Inconceivable and beyond :-)

TTC, so sorry :( . But keeping my fingers crossed for your IUI.
Minno, nice to see you. So you will be having ET after 2 weeks right ? Even I was on 12mg estradiol just before ET to improve my lining so I guess 12mg is fine. What is your doc telling you about your AF ? If he is saying fine then I think it's ok .
Thanks Coolstar, nice to be back. I've never had lining issues but I think because I haven't had another af just before starting meds he probably wants to make sure lining is ok and doesn't shed. He doesn't tell me why! By the way the 12 mg makes me feel a bit indigestion. Also on prednisolone. Was thinking 12mg may make my lining too thick?!
Congrats on your pregnancy, hope all is going smoothly xx
He wasn't bothered about my af not arriving as lining at baseline us was thin at 3mm. Sonographer said no sign of me having a natural period. X
Thanks , Minno, my doc was very particular that I have AF before I start my cycle. My protocol was BCP, AF, meds+ injection, transfer, 2 weeks wait (pio, meds ), Beta. Also I have little lining issue ( my lining increases very fast till 6/7 mm and then it refuses to increase ) so my estrogen dose was increased. If you are feeling discomfort with 12 mg of estradiol then let your doctor know about it. And he should answer all your queries. You would be paying him so much for the cycle.
Hi Minno :flower:
I'm not sure about the estrogen, is he rushing the cycle? I never had lining issues and was always put on a gradually increasing dose. I wish you the best with your cycle, there's lots of good news on this board, we need to keep trying, keep it coming ladies!
TTC I am so sorry :(

Minno, I was on 12 mgs estrogen for my last cycle, I was down regulated with Synarel and BCP. My lining was 11.4mm on transfer day :thumbup: nice and cushy 😊 I guess the only downfall is your on 12 mgs until 12 weeks but I always feel great on estrogen :)
Ladies thank you for your advice as ever. Crystal lovely to hear from you, how are you doing? Good to know you were also on 12 mg. I was also thinking about being on it for weeks - I wonder if I feel a bit indigestion from the prednisolone? Oh well. I have to keep on it but it's reassuring to know that others have also been on it at this dose. 2have I was always same as you before, on an increasing dose, but I think he is throwing the book at it this time!
Great news on this thread - well done ladies!! Xxx
I wish I would start bleeding already so that I could move on.
TTC so very sorry. Look forwards and onto the next step xx
TTC - sorry for the negative result. Hoping IUI will work out for you!

Minnoo- good luck! I do hope the kitchen sink is going to work this time!

How are you preggo ladies doing? Finishing touches on nurseries etc?

I am just starting to get some energy back, although a bit sleep deprived still. Wish the US would give a decent maternity leave, as I am already dreading having to leave the little one to go back to work. However, we are doing well and DD#1 is loving on DD#2 and we are so happy.
Hey everyone :)

Seems like it been a while. Not sure I mentioned it, but on the 3rd day of stopping meds, AF came. It was a lot easier then last time if I can recall.
A couple days ago I did a follow up of hcg test and its down to 49. So I do another test in a week or so to see if it goes down more.

My other testing, I will know in 4-6 weeks.

So sorry ttc74, it sucks big time ! (hugs)
Congrats on your little bundle of joy Dmama - hope you can get some sleep soon :) x
SKP/TTC, this is not a nice part, I hope it's over quickly for you both so you can move forward.

Minno, good luck with your cycle, hope you get your rainbow.

Hope all the pregnant ladies are feeling ok?

A little update from me. My AF finally showed up yesterday (does when you don't want it to, and then late when you want it to hurry up!) So I popped my first BCP today and we're booked in for all our tests tomorrow. In the meantime I sit back and wait further instructions. This cycle feels really weird, I don't feel part of it, I am sure things will start kicking off once we get a donor match.

Also, I started a journal if anyone fancies being nosey. Link is in my signature.

Pinkie, keeping my fingers and toes Xed for you !!
Minno, how are you ? Hope you have adjusted with you estradiol dose.
MrsG, PC, 2have how are you all doing ? Any u/s , tests keep us posted.
TTC, SKP it's the worst phase. Hope you move on soon. Be strong !!
Hi ladies! I haven't been on bnb in ages but I'm currently down regging and start stims tonight for ivf #2 so have been back on the boards a bit. This one is my second OE but I have low amh and with a 3 year old I just want another baby asap so if my eggs are very bad quality again this cycle, I need to start thinking DE more seriously for next cycle.

Congrats to those who have had their babies and got bfps!! And hello to any people I haven't chatted to here before.

Pinkie, I've joined your journal as a starter, keeping fingers crossed for you.

