Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Pc I called my 'fat belly' a beer belly for a while, competing with DH got easier & easier lol. I'm so glad to hear you're coming along with no issues, off your meds, and only a 4.5 lb weight gain - fantastic for first tri and twins!

How's everyone else doing? We just had a tour of our birthing ward today in the new hospital. We saw what the private rooms look like, baby stays in a bassinette right next to my bed, flat screen tv's, DH has a bed across the room, big private bathroom with shower, andI totally broke down into a blubbering mess when they showed me the list of delivery music that they play throughout the hospital when a baby is born - that was it:cry: it got very real. I was so impressed too, between picking up the phone to order food or go to the fridge at the end of the hall, well between the thought of having my very own baby, food anytime, a comfy bed, and the music - the water works started.:dohh: The social worker giving us the tour got quite concerned for me:haha: still feeling incredibly happy & a little too emotional.
Hi everyone, happy Friday.

Hope you're all doing ok.

Hi mrs w. Glad you found us here.

2 have, I am so jealous!! There is s really nice birthing centre not far from me but it is mw led, no Drs and as I'm considered high risk I have to go to the other side of town. Not wanting to sound snobby but it's in a less than desirable area.... You have to fight your way through the women having their last drag of their cigarettes to get through the door, you wait on a ward til your just about to pop them they move you to a private room, if ones available... If you want food or drink your options are the vending machine or the petrol station over the road. Once baby's arrived you have 2 options, go home or go to the ward. I had to go into the ward last time as I'd had a section. The girl next door was 16 and had at least 8 visitors at a time, across the room was a baby on methodone and you only have a curtain between you!! I can't wait!!!
Thought I would update you all. I went to the Dr yesterday and PUL is my official diagnosis (pregnancy of an undetermined location). My hcg has plateaued at about 150. So, they know there are cells in there, they just don't know where they are since they can't see them on the ultrasound. So, they said I needed a shot of methotrexate. It's a chemo drug that depletes folic acid and will purge the cells from my body. (The concern is that the cells could be in my tubes). The worse part is that because of the shot, they say I can't continue TTC for 3 more months. I'm so depressed.
Ttc that's terrible! If it's stuck in a tube won't hey want to figure that out so you don't wind up having a blocked tube or worse, losing it? They wouldn't do an HCG for you to find out? My friend did 9 IUI's to get pregnant wound up with an ectopic on her 7th try. 2 tries later got her baby. Don't give up, I'm sorry you're having to go through this:hugs:

Mrs g you don't sound snobby in the slightest, that sounds like a regular baby factory over there! Is it age that makes you high risk? Sorry they don't have a more desirable option for you. Child birth is already stressful enough! I'll be keeping fingers & toes crossed that you get a private room at least! Bring in your own food too, I was going to do this until they told me about all of their options. I made mom & sis agree to being in charge of ordering a pizza if they wish to attend, in case that's what I wanted:haha: I think I'm going to get a bottle of champagne for the occasion too, I prob won't feel like drinking and since I'm bf-ing that prob rules it out but it'd be nice to get them a little rosey cheeked & happy after having to listen to all my drama:haha: DH picked out the hospital announcement music. He want's them to play on our little arrival: Queen 'Someone To Love'
TTC74...ok maybe I have no idea but why not do like a dye test instead? that is what they do to flush everything out...sounds much easier to me and with less side effects
2have your hospital sounds AMAZING! and way to go on playing for Freddy Mercury hehehe
PC - congratulations on getting to 14 weeks and having a great scan, things must be really coming along now and you must be feeling very 'pregnant'. I hope things continue going well.

2have - your hospital sounds fab I am not surprised you got emotional.

Mrs G - your hospital sounds like something out of Jeremy Kyle lol... sorry you don't have an alternative option. Can you kick up a bit of a stink and get moved somewhere else?

TTC - I am so sorry you are having to go through this, after everything that has happened it seems so unfair. Why does this always happen to the people that already have to live with the struggle of infertility??

I hope everyone else is doing ok and looking forward to the weekend.

