hi to everyone else!
Hi ladies, sorry it's been a while, busy busy!
SKP, I was so sorry to read your news and hope you can find some peace over the coming months and rest well in prep for your next cycle.
Pinkie, great news in your decision! There are so many clinics to chose from and they all have their pros and cons, keep us posted!
Dmama, congrats on your daughter! Glad all is going well.
2have/MrsG my goodness your pregnancies have flown past! Can't believe how soon your little ones will be here!
AFM, we had a lovely (but exhausting) week with my family and made them all cry! DH had told his mum, who is equally delighted and we're all just sorry we never got to tell SIL. Both families are astounded at what we've been through and said they could have helped financially etc but understood our reasons for keeping it private. My 16 year old niece who lives nearby to us is particularly excited and great with babies so looks like we'll have a lot of help. We managed to see my cousin who has 10 week old gorgeous twin girls, and they're going to keep all the things they outgrow for us. Starting to tell friends this week. It's suddenly all very real and even though I'm only 12 weeks, my trousers are already getting tight, I don't think I'll be in my skinny jeans for much longer! Next scan on 10th, can't wait to see how my bubbas have developed in the last three weeks! cx
Sounds like all good news PC, are you going to find out the genders of the babies?

:wave: Hi Garnet!
Hi everyone.
PC, glad you had a lovely week, hope you enjoyed telling everyone your news. Get those maternity trousers on girl, sooooo comfy!!! Will you find out gender at your next scan?

Pinkie, glad to hear you're getting started. I never had that drug but keeping everything crossed for you.

Cool star, can't believe you're nearly 20w! Are you finding out gender?

Dhama, congratulations. Have you any pics?

2 have, jealous of your lovely neat bump! Gorgeous picture.

Sorry if I've missed anyone!

Afm, 30w tomorrow! School hols at the mo so weeks are just going and I'm only going back to work for 3 weeks in sept. Had 4d scan yesterday, he had his arms/legs/cord over his face for most of this time but got a few good pics.

Hi everyone,

SKP - I'm so sorry to hear your news. It's heartbreaking.

It wonderful to read how everyone is doing, time is flying by so quickly.

Afm: I've been away for a while as I felt so worried that our donor embryo cycle might fail. We had a lovely trip over to Athens at the start of June for a few days & only waiting on my lining made things easier to plan. We had 2 embryos put back. Amazingly we got a positive test! Between each beta & scan I kept thinking the babies would disappear, I couldn't believe we could be so lucky. Its been quite a few weeks, at our first scan we found out we had twins, but they thought they were in the same sac (this happens in 1% of twins & is massive high risk to the babies).
We went back last Friday (10w1d), the great news was their little hearts were beating away and they are in their own sacs. Breathe again! They can't decide if they are sharing a placenta or not, it looks to be that way. If they are they are identical.
Unfortunately, that is where the good news ends, within a minute I came crashing down, they found a cystic hygroma around one of the babies heads, which is water retention. In itself its not a problem, but it is a marker for serious issues. In 100 babies, 60 would have downs/edwards/pateu/turner syndrome, 20 would have cardiac issues (varying seriousness) & 20 ok.
We are going back for the harmony test which is a blood test tues 18 August but the results take 2 wks to come through (the babies were too little before). The harmony test tests for all the above syndromes. If they are identical they will both have the issues if there are any. If only one has issues we will need an amnio at 16wks to work out which twin it is. The basic amnio takes 3 days to come back, but then we'll need to do the full one to check for as many genetic conditions as they can. They can't check everything. I think we'll need an amnio either way.
Cardiac issues can't be checked til 18-20 wks. The Dr says we also need to prepare ourselves that nature may take its course by 12 wks (seeing those heartbeats I'm not so sure). The next appt is 12w5d.