Questions for you all.... I've heard people say that doing DE abroad means donor remains anonymous, does that mean the child cannot contact them at 18 like they can here? I hate the thought of that! It's so different to adoption, it's not the donor is their 'real' mum but I suppose I can see how confusing it could be for a donor egg child/person.

Anyway, looking forward to catching up with you all xx
Hi Mrs W and welcome! All the best with you're cycle xx would you be doing DEwhere you are then or flying somewhere if you have to cross that bridge?

DE is and isn't like adoption. While adoptions remain open to both families being a part of the child's life for the entirety of your child's life (here in Canada it's no longer a closed secretive adoption process by law thanks to the negative impacts closed adoptions had on all parties involved). DE remains different that way in that the donor is truly anonymous for the life of the child. If the adoptive parents/families choose to stay in the life of the child, it's a really positive thing-like having extended family with more people to celebrate that child at birthdays & holidays. The similarities that exist between DE and adoption, as explained to us by a psychologist, are that a tiny piece of the child's foundation has a question mark. Not all people / children care once they find out but many do (most do find out due to some reason or another)and if they've found out by accident or they view the act of holding that secret from them negatively, it can tear families apart, similar to what happened with closed adoptions. There are loads of online blogs about stories from real donor children and adopted children from all circumstances ie who were told, who have had it kept a secret, and most of the success stories that I've read about (and heard about in documentaries discussed by our adoption sociologists & fertility counsellor) have had positive outcomes by being honest and open with their child about where they've come from. Even when all you have is a few details from the donor and a conception story about how badly you wanted them in your life-it's still helps them build a strong sense of identity. It's keeping secrets that impact relationships negatively (DH, siblings, children - no matter what lie it is and DE /DS would be a big lie to a child). So even starting with a very simple age appropriate story about where they've come from, you should still end up with a child who feels solid in who they are and has a strong relationship with you due to the fact that you gave them everything you could (openness & honesty). Not everyone sees it this way but based on our research we feel we owe it to our future kids to have nothing less than this kind of transparent relationship with them.

We were going down the adoption route after many failed DE ivf's when we got pregnant naturally. We still may try for more children through DE IVF when the time comes but for now, with all the counselling and research we've done we both feel very strongly that you still have much to offer a DE child in the sense of helping them understand who they are and how badly they were wanted.
Hi MrsW, I hope this cycle is successful for you so you don't need to look at these options, however I completely understand why you are thinking about them already. Its good to have a plan.

Yes there are no longer anonymity for egg and sperm donors in the UK, which has led to a major shortage of donors. There are laws abroad that donors will remain anonymous which means you and the child have no access to the donor at any point in life. You will receive minimal details on the matched donor (characteristics etc) but that's about it. This is one of the reasons why we are going to Greece, because as it stands we don't plan on telling the child. If you read back on the last couple of weeks there are lots of views and opinions on this because I asked the exact same question. I found that there is not wrong or right answer.

Hi MrsW, I also agree with Pinkie on this. I am a psychologist myself and the literature surrounding whether or not to tell the child about the donor is, for the most part,
skewed towards telling. However this is due to many factors, such as sampling bias, and cannot be interpreted in any definitive way. I think it is a very personal decision and we will certainly not be going down the telling route, should we be lucky enough for this to work.
You have to do what's right for you. Good luck to you.

Coolstar, hey there. I have adjusted - hurrah! No more indigestion - I started taking the prednisolone at night too as I'm not sure it wasn't that!
Hi ladies!! Such tough decisions for the donor telling or not but it is personal, the only thing I would say is be careful telling too many people your plans until you know for sure what your going to tell your child. Once you tell someone something it's out there and there's no going back :thumbup:
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been a bit quiet on here, I have been stalking but just so busy and exhausted so little time to post.
To tell or not to tell, can see both sides, but as 2have says it's a very personal thing so each had to make their own decision. I personally agree with 2have and plan to tell them and make it something they've always known. Hopefully that won't backfire on us!
I can't believe I'm 14 weeks tomorrow, seems like yesterday I was stuck at 7 weeks. I had a scan on Monday and both babies look healthy and doing well. The scan pictures were so clear, incredible to think of those tiny creatures but with all their limbs etc next scan 2nd Sept, I'm wondering if we might be able to see if they're boys or girls. I'm pretty much off all the meds, 2 more days of 2.5mg prednisone then I stop. I was relieved to see I'd only put on 4.5llbs as I was sure I'd put on more, I now think what I thought was a fat tummy could be the start of a Bump!!
Sorry not to go through everyone one by one but I am following you all. xx

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