A quick update from me, we had our pre-treatment tests the other day and everything is good. All bloods came back fine, my scans were good everything looks nice and healthy and DH sperm analysis was much better than we hoped, his highest count has been 14million. This time he got 95 million, couldn't believe it. Morphology has improved but mobility is still an issue although the clinic routinely use ICSI so they are not concerned. I am so pleased with him, all his efforts are starting to pay off.

TTC, I'm so sorry it's turned out for you this way, the solution does seem a bit extreme, however after three months you can go for it again. Are they going to do any further investigations?
2Have, wow! Your hospital sounds amazing! I suspect where I'll be is more like Mrs G's place! However the midwives seem great and ultimately it's the care that counts, but it would be nice to have those extra luxuries!!
Pinkie, such good news on all your tests and DHs sperm analysis. All systems go? When do you start?
We're off to France on Sunday for a week with our friends, they're the last people to know but we wanted to tell them all together!
2have, wow !! Your hospital sounds so nice.
TTC, does that mean the embryo got implanted in your fallopian tube ?
PC, enjoy your trip !!
Pinkie, that's a good news. Did your DH take some meds to improve his count ? It's great !!
MrsG, how many days one has to stay if someone has C section? Hope you can go back home soon.
AFM, I am scheduled an fetal echocardiogram u/s on Aug' 24th since ours is a IVF pregnancy . Also me and DH are planning to take some childbirth and infant care classes.
They thought at first I could of had a tubal pregnancy, but since my hormone is down, I have to test again on monday, I couldn't test for yesterday. I know things are good, because I did have a normal period.

I talked to our clinic, and they are discussing my case at the end of August to see what else can be done.

It is recommend for me to do another soon, since 1 I had 2 losses, and 2, Im due for one anyway in January. I may do it sooner to get it out of the way. but I rather when its closer to ivf, then doing it and months later doing ivf, a lot can change b/w those times.

And I was also able to have more info about my donor, There have been another pregnancy with her eggs for someone else, not sure if it was just a pregnancy or an actual birth as well. And my donor was a first time donor.

The director in the states said next time I get eggs from them, they will try to narrow the choices down for donors that have had good outcomes. We help her out as well by telling our characteristics we want.

I am not picky, as long as they are caucasian, good health, and have kids. I don't know if its fluke but I had 1 pregnancy with 2 eggs and another pregnancy with 1 egg with this donor. even tho, 3 of the other eggs fertilized, but did not make it past day 3.
They said they will never know if it was in my tube. They just know that it was not viable and that it may be in my tube. So, the only options were the shot or a D&C with a scope of my tubes. Since the latter poses potential risks for later fertility, they thought the shot was the way to go.
They thought at first I could of had a tubal pregnancy, but since my hormone is down, I have to test again on monday, I couldn't test for yesterday. I know things are good, because I did have a normal period.

I talked to our clinic, and they are discussing my case at the end of August to see what else can be done.

It is recommend for me to do another soon, since 1 I had 2 losses, and 2, Im due for one anyway in January. I may do it sooner to get it out of the way. but I rather when its closer to ivf, then doing it and months later doing ivf, a lot can change b/w those times.

And I was also able to have more info about my donor, There have been another pregnancy with her eggs for someone else, not sure if it was just a pregnancy or an actual birth as well. And my donor was a first time donor.

The director in the states said next time I get eggs from them, they will try to narrow the choices down for donors that have had good outcomes. We help her out as well by telling our characteristics we want.

I am not picky, as long as they are caucasian, good health, and have kids. I don't know if its fluke but I had 1 pregnancy with 2 eggs and another pregnancy with 1 egg with this donor. even tho, 3 of the other eggs fertilized, but did not make it past day 3.

Skp, it's too bad they don't test for immune issues in Canada, has the clinic talked at all about weight, inflammation (and prednisone), or even giving you a break on the $25,000 for the next round? You could do 3 fresh cycles with much better chances and immune testing in Europe for what they're charging you for 6 frozen eggs. You said going into this last IVF that you felt bloated and puffy - that's a classic sign of inflammation and not favourable for implantation. Hoping they can offer you something other than another go and heaps more $$$$$:wacko:

Edit: I find it sad they haven't already given you proven donors - you deserve to have the very best chances especially already after they promised you good success rates and yet multiple failures with your first batch of frozen eggs. After having charged you $50+K, it's just astonishing this hasn't been thought of already. You're lucky to have unlimited funds and patience to keep going with their quality of treatment and high charges, I just hope they don't run you dry before you decide to try something different.
Hi everyone.