I have been researching online, there's 2 camps when this happens - the all the bad stuff happens to their baby camps & the miracle camp where it goes away & its all ok. - So pretty much what the Dr says.
Praying for a miracle. I can't believe something so wonderful has turned out like this. Our donor was only 20, I never thought we could get these issues. I've never realised how long these tests take and they need the babies to be biggger to get a proper look at them. 11w today. I was hoping to come back with good news but instead its so uncertain.
Hi minxy, great to hear from you. That is such fantastic news and I am keeping every run crossed for those little ones. Waiting it torture but keep believing. I am a great believer in the power of positive thought. The harmony test is very comprehensive and will give you answers. Really hoping for positive news for you.
Thank you MrsG. Every wait seems worse than the last & on average they are 2 weeks long.
Six week ultrasound is this afternoon. I'm terrified.
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is having a good week.

I don't have endos so the prostap must be to shut my system down, I've been quite lucky to not have many side effects on my previous cycles so hope this is kind to me too. My drugs are arriving tomorrow and still waiting for the AF to show up so I can start the BCP.

PC, what a feeling being able to tell your family the good news. It must have been a relief to finally tell everyone what you have been going through. I always feel like I am carrying this big secret around, once I can tell people I am sure it will start making sense to everyone as to why we have been so distant these past few years.

2have - you lost 60lbs?? Wow that's amazing. Well done.

Minky, congratulations on your pregnancy. With everything you have been through to get to this point, you are clearly a strong and brave lady. I hope there is nothing but good news for you from here.

TTC, Good luck at your six week scan.

Wow Minxy!
That is scary! My daughter had that issue too and it went away! However she did get sick two weeks after birth! Hoping for the best for you! Unfortunately, the father can carry those genetic issues too! That was what I was told when my son was diagnosed with Trisomy 18! Just think positive!
Ttc74 - good luck for your scan. When I had my first one I was somewhere between having a heart attack, being sick or passing out!

Thanks Pinkie3 - good luck with your cycle.

Garnet - I'm so pleased to hear your daughter had it & was fine. I'm desperately hoping it goes away, it is a lot after everything. Even using donors shows no ones DNA is perfect.
I'm so sorry to hear your son had trisomy18, heartbreaking. Your an inspiration to get through so much xx
Minxy, contratulations :hug::dance::bunny: I just KNOW everything will be OK, you've been through so much, this will work itself out and things will be good. Very wise to do the Harmony test, everything is crossed that your results are very boring! Penny must be very pleased to have finally got something to stick. She really is sincere with her efforts <3

Pinkie, once you take the injection all is silent and the doctors are in full control of building up your lining. It's ironic that they use a drug that's used for endo. I hope you don't have any side effects from it.

Mrs G congrats on your 4D scan! How are you feeling these days?

TTC all the best with your scan lady, let us know how it goes!

Dmama, Crystal, BF, & all that I've missed what's everyone up to these days? Passing any exciting child milestones right now?
Minxy, congrats !! Keeping everything xed for you, and praying that you are in the miracle camp. And you are correct, although your donor is young but who knows maybe she is the genetic carrier.

2have, about placenta decay my gyn told me it's more common with ivf patients. Fxed that you go into labor before 40 weeks.

Pinkie, hope you don't have any side effects with lupron.

MrsG, yayyy for your 4d scan. Yes time is just flying by :) . Will be 19 weeks soon but I am still paranoid sometime that something might go wrong. Till now I cannot feel any movement just some flutters sometimes.

TTC, fxed for your scan. Keep us posted.

AFM, I am going for a scan today, hoping everything is fine. Will find out the gender today. I am rooting for team pink. Will update you ladies soon.
minxie, congrats on your twins!!! So exciting.. Not biased but twins are the best :) I have everything crossed all is fine with your little ones. As Garnet said Trisomies are carried from the father as well, we always tend to blame our eggs and then the donor eggs but sperm still plays a huge role as well :) positive thoughts to you and your gorgeous bubs :)

TTC74 best of luck!!!!

Coolstar, I'm thinking pink!!!!

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