Skp, I think a donor with known success is crucial. We were matched with a 21yo, first donation but on paper a perfect candidate, responded really well and all scans looked perfect. At ec she only had 2 viable eggs to collect. They switched us to a donor who had 2 kids if her own and had 2 previous live births from donations. She produced 20 eggs, which we shared with another couple, we ended up with 5 blasts.

Hope everyone else is doing ok, am struggling to keep up with all the news!!

Yeah my maternity hospital isnt great.... There is a lovely unit really close to us but there are no Drs, and only gas&air. If you have anything which makes you slightly high risk they won't take you. Being 40, previous section, ivf, counts me out!!! After a section they want you to stay in for 48hrs but I learnt that as soon as my catheter was out, if I said I'd been to the loo (1's and 2's....) they let me go home!!! Joy!

I sm getting some immune testing. Testing for antibodies

And this will be our last round for a while
SKP, I don't know all your history but I hope you finally get the treatment you deserve at this clinic.

PC, have a great trip to France. We're hoping for an Oct transfer, now the clinic is back from their summer break the matching process will start. I am already on BCP so hopefully we can sync our cycles quite quickly.

DH has been taking conception pills for years, we both try to stay healthy and cut out alcohol etc, the only thing I can think that has made a big difference is that he has been clearing out the pipes on a more regularly :blush: our fertility nurse said this is the best way to improve the quality and he should be clearing out every 3-4 days, never let it build up.

I am off to Spain tomorrow for 10 days and I will be with limited internet access. So I hope everyone is doing ok and has a good couple of weeks.

SKP, I have all the same questions as 2have, would you and hubs be willing to get tested and maybe travel for a fresh cycle of ED ? I know it seems overwhelming it just seems your being handed around and the blame may come back to the donor which is very typical. It happened twice to us once in a cycle in South Africa and once in Zlin Czech Republic. It wasn't the donor and rarely is the young donors, it's more likely our bodies, just something to think about over the coming months or ask about so you can get the most from your cycles :thumbup:
Travelling abroad is out of the question for us.

I am doing further testing. Im even tempted to go to a naturopath or what ever they are and go through their testing.

Crazy question: If my next ivf don't work, and say we decided that we are done with ivf, logically our next step would be adoption. But I have a friend who is applying or joining or what ever it is to do surrogacy. So I know her heart that she wants to carry for someone, and she is a good friend to me, not close, but she do know my struggle. I know she would carry for me. Do you think that would be a lot easier then adoption?
TTC how are you feeling lady? :flower:
Pinkie enjoy spain you lucky lady!
PC how's France?
Mrs G, they put a catheter in you for a section? I'm terrified of those, oweee! I don't know how I'm going to handle this being such a chicken. How have you been feeling?
Minno was there ever anymore talk of you & DH moving to Canada?

There's so much going on on this thread, I hope everyone's doing well. I'm just biding my time, seems to be going slowly this summer especially since there are no holidays on the horizon (I live for travel!) Crystal & BF how are those kids?
Hi everyone
2have, yeah I had a complete epidural which lasted 12 hrs so def wouldn't have known when to pee!! Dd was born at 220 pm so they woke me in the middle of the night to check it had worn off and remove the catheter - joy!!

Skp, personally I couldn't go with a known donor or a surrogate. As much as I owe so much to our donor, for me the distance is really important. I know everyone has different opinions but for me adoption would be a preferred route to surrogacy. Wishing you lots of luck. Xxx

I hope everyone else is doing ok.

If that is not an issue for you SKP I would say yes, much easier and less heartbreaking than adoption could be (just be 100% certain that she won't change her mind) adoption (at leas in the U.S.) is not cheap and it could be heart wrenching from what I hear. I had a friend that started the process and was so disgusted by it that they decided to not even do that. Plus with a surrogate it would still be genetically yours and your husbands or if you do DE at least it would be his. Also you would have all baby's my understanding that to get a newborn through adoption is also quite difficult....and with someone that is already pregnant the challenge is they can always change their mind once they have the baby... I couldn't handle it myself

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